MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 113

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The Destroyer stared blankly at all this.

"Is it fake? Ronan, that **** should die by my hands!"

"How was Ronan killed? It's not scientific!"

Rocket Raccoon questioned.

It should have been the brown-skinned human being who died, why did Ronan disappear so inexplicably?

Xingyun also looked at all this in a daze, he felt that all this might be fake, an illusion...

At the beginning, she was still proud that her plot had succeeded.

Her original plan was for Ronan to get revenge on Thanos with the help of Roland after he got the power gem.

In the end, Ronan disappeared in such a hasty way?


Seeing this scene, Bei Chen couldn't help but swear.

There is no way, the anti-armor ability shown by Cain is too terrifying 413. Ronan, holding the Skull Crusher Hammer, is definitely a star-exploding powerhouse. He is such a powerhouse, and he died so casually...

"This is the highest level of anti-armor!"

Bei Chen couldn't help muttering.

All of a sudden, he killed himself, and Ronan is the most aggrieved one among all the villains.

We must contain this guy in front of us!

Beichen thought firmly in his heart.

As the center of the storm, Cain was lost in thought while looking at the Skull Crusher Hammer in his hand.

His intuition told him that as long as this thing touches the ground, the entire planet will be destroyed. This thing is too dangerous and needs to be contained.

Speaking of containment, Cain rang the Foundation.

(A false memory implanted by the system.)

"I didn't expect to see 073 here? What a surprise!"

At this moment, a voice came from the sky.

Beichen makes its debut.

After destroying the spaceship, Carol also descended from the sky, and then stopped beside Beichen.

"Where's Ronan? Did that **** run away?"

Carol, who didn't see the excitement, asked suspiciously.

"It should be dead (ccdh), the kind with no ashes left!" Beichen looked at the place where Cain was standing, um! Indeed, he didn't see even ashes...

"How did you die?"

Looking at Cain holding Skullbreaker, Carol also realized that he asked a very stupid question.

"It's unbelievable! You solved Ronan by yourself?"

Carol also looked at Cain in surprise.


Hearing this familiar number, Cain frowned and asked curiously, "Are you from the Foundation?"

"Let me introduce myself, I am Beichen, the president of the SCP Foundation."

Beichen introduced himself.

Cain didn't believe Beichen, but said indifferently: "As far as I know, the foundation doesn't have any president! There is only the 05 Council. Do you know what the consequences will be if you pretend to be a foundation?"

The biggest reason why he sometimes helps the Foundation is because his mother is one of the members of the 05 Council.

Cain clearly knew what a terrifying behemoth the Foundation was, and he also knew how much influence such an organization would have if it was dictatorship.

"But in fact, I am the president! The president who was unanimously approved by the 05 council!" Bei Chen shrugged and replied casually.

"This group of people seems to be from Earth, and they come from the same organization. Have you heard of the CP Foundation?"

Gamora pushed Star-Lord next to him.

Star-Lord shook his head in confusion: "I've heard of the Federation, I've heard of the Security Council, I've even heard of the Environmental Protection Organization, and I've heard of the Foundation, but I've never heard of the Abnormal Containment Foundation."

"Okay, I think we should withdraw, anyway, Ronan is dead, and the Infinity Stones have fallen into the hands of others."

Rocket Raccoon retreated beside him, there was no way, Ronan's death was too weird and hasty.

Rocket Raccoon simply didn't have the guts to make Cain his enemy.

What's more, he heard some gunpowder from the tone of those two people, and these two guys might fight later...

Rocket Raccoon, who didn't want to be involved in the war, naturally considered running away with a bucket.

"Don't worry! What if they are Thanos's people?"

Gamora shook his head, not accepting Rocket Raccoon's proposal.

While discussing quietly within the Guardians of the Galaxy, Bei Chen discovered that Cain was about to move.

Seeing Cain who was about to make a move, Bei Chen's face changed, and he quickly reminded: "No! Carol, you retreat first!"

Considering that the person in front of him could beat Ronan to ashes, all Carol asked worriedly, "Are you sure you don't need my help?"

"Don't worry! Just leave it to me, you will only add to the chaos if you stay here."

Bei Chen shook his head and rejected Carol's offer to help.

Cain's anti-injury ability is too terrifying, it is almost immune to all attacks below the rules, and all damage below the multiverse.

Carol probably would end up in the same fate as Ronan if he fought against the opponent.

