MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 7

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As if noticing Mephisto's gaze, the beautiful figure disappeared instantly in the sky on the far side of hell, and in the blink of an eye, when it appeared here, it had already arrived in front of Mephisto's castle.

Still wearing the thin white gauze wrapped around her graceful body, with bare white feet, golden hair with a wreath of flowers and laurel, and holding a victory scepter.

With strands of majesty, the white gauze and golden hair danced and floated in the sky.

That peerless beauty, even if the race is different, Mephisto can still feel the beauty that cannot be described in words.

It's just that Mephisto didn't have time to appreciate this kind of beauty at all. Facing those extremely indifferent gazes, he raised his head and couldn't help saying: "Are you crazy? It's because of me that I broke into **** like this. Take a look at you?"

This is completely beyond Mephisto's imagination. This goddess looks so beautiful, but her temper is as violent as that woman of Gu Yi?

It seems that this woman cannot be provoked casually in the future.

Kyle looked down at the demon king Mephisto on the roof of the castle below, his blue eyes were piercingly cold, and his red lips were slightly parted: "Mephisto, spy on me wantonly, trying to get the soul of my chosen child, you must punished."

"Wherever you hide."

The ethereal and ethereal voice, belonging to the mighty will of the Lord God, shook the entire hell, every single word seemed to shatter hell, the earth stretching for hundreds of millions of kilometers vibrated crazily, one after another ferocious and terrifying long cracks spread wantonly like spider webs .

Countless wandering undead and demons fled in fear.

They are to stay away from this zone of doom.

Mephisto, who was facing Kyle, only felt that his body and soul were under tremendous pressure at this moment, and this pressure almost made him unable to bear it.

But the devil's cunning made Mephisto take a chance, trying to use words to kill this crisis.

His figure floated slowly, parallel to Kyle, showing basic toughness, but he said: "I'm just curious about your appearance, beautiful and powerful goddess, I am amazed by your strength, and at the same time I am surprised because of my Offended, and received corresponding punishment, I lost part of my soul."

During the speech, he noticed that Kyle was still indifferent, so he changed the topic: "Obviously these cannot extinguish your anger, and I am willing to pay the due price to save everything."

He stretched out his hand, and in front of him, crystallizations of souls radiating bright light emerged.

Kyle could even feel the struggle and pain of those disturbed souls in the crystal.

Her eyes grew colder.

Mephisto noticed this, and quickly said: "These souls were obtained through trading when I was walking in the world."

"If you make a deal with the devil, you will be imprisoned and tortured forever."

"Your inside is as ugly as your outside, devil, you tried to cover up the ugly thoughts in your heart, but you couldn't hide it from me."


Kyle was not talking nonsense, his blue eyes were filled with divine brilliance, and a majestic and vast aura swept across. He held up the golden scepter of victory, and the small universe from the seventh sense erupted fiercely, and swung it hard.

In an instant, the sky was full of thunder.

The thunder and lightning shot by Kyle, who has the power of thunder and lightning, is enough to kill a strong man at the level of the heavenly father.

Even if Kyle feels the limitation from the dimension and suppresses some of her small universes, it is enough.

The terrible thunder slanted like a torrential rain. Mephisto felt that every thunder and lightning had the power to kill him. He didn't hide it. He knew that the war had already started. With a roar, hellfire erupted from his body.

In an instant, thousands of thunderbolts collided with the boundless sea of ​​hellfire.

boom! boom! boom!

There were muffled roars, lightning and fire intertwined, and the raging majestic power caused the entire **** to vibrate violently, and the space of purgatory began to distort and blur.

Mephisto was extremely decisive, the roar of the sonic boom shattered, his figure roared against the electric fire above, and rushed towards Kyle.

The evil face showed a ferocious face, his hands were opened wide, and the thick smoke of lava filled the surrounding space.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers!).

Chapter 14 War Mephisto (seeking flower monthly ticket)

Filled with death, poison, and corrosive smoke, the space is covered.

Cracks were cracked in the ground, and from the cracks, terrible **** lava was brewing, waiting to erupt at any time.

Kyle, who was in the center of the smog, burst into golden divine light, dispelling the smog that was trying to corrode him.

At the same time, she felt the tiny invisible fluctuations coming from behind her, and she twisted her figure, holding the scepter and swinging it back forcefully.


The air wave exploded, and the golden scepter of victory hit the chest of Mephisto, who was trying to attack Kyle. In the latter's surprise, Mephisto hit the ground like a falling meteorite.


The ground shook violently again, the sky was full of dust and debris, and a deep pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers emerged. Mephisto was lying in the center of the deep pit, with a pit mark on his chest.

"Damn it, she's not that kind of weak god."

Mephisto spat out blood.

Weakness is compared to gods who focus on physical strength. Some gods of the heavenly father level focus on soul, magic, and cosmic secret energy, some focus on the physical body, and there are also comprehensive types, such as Odin.

Mephisto thought that Kyle should focus on the type of cosmic secret energy.

That's why he made a surprise attack close to him, but he miscalculated. Kyle's appearance was too deceptive. The blow just now almost pierced his demon body, and his strength was obviously too strong.

Is this really a woman?

How does it feel stronger than the Eternals?

Mephisto muttered silently.

