MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 83

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Chapter 140 Loki, the Self-Proclaimed King of the Gods

Over New York, Loki stands tall in the sky, his pale and handsome face is full of indifference and ruthlessness.

Looking down at the group of low-level ants he thought were below.

The two infinity rough stones on the helmet radiate radiance, and a heavy breath permeates the sky.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he waved down Gungnir, the gun of eternity, about to open his mouth to attack. Suddenly, a thick and excited voice came from his ear: "Loki~~"


I saw a burly figure rushing straight into the sky, entwined with endless thunder, drawing a long trace in the air, and flying in front of Loki.

It was Thor, the moment he saw Loki, Thor didn't talk too much nonsense, and swung Thor's hammer at Loki's head heavily.

The majestic force exploded layers of air, making a sharp howling roar.

However, at this time, Loki is no longer the same as in the past. With two Infinity Stones and holding the Odin artifact Eternal Spear, his strength has already surpassed Thor.

Faced with Thor's angry blow, Loki just raised his eyes and glanced slightly.

A terrifying purple halo flickered in the eyes.

In the next second, a terrifying purple lightning erupted from his eyes, and instantly bombarded Sol's body. Sol's complexion changed drastically when he was blasted by the violent and vast terrifying force, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out of his mouth, like a cannonball. He shot backwards, and rolled for an unknown number of times before he stopped.

Thor floated under the clouds ten thousand meters away from Rocky.

Stretching out his hand to wipe the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, Thor looked up at Loki and the familiar faces beside him, and he took a deep breath.


"My stupid brother, it's hard for me to imagine what your brain is made of. Even though you know you're not my opponent, you still rush up stupidly〃"

Loki said with a mocking tone.

Solmin knew that Loki's mind had been manipulated at this time, but he still had the last hope and said: "Loki, take back your war, your ambition is impossible to realize on Earth, your will has been distorted , you need help, I can help you."

"Don't be too self-righteous, Thor, no one can distort the will of the king of Asgard, look at me now, this is me, this is the liberation of my nature, this is my dream." Luo Ji roared loudly, as if venting the haze that had been suppressed in his heart.

He spread his hands proudly and gestured to Saul, and his voice spread throughout the world.

"I am the real king, a powerful king. Conquering the earth is only the first step. Asgard's footsteps will spread throughout the multiverse. Everyone, no matter who they are, must submit to my feet and worship devoutly. Give their will and soul."

This is like a declaration, an announcement to the earth and even the universe.

All the people in New York City looked at Rocky's handsome and ambitious face in the live broadcast.

On the ground, in the communication of the Avengers team, the voice of Logan who had already connected to the channel suddenly came: "He seems to be a peacock that makes a show."

"NO, I think he's more like a clown on stage."

Hearing someone's sarcasm, Tony replied instinctively, then looked at the huge and powerful army behind Loki, and added: "Well, an ambitious and powerful clown."

"As we guessed, Asgard has indeed experienced a civil strife. The evil **** Loki has been manipulated by someone, causing the opponent's ambition to increase and lead the army to conquer the earth." Natasha sighed softly. tone, analyzed.

This is basically the worst possible outcome.

If that's the case, then the situation becomes more complicated, not just for Asgard, but for the man behind Loki.

"It doesn't matter, let them have a headache. Anyway, if there is really a more powerful guy who looks at the earth, I believe that the goddess cannot have no reaction." put.

No way, whoever made the earth hold a thick thigh for no reason.

Tony couldn't believe it. When that time really came, the goddess would let the other party reach out. Isn't it the best evidence that Natasha saw Bart and several other golden saints appearing in New York?

You must know that the title of the goddess is War and Wisdom.

Isn't it some kind of weak goddess who is very civilized and martial, and she can't beat the guy who stretched out her hand to ashes?

After thinking about it, maybe the goddess is already thinking about how to find that guy, and then divide his body into five horses, throw his soul into hell, and enjoy the ten-thousand-year torture package.

