MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 115

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Beichen is also considering whether to take Xingjue into custody.

But considering that Xingjue has not yet awakened and is just an ordinary person, Bei Chen finally temporarily suppressed his thoughts.

Feeling the nervousness and fear of everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy, Bei Chen comforted him with a smile: "If you have nothing to do, you can leave. I'm not interested in you."

Hearing this, Xingjue felt as if he had been pardoned, and quickly dragged Gamora's arm back, fearing that the other party would make something wrong again.

"Then we won't bother you, I wish you a happy life!"

Gamora struggled slightly, then turned and left with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Facing Beichen, she was actually quite flustered.

Chapter 143: Hill Brings S.H.I.E.L.D. to Vote!

Looking at the departing Guardians of the Galaxy, Beicheng did not stop him, but pulled Carol and said, "So, shall we continue the interstellar journey?"

Carol narrowed his eyes when he heard this, nodded happily, and suggested: "I suggest bringing Natasha, I may not be able to stand it alone, and it will be more lively when there are many people, maybe It would be more fun."


"It's probably not possible. She has something to do now."

Bei Chen remembered that Natasha was currently dealing with the red house in the Polar Bear Empire.

"How about calling Valentina?"

Carol suggested again.

"This is even more impossible. He is probably the busiest."

Beichen shook his head again.

Valentina is a really busy person. While she is busy dealing with the state affairs of the Kangaroo Kingdom, she also manages Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.

How could such a busy person come to play interstellar travel with him?

"Then what should I do? I may not be able to stand it alone!"

Carol said dejectedly.

"let me see…"

Bei Chen hurriedly comforted him.

Rocky? People are studying magic, so if they are free on 22, they probably won’t play double row with him, so who else would they be? Play around with yourself.

"This time we are mainly going to see the interstellar scenery. You don't have to worry about your body being overwhelmed. Let's hurry up and start the journey! After all, I don't have much free time."

Bei Chen chose to change the subject, and deliberately urged him impatiently.

All right…

Carol nodded resignedly.

three days later...

After going crazy for three full days, Bei Chen and Carol searched for various card playing positions, and finally decided to bid farewell to Carol and deal with the affairs of the earth.

The teleportation was activated, and Beichen went straight back to his villa.

When I got home, the satellite phone kept ringing.

Looked at the unsolicited call log.

Good guy!

It is close to more than 2000 calls.

Ignoring those useless phone numbers, Bei Chen first contacted Dr. s46.

"Doctor, what can I do for you?"

Beichen asked.

"Recently, a very dangerous virus has appeared in China. We suspect that it is an SCP. The information has been sent to your computer. You can check it when you have time.

This virus type of SCP is so dangerous that it can even destabilize the entire animal kingdom. "

After Dr. s46 finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Next, Beichen contacted Natasha again.

"I've already found my adoptive mother, and brought back my sister by the way. If you have time, you can come and help me. By the way, let me introduce my family to you..."

"No problem! I'll come to you when I'm free."

After Beichen hung up the phone, he dialed an unfamiliar phone number again.

"Sill, right? Deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

After the call was connected, Beichen asked curiously.

Beichen didn't know why this woman called him, and she called him the most.

"Yes! But now that I've become a regular, Fury has resigned."

Hill's cold voice came from the phone.

Beichen listened and chuckled lightly.

"This is really good news!"

Because of him as a time traveler, Fury couldn't grasp the situation, so he was kicked off the stage in advance.

Bei Chen was not surprised by this at all.

In the Avengers movie universe, the reason why Fury can maintain the huge SHIELD to the US team 2 plot is purely because there are no super villains to make trouble.

And every time someone blames S.H.I.E.L.D. in the face of many crises, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s biggest sin is nothing more than inaction.

But due to the influence of Beichen, the butterfly, the life of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not as comfortable as in the movie.

"So what are you calling me for? To show me you're the chief?"

Bei Chen deliberately sarcastic.

"No, I just want to ask, is your foundation willing to accept S.H.I.E.L.D.? We, S.H.I.E.L.D., want to join the foundation. After all, our purpose is the same, and it's better to be united than internal friction.\" Justice Hill Said awe-inspiringly.

Even through the mobile phone, Bei Chenduo saw the light of the Virgin radiating from the other party.

Hearing such a weird request, Bei Chen almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Hill wants to take the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. to join him? There is such a good thing?


