MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 422 Peak animal body!

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"You still want to seduce the king?"

Lufa has a dismissive expression, mainly because he has played too much and spent too much time, except that he doesn't like to go through the back door, Lufa has basically played everything.

For Su Xiaoli's little trick, which has not been exposed at all, it is impossible for him to blush like a beginner, and his heart beats faster.

Su Xiaoli's watery fox eyes had discharged a lot of electricity to Lufa, but the charming light, which is usually omnipotent, was of no use to Lufa at all.

"Okay, don't stare, your charming light is very powerful, but the divine body can handle it, so don't think you can use it to deal with the god."

Lufa flicked her forehead.

"My lord, if you act like this, people will become stupid!"

Su Xiaoli said in a chirping voice.

"It's better to be stupid, obedient like Mengmeng, work hard, and have less fancy ideas and thoughts."

Lufa directly replied.

Rui Mengmeng, who was called by name, just looked up, showed a cute smile, and then lowered her head and gnawed **** the book again.

Egypt, the desert!

Because the gluttonous civilization suffered setbacks in the Battle of Tianhe and New York's offensive, and because there was another **** of unknown origin on the earth, the gluttonous king asked for help from Karl, the **** of death.

So Karl, the **** of death, asked his right-hand man Snow to help the gluttonous civilization liberate a **** who was sealed in Egypt.

"My **** Karl came to Blue Star many years ago, and then created two gods, one of which is the crocodile **** Thornton, who was chased and surrendered by the angels."

Snow was also a witness of Crocodile Thornton's battle with Angel Chase back then. In fact, Crocodile Thornton would not have been able to fight Angel Chase for so long if Angel Chase hadn't been concerned about the group of mortal soldiers who were on the sidelines and refused to leave.

"The angel chased and destroyed the peak animal body of the crocodile **** Thornton, but I saved its dark plane data information, but you must know that the angel is best at thinking implantation. I didn't know that the angel chased the crocodile **** What kind of thinking Thornton implanted, in short, be careful yourself."

Snow said calmly.

A group of soldiers from the Taotie civilization just nodded without saying anything.

Then Snow began to gather the dark plane data information of the crocodile God Thornton that was sealed in the dark plane of the statue.

This is also the so-called resurrection, but only after reaching the divine body can one be resurrected in this way, otherwise, just like Morgana resurrected her subordinates, she would directly use other living bodies to rebirth.

After the crocodile Thornton was gathered by Snow, it escaped from the siege of the gluttonous civilization with a big leap.

Even Snow didn't expect Thornton the Crocodile to run away without saying a word.

This is actually the thinking that the angel chased and implanted in its brain played a role.

The angel's thought implantation and consciousness rewriting turned the originally cruel and cunning crocodile **** Thornton into a cute and naive, with brain problems and the inability to replenish energy.

Crocodile Thornton lost his strength when he jumped to the center of the canyon, and couldn't even stand up.

"A lot, a lot of food, a lot of buns...I'm tired, let me take a break first."

Crocodile Thornton panted and looked at the pedestrians on the street, and these pedestrians also looked at Crocodile Thornton in surprise.

"what is that?"

"The crocodile has become a spirit and can speak human language!

! "

"Making special effects for a movie?"

"Aliens have invaded Tianhe City, maybe this is an alien too!"

The onlookers panicked, but no one fled.

After all, it is the nature of the people of the Celestial Dynasty to watch the excitement, no matter how dangerous it is, we have to watch the excitement!

Then the Taotie soldiers chased after them and fired directly at Thornton, the crocodile god.

Crocodile Thornton was caught off guard.

"Hey boy!"

It jumped up in pain. If it wasn't for the peak beast's rough skin and thick flesh, it wouldn't just be a pain, it would be an injury anyway.

"Peak animal body... Interesting."

Lufa looked at the crocodile **** Thornton, wondering if he had rubbed a lion king and a whale shark king together, or could An Mixiu and the others be said to be animal bodies?

But in the end, Lufa still squeezed out a national protection cow.

There is no other reason, that is, the fighters around him must be beast bodies, so as not to steal the limelight from him as the king.

Alistar, the **** of protection of the country, combines the characteristics of various skins of the bull's head, such as the skin of the golden conqueror and the domineering of the dark knight, the dark crystal giant bull and so on.

The nickname is the God of Protecting the Nation. Lufa refers to a large amount of data of the crocodile **** Thornton, and then pinches the peak animal body. Naturally, the power is much greater than the crocodile **** Thornton, and the defense is also crushing the crocodile god. Thornton.

However, like Crocodile Thornton, it is also a peak beast body, not as capable as Monkey King.

"His Majesty."

Alistar, the divine bull of protecting the country, knelt down on one knee towards Lufa. Its memory is that it is the peak animal body of the Ares civilization, and it is loyal to Lufa.

"Well, go down and fight with that peak animal body."

Lufa intends to test the fineness of the peak animal body he created. After all, he just shaped the shape and memory, but whether the program can be successfully run depends on the program itself.

Alista obediently went down.

The Taotie warriors were very vigilant when they saw another beast body coming.

"Hey, that crocodile over there, I'm Alista, the protector of the Ares civilization, tell me your name!"

Alistar held two axes in both hands, and shouted to Thornton the crocodile.

"Another steamed stuffed bun... No, what an ugly guy."

Crocodile Thornton looked at Alista and frowned.

"You bastard, you call me ugly?"

Alistar couldn't bear it anymore, and directly charged, the ground exploded, and then he approached Thornton the Crocodile God.

Crocodile Thornton was taken aback, and quickly used the flame-level dual knives in his hands to resist Alista's axe, but he regretted it when he took over, because this thing was too heavy to imagine!

It was sent flying straight away, crashing into a shop on the street.

"You, you, wait until I'm full before fighting with you!"

God Crocodile Thornton immediately faltered, but instead of admitting defeat, it yelled at Alista.

"I don't care if you're full or not, if you're hacked to death by me, it's your own fault for not being ready!"

Unmoved at all, Alistar strode forward.

Seeing that Alistar didn't hesitate because of his words, the crocodile Thornton turned around and ran away.

The Taotie warrior was at a loss, Alistar chased after him directly, and he would not leave without his king's order.

"From this point of view, even if the crocodile **** Thornton has replenished energy, he is not a match for my national protection bull."

Lufa was very satisfied, and then there were werewolves, poodles, and bears to choose from.

Read The Duke's Passion