MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2017 Find

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   Chapter 2017 Discovery

  If Xiaoxie can really conquer Si Ming, Wen Er and Tom will of course be very happy, but the question is, can Xiao Xie really conquer Si Ming?

   Looking at Xiaoxie's narcissistic appearance, Wener and Tom really couldn't raise much confidence.

Celestial Clan Legion Commander, Wen Er and Tom basically remember, even if they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they have heard the prestige of those legion commanders, but this does not include Xiaoxie, which also means that Xiaoxie should have just recently Stepping into the realm of a legion commander, how can a newly promoted legion commander have the confidence to subdue another suspected legion commander?

  Wen Er felt a little drum in his heart and resisted Xiao Xie's decision, but he didn't dare to speak, and was very entangled.

  Tom also wanted to say but dared not.

   Having such an incongruous master on the booth, they were also very depressed, which was different from what they imagined.

   They thought that after surrendering to Xiaoxie, they would be able to follow Xiaoxie to eat and drink spicy food, but as a result, they may endanger their lives before they can enjoy anything. Who can bear this?

   "Sir, do you want to stop thinking about it?" Wen Er bit the bullet and said.

  Xiao Xie frowned and glanced at Wen Er unhappily: "Are you looking down on me?"

Wen'er's body shuddered, and he quickly shook his head: "No, no, the mana is boundless, the Wei Gai is in the sea, the subordinate's worship of the adult is endless and endless, how can you look down on it? Loyalty and respect can be learned from the source, please also ask the adults to learn from it!"

  Tom also nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes, yes, I would like to bathe in the light of adults forever!"

  Although Xiaoxie is very inconspicuous, its strength is really strong, how can Wener and Tom dare to make it dissatisfied.

   "It's not too bad." Xiaoxie's brows stretched, showing a satisfied smile, "It seems that you still know this king quite well, yes, this king likes honest people like you."

After saying that, Xiaoxie turned around and flew towards the core area of ​​Hunmenghai, the death realm, and said in his mouth: "Follow this king, this king will let you know the strength of this king, and I will be a commander. Not to mention."

   Winer and Tom looked at each other, and both saw the bitterness in each other's eyes. No matter how unwilling they were, they could only bite the bullet and follow, get on this pirate ship, and think about it again, but it wasn't that easy.

   They suddenly felt some regrets in their hearts. They had known that they would meet such a mindless legion commander, and they would rather stay on their own territory honestly.

   "Alas." The two followed behind Xiaoxie, sighing silently in their hearts.

   three days later.

   Several people have completely entered the core area of ​​Hunmenghai, the realm of death. The surrounding Heavenly Clan Hunmeng Lord is obviously stronger, and the number has more than doubled. From time to time, you can see the captain-level Hunmeng Lord.

"The skinny camels are bigger than the horses." Xiaoxie was very satisfied, "Although the death realm was destroyed, most of the Hunmeng Lords were swallowed up by the Emperor Xunmeng, but there are also many Hunmeng Lords who survived... just not. I know how many Hunmeng Lords above the command level are left, and I hope that this king will not be disappointed."

  Winer and Tom followed Xiaoxie and didn't dare to say a word.

   How they wish they could become transparent and be ignored by everyone.

   After all, what Xiaoxie is going to do next is quite dangerous. They came here with Xiaoxie, and naturally they can't get rid of it.

   Soon, Xiao Xie sensed the existence of a Commander-level Hunmeng Lord, and his sharp mouth cracked slightly, revealing a slightly terrifying smile: "Not bad, there's another Commander-level Hunmeng Lord."

The sound of    fell, Xiaoxie immediately accelerated, and soon appeared in front of the commander-level Hunmeng Lord.

   "The forbidden area in front of you, if you don't want to die, get out of the way." The commander-level Hunmeng Lord noticed Xiaoxie's arrival and scolded him casually, not caring about Xiaoxie's existence at all.

  Xiao Xie raised his eyebrows, and immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Didn't you see this king coming? Why don't you kneel down to greet him!"

   As soon as these words came out, the commander-level Hun Meng suddenly became furious: "Bold dog demon, courting death!"

   A mere dog demon dared to make him, the commander-level Hunmeng Lord, kneel down. The former's words almost made him angry.

