MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 53

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At that time, Gwen picked up the bell curiously and shook it gently.

The bell made a crisp and pleasant sound.

A short, well-dressed Caucasian butler who claims to be a British cultural heritage, a little old man who calls himself Marui suddenly appears in the attic.

Gwen, who is only 10 years old, knows that the butler is a ghost.

Because the opponent's body is composed of blue particles, not real flesh and blood.

In the following relationship, Gwen had a new evaluation of the housekeeper.

This is an all-around ghost butler, and very kind.

In this way, the two became friends.

At least Gwen thought so.

To be able to make a friend who can be called an all-round ghost butler, Gwen felt that she was so happy.

But this kind of happiness didn't last long. Just yesterday, Ma Rui told her that she was being targeted.

It was a group of guys in black combat uniforms who looked ghostly.

Marui said that they were people from the foundation, and they might have come to contain him.

Gwen was very sad and frightened when she heard the news.

She didn't want Ma Rui, the only friend, to leave her.

But Gwen also knew that she was just a little girl, a little girl who could do nothing in the world of adults...

Just today, that group of hateful foundations came again, and this time it was a big brother who looked very sunny and kind...

"Kids! Excuse me, are your parents at home?"

Bei Chen looked at the cub Spider-Man and asked.

Gwen looked like a little adult, and said solemnly: "My parents are out! Come in."

After finishing speaking, Gwen invited the three of them into the living room.

Seeing such a loving little girl, Natasha couldn't help but bent down and touched the little girl's head, and earnestly taught: "Little friend, don't invite strangers into your home at random! It's very dangerous!"

Gwen avoided Natasha's hand and said seriously: "I'm not afraid! I know what you are here for!"

Seeing this, Natasha turned her head and looked at Bei Chen depressedly.

Are all the kids these days so uncute?

Gwen tried to stand up the little villain and make herself more like an adult, but the little Lolita said fiercely: "You can't take Marui away, he is my friend!"


Natasha looked at Bei Chen in confusion.

"Containment-662-the ghost steward of Steward Bell, whose name is Ma Rui (Mr. Deed is referred to as Ma Rui)..." Beichen reminded.

Beichen tried to fool the little girl.

"But the containment-662-butler's bell belongs to my brother!"

"You lied! I found Ma Rui in the attic of my house, according to federal law! She belongs to me."

The little girl retorted angrily.

As a student, it is normal to know some laws at a younger age, right?

Gwen suddenly felt that the big brother in front of him was not very kind, and he actually wanted to deceive the kind Gwen.

Bei Chen: "..." Bei Chen really wanted to tell the little girl that the containment-662-the housekeeper bell was summoned by himself. From a certain point of view, the containment-662 really belonged to him.

But considering that he might accidentally summon that kind of world-destroying boss in the future, Bei Chen finally chose to keep this secret until the end of the world.

Beichen corrected with a smile: "But Containment-662 is very dangerous, you can't keep him by your side, federal law doesn't stipulate that little girls can carry dangerous items!

I belong to the foundation, why do I care about federal laws?

Realizing this, Bei Chen stood up from the sofa, pretending to be vicious and threatening: "Gwen, you don't miss your parents either."

Just as Beicheng was about to give a Japanese-style speech, a loud shout sounded from the door.

"Beast! Stay away from my daughter!"

George growled angrily.

If it weren't for not bringing a pistol with him from get off work, George would have emptied a magazine by now.

Never underestimate a father's desire to protect his children.

Bei Chen looked at the furious Chief George at the door with some embarrassment.

Bei Chen said awkwardly but still politely: "Ahem! Director George, right? You just came back. I have some special circumstances here, and I may need your cooperation."

George didn't take Bei Chen's example, and asked aggressively, "What did you want to do to my daughter just now?"

Beichen: "..."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bei Chen always felt that the way the other party looked at him was a bit like looking at a beast.

Then you are a decent person, okay?

Bei Chen felt particularly wronged.

I obviously just want to contain Containment-662 in a very civilized way!

As for what you just wanted to do? Of course, I just want to bully the little girl who pretends to be very mature.

The anger on George's face hadn't faded, he sat down next to Gwen, and said to Beichen, "I know you! The president of the foundation!"

