MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 114

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At the end of the day, Peter is like a big star, and he has been confessed to dating by many bold and cheerful girls.

Peter had no choice but to refuse.

Even his good friend Harry seemed a little envious. After all, he was the most popular person before the two brothers, but suddenly he changed. He was ignored like yesterday. Who could bear the gap.

Fortunately, Harry and Peter have a good relationship, otherwise, the two would have to be friends just because of this gap.

After school.

Peter and Harry smiled goodbye, while Peter waited for the arrival of the bus, wearing a white T-shirt, with a schoolbag hanging on his left shoulder, his refreshing and healthy tall figure made him the most beautiful guy on the street.

Peter ignored those gazes.

He took out his mobile phone and checked some news on social software.

And it was the headlines of the New York Times.

"In the early hours of yesterday, there was an explosion on the streets of Hell's Kitchen. According to the police investigation, 33 people have died, 45 people are still being rescued in the intensive care unit, and the rest are 320 people with emotional intelligence. It seems that there are two parties fighting, and the scene is very hot..."

The combination of words and somewhat vague patterns made this matter immediately attract the attention of many people.

After all, this matter is not only related to the frightening Hell's Kitchen, but also seems to be related to superpowers and mutants.

The status of mutants has been changed now, but this stereotype will not be reversed in a short while, especially for the proud New Yorkers, the kind of contempt in their bones is not a joke.

For many elite white-collar workers in New York, mutants are like sewer rats, feared and hated.

They're afraid of the mutants making them less safe.

As a result, there were a lot of obscenities in the comments below, and Peter couldn't help frowning. After shaking his head slightly, he was about to continue reading other news. However, at this moment, a figure with a slight scent of perfume came beside him.

There was also a familiar soft voice.

"Hi, Peter."

Peter looked up in surprise. It turned out to be Mary Jane. At this time, Mary Jane was staring at him with her head slightly tilted, as if she wanted to see a flower on his face... .

At this time, Peter was not nervous, but replied with a smile: "Hi, Mary Jane."

"Today you impress me, Peter, you look changed a lot." Mary Jane looked deeply at Peter and said softly.

"You know, it doesn't take much time for a man to mature."

Peter shrugged.

Mary Jane suddenly laughed, and then said with a smile on her face: "It seems that you have indeed changed a lot. You used to never tell me such nasty jokes."

"Ah~~~" Peter was a little confused by Mary Jane's words.

When did he say nasty jokes?

However, Mary Jane didn't seem to pursue too much, but continued: "I broke up with Thompson."

"Wow, it looks like you're not very sad."

Peter raised an eyebrow.

Mary Jane shook her head, and she didn't seem to have any emotional changes due to losing her boyfriend. Instead, she said as a matter of course: "After such a long time together, he seems to be getting more and more manic and conceited because of his fame. I don't think so. I like how he is, he reminds me of my father at home."

Peter nodded silently. He knew that Mary Jane had a father who was a drunk and a gambler. The most important thing was 5.0. The other party seemed to like to do things.

Mary Jane, who grew up in such a living environment, certainly doesn't particularly like people who like to bully other people.

In the past, Mary Jane had some vanity, and the other party could give her a sense of security, so she could bear it.

But as Thompson became more and more famous in the football team, he became more and more volatile, and the farce of the start of school today completely made Mary Jane decide to break up.

But this is also a good thing, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Mary Jane, he is not very suitable for you."

"Thank you, are you free today? Go for a walk with me."

"Hungry~~" Peter didn't expect the other party to invite him suddenly, and he was a little stunned even when he was mature.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 199 Mary Jane and the Spider

Peter accepts Mary Jane's invitation.

Came to Queensboro Park.

Queens Park is one of the most beautiful gardens in New York.

In the park, evergreen pines and cypresses, willows that have just sprouted buds, and small trees that have just sprouted buds form a beautiful green landscape in the park.

People take off their heavy cotton-padded jackets and come to the park to enjoy the spring, see the beautiful scenery brought by spring to the park, and feel the comfort of spring. In the scorching summer, clusters of crystal wisterias bloom in the corridors of Cuihu Park, countless The wisteria flowers are connected together like a wide waterfall, which makes people feel a little cool under the scorching sun.

The beautiful scenery can make people who live in a fast-paced life all year round more willing to stop and stare at the beautiful flowers and plants with their tired eyes.

Mary Jane and Peter walked on the avenue, the handsome boy and the beautiful girl, the combination of the two looked so eye-catching.

Mary Jane seemed to be in high spirits, bouncing and bouncing as she walked.

16 Mary Jane is just like her appearance, under the gentleness, there is ambition and liveliness outside of life.

She longed for that kind of life.

As for Peter, he had become mature at this time, and his mature temperament was even enough to make people ignore his immature and youthful appearance.

It is said that girls mature earlier than boys.

At this time, the two have turned around.

"Peter, do you know? Every week, when I'm working part-time, I choose to come here when I'm tired, because it will give me a short moment of peace."

"It's like a brief escape from prison, it's really beautiful."

"I wish I could graduate soon."

Mary Jane was chirping, the meaning in the words was full of unwillingness to live, but the girl's eyes and body movements did not have so many complaints.