"So, you mean we're going to compete?"

Beichen tilted his head and looked at Yin who was eager to try.

"Yes, I want to see what kind of ability you, the so-called president, have to stand on top of the foundation."

Cain nodded.

"In that case! Then I will not be polite."

After Beichen finished speaking, he immediately activated the eye of the black evil star.

Cain, who was hit by the eye of the evil star, acted as if nothing had happened, but Beichen, the initiator, was directly reduced to a mass of ashes.

Seeing this weird scene, Rocket Raccoon swears directly: "Fuck! Another one who died so sloppily? Another king of mouth? Let's run away! This guy is too weird!"

"It's this weird way of dying again..."

"The whole person is directly reduced to ashes, isn't that too scary?"

Gamora frowned, staring at Cain intently.

Even Carol in the sky looked at this scene with a pale face, she couldn't believe that Beichen died like this.

Beichen was actually caught in a second?

how can that be!

Just when Carol was about to lose his mind in despair, Bei Chen, who had been reduced to ashes, unexpectedly reunited.

Bei Chen, who had been immune to the damage from the eyes of the black evil star, complained unhappily: "Your ability is really disgusting!"

"No wonder you can become the leader of the foundation, I am more and more interested in you!"

Cain looked at Beichen in admiration.

Beichen's tentative attack just now has already demonstrated the strength of that corner of the glacier.

An invisible attack that can directly reduce people to ashes, and the ability to kill people.

Combining these two abilities, his strength is not weaker than him.

Cain chuckled and said, "But these abilities alone are not enough!"

Chapter 141: How to Make Infinite Gems?

"We will wait and see!"

Beichen smiled meaningfully, then quickly mobilized the power of the mind, and the terrifying power of the mind turned into a shock bomb, Mind Blast!

An invisible attack blasted into Cain's brain.

Such a terrifying impact, even if there is no Thanos here, it is estimated that it will be turned into an idiot, even if it is not turned into an idiot, it is estimated that the lower body is also the life of dementia.

But even with such a terrifying attack, Qi still couldn't do anything to Cain.


There was a loud noise in the brain.

Beichen stood there staggeringly, not regaining consciousness for a long time.

His strongest attack finally fell on himself.

Bei Chen, who was bleeding from his seven orifices, stood in place for a while to relax before his body evolved a new ability to withstand the impact of the mind.

"Psychic ability? I can't see that you still have this ability!"

Cain, as if nothing had happened, looked at Bei Chen curiously.

"Is there any other attack? Continue, I will continue!"

Cain said with a smile.

After hearing this, Bei Chen also frowned and began to think.

The most terrifying thing about Cain is its defensive power. Apart from the multiverse-level defensive power, Cain's own strength is actually similar to that of the US team.

The mind is not good, even the eye of the black evil star, which is considered a semi-regular ability, is not good. How can we defeat it?

Beichen stood where he was, thinking hard.

Seeing Bei Chen who didn't make a move, Cain also stood there quietly waiting for Bei Chen to finish thinking.

Cain knew that his attack power was no match for Beichen, and his output ability mainly relied on the opponent's attack, so he didn't take the opportunity to make a move.

Bei Chen quickly remembered the introduction about Abel.

Abel can survive for more than an hour in an environment without oxygen. Cain, who is also a demigod, is also difficult to survive in a vacuum environment?

Bei Chen, who was thinking like this, suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"The battle is over!"

Beichen was enchanted, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

Bei Chen, who came to Cain through teleportation, directly reached out to grab the opponent, and then used it again to teleport.

The two came directly into space.

In the cold vacuum environment, Cain's calm face finally showed a trace of waves.

"I know you are immortal, but... I just need you to lose consciousness!"

Bei Chen looked at Cain proudly and said.

Hearing this, Cain also smiled bitterly, as if resigned to his fate.

This is indeed his weakness. In a vacuum environment, his body will enter a self-hibernation state to maintain his immortality.

To lose consciousness during a game is indeed a failure.

Cain insisted: "But! I didn't lose, so that means you didn't win, unless you can kill me!"

"You don't think I really care about winning or losing this battle, do you?"

Bei Chen looked at Cain who was about to play tricks with a funny face.

His purpose from beginning to end is only one, that is to contain Cain, and then take away the power gem.

As for the so-called fighting to prove that he is qualified to become the president of the foundation?

Feel sorry!

Read The Duke's Passion