MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 101

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While drinking, Loki over there still negotiated a reward with the agent.

He was watched by countless people in the bar, walked to the bar, sat down beside Sol, took a sip, and nodded with satisfaction, obviously admiring the taste of the dream fairy, he was very elegant to the bartender Said: "Your technique of blending "Qiqisan" wine is like the name of this glass of wine, dreamy and elegant."

"I'm very pleased with your compliment, Your Highness Loki~~" the female bartender replied elegantly and politely.

The expression on her face did not show any emotion because of Loki's praise.

This surprised Loki.

He is not narcissistic, but the status of the prince of Asgard is still very popular in the universe. At least for a bartender, Loki's praise is tantamount to a considerable honor.

It seems that the experience of this female trainer is not simple.

But this is obviously not what Loki cares about, he turned his head to look at Bart, and said softly: "We are being targeted."

"It's normal."

Bart was very indifferent: "While you were talking to that bartender, a flagship with 5,000 warships was already heading here."

"At their pace, we've got about two minutes left."

As for who it was, he didn't say, but Thor and Loki understood it very well.

Sol was surprised: "It came so fast?"

"When a group of greedy wild beasts occupy the territory, wantonly plunder life, bite the flesh, and make the prey fearful with ferocity, when this fear is provoked, the identities of the predator and the prey will be changed, and the angry prey will become addicted. The hunter of blood, slaughter the original hunter." Loki smiled and said some profound words.

Sol suddenly realized, and pointed out similar people: "Thanos."

"Thanos~" Loki affirmed.

This is the case in the universe, no matter what your identity is, no matter who you are, when you are a ruler or a hunter, once your fierce coat is torn off, you will be greeted with death.

The other party is well aware of this.

Therefore, they knew that the identities of Bart and the others were very unusual and powerful, so even if they had to bite the bullet, they would make Bart and the others pay the price.

However, this is a war destined to be crushed.

Bart didn't care about it and said: "We need a victory, a victory that will make the people of the universe full of confidence and crushing. I want them to see the strength of the adjudicator who tried Thanos."


After finishing speaking, Bart drank the dream elf in the cup in one gulp, placed it gently on the table, then stood up from the chair, and walked out of the bar.

As for Thor and Loki, they didn't move.

They knew very well that what followed was just another firework.

they look


And when they heard the three of them talking to the female bartender all the time, she put her hands on the bar, looked at the burly figure walking towards the outside of the bar, her eyes showed a strange light, and said softly: "He can really judge Sano s?"

"Of course, he is one of the fighters I have seen and admired the most."

Sol said without hesitation.

For the straightforward Sol, he can make friends with many people and races, but there are not many people who really admire him, and Bart is obviously one of them.

How could he not admire him when they met for the first time and beat him head-on one-on-one?

What's more, as he spends more time with Bart and others, he feels more and more powerful. Until now, he has even realized that Bart may have reached the level of his father **** Odin. Levels that simply cannot be touched.

How could such a person fail to judge Thanos.

When the female bartender heard this, the corners of her mouth rose slightly: "This is really a happy thing..."

Ever since, she mixed two more glasses of wine and placed them in front of Sol and Loki. Facing the questioning eyes of the two brothers, she said softly: "Just to congratulate you, I really like to be able to see that day s arrival."

"You and Thanos also have grudges?"

"Most of the people who revealed the universe have hatred against him." The female bartender said softly, "Me too."

"You will see that day, and it won't be long." Sol didn't ask the female bartender too much about her sad past. After a word of comfort, he picked up his glass and drank.

at the same time.

Bart walked outside the bar, the wind and snow were blowing, there was a vast expanse of snow in front of his eyes, and the dark and gloomy sky whizzed and blew strong winds.

Outside the street at this time, the voices of the nearby people who were feasting and chatting with each other on the street gradually became lower as Bart appeared.

Bart raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, and the hem of his clothes rattled.

"What is he doing?"

"Who knows, but those guys seem to have arrived, and this war is inevitable."

"Hey, I really want to see how this guy does it."

"You'll see it later."

There are more and more people on the streets, and basically everyone already has a good idea of ​​what's going to happen next.

Facing the crowd watching the play, Bart suddenly opened his eyes 5.0.

Rumble ~

His sharp eyes pierced the sky, and through the thick clouds, he saw the densely packed fleet of ships not far from the planet, and the cruel muzzles were already aimed at the planet.

The corners of Bart's mouth rose slightly.

A terrifying aura was spreading from his body, and the raging aura immediately repulsed and melted the flying snow falling from the sky.

The domineering aura made him look like a supreme divine mansion. Although the monstrous aura did not target the surrounding crowd, it made everyone instinctively feel fear, even those machine girls.

Everyone looked at Bart in amazement, their eyes full of shock.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you for your support, thank you so much (づ ̄3 ̄)づ).

