MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 54

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"Ha, then you may lose miserably. According to the Pope, Mephisto and your father are on the same level, which is what you call the Heavenly Father."

"Hey, no matter what kind of enemy a real warrior faces, he will never feel afraid. It is the highest glory of Asgard to die on the battlefield."

"Hmph, His Excellency the Pope left him, just to let us wash away the shame. When I reach the seventh sense, I will put on the golden holy clothes, break into hell, cut off his head with my own hands, and put it in my Taurus Palace as a treasure." Trophy." Bart lowered his head and growled dully.

"Of course, my brother, a thousand years ago, I did the same when I faced a powerful opponent, and I also placed a lot of spoils in my palace."

"That's what a soldier does."

Sol laughed boldly.

"I like your Asgard style, but your brother Loki is an exception. When I saw him for the first time, my sixth sense told me that he is quite disgusting, full of resentment and Conspiracy." Bart straightened his body, turned his head to look at Sol who was squatting crazily not far away.

Compared to Thor, he doesn't like Loki. The superhuman senses of the Saints endow them with the ability to point directly to the essence through phenomena.

Loki's pretense might be able to fool the single-minded people of Asgard, but not them.

In Bart's eyes, Loki is simply a scum to the bone, even thinking of playing a conspiracy to kill Thor through the saints.

Fortunately, later on, for some unknown reason, Loki's whole person changed drastically, the darkness in his heart was swept away, and his personality changed.

From a scumbag to a smart bitch.

That's why Loki was able to come to Sanctuary, otherwise Sanctuary really thought that anyone could come?

The dozens of barriers laid down by the sanctuary, in addition to isolating the inside from the outside and defending against enemies, can also sense the darkness in people's hearts. Even if he is given permission, Loki is still a bad guy, so it is still impossible to enter the sanctuary.

After the conversation between the father and son, Sol also knew that Loki had changed from the past to the present, so he quickly defended his beloved brother: "In the past, he was like that because of a misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, Loki must Will be a real fighter."

"I believe you, Sol." Bart didn't explain too much, but changed the subject: "Your brother left?"

"Heimdall seems to have noticed that there seems to be a conspiracy against Asgard outside the Nine Realms, and Loki has been ordered by his father to investigate."

"Huh ~ Conspiracy? Then you are still here to exercise with us so calmly?" Santos heard it not far away, and said unexpectedly.

"Haha, for thousands of years, ever since Asgard became the ruler of the Nine Realms, conspiracies and wars have become commonplace."

Sol looked unconcerned.

Bart and Santos nodded. The real ruler has never been confused by conspiracy and war. This may be called pride and arrogance, but also why is it not self-confidence?

"By the way, you Asgards seem to know something about Mephisto?"

Facing Bart's question, Saul pondered for a moment, and said with a look of recollection: "I remember my mother once told me, but I don't remember much when I was restless."

"Just know that **** is a very old dimensional world, and it has an opposite called heaven."


Santos's Bart's body shook violently, and even stopped exercising. The two simply stood up, and lifted the 100-meter star core boulder with one hand and threw it aside.


There were two dull sounds and vibrations, and a piece of marble shattered.

Sol didn't expect Bart and Santos to react so strongly to a name. Seeing that their expressions seemed a little wrong, he simply gave up the exercise and put the star core aside.

After wiping the sweat off his head, he asked doubtfully, "You seem surprised?"

After speaking, he seemed to realize something: "By the way, your world has records of many myths, and there should be many records of heaven."

"Indeed, according to the records of our world's Bible, heaven is the kingdom of God where angels live, and God is the ruler of angels. He is a creator god. According to legend, he created the world." Bart and Santos looked at each other, brows slightly wrinkled.

"He created the world?" Sol couldn't help laughing as if he wanted to hear some joke, and waved his hands with a look of disdain: "I don't know how this is recorded, it is probably made by angel believers."

Then he hesitated for a while and said: "It seems that outside the universe, there is really an extremely great **** who seems to be God. His legend and strength are all unknown, but that God is completely different from the one in heaven."

