MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2025 Infiltrate the realm of jealousy

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   Chapter 2025 Mixed into the realm of jealousy

   Everyone was silent and looked at Xiao Xie in horror.

   One word disagreement to kill people directly, how brutal this is!

   "Is there anyone else who thinks it is difficult for this king to be strong?" Xiaoxie glanced at the people around him, "Tell this king, is this king the kind of person who is difficult for a strong man?"

  Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shivering with fright, not daring to make a sound.

  Xiaoxie looked at Si Ming: "Si Ming, do you think this king is difficult for a strong man?"

   "No, no." Si Ming panicked and said: "Your Majesty is mighty and domineering, and your charm is unparalleled. We, we are all willing to follow Your Majesty. Your Majesty will never be difficult for a strong man."

  For the sake of his own life, Si Ming can only say words against his heart.

   The current Xiaoxie's emotions are like a powder keg, it will explode at one point.

   Hearing Si Ming's words, Xiao Xie's mood calmed down a little, then looked at Wen Er, Tom and others, and said, "What about you? Do you think this king is a strong man?"

"No, Your Majesty always convinces people with reason, relying on domineering charm, how can it be difficult to force others." Wen Er hurriedly said: "Slander, this is absolutely pure slander, the guy just now, is simply deliberately slandering Your Majesty. "

   "Yes, yes, he must have relied on Balm's backing to deliberately discredit the king." Tom also flattered.

A satisfied smile finally appeared on Xiaoxie's face: "It seems that you still know this king, yes, is this king the kind of person who is difficult for a strong man? Yes, not bad, it's not because this king values ​​you so much." After a pause, he looked towards Si Ming, "You're not too bad. For the sake of your good performance this time, this king has named you the third general under the king's command. In the future, you, Wen Er and Tom will rule the king's men together."

   Hearing this, Si Mingyi was overjoyed: "Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you Your Majesty!"

   He never dreamed that he could win such power and status by just flattering him.

   No wonder Wener and Tom, the two commander-level monarchs, are so keen to flatter Xiaoxie.

  Xiaoxie waved his hand, then looked at the great commander-level Hunmeng Lord and the thirteen commander-level Hunmeng masters: "You haven't answered this king's question, are you willing to surrender to this king!"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone knelt down and said without hesitation: "I will surrender!"

   Those who are unwilling to surrender have already been destroyed by Xiaoxie. The great commander-level Hunmeng Lord just now is a lesson from the past. No matter how hard they are, they can't fight against Xiaoxie at this time.

   "Hahaha!" Xiaoxie laughed, "Wise choice!"

   After a pause, Xiaoxie said to Wen Er, "Go and register for them, and collect the mark of consciousness by the way to make the jade slip of consciousness."

   After registering the information, we can make more appropriate arrangements in the future. After making a consciousness jade slip, we can know their life and death status at any time.

   After a while, Wen Er completed the task explained by Xiaoxie and returned to Xiaoxie: "Your Majesty, it's done."

   "Very good." Xiaoxie praised, and then said to everyone: "Next, this king intends to enter the realm of jealousy, so let's go together."

   With the addition of a new batch of new troops, Xiaoxie's lineup has become stronger and stronger than many legion commanders.

At present, Xiaoxie has one legion commander, six great commander-level Hunmeng masters, thirty-one commander-level Hunmeng masters, a total of thirty-eight people, including Xiaoxie himself, a total of thirty-nine people. The power is almost as good as that of a Celestial Legion.

After the team was integrated, Xiaoxie didn't stay here too much. He took the team directly and continued to move in the direction of the Heavenly Jealousy Realm. As long as you pass this area, you can enter the Heavenly Jealousy Realm. .

Originally, there were a group of watchers wandering around here, but now the four secret realms are closed, and all the watchers have been recalled. After all, this piece of Hunmeng Sea will be captured by the Ming Clan sooner or later, and there is no need for the Celestial Clan to monitor those who return to zero. , even if the Hunmeng here is destroyed in the future, it has nothing to do with the Celestial Clan.

   "It's here." After passing the last boundary line, Xiaoxie and his party finally set foot in the Hunmenghai area of ​​Heavenly Jealousy Realm.

It can be clearly seen that even if the Heavenly Jealousy Realm has been closed, most of the Hunmeng Lords have entered the Heavenly Jealousy Realm. There are still many Hunmeng Lords of the Heavenly Clan wandering around in the Hunmeng Sea, and the number is still more than that of the Death Realm. However, as time goes by, there may be fewer and fewer Hunmeng Lords wandering outside.

