MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 131

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After returning to the villa, Beichen changed into a new vest through Mystique's simulated deformation and transformation power.

"Now I'm calling the doctor!"

Beichen looked at himself on the screen and said to himself.

After doing all this, Beichen pulled out another hair, and created a new Beichen with flesh and blood (the reward brought by containing the blood pool).

Of course, it's just a creature of flesh and blood that needs its appearance, and its strength is barely equal to Captain America's 55.

After doing all this, the two returned to the outside of the emergency room.

Beichen (creation of flesh and blood) pointed to the doctor next to him (the main body of Beichen) and explained: "This is a doctor, one of the members of the 05 Council, and a powerful reality bender. It is up to him to save Tony now."

"A reality bender?"

Potts just didn't understand it. After all, he was just an ordinary assistant, and he didn't know those 22 professional extraordinary terms.

Seeing Pozi with a bewildered expression, the doctor (Bei Chen's body) felt that he was pretending to be a fool.

Bei Chen (creation of flesh and blood) said helplessly: "Forget it, you don't need to know that much, you just need to know that he can save Tony."

"I'll go in first, my time is very busy, I don't have time to waste on a few mortals.

The doctor (Bei Chen's body) said indifferently.

Looking at the cold doctor (Bei Chen's body), Pozi couldn't help but nodded, and then moved out of the way.

Just after opening the door, the doctor (Bei Chen's body) heard the nurse's reprimand.

"What are you doing? Don't you know this is an emergency room? Do you know who's in it?

Iron Man Tony. Stark! If something happens to him, you're going to be in jail for the rest of your life. "

The doctor (Beichen's body) "..."


Bei Chen snapped his fingers, and the doctor, who was still furious, fell asleep in an instant.

This sudden scene instantly attracted the attention of other doctors in the operating room. Looking at Bei Chen, the uninvited guest, the chief surgeon asked helplessly: "Hello, sir, this is the operating room. Is there anything you can do after I finish the operation?" ?”

"No need, it will be fine soon."

The doctor (Bei Chen's body) chuckled, and then said loudly: "I say! Tony Stark will recover intact!"

As soon as the doctor (Bei Chen's body) finished speaking, Tony looked completely new on the operating bed in an instant. Not only did all the injuries on his body disappear, even the hole in Tony's chest where the Ark reactor was placed was repaired.

Tony opened his eyes suddenly, first looked at the environment in the operation in confusion, and then turned his attention to Beichen (creation of flesh and blood) behind him.

"Can you tell me what happened? I just remember being attacked in the villa."

Tony looked at Beichen (creature of flesh and blood) in confusion and asked.

At this moment, Poz squeezed in from behind with a face full of surprise, and then watched Tony cry with joy.

"Oh my God! It's a miracle, Tony, you're really healed? I thought...

"Tony, this is simply amazing. Just now, this...a congressman called a doctor, just said one sentence, and he made you recover." Poz explained happily.


Tony looked at Beichen (creation of flesh and blood), and asked suspiciously: "A member of the 05 Council?"

Bei Chen (creature of flesh and blood) nodded: "Yes, you can call him a doctor." I just said, I thought he was a member of the White House Council, and I was shocked! "

Tony complained happily.

This time, Bei Chen can confirm that Tony has indeed returned to an intact state. Bei Chen (creature of flesh and blood), who knows from the fact that this guy is still interested in complaining about others, also echoed: "Those old guys in the White House don't have such great skills."

After complaining, under Beichen's control, Beichen (creature of flesh and blood) asked curiously: "By the way, what happened to you? If we hadn't come in time, I guess I would have to find a way to revive you. After all, Potts is not beautiful when he cries."

"It was Pioneer Technology, he sent people to attack my villa, I can now be sure that Pioneer Technology has mastered a superhuman force.

That superhuman army is strong! Their physical fitness is not weaker than that of the captain. The most frightening thing is that their body surface can generate high temperature. The terrifying high temperature can even melt steel, and after receiving fatal damage, they can self-explode, and non-fatal damage can also be recovered quickly. "

"Is the Extremis virus so perfect?"

Beichen felt a little puzzled.

You must know that the Extremis virus in the plot is very unstable, as long as the mood is slightly out of control, it will explode directly.

"So what are you going to do?"

Beichen asked.

"Of course it's revenge!"

A fire called hatred burned in Tony's eyes.

He was almost killed by someone today. As a big capitalist, how could Tony not take revenge?

Although Tony has morals, his morals are definitely not high.

A tooth for a tooth, revenge with revenge, this is Tony's thoughts at the moment.

"Poz, go and call the reporters, I'm going to hold a press conference to declare war on pioneer technology!"

Tony said seriously.

After finishing speaking, Tony turned his head to the right and looked at Beichen and said, "This is a personal grievance between me and Pioneer Technology. I hope the Foundation will not interfere. Just help me protect Potts."


Beichen (creation of flesh and blood), nodded.

Anyway, he didn't have the intention to participate in this kind of plot. After all, changing the plot and 460 written plot is not good for him.

At this time, the doctor next to him (Bei Chen's main body) suddenly said: "If it's okay, I'll go back first, and I have to go outside the territory and other 05 councilors to resist the invasion of those supreme divinities."

"Remember, you owe me a favor! Also, with this mortal's current ability, you don't even think about helping him submit an application for a member of parliament. It is impossible for the parliament to pass it.