She's not one to give up on life easily.

She believes she can change her life.

Peter looked at the girl he had a crush on once, and thought of her difficult life. He frowned slightly, but he still didn't say much.

Want to help each other, how to help?

The two are just classmates and cannot help her much because it is related to the family.

Fortunately, Peter, who had matured and let go, was no longer nervous, he became eloquent, and his mind was quick enough. Like a sea king who knew everything, he began to chat with the girl, talking about things that the girl was interested in.

For example, the other party likes drama and wants to become an excellent drama actor.

He specifically chatted with girls about topics related to drama.

Interested and amiable, hit the mark with one poke, and it really made the girl full of eloquence.

I don't know how long we talked.

The sky had already dimmed. Seeing the dimmed night sky, the two of them who had chatted for a long time finally came to their senses. Mary Jane smiled and extended an invitation to Peter: "Shall I have something to eat tonight? There is a pizza not far away Shop, the pizza made by Uncle Jeff is delicious, I invite you."

"Okay~" Peter didn't refuse.

When he was invited by Mary Jane after school, he sent a message to Uncle Ben and Aunt May that he would not go back temporarily, so he didn't have to go back for dinner.

The two walked to the pizzeria.

The store is not too big, but it is not too small either. It covers an area of ​​about 300 square meters, and the interior decoration is very

It often has characteristics, a bit similar to pirate elements, with some tomahawk shields or avatars of many Viking pirates hanging on it.

Of course, the skulls are all in the Q version, which is a bit similar to the pirate version with childhood elements.

Even if a child comes in, he won't feel anything.

It's quite special.

Uncle Jeff is a middle-aged bald fat man with a well-trimmed beard. Although he has a fat belly, he looks very decorative. The bulging muscles on his arms and his sinister temperament are enough to prove that he must have had What an experience.

The chef, who was originally scary, did not drive away the guests. On the contrary, this is a place where many children like to come.

Because Uncle Jeff is a man who loves children very much, he always treats children so gently, and sometimes even gives them free toys.

jingle bell ~

As soon as Mary Jane pulled Peter through the door, the pirate-style wind chimes hanging at the door made a crisp sound.

"Uncle Jeff~~"

As soon as she entered, Mary Jane said something to Uncle Jeff who was chatting with the children at the cash register.

After Uncle Jeff gave the free toy to the seven or eight-year-old boy, he looked at Mary Jane and Peter, especially seeing the look of surprise in the latter's eyes: "Hi, Mary Jane, what do you want to eat today?"

"I'm going to have a durian pizza, how about you, Peter?"

"Give me something that tastes like bacon."

Jeff nodded, and shouted in the direction of the kitchen behind him: "John, here is an 18-inch durian pizza and bacon pizza."


A thick man's voice came from the other side of the kitchen.

After doing all this, Jeff looked at Mary Jane and 807 Peter, and said meaningfully: "Congratulations on finding your own happiness, Mary Jane."

"Thank you." I don't know if Mary Jane understood, but she just thanked her gently with a smile.

Peter's eyes moved and he didn't speak. Uncle Jeff put his hands on the table and said bluntly: "Little Mary, why didn't that arrogant fool come?"

"Thompson?" Mary Jane was a little surprised.

When she brought Thompson to the store for dinner, she never saw that Uncle Jeff didn't want to see him.

Jeff scoffed and cursed: "If it wasn't for your sake, I would have beaten that guy up a long time ago, just for that conceited little bastard, an idiot with no IQ at all."

Although Mary Jane didn't know what happened between the two of them, she didn't choose to ask. The current Thompson is just a past tense for her.

She shook her head and said, "I broke up with Thompson."

"Wow, that's great, I'm treating you today." Jeff laughed happily when he heard this, and after calling Peter and Mary Jane to their seats, he turned his head and went into the kitchen.

"Uncle Jeff's temper is really straightforward." Peter smiled.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 200 Mysterious Metal Shards (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)


Peter was writing something on the desk in his room. After finishing writing, he put down the pen, then turned his head and glanced at the neatly arranged spider suits by the window.

He walked to the window, picked up the hood on the spider suit, and stared at the abyss-black spider glasses.

This is the spider suit he made himself.

At that time, when he put on the spider battle suit and shuttled through the steel forest, the pride and excitement almost made him speechless.

But now, the original excitement is gone.

Peter, who has already opened his horizons and patterns, is no longer as immature as he used to be in his views on many things.


The corners of his mouth curled up a little.

in a minute.

At the tip of a building signal tower on Queens Boulevard, New York, Peter wearing a red spider tight suit stands tall. The wind blows through, cooling the originally hot air in New York.

Peter looked down at the city where he had lived for more than ten years.

I don't know how many times my senses have been strengthened, and I am constantly receiving information from every corner of the streets of New York.

"Hey, BABY, miss me? Today I have two drama and movie tickets, do you want to go and see..."

"Damn bastard, don't let that stupid dog of yours **** on my lawn, which I just cleaned this morning."

"John, have you heard..."

"Boss, the guys from the Black Dog Gang killed Jesse, should we..."

"Hey Wilson..."

Read The Duke's Passion