MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 1970 Chaos Sea Monarch VS Hunmeng Sea Monarch

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   Chapter 1970 Chaos Sea Sovereign vs Hun Meng Sea Sovereign

  From the legion commander to the monarch, the most essential change is not the transformation of the body, the power of the veil, the power of the will, and the soul, but the change of consciousness!

  Consciousness from the virtual to the real is the symbol of the monarch!

The consciousness of the    army commander is an elusive existence, while the consciousness of the monarch is completely transformed into reality!

   Consciousness is the core and most important part for every monarch, and for monarchs, it is no exception.

   And the transformation of consciousness from the virtual to the real is like the transformation of the soul of a low-level cultivator from the virtual to the real, it is a qualitative change!

At the same time, substantive consciousness is also the key to opening up a secret realm, because real consciousness can interfere with the rules to a certain extent, and transcend the sea of ​​​​chaos or chaos. With the blessing of consciousness, the secret realm can complete the transformation from virtual to real , akin to creating something out of nothing.

   It can also be seen from here that a powerful consciousness has the ability to turn corruption into magic.

   In the sea of ​​chaos.

  The prototype secret realm slowly separated from the Chaos Sea, making it look more like a projection, and the entire secret realm looked extremely unreal.

But the next moment, Ren Tian's consciousness is like a real person, separated from the body and soul, and blended with the secret realm. The fluctuation of consciousness drives the secret realm and achieves resonance in a certain sense, making the secret realm gradually change from virtual to real. In this process. , the secret realm is also branded with Nintendo's consciousness.

   The expressions of Chi Xiao and the others changed, and looking at Ren Tian who was undefended at the moment, he was a little bit eager to move.

   If they shoot at this moment, they are almost 80% sure to kill Nintendo!

Because Nintendo's consciousness is separated from its body, soul, and will, it is like removing all defense and attack methods, and it is no different from a live target. This is undoubtedly the most vulnerable time for Nintendo. As long as they take action, there is a high probability of being able to be on the spot. Kill Nintendo and let a monarch fall.

   Even if Wan Ge blocked it, it would be hard to stop the three monarchs from attacking together.

   It's just... Thinking of the mysterious and unparalleled lord of the sky, Chi Xiao and the others finally gave up the idea of ​​taking action.

   They are sure to kill Nintendo, but then what?

   What is certain is that Wan Ge will definitely turn against them and go to their opposite side. They will not only face the monarch of the Celestial Clan, but also face Wan Ge...

   Of course, these are not the most important thing, they are most afraid of Zhang Yu.

This is Zhang Yu's territory after all. If they really kill Ren Tian, ​​they will surely offend Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu's strength has been shown as early as in the war with Zero. Unless they have water in their brains, they will , it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to provoke Zhang Yu.

   The name of the lord of the sky, in the hearts of these monarchs, has a strong deterrent power.

   "In order to eliminate an unstable factor and provoke that guy in the sky..." Akasaka and the others wisely dismissed their thoughts.

Wan Ge doesn't know their mental journey. She has always been vigilant against Chi Xiao and the others. If Chi Xiao and the others really dare to do something, she will make them pay the price even if she is desperate. preparation.

   This woman is definitely not as weak as she looks on the surface, otherwise it would be impossible to convince so many legion commanders.

   Ren Tian paid no attention to the external situation at all. His consciousness and the secret realm were constantly blended, and his own consciousness supported the entire secret realm and made it continue to materialize.

   Every time the secret realm is transformed, his consciousness becomes weaker.

   Until a certain moment, the secret realm completely detached from the sea of ​​chaos, became a dimension of its own, turned into a real world, a world that was attached to the sea of ​​chaos, but detached from the sea of ​​chaos, and the projection of the secret realm disappeared completely.


Nintendo's consciousness is more closely connected with the power of consciousness, body, soul, and will, as if they are completely integrated. , the power of consciousness, soul, and will power have not increased, but his strength has gone further.


   When Ren Tian's consciousness returned to his body, a more terrifying power of will spread out.

  Chi Xiao's faces changed slightly, and there was shock in their eyes.

   Evening Song was very excited: "Senior Brother, you have succeeded!"