"Well! The purpose of my coming here is this..."

Beichen told the story of the contained item - 662 - Butler Bell.

After hearing this, George turned to Gwen and said, "Gwen called your mysterious ghost butler friend out to have a look!"

After hearing this, Gwen reluctantly took out a silver-white bell from her pocket, and shook it gently.

A clear and pleasant voice sounded.

A blue ghost butler came out from the corner of the stairs.

"Miss, how can I help you?"

Marui walked gracefully to Gwen and asked.

George looked at the ghost butler in front of him calmly.

"I need a pistol!"

George said beside him.

There is a possibility that the talks between the two sides will collapse now, and George feels that he may be safer with a gun in his hand.

And you can also test this 3.7 ghost butler by the way, is it really so amazing?

Marui didn't move, but looked at Gwen.

"Listen to my dad."

Gwen nodded quickly.

The ghost butler disappeared around the corner again, and soon, the ghost butler who came back from the corner handed George a pistol.

"This is the pistol you left at the police station, I brought it back for you!" The ghost butler said with a smile.

George stared blankly at the pistol on the plate.

He can be sure that this gun is his own at the police station.

How did the other party do it?

You must know that my home is nearly 1 kilometer away from the police station, and the other party disappeared in less than two seconds."

"Is this the containment?"

George looked at the ghost butler in front of him and muttered to himself.

George has a new understanding of the magic of the contained objects.

"Containment - 662 - The ghost butler summoned by the housekeeper bell can basically meet all the simple needs of the owner." Beichen explained beside him.

"This thing is very dangerous, I think it should be handed over to the police station!" George tentatively said.

Beichen shook his head.

"That's boring, Director George, you should know what the Foundation stands for, and any containment should be contained by the Foundation. Some old-fashioned George, who can't be grasped by your police, retorted: "You don't have the authorization of the federal government. You cannot forcibly seize the property of citizens in this way. "

"We are only responsible to all human beings. Whether human beings are willing or not, federal laws cannot restrict foundations! No laws of any country will do!"

Beichen shook his head.

He seemed impatient to continue dragging on.

If it really doesn't work, Beichen decides to grab it by force.

Although it is a bit suspected of bullying a child, but for the sake of containment, bullying is also bullying...

"No! I don't want Marui to leave me, he is my only friend!"

Gwen used her natural skills to be cute.

Chapter 75: The Broken God Comes!

"I also think we shouldn't let Gwen leave her friends, she will be very sad!" Wendy next to her also said weakly.

"Boy! I brought you here, and that's how you help me?"

Seeing Wendy who directly betrayed, Bei Chen gave the "little white-eyed wolf" a blank look, and was speechless for a while.

Wendy likes the friends she created very much.

Comparing her heart to heart, Wendy didn't want Gwen to be forced to separate from her friends, so she spoke for Gwen.

"This is really difficult!"

Bei Chen looked at the two "cute creatures" in front of him with some headaches.

Seeing Wendy who was speaking for her, Gwen's affection for Wendy exploded instantly.

"My name is Gwen, thank you for helping me!"

Gwen extended her little hand politely and thanked.

Wendy met and introduced herself: "My name is Wendy, and her name is Bugs Bunny!"

Then he shook Gwen's little hand lightly.

Gwen also noticed the rabbit doll in Wendy's arms.

"Is she alive? It's amazing!"

Gwen said in surprise.

Hearing that her rabbit doll was praised, Wendy said proudly, "Of course!

It took me one night to create mynah! "

"This is what you said that the Foundation is extremely strict with every contained object? What does this woman think of the contained object as a toy?"

Seeing that creepy doll so close to his daughter, George exploded.

George looked at Bei Chen suspiciously.

"Ahem! Staying by my side is considered containment."

Bei Chen explained awkwardly.

Wendy is such a cute little girl, how could he have the heart to throw Wendy into the containment space.

"Containment-662-Butler Bell must be contained, but considering the special circumstances of your family.

gwen huh? You can come to my house when you are free, and I will ask Marui to accompany you, but this thing is too dangerous, you must give it to me. "

Beichen made some concessions.

It is also the biggest concession.