MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2023 lively border

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   Chapter 2023 Lively Border

The Heavenly Jealousy Realm is adjacent to the Death Realm. After the destruction of the Death Realm, there are also some Hunmeng Lords who are not weak in the Heavenly Jealousy Realm from time to time to come to the Hunmeng Sea to fight the autumn wind. The wealth of those who survived in the realm, and because of this, on the edge of the heavenly jealous realm, you can see some heavenly clan teams or mercenaries from time to time.

   As the four monarchs of the Celestial Clan jointly issued orders, since the end of the source realm decay, the four secret realms are only allowed to enter but not exit, so that many teams and individual mercenaries choose to wait and see temporarily, and are not in a hurry to enter the secret realm.

   As for the many legions under the four monarchs, they can only obey the monarch's orders and enter the secret realm.

   On this day, near the border of the Heavenly Jealousy Realm and the Hunmeng Sea of ​​the Death Realm, a team that had just plundered hundreds of Hunmeng Lords returned to this place for repairs.

   "I heard that the Ming clan has been making frequent moves recently, I'm afraid they will attack soon." said a jealous master.

The other Lord of Heavenly Jealousy nodded: "I also heard the news. It is said that the life clan army is frequently mobilized, and the war materials on the market have been acquired by them. According to this progress, within a year, they will definitely attack."

   The team leader frowned and said solemnly: "Those guys are just relying on the support of the Sky Team. If there is no Sky Team, how dare they invade my Heavenly Clan's territory?"

   Hearing this, a group of team members stopped talking for a while.

Some of them are retired veterans. They have participated in the war between the two clans many times and killed a lot of the Hunmeng masters of the Ming clan. In their memory, the Hunmeng masters of the Ming clan are a group of soft eggs, and they have always only been bullied by them. , and the Jinming Clan dared to take the initiative to attack their Celestial Clan, which made them feel very aggrieved.

   "It is said that the sky team is the commander of the extreme realm army, and even Lord Blu and Lord Rox suffered a loss..." A team member couldn't help but whispered, "I don't know if it's true or not."

"I don't believe it." Another team member said: "The sky team may be really strong, there are many commanders, otherwise, it won't make Master Blu and Master Rox suffer, but they are all extreme legions. Long, impossible."

"Yes, no matter how powerful the Cangqiong team is, it is impossible for everyone to be the commander of the extreme army. You must know that the commander of the extreme army is the most powerful Hunmeng Lord, an invincible existence under the monarch. From ancient times to the present, Hunmeng There are only a few extreme army commanders born in the sea? The sky team has more than 2,000 people, how can they all be extreme army commanders..."

   "Not to mention the commander of the extreme army, even an ordinary commander, with more than 2,000 people, is incredible."

   Everyone was talking, and although they were skeptical about the content of the rumors, their hearts were still heavy.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that the Celestial Clan was completely crushed in the decay of the source realm. Even the monarch of the Celestial Clan admits it himself, and even closes the secret realm directly, allowing entry and no exit. From this, it can be seen that the monarch is afraid of the sky team. It can be seen that the sky team is powerful.

  Although some can't believe it, the Heavenly Clan's Hunmeng Lords have to admit that the Sky Team does possess amazing strength, and this strength can even overturn the outcome of the war between the Ming and Heavenly Clan!

"The Life Clan's offensive is about to start, and the Hunmenghai side of the Death Realm is no longer safe." The team captain said: "Then we will finish the last vote and return to the Heavenly Jealousy Realm. There is not much time left for us. If there are too many, the longer you stay outside, the more dangerous it will be. If you run into the Life Clan Legion, it is not enough for us to plug your teeth. And I also heard that there seems to be a legion commander in the core area. , although I don’t know if the news is true or not, but it’s still better to be careful.”

  Although they looked down on the Life Clan Legion, they did not expand to the point where they could use the strength of a mere team to fight against an entire legion.

   The Life Clan Legion is not really weak, but compared with the Celestial Clan Legion, it looks weaker.

  But if you don't take the Life Race Legion seriously, you will definitely pay a heavy price.

   After all, if the Ming Clan Legion was really vulnerable, it would have been defeated by the Celestial Clan Legion long ago, and it would not persist until now.

"Are you going to go back so soon?" Hearing the captain's words, many team members were stunned, "Now the realm of death is in chaos, and there are only some experts in the core area, such an opportunity is too rare. Now, shouldn't we take this opportunity to search for more resources?"

   "To be too greedy is often easy to ruin your own life." The team captain glanced at the many players, "Didn't you see that the legion commanders are hiding in the secret realm? Do you think you are more powerful than the legion commander?"

   Hearing the words, everyone calmed down a bit. They understood that what the captain said made sense, but they were a little unwilling in their hearts.

They don't think there is anything wrong with their actions. Although the Hunmeng Lords who were robbed by them are also the Hunmeng Lords of the Heavenly Clan, those people are too weak. Even if they don't rob those people, those people will eventually The ending is also likely to be swept away by the life clan army, so it is better to cheap their own people.

   "How are you resting?" At this time, the team captain asked.

   Everyone nodded in unison: "Okay."

  The team captain said: "Well, let's go, and take the last trip. No matter what the result is, within a month, you must return to the Heavenly Jealousy Realm."

   Soon, the entire team was ready to go to the Hunmeng Sea again.

Around this team, there are also many different teams, as well as many powerful mercenaries. This area is regarded as a temporary repair place by them, and a large number of Hunmeng Lords have gathered, and each Hunmeng Lord has strength. Not weak, especially those personal mercenaries, and some even possess the strength of the commander-level Hunmeng Lord.

   In the eyes of ordinary Hunmeng masters, commander-level Hunmeng masters are definitely super bosses who cannot be provoked.

At this time, some teams returned and repaired, and some teams went to the Hunmeng Sea, the realm of death, and they were vigilant with each other. Although the number of Hunmeng masters was astonishing, they seemed strangely quiet. The communication between the people was completely dependent on sound transmission, or the power of Hunmeng. Set up a barrier to isolate the sound so that outsiders cannot hear it.

  Suddenly, a harsh sonic boom roared in the distance.

   Before everyone could react, they saw a blurry streamer flashing away.

   The next moment, a group of figures appeared in everyone's sight.

   is headed by a rather domineering dog demon. His body is bathed in dark flames. His dark hair is like ink, and his scarlet eyes are like flames burning, giving people a vicious feeling.

   Behind the dog demon, a group of Celestial Clan followed respectfully, following every step of the way, very obedient.

Obviously, this group of people should not be a team, because although there is a relationship of superiority and inferiority between the team captain and the team members, it is more a difference in status, not like this strange team in front of them, everyone Such respect for a dog demon.

   "Dog demon? It's rare..." Many celestial masters were a little surprised.

   It's not that there are no dog demons in the Celestial Clan, but it is indeed very rare to have such a status as a dog demon.

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