MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 112

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Today, Peter's family looked very warm.

Peter also ushered in a moment of relaxation after that long period of intense practice.

It went on for three days.

However, in the past three days, he basically didn't relax enough to understand the stars, and he was just a step away from awakening the small universe.

Finally ushered in the start of school.

Queens Road Midtown Schools.

The densely packed students walked towards the school, and Peter was among them. He was wearing a black sweater, carrying a schoolbag and stepping up the stairs step by step.

He met many classmates along the way, and he greeted them cheerfully.

"Hey, Jess."

"Hey, Danieff."

"Hey, Peter, wow, I haven't seen you for a while, you look a little strange, so handsome."

Peter's cheerful appearance surprised the students, and what surprised them even more was Peter's change, that completely transformed spirit, and that tall and straight figure, which made Peter attracted many people the moment he appeared. The eyes of few people.

At this time, the students discovered that Peter, who was an ordinary nerd, suddenly turned into a handsome guy.

It immediately attracted the attention of many female students.

Among them, of course, is Peter's neighbor, Mary Jane.

Mary Jane is a very beautiful woman with a slender and mature body. She was accidentally attracted by Peter's back just as she got off the car of her boyfriend, Lightning Thompson, a member of the football team.

From her bottom-up perspective, she was just able to see the profile of Peter greeting his classmates.

That smooth face, as well as the sunny and cheerful temperament, instantly made Mary Jane's beautiful eyes sparkle.

Only at this time did she realize that the big boy she had neglected had become a little unfamiliar to her.

At this time, Thompson, who had parked the car, came over

, with Mary Jane's shoulders exposed, followed the eyes of his girlfriend, found Peter, and said unexpectedly, "That's Peter? He looks a little changed."

"Have nerds turned basketball stars too?"

As a member of the football team, Thompson has a burly body and a good family. He has developed a habit of bullying the weak since he was a child. Peter is naturally one of them. At this time, he found that Peter had changed, which made Thompson, who is used to being in the spotlight, immediately sarcasm. .

The more he thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, so he simply walked over with Mary Jane's shoulders exposed, and said "hello" loudly.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, let's see who this is? Peter, the nerd we always thought he was, has turned into a star."

"Tell me, Peter, which hospital did you have plastic surgery in? I want to see it too. It was so successful."

Thompson's exaggerated voice immediately attracted the attention of all the students who had just stepped into the school.

It is human nature to eat melons, and the students who like to watch the excitement immediately stopped and gathered around jokingly.

The protagonist Peter who was called stopped, and slowly turned around and looked over.

When he noticed Mary Jane, who was exposed by Thompson, his eyes moved. The goddess he had a crush on before, he would be shy and shrink back, but now, his mood has already changed.

With a much more mature mind, the secret love in adolescence no longer makes him weak, and he becomes calm in the face of this relationship.

He looked at Lightning Thompson, who had a sarcastic smile on his face, his expression didn't change much. In his eyes, Thompson now is no different from a guy who has never been annoying. He directly said: "Your all Doing so is repulsive, Thompson."

"There is only the last year left, and I want to spend it quietly. I don't want to wait until I leave the campus, leaving only these bad memories."

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 195 Lightning Thompson (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

This is beautifully said and very open.

At least because of these words, the students who were watching couldn't help but feel empathy, and they felt disgusted with Lightning Thompson.

After all, everyone knows what Thompson has done in school for so many years.

It's just that no one wants to provoke it.

It's just that at the beginning of the school year, coupled with what Peter said, the students' dislike of Thompson has directly risen a few notches.

They felt that what Peter said was right. Who would want to recall campus life after graduation, but only think of the memory of being bullied by Thompson?

Feeling those disgusted eyes, Thompson's face turned ugly. He never thought that that ordinary nerd would dare to resist him, and even persuaded his classmates. He was an asshole.

Thompson looked at Peter fiercely, and met those eyes.

That gaze, which was not purely offensive, was clear and bright, but it was like a sharp knife piercing Thompson's heart. The guilt that rose up in him made Thompson extremely ashamed.


The whispers of the classmates, as well as Peter's calm and clear eyes, broke the strings in Thompson's heart. He let go of Mary Jane's shoulders with a roar, and rushed towards Peter like an angry bull.

Peter just watched Thompson rushing quietly.

Amidst the screams of Mary Jane and other students, Thompson swung his fist and punched Peter in the cheek without any force. If it was an ordinary person, with Thompson's physique in the football team, he would definitely punch He was knocked out and vomited blood, and even suffered a concussion.

However, Peter is no longer the thin and introverted nerd.

He is Spider-Man and a backup saint.

Thompson's physical fitness is strong, and it is impossible to surpass him.

Under everyone's surprised eyes, facing Thompson's menacing punch, Peter did not dodge, but stretched out a hand, and precisely grabbed Thompson's wrist.

The latter's fist just stopped in front of Peter's cheek and could not move.

"You~〃`~" Not to mention other students, even Thompson himself was greatly surprised.

He just made a move, but he didn't have the energy to stay at all. Peter, who had been bullied by him, was able to catch him in one fell swoop. How could this be possible?

Thompson, who didn't quite believe it, continued to try to withdraw his hand, but at this moment Peter's hand was like an iron clamp, clamping his wrist tightly, making it impossible to move.

The whole picture became weird.

This pause made all the students discover one thing by accident, that is, Peter, who was originally thin in their hearts, has become so strong at this time, and Thompson has a large enough physique, close to 1.9 meters tall. , Peter is not that tall though.

But his body has been hung with flesh. Although he is a little thinner than Thompson in size, he is also strong enough.