He simply said everything he knew.

"The God in your mouth should refer to the great existence, and the creation of the world in heaven is pure nonsense. You should be clear, including the earth, the nine kingdoms ruled by Asgard, relying on the world tree, but in fact relying on the world tree There is another kingdom, which is heaven.”

"As you say, heaven is the kingdom of angels, but I don't remember how many years ago, the leader of heaven angered my father, Odin, because of something, and Odin cut off the world in a rage. The tree's connection to heaven exiles heaven."

"My father likes heaven very much. I remember once he once said that heaven is full of conspiracy and interests, deceit and selfishness. Under the bright and beautiful appearance, it is full of filth and filth."

"So it's like this~~" Bart thoughtfully received the message.

He remembered that in the Texas cemetery, they had communicated with the previous generation of Ghost Rider Old Carter. The Spirit of Vengeance was a very special existence, which was itself created by a series of conspiracies.

Originally, the earliest duty of Ghost Rider was to protect human beings. Originally, the flames on his body were blue instead of red, but conspiracy and depravity made Ghost Rider change from guardianship to punishment and judgment.

Among them, there must be many unknown secrets, including **** and heaven.

"At first, I thought that only **** was involved, but I didn't expect that there is also a heaven. This matter must be reported to the Pope." Bart said in a deep voice, and immediately walked towards the Pope's Palace in a hurry.

Totally disregarding exercise.


Saul and Santos looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Pope's Palace.

Kyle, who was wearing the pope's uniform, looked at the three Barts in front of her and listened to Bart's report. She tapped her clean chin lightly: "Hell and heaven seem to be opposites, darkness and light, evil and justice, but after all the essence Same."

"Heaven has been watching the world, and they are already ready to move."

(Throw more flowers and monthly tickets, and more evaluation tickets, thank you for your support.)

Chapter 98: A battle that will soon affect the world (ask for a monthly ticket for flowers)

"You mean? Heaven will intervene in the world next?"

Bart frowned.

Kyle nodded, and walked towards the palace gate with graceful steps. The three of Bart followed behind, and the light shone on the four of them.

Kyle raised his head and looked up at the sky. Under the brim of his hat, those sharp eyes seemed to see through the vast universe, the world full of light and sacredness, and the hearts that were unwilling to be lonely.

"Heaven is not as beautiful as humans imagined. It has never been aboveboard. Just like among humans, those people also have their own rights struggles. Because of a media and conspiracy, a battle is about to spread to the world."

As she possesses the will of the supreme gods, she has long been able to notice the existence of human beings from other dimensions one by one.

She can also predict a major event that will happen in the future.

Now, because of her existence, unpredictable changes have taken place in the future. This may be unpredictable for some powerful gods such as Ancient One and Odin, but it has never deviated from Kyle's vision.

Talking about it, no matter what happened to the outside world, she and Shengyu are still growing with firm steps. The other so-called big events are just the experience of cultivating saint fighters~.

This time, no exception.

She didn't go into great detail directly, but just concealed part of the truth.

Let Bart and the others experience the rest by themselves. These are the nourishment on the growth path of everyone and are indispensable.

As she thought, Bart, Santos was serious.

The two of them were thinking a lot, pondering over the meaning of the Pope's words.

Bart frowned: "My lord, what should we do?"

"Wait, next, you will need to face this catastrophe."

Bart and Santos looked at each other, while Saul was thoughtful.

And at an angle that the three of them couldn't see, the corner of Kyle's mouth curled up a little.

Heaven, hell, and archangels are another feast, but she wants to see what kind of expressions those so-called angels, God, will have when they see the world that has been turned upside down.

Both regard the world and the earth as the back garden.

But when they were fighting, they didn't even know that their back garden had been snatched away by themselves.


Time passed so peacefully for a while.

At this time, the earth has ushered in winter.

A slightly remote detached apartment in a city in Texas. It’s more like an apartment than a small private repair shop. The first floor is for repairing locomotives, and the second floor is where you live.

As the owner of the apartment, Johnny Blair was not in a high mood at this time.

