MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 51

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Especially today, I came to the cemetery inexplicably and saw a shocking battle.

The protagonists involved are actually the Demon Lord Mephisto and the Saint Seiya.

In front of them, Bart and Elvis' legs were slightly bent, and their chests rose and fell normally, but their breathing had become a little short of breath, which proved that this time was not a battle of great intensity, and even their physical strength was extremely astonishing. Consume very quickly.

"How?" Elvis reached out and wiped the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, I can still fight for a whole day." Bart stood up straight with his burly body, stretched out his big hand and slapped his chest hard twice, his voice was still loud.

The two stared at Mephisto floating in mid-air in the distance. Although they could say so, they knew very well in their hearts that they could barely draw with that **** demon. The most important thing was that the other party was afraid to attack with all his might , The power that caused the three people to collide broke the surrounding blocking barrier.

If there is a real fight, it is only a matter of time before they lose.

It's just a pity, if you can wear the golden holy clothes, maybe you can really use this opportunity to overwhelm the opponent.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support!).


Chapter 93: The Demon King Runs Away? (Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers)

"It's amazing, you brats."

Mephisto's figure slowly drifted down. Bart and Elvis' clothes were a little damaged due to the battle, and he was no exception. His old face was scratched a lot, revealing the red devil's skin.

"This is indeed a genius. Unfortunately, no matter how talented you are, it takes time to grow. You don't have that time anymore."

Slightly sharp and hoarse voice~ There is a coldness in the voice.

Cooperating with the tumbling clouds and black air in the sky, the demon king's aura has climbed to the peak, and the air is rippling, exuding a suffocating breath.

Johnny felt that it was difficult to breathe.

"Huh? Is my knight awake?" The devil noticed Johnny, showed an evil smile, and pointed his index finger at Old Carter: "Take back what I need."

Johnny looked dazed. At this moment, a strange consciousness suddenly occupied Johnny's body. Although Johnny was still conscious, he found that he could no longer manipulate his body.

Just when Johnny was terrified, "he" spoke, his voice was low and indifferent: "This is your condition."

"That's right, this is the condition of your deal with me, it's time for you to fulfill your agreement."

At the beginning, the devil deceived Johnny and signed a transaction contract, and the content of the contract was that Johnny needed to complete one thing for him. Sure enough, Johnny could not resist the power of the contract at all, and he had run away uncontrollably.

I saw wisps of white smoke emitting from Johnny's body, and with a bang, his whole body immediately turned into a skeleton, and his flesh and blood disappeared.

The head is burning with the fire of hell.

Ghost Rider reappeared. He turned his head, looked at Old Carter with those black skull eyes, and said in a low voice, "Hand over what he wants."

"I can not do it."

Old Carter was not afraid, but shrugged and refused.

Seeing this, Ghost Rider Johnny stretched out his hand that had turned into dry bones towards Old Carter, and just as he was about to grab Old Carter's neck, there was a whistling in his ear, and the golden air blasted and exploded beside him. A big hand firmly grasped the wrist of Ghost Rider Johnny.

The shadow of the burly figure covered Johnny, and the latter turned his head to look, with a gleam of fire in his hollow skull eyes.

"You, innocent, get out of the way."

The short words have already proved the attitude of Ghost Rider Johnny.

If it is a sinner, the ghost knight will use the eyes of judgment to burn the opponent's soul and expel him to hell. However, the person in front of him is not guilty. The saint warrior has never been stained with the blood of innocent people, and has never taken it as his duty to protect the peace of the earth.

His soul is full of divine brilliance, holy and clean.

Ghost Rider would not take a shot against such a person.

However, due to the shackles of the contract, Ghost Rider must complete the content of the contract, and Bart naturally wants to stop it. A ray of golden light flashed in his eyes, he grabbed "Johnny"'s hand, and squeezed Johnny with a little force. There was a faint sound of dry bones.

Ghost Rider didn't feel pain, and he waited for Bart's answer without changing his expression.

"Okay~~" Bart grinned and was about to stun this guy, but was suddenly stopped by Old Carter: "Hey, buddy, I will hand over the contract."

Bart turned his head and looked over in confusion, and saw old Carter's slightly meaningful eyes. Bart's eyes moved, and he immediately guessed what old Carter was thinking.

Bart pondered for a moment, then let go of his hand.

for a while, gas

The atmosphere immediately became quiet.

Old Carter smiled. In the eyes of everyone, he walked into the cemetery, came to the Johnny Harley motorcycle, and pulled out the shovel stuck in the ground.

Then with a little force, the top handle was twisted off, and a piece of rolled parchment was taken out from the handle.

Seeing this parchment, Mephisto in the distance immediately smiled.

There are thousands of hateful and evil special souls in the contract of St. Van Gonzale. When he gets these souls, his own strength will also be greatly improved.

Old Carter came out and handed the scroll to Ghost Rider Johnny.

Johnny held the contract of St. Van Gonzales in his hand. At this moment, Johnny suddenly found that he seemed to be able to control his own body. The original strange consciousness seemed to hide back for some reason.

Johnny looked down at the contract in his hand.

At this time, Mephisto has already begun to urge: "Knight, hand over the contract of Saint Van Gonzale to me."

Although Johnny didn't understand a lot, he was not stupid. He understood that the contract he had signed with the Demon King had already been fulfilled.

He took two steps forward, pointed his bony index finger at Mephisto and said hoarsely: "Our contract is over, go back to your hell, demon."

It was only at this time that Mephisto realized that there were loopholes in his previous words.

He asked the knight to take back the contract, but he didn't tell the knight to give the contract of St. Van Gunza to him.

Mephisto's face immediately became gloomy: "You have made me very angry. Since you don't call out, I can take back whoever killed you."