After the doctor (Bei Chen's body) finished speaking, he clicked the watch on his wrist, and then disappeared into the operating room.

"My God! It's gone! This existence that just appeared suddenly, can't it be God?

"It must be God! Only gods can create such a miracle. You don't know the severity of Mr. Stark's injuries just now. I was going to announce that his rescue was invalid just now.

Let's take a look at the current Mr. Stark. He is now healthy enough to sleep with several tender models. "Tony's chief surgeon said excitedly beside him.

"I didn't expect that I could see the real **** here... Why didn't I pray to the **** just now? Make me a millionaire?"

A nurse also felt that she had missed 10 billion yuan, and she was there with a sad face.

After all, missing God is much more serious than missing 10 billion.

At this time, the chief surgeon finally set his sights on Beichen (creation of flesh and blood): "Mr. Beichen, you are not the endorsement of God walking in the world, are you?"

Chapter 169: Black Widow Calls for Help!

Looking at the doctor (Bei Chen's body) who left suddenly, Tony looked at Bei Chen (a creature of flesh and blood) curiously: "What's going on?"

After returning to the villa, Beichen took over the consciousness of Beichen (creation of flesh and blood) through remote control, and then explained: "This is a bit complicated to say, there are only 12 councilors in 05, but they have to manage foundations of tens of thousands of parallel universes, they rest Time is running out, in order to save you, I found the doctor, a reality **** who can modify reality.

Then you will know the rest, he saved you, but I owe him a favor. "

After hearing this, Tony looked at Bei Chen with a face full of emotion.

This is equivalent to Beichen finding God in order to save him, and let God come to the world to **** him back from Satan.

This kind of favor is no longer an ordinary life-saving favor.

Tony said gratefully: "If you need me in the future, just say it, even if you lose everything, even if you have to sacrifice yourself, I will not refuse!"

"It's not that serious, you just need to live well."

Bei Chen comforted with a smile.

He also told Tony to be careful, Beichen controlled the flesh and blood creation and returned to the villa.

At this moment, Beichen has returned to his original appearance and lifted the flesh and blood creation.

After making himself a cup of coffee, Bei Chen sat leisurely on the sofa and began to think about his next plan.

The mutant universe is basically left alone, just wait for time to advance in an orderly manner.

Anyway, the Time Anomaly Control Bureau is over there monitoring the timeline, and after the apocalypse comes out, it will be fine to harvest the fruits.

In the case of the Avengers universe, the most important thing at present is to control the robot virus.

As the main universe of the Marvel movie series, the value of this world is still very high. Suddenly the bell rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Bei Chen frowned.

"Natasha? What do you want from me?"

Beichen asked.

"Listen, dear! I need your help here. I don't know what happened. My information has been leaked. Now I'm under the siege of the Red House."

Hearing this, Bei Chen frowned, and then disappeared into the living room.

Bei Chen, who appeared next to Black Widow, looked around curiously.

This is a prison, a prison on permafrost, and most notably, it is still snowing heavily outside.

Bei Chen remembered this place. In the Black Widow movie series, the Natasha sisters rescued their adoptive father and found their adoptive mother here.

But because of his butterfly, Natasha found her adoptive mother in advance, and then went to find her adoptive father.

but now…

Bei Chen frowned and looked at Alexei who was lying in a pool of blood.

If nothing else, the first and last Russian super soldier should be dead.

Alexey. Shostakov, nicknamed the Red Guardian.

In the movie universe, Alexei is the adoptive father of Sister Natasha. After Su's disintegration, Alexei was imprisoned in the most difficult prison in the Russian Empire for war crimes.

In addition, Beichen also saw the crashed helicopter not far away, and Yelena, who was looking at her uninvited guest vigilantly.

Yelena Belova, in the movie universe, Yelena will inherit Natasha's mantle in the future, that is, the second generation of Black Widow.

"Don't be nervous, he's one of our own!"

Natasha, who hung up the phone, held Yelena's hand and comforted her.

"Yelena, my sister!"

Natasha introduced.

After introducing Bei Chen, Natasha then said to Yelena: "Bei Chen, my wife's man!"

"You man?"

Yelena exclaimed, and then said meaningfully: "Your man is pretty good!"

As the successor of the name Black Widow, Yelena is naturally better than blue, and can be compared with Natasha in terms of ability and appearance.

The only shortcoming is probably that the bones are too rough, making the body appear plump.

Bei Chen nodded with a smile, and then asked suspiciously: "What's going on? With the abilities of the two of you, it's impossible not to save Alexei, right?"

Yelena said angrily: "We were ambushed, someone told that **** Dreykov about our information!"

Just as Yelena finished speaking, gunshots rang out instantly, and several bullets directly hit the bunker behind Yelena.

Yelena, who was huddled behind the bunker, roared anxiously: "There are more and more people!

If we don't think of a way, we probably have to die heroically. "

Natasha was worried at first, but after Beichen appeared, Natasha didn't care much about the enemies outside.

"Beichen, please!"

Natasha said confidently.

"Happy to serve you, my knight!"

After Beichen finished speaking, he swaggered out of the bunker.

Seeing Bei Chen running out so aboveboard, Yelena asked with black lines all over her face: "Natasha, is your man out of his mind?"

"Look carefully!"

Natasha said confidently.

Read The Duke's Passion