".Don't think too much, our mission is to get rid of the portal."

Tony still didn't finish his sentence, but everyone knew that they couldn't handle the portal.

Smart people see things differently.

The situation is also developing just as Tony and the others thought. Loki's will has been distorted, and his personality has undergone tremendous changes. With the addition of two infinity gems, the gun of eternity, and Asgard's monopoly, it can be said that power and Power has reached its peak.

Loki's arrogant heart broke through the sky even more. He claimed to be the king of the gods who succeeded Odin.

Spreading his hands, the voice resounded through the sky.

"Give your allegiance and let Athena come out to meet me."

However, as soon as these words fell, suddenly, several terrifying breaths swept across the world in an instant, and the whole world above the sky changed color instantly, and the sky was dim, as if the whole world had come into a starry sky (of King Zhao).


The endless thunder exploded, and the sacred and vast momentum made all the creatures and souls of the world tremble.

Several figures turned from a building in New York into a golden light piercing the sky. When countless people couldn't react at all, several figures appeared in front of Loki.

Loki's neck was grabbed tightly by a big hand, and he was lifted alive.

In an instant, countless people lost their voices instantly, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressing.

Only the terrifying roar of thunder echoed in my ears.

Loki's original rampant arrogance was broken, and it became difficult for him to breathe, his handsome face flushed, and he stared wide-eyed at the burly figure with a dark face in front of him.

"You, repeat what you just said?"

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Chapter 141 Controlled Taurus? (Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers)

There was a dangerous light in those green pupils.

Every word seemed to have a deterrent sound that made the soul tremble, and Loki instinctively raised a trace of fear in his heart.


Gently uttering the name, Loki looked out of the corner of his eye, and sure enough, he saw Sanzabu, Elvis, and others who were wearing noble and gorgeous golden holy clothes.

It's just that there is a terrifying killing intent in everyone's eyes.

At this time, Bart was like a volcano waiting to erupt at any time, full of terrifying energy that would destroy the world, and Loki looked like a frightened child in comparison.

"Compared to before, your current appearance annoys me even more. You have to be thankful that your mind has been manipulated, otherwise, I will definitely abolish you."

The deep voice contained danger, and that gaze was like a sharp sword trying to pierce Loki's heart.

"Let go of the king~~"

Loki was caught in this almost humiliating way, which made all the Asgardian warriors brought by Loki furious, especially the grumpy Volstagg Asgard three warriors directly pointed their weapons at Bart and yelled loudly .

But Bart turned his head sharply.


The turbulent aura erupted in an instant, and the air became blurred and distorted visible to the naked eye under this aura. Even though Asgard's physical fitness far surpassed that of people on Earth, he was still suppressed by this aura and could hardly move. Even his thoughts It was as if they were about to freeze.

The Askid warrior who was furious immediately froze in place.

The eyes also instinctively began to dodge, not wanting to make contact with Bart's eyes.

"You guys are really brainwashed enough." Tina said angrily.

When these guys get in touch with mind manipulation, they probably want to hang Loki up and hammer him.

"Okay, this farce should be over."

Alfred said coldly.

Bart nodded, looked at the two gemstones inlaid on Loki's helmet, and stretched out his other hand to pull them off, but Loki, who was frightened at first, showed a triumphant smile and said softly: "You don't Should be this close to me, Bart."


Rocky's eyes burst out with bright spiritual light, and the soul gem inlaid on the helmet suddenly shot out a terrifying light yellow light beam, which directly sank into the center of Bart's eyebrows.

The latter's eyes immediately changed.

Bart's entire face became extremely painful, and he let go of Loki uncontrollably, covering his head with his hands.

"Oops, Bart~~"

When Tina and the others saw Bart's appearance, they immediately realized something. Tina immediately stretched out her hand to try to help Bart expel the power of the Soul Stone, but she never expected Bart to roar, and a wave of near-natural disaster burst out centered on him. Like terrible energy.