  Xiao Xie stopped and released his perception.

   It can clearly perceive the Heavenly Jealousy that exists attached to the Hunmeng Sea.

   "Let's enter the Heavenly Jealousy Realm here." Xiaoxie said to the crowd, "You go first."

  Si Ming and others did not dare to resist, and immediately triggered the ascension channel, a huge vortex appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

  Si Ming, Wen Er, and Tom took the lead, and the others followed behind them, not in a hurry or slow, through the ascension passage.

   After everyone had passed through the ascension passage, Xiaoxie stepped forward.

   After a few breaths, at the ascension passage of Hamlin Township in the Heavenly Jealousy Realm, Xiao Xie and the people under his command walked out of the ascension passage.

  Tianji Jingjing is more lively than Xiaoxie imagined, or in other words, the population is more dense.

   Looking around, all around the ascension passage are the Lords of the Heavenly Clan, and the darkness is overwhelming.

   "There are so many people." Xiaoxie was startled, and even a thought popped into his mind, whether his identity was exposed, so he was surrounded by the celestial masters.

Fortunately, there is a Lord Hunmeng at the level of the Great Commander of the Heavenly Jealousy Realm in their team. Although he was a little surprised, he was not too surprised, and explained: "The Lord of Heavenly Jealousy ordered all the legions to be recalled and let the sky The Hunmeng masters of the Hunmenghai Realm of jealousy enter the Heavenly Jealousy Realm, and most of these people should be the Hunmeng masters of the Hunmenghai Realm of Heavenly Jealousy."

  The Hunmeng Lord of the jealousy realm Hunmenghai rushed into the secret realm in a swarm, making the originally seemingly expansive Heavenly Jealousy realm a little crowded.

  Xiao Xie released his perception and swept the entire Hamlin town, but he was disappointed: "There is no army commander..."

   It also wants to get on the line with a Heavenly Jealous army commander first, and then through the other party's channel, see the Heavenly Jealous Monarch.

Just when Xiaoxie was about to leave with everyone, outside the ascension passage, a group of soldiers from the Tianyu Army stopped Xiaoxie and his group, and the captain of the Tianyu army said: "Those who do not wear the Tianzhu badge will need to pay ten Only after obtaining the Origin Pearl and registering it in the register can you move freely, and those who violate it will be executed on the spot."

   "Go away." Xiaoxie is here to get resources, not to give them resources.

  Although there are hundreds of millions of Hunmeng Origin Orbs lying in its storage space, don’t let it take out even one Hunmeng Origin Orb.

   "Presumptuous." That day, the jealous army captain's face suddenly turned cold, and he was about to take action immediately.

At this time, the only Heavenly Jealous Realm Commander-level Hunmeng Lord in Xiaoxie's team hurried out and said, "I am Fiddles, this is my team badge, according to the Heavenly Jealousy Realm rules, I can bring no more than 10,000 for free. People who enter the Heavenly Jealousy Realm can be exempted from paying the Hunmeng Origin Pearl."

   That day, the jealous army commander checked and said respectfully: "It turned out to be Lord Fiddles, disrespectful."

   Everyone around him cast a respectful look at Fiddles.

This Grand Commander-level Hunmeng Lord has a strong reputation in the entire Heavenly Jealousy Realm. His strength is not weaker than the original Si Ming. Among the many Grand Commander-level Hunmeng Lords in the Heavenly Jealous Realm, he is definitely one of the best. Therefore, after his identity was exposed, everyone's attitude towards him was extremely respectful.

That day, the captain of the jealous army said: "Lord Fiddles, according to the regulations, you can indeed bring 10,000 people into the Heavenly Envy Realm for free, and you can be exempted from paying the Hunmeng Origin Pearl, but those who do not wear the Heavenly Jealousy Realm badge still need to be registered. , and you need to verify your identity to prevent the spies of the life clan from sneaking in. Please understand Fiddles-sama."

   "Of course." Fiddles nodded.

   He looked at Xiaoxie and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, please feel wronged and cooperate with them to register, otherwise the jealous monarch will be furious and the consequences will be unimaginable."

   "Okay." Although Xiaoxie was a little impatient, he didn't intend to cause trouble. After all, it was here to pretend to take refuge with the Tiandu monarch.

   Soon, the group passed the verification and received the Heavenly Jealousy Realm badge, which could prove their identity as the Lord of Heavenly Jealousy Realm, and preliminarily ruled out the possibility that they were life clan spies.

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