MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 10 Jealous Riven

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Lufa didn't continue to use the sniper rifle, it was all chopped up by Skadi, so he just put on the ultraviolet lamp.

The high-power ultraviolet light was carried by Lufa and irradiated on the vampire corpses. Under Skadi's unexpected expression, these vampire corpses suddenly came alive, howling and turning into ashes.

Riven was still standing vigilantly beside Lufa. Skadi took a look, and was about to walk over when she heard footsteps again.

After all, Quinn brought more than 500 men, and a group of Hagui clan, just a part of it, and now the main force has arrived.

"That's them, fire!"

The vampires fired one after another, and the Hagui tribe also fired with their masters, Chicago typewriters, pistols, and so on.

Since Skadi landed on land, when has she ever seen such a battle? The rich woman weeping Mao Maotou and Neng Angel can't afford such a rich battle.


Lufa obviously thought of this too, and then he saw those bullets hit Skadi, but only ricocheted. Skadi avoided the attack and didn't notice it, but Lufa noticed it.

As expected of Superman Terra... No, isn't Team Rainbow's bullet useful?

The puzzled Lufa was hugged by Riven again, his hands naturally wrapped around Riven's neck, and Skadi frowned. For some reason, Skadi thought this was called Riven. The operator seems to have a lot of opinions or hostility towards him?

But the most important thing now is to ensure the safety of the Swordsman Tower.

Skadi swung his big sword and jumped.

Leap the waves!


The heavy sword slammed into the ground, and the hard concrete ground burst open, abruptly interrupting the firepower of a group of vampires and Hagui tribes, and several vehicles fell into the cracked cracks in the ground.

Such a big movement will definitely attract the attention of the Snake Shield Bureau.

Lufa didn't believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. would not pay attention to tonight's news. It would be fine if it was just a Blade Warrior movie, but in a world like this hodgepodge, S.H.I.E.L.D. might not intervene due to the influence of America's vampires, but Attention is a must.

However, seeing Skadi's terrifying power, Lufa is not so worried. What are you afraid of? Even if the Green Hulk is here, Titi can fight well. How can the Snake Shield get the Green Hulk?

How can I get Skadi and Riven?

Of course, Lufa will definitely become the weakness of the two of them, so it's better to wait until they have the ability to protect themselves before choosing to jump out.

"Titi still doesn't feel safe enough for Seriya."

Lufa pondered, if the one who falls is Said, Lufa is guaranteed to be arrogant, but if he has to choose, Titi must be more fragrant.

With the cooperation of Skadi and the ultraviolet light, the group of vampires and Hagui were quickly killed. Skadi wondered why some of them were not reduced to ashes, and then he was dragged away by Lufa.

It took an hour for Dicken Firth to get the message, and he smashed the phone.

Those 500 vampires are not ordinary garbage, they are all retired soldiers, mercenaries and other combat-effective hybrid vampires. Dicken Firth knows very well that the power of vampires lies in their communicability and the temptation of immortality, so it is easy to Just attract those mercenaries and ex-soldiers.

In this way, Dicken Firth formed a team of his own, and he was confident to deal with Gao Tiannu and his group of pure blood vampires.

But not only was his most trusted subordinate killed tonight, but even his troops were gone. It would take him no idea how long it would take to redevelop.



Dicken Firth smashed things and killed the Haggle who reported to him. The other party didn't become a vampire because Dicken Firth just killed him.

"I don't care how much it costs, kill that hunter!"

Dicken Firth said angrily.

Lufa, Riven, and Skadi shrugged off possible tracking, bypassed the limited cameras by the way, and returned to the new apartment.

"This is our temporary home, Titi."

Lufa said to Skadi.

"Temporary home?"

For Skadi, it doesn't matter where she lives. Where has she not been?

"After saving a big family, let him give us a villa in Los Angeles."

Lufa imagined the scene of rescuing Tony Stark from Obadiah's hands. As for buying stocks, well, he also wants to buy them. The problem is his identity!

He is a criminal, how can he buy stocks?

The identity issue also has to ask Tony Stark to help him solve it.


Skadi nodded, and Swordsman Tower did what it said.

Seeing Skadi sitting on the chair safe and sound, Lufa couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Skadi also has a superhuman biological force field and can control his own weight?

"Rui Wen."

Lufa looked at Riven, but saw that Riven ignored him, as if he didn't hear him.

"Rui Wen?"

Lufa took a few steps closer, but Riven still didn't speak.

"Rui Wen?"

Lufa stepped forward, grabbed Riven's shoulder and shook it, Riven looked at him and said nothing.

what's wrong this is...

Lufa was a little overwhelmed, and Riven just looked at him without responding like this, which made him a little scared.


Riven spoke suddenly.


Lufa was taken aback.


Riven emphasized the same tone, making Lufa understand something.


"What's the matter, Lufa?"

Riven answered immediately.

As for what, didn't I just call Titi?

Lufa finally understood what was going on, blame me, he had never been in a relationship before, it was all on paper, so that he didn't even know that Riven was jealous, was it jealous?

Riven just felt that Lufa called Skadi Titi very close and intimate, but he still called him Riven.

"Actually, I prefer to call you Riven."

Lufa thinks it is not appropriate to be called Wenwen, but Titi is very suitable.

"Then you can call Lufa whatever you like."

After hearing this, Riven said happily.

How coaxing...Lufa was thoughtful.

But at night, after the shower, Rufa was in trouble, and Riven and Skadi wouldn't budge.

"You two sleep on the bed, I'll just sleep on the sofa, and change the room tomorrow."

How dare Lufa sleep with the two of them? People who fall asleep are unconscious. Lufa doesn't want to become "Lufa sauce" the next day.

"No, how can I let you sleep on the sofa, Swordsman Tower!"

"No, Lufa, you'd better sleep on the bed."

Lufa simply went to sleep on the sofa by himself, lest the two of them continue to quarrel.

Moreover, staying with the two beauties, Lu Fa was just at the age of youth, so he couldn't sleep.