And when Peter grabbed Thompson's arm, he could clearly see the streamlined and beautiful muscles, which were more beautiful than Thompson's.

"Whoa, that's Peter?"

"Great gift Shet, Peter actually grabbed the fist of that bad guy Thompson, it's unbelievable, what the **** did he do?"

"Fuck, Peter, what did you do during your vacation? Did you get pulled into some weird genetic experiment?"

"It's incredible Peter, please tell me how you did it, how you managed to transform from a baby to a macho in a short holiday."

"Peter, let's go on a date."

There were strange screams one after another, and the students around couldn't help holding their heads, looking incredible, and the girls suddenly discovered that Peter also had a very unique charm, which made them couldn't help but feel a wave of turmoil, even Yu also has a bold girl who expresses her love directly.

As Peter's neighbor, Mary Jane's eyes shone with a strange light.

For some reason, at this moment, Thompson, who she always thought was a real man, looked like a clown who hadn't grown up, while Peter seemed more mature.

Mary Jane is a love brain, also because of the family environment.

She lacked the warmth of home and a sense of security since she was a child.

She fell in love with Thompson because he could bring her a sense of security, but now, she found that the boy she had neglected, Peter, was more mature and able to bring her more security.

Peter didn't know what Mary Jane was thinking. If he knew, he would be very happy.

After all, it was the girl he had a crush on.

But now, he was facing an angry Thompson. Facing Thompson who was like an angry bull, Peter let go of his hand, shook his head and said to Thompson: ".My man, anger can swallow a person's reason, calm down , we never had to use our fists to talk."

From a higher perspective, Peter thought what Thompson was doing was childish and immature.

He subconsciously studied the teachers who had taught him in the sanctuary.

Those grades are not big, but very mature teachers.

However, Peter overlooked one point, that is, he is not one of those teachers, and Thompson is not a guy who can calm down easily.

Peter's words were like adding fuel to the fire, making Thompson think that he was satirizing him. Thompson was so angry that he had completely lost his mind, and now he only had one thought, and that was to let Peter (Zhao Nuo's) get this guy to die quickly.

So he immediately pulled out a gun from his bag.

This gun was a classic Glock that his father bought legally, and he brought it just to show off to his classmates, but he didn't expect it to become his irrational and stupidest killing tool at this moment.

But he didn't care anymore, the pistol was already loaded, he pointed the gun at Peter in the terrified eyes of all the students, and shouted: "Go to hell, bastard."

He put his finger on the trigger and was about to squeeze hard.

However, Peter's originally clear eyes immediately became sharp, and an extremely terrifying aura burst out from his body, pressing towards Thompson overwhelmingly.

In an instant, the world was like a purgatory.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!) Donkey.

Chapter 196: The Little Spider with Murderous Intent (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

The overwhelming aura weighed heavily on Thompson.

Thompson, who had lost his mind due to anger, immediately woke up. At this time, he froze in place in horror, unable to move.

The index finger on the trigger couldn't even press it down.

It was as if the body was no longer his own.

What scares Thompson the most is that now he is like a flat boat in a sea storm, waiting to be destroyed at any time. That kind of fear, that kind of despair is something he has never felt in his life.

The powerlessness almost drove him crazy.

He looked at Peter who had changed into another person in horror, and couldn't figure out what happened to Peter, why, why he could burst out with such unimaginable power, just a look, let himself directly Lost combat effectiveness.

"You, you, Peter you..."

Thompson stammered and wanted to say something, but under the panic, his thinking pattern was too messed up and he couldn't organize his words at all.

Peter looked at Thompson indifferently.

From the very beginning, he thought that Thompson was just a **** student who bullied the weak by relying on his physique, but just now the other party 807 pulled his gun out of impulsive anger. It's unimaginable.

Such a dangerous guy.

Let Peter rise to kill for the first time.

But this killing intent dissipated later, and the killing intent started with a sharp weapon in his body. The training of the saints was extremely cruel. Peter had already tried his best to fight against some powerful races on alien planets, fighting with those huge creatures.

Kill, not far from Peter.

Under the subtle influence of the Sanctuary teachings, Peter's concept has already changed. Those heinous villains cannot be sanctioned by the laws of the United States. They can use various means to delay or even reduce their sentences.

It's even more dangerous if it's a super criminal with superpowers.

If it is not killed, maybe more innocent people will die because of it.

So for those guys who are full of crimes, Peter has no mercy in killing them.

His heart is still kind, but only for kind people, and for wicked people, only his indifference and fist.

Thompson is impulsive jerk, dangerous (bgfa) high, Peter is already considering whether to kill this guy.

Of course, in this case, he would definitely not do it, but there are many ways.

However, Peter's eyes were too frightening, and Thompson couldn't help but shivered when he came into contact with it. For some reason, he always felt that the Peter in front of him seemed to want to kill him, which made his inner fear and uneasiness even higher. grades.

He stammered: "Peter, Peter, I'm sorry, just now, I was too impulsive just now."

Thompson is very conscientious, and now he has only one idea in his mind.

That was to apologize, to ask Peter's forgiveness, and he didn't know why he did it, but instinct told him he had to, otherwise, he might die.

Peter frowned, glanced at his classmates without leaving a trace, and slowly withdrew his momentum.

His eyes turned back to their original clarity, still that harmless nerd.

He slowly walked up to Thompson, who quickly put down his gun, Peter didn't care, his eyes just looked at Thompson, although he didn't show any sharpness, Thompson couldn't help but look away, he didn't care at all. Dare to look at it.

This performance is enough to prove that he is afraid.