In the spacious and tidy living room, Johnny saw a few people, and some guys who claimed to be the Avengers wanted to invite him to join them.

Staring at Tony's familiar face, he finally turned slightly to look at another handsome and resolute face.

The familiar face reminded him of the most famous soldier in history.

Steve Rogers, the first superhero in American history.

Unexpectedly, decades later, this person would actually appear in front of him. It's incredible, but after going through so much, Johnny will not make any waves about this kind of thing.

He leaned lazily on the back of the sofa, put his feet on the low table in front of him, and said impatiently: "I repeat, I don't want to join your Avengers."

"With that free time, I'd rather take Roxie to Rockport by bike to eat seafood dishes."

"Besides, Rosie is coming back soon. As a reporter, I think she might pester you to report on you."

After speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed to Steve Rogers.

"The world is never safe, Mr. Blazer, every day at any time, anywhere, there is a possibility of a catastrophic event that can ruin your date, and, if you don't want to, why turn into that Ghost Rider every night in Texas Punish criminals in the territory?"

"During this period of time, you have killed a total of 130 people. Do you think you will be able to live in peace in the future?"

Tony hit the nail on the head, causing Johnny to frown slightly. During this period of time, during his communication with Old Carter, he had been learning how to suppress the consciousness of the violent vengeful spirit in his body, but there were still times when he couldn't control it.

Transform into a ghost rider and go around punishing criminals.

With the current technology, it is not difficult for the police to track him down, but he has not been harassed. Johnny suddenly realized: "Is it you?"

"Glad you are aware of this, Mr. Knight, although you have attracted many admirers during this time, more have indeed caused panic."

Tony's expression that you finally got the hang of it made Johnny quite upset. He knew it was good or bad, although he was reluctant, he put down his legs and sat up straight: "If you can find me, you should know my situation .”

"I can't completely control that state, and I might shoot at any time, don't tell me you haven't done anything wrong, uh..." Speaking of this, he glanced at Rogers who was full of righteousness, and he paused to exclude it: "Maybe You don't, but Tony you?"

"My eyes of judgment act on the soul. Even if you do something wrong, your soul will be burned."

"I don't think that armor of yours will hold up."

Rogers spoke in a calm voice: "But you still live with Ms. Rosie. I believe that a person who knows how to love has a stronger will than ordinary people. If you are really as dangerous as you said, then You're sure to stay away from Lady Rosie, aren't you?"

Tony shrugged: "In fact, we have another member who is similar to you, but if you stare at people with your eyes, he will transform into a big green monster and use the most violent means to hammer people into pizza."

"Ha, that sounds scary."

"That's right, so he left his beloved for safety."

Tony's words silenced Johnny.

In his mind, he recalled what the old cowboy had said.

"No matter what created the Vengeful Spirit, no matter why you have it, you can always use it to do something for the world, at least send those **** demons back to hell."

"Keep war, keep disaster away from those you care about."

Johnny closed his eyes, and after a few seconds of silence, he opened them, and his eyes became different from before, more resolute.


jingle bell~

Before Johnny could agree, the phone rang and interrupted his next words. He said sorry, and then took out the phone from his pocket. The name of Rosie was displayed on the phone, and he put the phone in his ear after connecting side.

It was the other end who spoke first, but the voice was not Rosie's.

But a strange male.

"Hey, is that Johnny Blazer?"

The voice was also a little anxious, which made Johnny feel something bad in his heart: "I am, who are you?"

"Hungry, my name is Stuart, do you remember? It's Rosie's partner cameraman, she, she is in a very bad situation, and now she is in Anderson Hospital, you..."

"I'll go over now." Without waiting for the other end to finish speaking, Johnny hung up the phone, even ignoring Tony and Rogers, and hurriedly left the apartment.

Tony and Rogers looked at each other and chose to follow.

Ten minutes later.


Outside the intensive care unit of Sen Hospital, Johnny looked through the glass at the dying Rosie on the hospital bed. He couldn't believe his eyes, that Rosie, who was alive and kicking, now lost all blood on her face because of the pain.


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