Beichen quickly reacted.

This is clearly poisonous honey!

Bei Chen deliberately hesitated and said: "The Foundation can't digest such a large S.H.I.E.L.D., and I don't think it's necessary. You S.H.I.E.L.D. don't add chaos to the machine society."

Hill obviously didn't believe Beicheng's wording.

"It is said that the Foundation is a huge organization that spans the multiverse. How could it not digest the S.H.I.E.L.D.? And once the Foundation and S.H.I.E.L.D. are combined, it will be easier for you to do things. This is a win-win situation!"

"But I don't trust your S.H.I.E.L.D., after all, your S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret service organization."

Beichen refused with a blank face.

Hill explained: "At that time, I can make Natasha the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., so we are our own people, right?"

Hill, who doesn't want to take the blame, has thought of a good way to get the best of both worlds.

That is to give up the position of chief to Natasha.

At that time, it will be Natasha who will bring Aegis to join the Foundation, and it has nothing to do with her. The task explained above has been completed by the side of the road, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will join the Foundation.

Beichen didn't care about the big pie drawn by the other party, but demanded: "Unless you give it up now! .

"no problem!"

Hill agreed quite decisively. 413 Hill agreed to his request so easily, and Bei Chen became even more suspicious.

"After Natasha takes over S.H.I.E.L.D., we'll talk about her."

After Bei Chen finished speaking, he hung up the communication, and then picked up the phone to contact Valentina.

After the call was connected, Beichen asked directly, "Have you received any news about the Provincial Shield Bureau recently?"

"I only know that Fury resigned suddenly, and then Deputy Director Hill became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I haven't received any other news." Valentina replied.

After the explanation, Valentina asked curiously: "What? The S.H.I.E.L.D. is restless again?"

"That's not true, it's just a little strange..."

So Beichen explained Hill's request to join the Foundation with S.H.I.E.L.D. Hearing this familiar routine, Valentina raised her eyebrows.

"Why is this routine so familiar..."

"Isn't this the S.H.I.E.L.D. version of Project Paperclip?"

Valentina, who has a very high level of political thinking, instantly remembered Pierce's hydra operation.

Hydra, who used to follow the Red Skull, was reborn with the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. through such a routine.

"Tell you a story."

Valentina told Beichen about the operation of the Red Skull Hydra after World War II.

After listening, Beichen's face remained unchanged, and he even wanted to laugh a little in his heart.

Chapter 144: Heavenly Sword Bureau

The biggest reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. was eroded by Hydra was because its organizational strength was not strong, and I didn't expect Hydra to play such a showy routine, so today's Snake and Shield Bureau was created.

But foundations are different.

First of all, the strength of the foundation is strong enough!

Second, the Foundation is on guard.

In the end, the entire foundation was united as one, and almost everyone was absolutely loyal to Beichen. Such an organization, Hydra used its head to erode it?

After figuring out the plan of the Snake Shield Bureau, Bei Chen also had a bottom line in his heart.

"But I think you can use your tricks and take over the entire S.H.I.E.L.D."

Count Valentina suggested.

"Well! I also have such considerations."

Beichen nodded.

Bei Chen felt that he didn't need to push away the things that came to him on his own initiative.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is hip, it is still qualified as cannon fodder and leeks.

After hanging up the communication, Beichen turned on the computer and read the information sent by Dr. s46.

According to the foundation's investigation, there are nearly 5,000 mechanical virus-infected people in the beautiful country alone.

The most terrifying thing is that these are only in the hospital, and those virus sources in the incubation period are still wandering outside.

The most terrible thing is that the officials of the beautiful country don't seem to pay much attention to this virus, even if the foundation has reminded them, they still go their own way.

"With such a group of politicians, why should our beautiful country not perish!"

After reading it, Beichen raised his head to the sky and screamed.

"Future Pharmaceutical Group?"

Seeing the name, Beichen raised his eyebrows.

According to the doctor, the mechanized virus is very likely to be related to the Future Pharmaceutical Group.

"Isn't Killian the villain in Iron Man 3? Didn't he play the extremis virus? How did he get together with the mechanized virus?"

Beichen decided to hand over this matter to Iron Man.

Thinking like this, Bei Chen directly forwarded this information to Tony.

"There is an opportunity to save the world in front of you, you can use it to practice!"

Read The Duke's Passion