But at this time, it was too late to complain too much. At this time, above the sky, Kyle held up the golden victory scepter, and the shining stars with boundless energy fell down like a meteor shower.

Pulling a long tail flame, mixed with the power of mighty stars.

Mephisto's evil face suddenly became ugly. Seeing that the brilliant meteor shower had already fallen, he prepared to flee directly without any hesitation.

But a cold female voice came from beside my ears.

"Want to run?"


Within the earth, chains of order composed of stars pierced the ground, covering the sky and the sun. Before Mephisto was about to use black magic to escape, he tightly wrapped and locked his body. The energy contained in the chains directly Sealed by Mephisto, there is no chance for him to use black magic.


Mephisto really panicked now, he could only helplessly watch the gorgeous and terrifying meteor shower fall in despair.

boom! boom! boom!


A huge explosion resounded through the entire hell, and the boundless energy shock wave raged wildly. Everything in the surrounding hundreds of millions of kilometers of land was annihilated by the powerful energy.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the surrounding space has been distorted and collapsed to the extreme.

There are even traces of distorted cracks in the air.

The whole scene is as terrifying as the end of the day.

Floating in the sky, Kyle indifferently looked down at the raging torrent on the ground. The white gauze skirt and hair fluttered with the wind, which was beautiful but full of danger.

In other directions far away from hell, many powerful evil gods and demons sensed the mighty and violent energy, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

"Another powerful god?"

"Terrible god, disgusting breath."

"The great **** lord Mephisto is going to be unlucky, will he die?"

"If Mephisto is dead, can I obtain the authority that belongs to the Lord of Hell?"

Hell has never been a place of kindness. There are only conspiracy and mutual calculations here. The cowardly and ignorant will be swallowed by conspiracy. The battle in **** is dark and terrible.

Profit is the gist of hell.

At this moment, countless evil gods and demons hoped that Mephisto would die at the hands of that unknown god, instead of thinking about death.

It's just a pity that they didn't know that Kyle never thought of killing Mephisto.

For Kyle, Mephisto and even **** are all prepared for her future guards.

This will be the best place to practice.

The end of Mephisto and even the evil gods of **** will only die in the hands of the saints.


The raging torrent of impact lasted for a long, long time before it calmed down.

When the billowing smoke and dust dissipated, what remained was a bottomless pit with a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers.

In the pit, one could vaguely see hot molten lava spewing out green smoke.

The figure of Mephisto has disappeared.

But he didn't die, but escaped. Under the shining meteor shower, Mephisto also thought he was dead, but he didn't expect that at the last moment when the stars fell, he found that the chains around his body were loose. Gave him a chance.

So he escaped.

But he was still very seriously traumatized.

He had a great fear of the goddess in his heart, and this kind of fear caused Mephisto to cast black magic and escape from that place at the fastest speed in his life.

He also does not want to see the female god.

But his fear came after all. He originally thought that he could escape the other party's perception by hiding.

So he hid in the ruins of a broken and devastated city hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

But when Kyle appeared in front of him again, Mephisto fell into despair.

The barefoot woman in light white gauze, holding a golden scepter, has been thoroughly engraved into his soul, becoming a fear that can never be erased.

Mephisto gave up struggling and just stood in front of Kyle, waiting for death to come.

However, Kyle broke through his disguise, with a hint of disdain in his ethereal voice: "Give up that stupid idea, I never believe that a demon will give up struggling."

"Every word and every movement of yours is covering up your hypocritical appearance, making people sick."

Mephisto didn't look embarrassed at all when he was spotted, instead, his evil and ferocious face showed a humble look: "In hell, only hypocrisy and disguise can survive. I can live up to now because of this. Of course, for you It's not worth mentioning."

"I believe you don't want to kill me, so please tell me what you want me to do."

Naturally, Mephisto's wisdom goes without saying, the moment he loosened the chain, he understood that this powerful female **** did not want to kill himself.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers!).

Chapter 15 The Power of Odin (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)


Inside the gorgeous Asgard.

Odin stood on the balcony in his normal clothes, looking up at the star-studded sky, his one eye seemed to see the great battle in **** through the dimension.

Feeling the powerful power of that Kyle, his face was as usual.

From behind, Frigga came over and said softly, "It's such an amazing god, even I can feel her strength."

"She is indeed remarkable, because of her, fate is no longer clear."

"You seem to be very calm, Odin." Frigg stretched out her hand to brush Odin's brows: "The you before were majestic but full of sorrow."

"Did she make you change like this?"

"I can feel it, Frigga." Odin held his wife's hand, lowered his head and pressed his forehead tightly against his wife's forehead, feeling this warm moment: "Her appearance is very important to Asgard. It's a good thing to say."

"The future of Asgard has changed, a change that makes me gratified but confused."

"Trust me, letting nature take its course is the best way."

Frigga comforted.

Odin smiled: "Perhaps you are right, she may become an indispensable friend in Asgard in the future."

"You want to make an alliance with her?"

"I don't know her origin, but I know that she has ambitions beyond my imagination. What she did on Earth and **** is to form her own kingdom of God. This is our best chance."

Frigga was a little puzzled: "You don't seem to be afraid of her ambition? Just like you back then, you fought everywhere and even provoked the Celestial Group."

Read The Duke's Passion