MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 431 Angel cold

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Even if Lufa is the king, it is impossible to ignore his Ares civilization, right?

"It's okay, the angelic civilization is not as domineering and powerful as you see. Holy Kaisa is still easy to talk to. Even if you refuse their help, you can still trust them when you meet them in the future."

Lufa shook his head and said.

"Do you trust angels?"

Qilin felt that the angel didn't seem to be very talkative, he was high above the ground, and his sword was on the verge of breaking out.

Ge Xiaolun's super gene contains ingredients added by angels, and his first impression of angels is not much better.

This is how the angels appeared in the original plot. After all, they have not fallen from the altar. When they fall from the high clouds, they will lose this tiresome overbearing and strong.

Qilin nodded, wondering if she had listened to Lufa's words.

It seemed that she was a little preoccupied, but under Lufa's guidance, Qilin quickly forgot about it, and began to enjoy this kind of romantic scene like a date, but there was nothing beyond imagination.

Lufa just took her, doing those things like ordinary passers-by.

There is no vigorous love as imagined, but Qilin feels at ease, and Lufa is no longer a **** and a mortal, a king and an indigenous commoner with such an outrageous disparity in status.

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At the time of parting, Qilin took the initiative to hug Lufa, and then there was a ten-minute verbal war.

The angels are gathering to discuss the super genetic warriors they saw, and they don't have the previous sense of looking down at all.

The previous appearance was for the sake of the scene, for the majesty of Queen Keisha, coupled with the leadership of the second child Tsundere Angel Leng, that's why the scene was created.

"That's Xin Zhao, the Gun of the Virtue Star. It looks more dazed than in the information. Is it really brave?"

The topics that the high-ranking guardian angels talked about were very direct and simple.

"Nuo Xing God of War Liu Chuang, dark information data shows that he was a hooligan before, but he seems to have reformed himself recently, but he is a bit embarrassing."

"Really, I think he is called a male **** in this way."

"As for the power of the galaxy, I feel good too."

"That galactic force is just like a fool."

Angel Leng also said with disdain.

"Many of this group of super fighters and future male gods are the future of the sisters present, so it's not good to say that."

Angel Yan said helplessly.

She should have changed her own destiny unintentionally, but she didn't know that Holy Kaisa planned to match her to the power of the galaxy, but this did not prevent Angel Yan from speaking to her good sisters.

"Really, then their future is dark."

Angel said with a sneer.

"Oh, so, Leng, do you have other plans? Could it be that you fell in love with the king of the Ares civilization?"

Angel Leng was very excited when he heard this.

"I don't look down on anyone, I just want to follow Queen Kaisha to enforce justice!"

This made other people not know how to answer. Naturally, they did not resist following the Holy Kesha to continue to execute justice, but they also thought about and longed for love.

The main reason is that the existence of the holy Kesha, who they worship and believe in, has been talking about this aspect, and these angels have been fascinated by it, and their yearning for true love has arisen.

"Think too much, Queen Keisha will marry you off sooner or later."

Angel Yan noticed this, so he said jokingly.

"That's right. Sister Leng, you are the oldest among us. It is estimated that Queen Kaisha will arrange for you to marry."

Angel Leng was out of breath by the ridicule.

Angel Yan looked at her with weird eyes, mainly because she had been sisters with Angel Leng for so long, and they often quarreled and played tricks. Forty percent.

If Angel Leng really didn't mean that, she wouldn't have such a reaction and attitude now, and would only have an attitude of disdain to argue with you.

Now, the way Angel Leng was arguing with the female angels seemed like he was trying to get angry.

When mentioning Lufa, Angel Leng was contemptuous and his tone suddenly accelerated, and other angels' teasing made Angel Leng as excited as a fryer.

Judging from Angel Yan's knowledge and experience over the years, Angel Leng's current performance seems to be very guilty, and he keeps saying that he will never pursue any male **** or true love for Queen Kaisha.

He talked loudly and shouted slogans loudly, as if he was going to die for Queen Keisha.

If she wasn't guilty, she wouldn't show herself so exaggeratedly in front of others.

There are tricks and problems.

Angel Yan narrowed her eyes, not only she noticed this, but other angels also reacted belatedly.

"Sister Leng, why are you so excited? It's not the same as usual?"

"I'm always like this, what's the difference?"

Angel said coldly.

"It's not right, it's cold, there's something wrong with you."

Angel Yan said with a tut.

"Don't be eccentric here, keep an eye on Morgana's whereabouts, lest she run away again."

Angel Leng didn't even dare to look at Angel Yan, and left after speaking.

"Miss Leng seems to be in trouble?"

"A spring heart sprouting?"

"No way, are you really tempted?"

"That's the king of Ares, is it strange that Sister Leng would be tempted?"

As soon as Angel Leng left, the high-ranking angel guards on the back immediately started talking about it, and the clues they pieced together basically killed Angel Leng's performance, which was so different from before.

It seems to be normal. The former angels were cold-hearted and ascetic, and in a pool of stagnant water, they could naturally deal with and think about everything calmly, although the behavior pattern was a little messy.

Now there are turmoil in her heart, which in turn affects her behavior pattern for thousands of years, causing her to behave completely differently from usual.

Angel Yan thinks it's very interesting. She herself is more impressed by Lufa than she wants to ride on it. Lufa's rank is a bit high. Angel Yan asks herself that she can't control it. She still likes the kind of male **** who can be controlled by herself. .

Of course, if Queen Kaisha betroths her to Lufa, Angel Yan will not resist. If she wants Lufa's body and face, if she can get her heart and true love, isn't it a very, very long time?

After Lufa separated from Qilin, he didn't hide himself, so he was quickly locked by the angel.

Hexi looked at Lufa on the screen, and felt amazed much stronger than seeing the information sent by the holy Kaisa.

Before, she thought that Su Marie was already a very handsome male god, but after seeing Lufa, Su Marie had already forgotten about it.

This face is too lethal to face control!

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