Without any hesitation, the commander-level Hun Meng rioted with the power of Hun Meng, and Hun Meng's will quickly pressed against Xiao Xie, and between the slaps, a vast power of Hun Meng turned into a huge palm print, and slapped Xiao Xie ruthlessly. Shoot it down.

"Bold, how dare you take action against this king!" Xiaoxie also snorted coldly, his whole body was burning with hellfire, and the terrifying momentum was surging, the dark flame spread directly towards the commander-level muddy master, and in an instant, the commander-level The palm print taken by Lord Hunmeng was like hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, and dissipated in an instant, while the dark flame continued to spread without stopping, and in an instant, it swept across the body of the commander-level Lord Hunmeng.


   Accompanied by a scream, the body of the commander-level Hunmeng Lord instantly turned into flying ashes, and his will collapsed.

  Three seconds later, the will of the commander-level Hunmeng Lord perished, and his consciousness completely dissolved.

  Wener and Tom looked numb from behind, and their backs were chilly.

   Although this legion commander is unassuming, his strength is really outrageous!

   A commander-level muddy lord, in front of it, did not last five seconds!

   They suddenly felt a little fortunate in their hearts. Fortunately, they surrendered in time before. Otherwise, the fate of this commander-level Hunmeng Lord just now would be their fate.

   Watching the commander-level Hunmeng Lord fly into ashes and annihilate, Wen Er swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a trembling voice, "Big, majestic king!"

  Tom's voice also became hoarse: "The king is domineering!"

   Even if they didn't think so in their hearts, they had to praise Xiaoxie against their will, lest they follow in the footsteps of the commander-level Hunzhu.

  Xiao Xie's mouth turned up, his face squeaked, and he looked a little flat: "This king is mighty and domineering, this king naturally knows, do you still need to talk about it?"

  The corners of Wen Er and Tom's mouth twitched slightly, and they nodded in cold sweat: "Yes, yes, the king is right!"

"Speaking of which, this guy was really arrogant just now. He dared to be so disrespectful to this king. Originally, this king wanted to subdue him, but he was too lacking in vision and deserved to be erased by this king." I feel that I am arrogant, and even if it is arrogant, it should be, because it has arrogant capital, but the commander-level Hunmeng Lord, whose strength is not very good, is still so arrogant, isn't he courting death?

  Wen Er wiped cold sweat: "Yes, yes."

  Xiaoxie turned around with a helpless expression, and said, "Forget it, this king should go directly to that kid Si Ming."

   The three continued to move forward, and after a while, Xiaoxie finally showed a smile on his face.

   "I see." Xiaoxie smiled, "Sure enough, it's that kid Si Ming."

It did not forget that when Si Mingyi fought against the Cang Qiong team alone, and even almost lost both sides in the fight against the Cang Qiong team, that time, although it was not seriously injured, it also suffered a little injury. This hatred, it has always remembered , Now, seeing Si Ming again, it can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

   Hearing Xiaoxie's words, Wen Er and Tom's expressions changed, they took a few steps back in fright, and looked left and right: "Where? Where is Lord Si Ming?"

  Xiaoxie sneered: "It's still far away. With your two thoughts, how can you perceive his existence? Let's go, keep walking, and you will see him in a while."

   "Your Majesty senses Lord Siming?" Wen Er asked cautiously, "Has Lord Siming really set foot in the realm of a legion commander?"

   "The rumor is true." Xiaoxie nodded, "That kid Si Ming has indeed stepped into the realm of the legion commander. It seems that he has just broken through, and his breath is not stable, so he can easily perceive his existence."

   "This..." Wener and Tom were even more afraid.

   "Why, are you afraid?" Xiao Xie sneered, "Isn't he a legion commander? Let's see what scares you all..."

After a pause, Xiaoxie said lightly: "Don't worry, no one can hurt you with this king. If anyone dares to hurt you, this king will let them understand what it means to be better than death... After all, you are the king who appreciates the most. people."

   There are a lot of people who can flatter, but there are very few people who are so fresh and refined, who are in the middle of small evil intentions.

   Winer and Tom laughed dryly. They didn't think it was such a glorious thing to be praised by Xiaoxie.

   If it wasn't for the fear of angering Xiaoxie, or for the sake of his own life, who would be willing to flatter Xiaoxie against his will?

  You know, all the way down, they flattered themselves so much that they almost vomited.

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