Chapter 174 Destruction

Bart turned his head to look at a group of people not far away, and said softly, "You guys are very lucky."

"Today's fireworks will be very beautiful."

fireworks? beauty?

Everyone listened to Bart's confused words, and everyone was full of doubts, as if they didn't understand what he was saying at all.

But even though they didn't understand, they could more or less guess a lot from the turbulent aura emanating from Bart.

The planet was shaking, and the wind and snow thousands of miles away was blown away by Bart's turbulent momentum.

The earth-shaking roar made the only remaining people who were still indulging in drinking and drinking aware that something was wrong, and they all ran out immediately, including the two Sol brothers and the female bartender in the bar.

When I went out, I saw the back of Bart standing in the middle of the road.

That kind of oppression, that kind of suffocation, that kind of terrifying power that almost makes people unable to resist, makes the people who come out stay in place, not even daring to move.

The female bartender's eyes were full of strange brilliance, excited and looking forward to it.

Sol and Loki didn't notice the accident. Loki twisted his neck and said softly, "It's really scary, how long has it been?"

His exclamation is sincere.

That's right, it's only been a long time. It hasn't been two years since the first acquaintance, and in the end, he has become a heavenly father-level existence comparable to Odin.

This kind of talent, Loki has never heard of it, not to mention seeing it.

You must know that Bart was born as a human being, and he was born weak. The mortal body he never looked down on was not those races with powerful blood in the universe.

As a result, such a mortal body can become a heavenly father in one fell swoop.

It took only three short years.

It's just unbelievable.

Even Loki, who is proud and conceited enough, will not show it in front of Bart and others, because what he is proud of is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Bart and the others.

Identity, status, everything is an illusion in front of real power.

What's more, are Bart's identities really bad?

Of course not, as human beings, their identities are indeed inferior to those of the Asgardian protoss, but the identities of the main **** Athena's guards are not weak at all.

So Loki may still show his pride in front of outsiders, but in front of Bart and others, he is very flat, even a little humble.

There is no way not to be humble, he showed a little bit of pride, and the boys and girls will be greeted warmly.

Every passion is a painful blow to Loki.

This is also the reason why Rocky's strength can improve by leaps and bounds. He still has to say thank you to Bart and the others.

So Loki really convinced everyone in Bart.

Compared to Loki's exclamation, Thor showed more excitement, he was like an unbeatable lion, Bart and the others were both his brother and opponent, and they were opponents that he could not match.

But it's such an opponent, every time he sees Bart showing such almost invincible strength, his blood will boil, and he can't wait to fight with a hammer.


While speaking, there was a bang and a blast, and the ground under Bart's feet was cracked, and the turbulent breath was soaring infinitely.

Not only that, but visible to the naked eye, it was possible to see a layer of emerald green and golden arrogance burning on the surface of Bart's body.

A vast energy made the world change color.

The pupils of the eyes are rendered in emerald green, sacred and boundless.

Outside the planet at this time, the main battleship of the huge fleet has frantically sent out early warning signals, and all of them, without saying anything else, already felt a kind of death spreading.

The leader of the original high-spirited space pirates had become extremely ugly at this time.

Seeing the data sheet on the panel in front of him that almost exceeded the threshold, and feeling the heavy pressure in his heart, he immediately understood what was going on.

He quickly roared madly.

"Quick, open the defense system immediately and deploy the defense barrier."

"All weapons are turned on, aim at the planet and fire at me."

"Come on, you idiots."

While the leader shouted angrily, all the people in the battleship reacted, and immediately activated all defense systems and weapon systems in a panic.

However, before they had just finished all this, the dazzling light had already dispelled all the darkness, and what came into view was daylight.

Seeing the street above, Bart let out an angry cry, his body leaned down slightly, his hands crossed, and when his aura reached its peak, he instantly punched the sky.

It was the moment when the punch came out.

The bright starlight shattered, and in people's horrified eyes, they saw dense meteor-like light beams rewinding into the sky, turning into torrents and shattering the clouds in the sky with a destructive force.

And the warships outside the planet were engulfed by this torrent under the desperate eyes of the group of space pirates.

boom! boom! boom!

Groups of fireworks exploded, infecting the world.

Everyone stared blankly at the bursting fireworks, and the scene of the sky turning into daylight was deeply engraved in everyone's mind.

"Oh my god~~"

"Damn, what kind of power is this."

"One punch, just one punch, destroyed exactly one fleet. This kind of power is simply a god. Could it be that he is a certain heavenly father in the universe?"

"It's terrible. It's not something people can resist. When did such a great powerhouse appear in the universe? What race is he?"

"God, he must be a god, only a **** can do such a feat."

"It's spectacular."

"Haha, he is so powerful. Such a strong man is really admirable. If I can, I must buy him a drink."

"Then why don't you tell him?"

"I don't dare, if he punches me, I will be completely smashed to pieces."

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