The terrifying aura raged across the sky, and the turbulent wave-like pressure pressed heavily on everyone. The black frenzy covered the entire earth in an instant, and it seemed to be able to see each one struggling, wailing, and screaming from the black frenzy. undead.

Take a look, as if the soul is going to be swallowed.

"This is not good." Old Carter took off his cowboy hat, patted the dust on it, and was about to whistle to call the old man to fight for his life.

Just at the most dangerous time.

I saw the sky and the earth, as if they were exquisite, the stars above the dark night sky were shining brightly, and the golden waves that emerged out of thin air turned into torrents to wash away all evil and darkness, and the light sprinkled on the earth, dissipating the night.

There seemed to be sonorous and unyielding shouts coming from my ears, as if brave and fearless soldiers were watching here.

The darkness was swept away, and this sudden change immediately changed everyone's expressions.


Everyone, including Mephisto, suddenly raised their heads to look at the sky, and saw the galaxy rolling back into the sky. Under the galaxy, a figure appeared inexplicably, overlooking all of them with a pair of indifferent eyes.

Wearing black and gold noble clothing, the golden hair under the hood is draped on the shoulder blades, and there is a gold necklace on the neck, mysterious and great.

The holy, mighty aura drove away all the black air around.

Even in the black frenzy emanating from Mephisto, the struggling undead seemed to be trembling in fear, not daring to scream, and not even daring to look up at the stalwart figure.

"This~~~" Old Carter opened his eyes wide, looking shocked.

This is another extremely powerful existence, no, it should be said that this is a divine residence, a divine residence that is even stronger than the demon king Mephisto.

However, how could there be another powerful divine mansion in this world?

After Athena, will there be more **** residences in the future? Didn't it mean that the incident in the ancient times caused all the gods to leave the earth and go to another dimension?

Where did these gods come from?

Johnny the Ghost Rider raised his head, and the expression on the skeleton face could not be seen at all, but the burning **** on his head kept swaying, which also proved that his mood was not stable at this time.

Of course, the most appalling of all was Mephisto himself.


"Gold Saint Seiya? Are you a Gold Saint Seiya?"

Mephisto completely lost expression management, with a distorted look, his gaffe was not a disguise.

The majestic and powerful aura on the opponent is not inferior to him at all, no, or it should be far superior to him, especially the familiar aura on the opponent, which makes him know the identity of the opponent immediately.

Originally, he thought that the goddess had killed all the saint fighters under her command because of the battlefield of the ancient gods. It was not until now that she woke up that she chose to train new saint fighters among humans.

The two little devils in front of him were like this.

But he never thought that there would be a powerful Saint Seiya when Athena sat down.

Judging from the aura that does not belong to this era on the other party, it must be a certain golden saint from the past.

Mephisto was thinking a lot.

It's numb, there are strong men under Athena's subordinates, and he is no longer the strongest existence under Athena's command. The most important thing is, since there is a golden saint of all ages, is there a second one? The third? even more?

Thinking of this, Mephisto couldn't help but feel cold inside.

Fortunately, I have already made up my mind to surrender to that goddess. If I am a little careful, I am afraid that I will be finished if I send out a golden saint at random.


Sure enough, the goddess is not called the goddess of wisdom for nothing.

Everything I do, I'm afraid it's all under the gaze of the other party.

Mephisto's little bit of careful thought was completely erased at this moment, and it really was enough to just submit obediently.

"Your Pope~~" is different from Mephisto's complicated thoughts.

Bart and Elvis smiled at this time.

Sure enough, nothing that happened on the earth could escape the eyes of the Pope. After all, at least a saint with the seventh sense has enough spiritual power to cover the earth.

Any sign of trouble will be watched.

Kyle stands high in the sky, his beautiful face under the brim is as cold as frost, and his cold and ruthless voice echoes in the sky and the earth: "Go back to your hell."

As soon as the voice fell, Kyle did not see any movement.

The entire world was distorted immediately, and the world was enveloped by a vast and majestic force, which collapsed and squeezed layer by layer. The world seemed to suddenly change into a Milky Way, and the stars shone with incomparable mighty power, waiting to erupt at any time.

Sensing death, Mephisto did not hesitate.


He raised his arm in an instant, tore open the space in front of him, and saw a crack appear in front of him. Everyone could see that the other end of the crack was the boundless world of blood-colored purgatory, filled with hellfire, causing the space to be distorted and blurred.

Countless undead and demons are looking up, and those cold eyes make people feel hairy.

But now, these cold eyes have turned into fear, obviously feeling the monstrous power erupted by Pope Kyle on the crack side.

At the last moment when the human world collapsed, Mephisto didn't even reply, and instantly sank into the crack.


The billowing torrent reverberated the heaven and earth, and the earth trembled. It didn't last long before the heaven and earth returned to calm, and the galaxy dissipated, revealing the original appearance of this heaven and earth.

The sun is shining and the fresh air is refreshing.

Only because of the fighting, the chirping of those insects and birds was missing.

Of course, no one present would care about that.

Seeing that the Demon King was expelled, Old Carter was relieved at this moment, but Johnny's inconceivable cry came from his ears.

"The devil has escaped?"

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers~~) and.


Chapter The Soul of Liberation (seeking flowers monthly ticket)

When daylight came, Ghost Rider's state had already been withdrawn.

Ghost Rider is a judgment knight who travels through the night. When the night comes, he will turn into a skeleton knight riding a motorcycle, waving chains, wandering around the city with manic laughter, and judging evil.

Johnny reverted to human form.

It's just that he is full of disbelief now.

Originally thought that today was enough for him to be surprised, but he didn't expect that everything that happened next would only make him even more unexpected.

Even the demon king Mephisto, who is as strong as the lord of hell, ran away in desperation, which is really unheard of.

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