An explosive golden ring-shaped air wave swept in all directions, and Tina and several other saint fighters were caught off guard by this air wave.

Several people flew upside down in the air for tens of thousands of meters, and they rolled over and over for an unknown number of times before they stopped.

"Bart~~" Tina, who stopped her figure, shouted anxiously, without stopping at all, her whole body turned into a golden light beam, dragging a long and straight golden beam in the air, and rushed towards Bart.

But how could Loki let the plan he finally implemented fall short?

He raised Gungnir, the spear of eternity, and called softly, "Heimdall."


In an instant, in the infinitely distant sky, a terrifying huge beam of colorful light pierced through the space and hit the earth, landing on the earth almost instantly, with a speed even more terrifying than the speed of light.

Above the clouds, the dark clouds that were originally pitch-black were instantly rendered by colorful rays of light, and energy that was terrifying enough to destroy the earth poured in.

Alfred, Elvis, Sanzabu and Tina raised their heads suddenly, their pupils shrank involuntarily: "Rainbow Bridge!"

In the blink of an eye, terrifying energy has struck.

Thick danger flashed in Tina's heart. At this moment, it was too late to take Bart into consideration. Her figure suddenly stopped, she let out a soft drink, crossed her arms, and the small universe of the seventh sense in her body surged and burned.

The bright red short hair dances with the strong wind.

The surrounding area of ​​Jue Mei Qian Ying radiated raging red flames, and the raging turbulent aura spread across the world, affecting the whole of New York, and began to vibrate crazily, and the surrounding sea connected to New York also rolled up waves.

The red pupils reflected the increasingly bright colorful rays of light.

Under the horrified and terrified eyes of the people below New York, Tina punched out.


In an instant, a ten thousand zhang golden beam of energy shot out from the fist, directly facing the energy of the Rainbow Bridge, and the next second, the two streams of energy collided together.

The world and the time seem to be frozen at this moment.

The clouds in the sky have been wiped out, the sky and the earth have turned into daylight, and the space in the sky has been distorted to the extreme. It can be seen how terrifying the power burst out from the collision of the two energies is.

Fortunately, in the end, the energies of the two sides continued to intertwine and disappear, and finally completely melted.

It's just that the whole earth was still vibrating for more than ten seconds at the moment of energy collision. Even if the vibration was not large, it was enough to make people feel it.

"It's incredible."

Everyone in the world who watched this scene couldn't help flashing such a sentence in their minds.

This is simply the greatness that only God can possess.

If Tina didn't resist, the power of the Rainbow Bridge would bombard the earth, not to mention destroying the earth, all living things on the surface might be vaporized in an instant.

This is simply many times more powerful than the highest-tech weapon of human beings.

"Is this the Asgard in Norse mythology?" Tony opened his mask, revealing that face that didn't know what to think, and his eyes were shining brightly, which was curiosity, fear, and defense.

As a human being, he would be curious about how such power was generated, guard against Asgard having such a weapon, and fear that if there were no saints, what would be the fate of the earth and mankind today.

"I don't know why, seeing such a scene, I always feel that what we do is meaningless." In the communication, Barton's slightly bitter words came.

At this moment, everyone in the Avengers was silent.

On another street, Wolverine Logan casually pierced through the body of the same sluggish Zeta Swiss Soldier, took out a cigar from his pocket and dropped it by his mouth, lit it and took a deep breath, exhaling thick smoke, his face was covered in the smoke Unable to see clearly, his lips moved: "Don't think too much, boy, isn't the purpose of forming the Avengers to protect peace?"

"Although we don't have such capabilities yet, who can say for sure in the future."

He is the one with the most emotional stability among all the people. The nearly infinite life has brought him a lot. After experiencing so much, he has become more calm and understands how to think better.

He is very simple, what kind of ability to do what kind of thing.

He couldn't do the matter of destructive energy just now, but wasn't it also solved by someone?

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