   "That's right." Ren Tian opened his eyes, his cold face showed a warm smile, "Although the process is a bit complicated, in general, it's relatively smooth..."

   He was in a good mood. Although he had confidence before opening the secret realm, the hanging boulder in his heart was not able to fall until after the real opening was successful.

   "When are you going to see it?" Nintendo turned his head and looked at Chi Xiao and the others, with a smile that was not a smile.

  Wan Ge also looked at Chi Xiao and the others, but these guys didn't make trouble, which was somewhat unexpected to her.

   In her opinion, even if Chi Xiao and the others did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack Ren Tian, ​​they would not allow Ren Tian to successfully open up the secret realm.

   But, they didn't move from beginning to end, as if they had disappeared collectively.

   "Congratulations, fellow Daoist." Chi Xiao was silent for a while, and then squeezed out a smile, "Successfully opened up the secret realm in one go, this is something we were not able to do at the beginning. I didn't expect fellow Daoist to do it. I admire it."

   He originally despised Nintendo, but now, he is a little suspicious that Chi Xiao's strength should not be underestimated.

   Ren Tian took a deep look at Chi Xiao, and immediately said: "It's just to open up a secret realm, it's nothing special, you all look at me highly."

   At this time, Wuming suddenly said: "Friend Ren Tian, ​​would you mind having a chat with me?"

   As soon as these words came out, both Chi Xiao and Dong Yang looked dead in surprise.

  Wange frowned and said: "Senior brother has just opened up the secret realm, and his consciousness is still a little weak..."

   Before Wan Ge finished speaking, Ren Tian interrupted her and said with a smile, "It's okay."

He looked at Wuming: "Since Wuming Daoist wants to discuss with me, then I will satisfy Wuming Daoist." He also wanted to see the gap between himself and these old-fashioned monarchs. Wuming is one of the oldest monarchs. One, there is no doubt about his strength, and he can test his own strength just by learning from Wuming.

   As for the evening song, who knows if the evening song will deliberately release water?

   "There is a lot of chaos here, let's move to a remote place." Wuming glanced around, and then his figure turned into a streamer.

   Ren Tian stepped on the soles of his feet and quickly followed.

   There is not much difference in the speed of the two.

   Chi Xiao and Dong Yang looked at each other and immediately chased after them. They were also very curious about Ren Tian's strength.

  Evening Song not to mention, when Ren Tian moved, she followed.

   Soon, several people from Ren Tian came to a light curtain. The light curtain was empty, and only a few rudiments of chaos could be seen vaguely.

   The most important thing is that when Ren Tian and Wuming fight, the light curtain can resist most of the power, and there is no need to worry about causing any damage to the Chaos Sea.

   In the final analysis, this is the territory of the lord of the sky, and no one dares to destroy this place recklessly.

   "This is Hunmeng Nectar." Lifeless took out a ring, "It can help you to speed up the recovery of consciousness."

   Ren Tian waved his hand: "No need, I don't lack this thing."

   Hearing the words, Wuming did not persuade him any more, thinking about it, too, with the relationship between Ren Tian and Wan Ge, how could Ren Tian be short of Hunmeng Ganlu?

For Lord Hunmeng, Hunmeng nectar is a rare treasure, which is beyond expectation, but to monarchs, although Hunmeng nectar is precious, it is by no means rare. As long as they are willing, they can soak the consciousness dzi in water. Obtaining a large amount of Hunmeng nectar takes nothing more than time.

   And the monarch, the most important thing is time!

  Therefore, every monarch has accumulated a lot of muddy nectar for emergency.

Of course, refining the Consciousness Dzi Bead is definitely more effective than refining the Hunmeng Ganlu. The two are not comparable at all, but as a substitute for the Consciousness Dzi, it is still possible to ignore the time efficiency. , after all, the consciousness dzi is too precious.

   "Go ahead." Nintendo stared at Wuming, "Let me, a new monarch, see the true strength of the old monarch! You must never let water..."

   Lifeless said solemnly, "You too."

   Having witnessed Nintendo open up the secret realm with his own eyes, and after seeing the speed of Nintendo, he dared not despise Nintendo any more, lest the boat be capsized in the gutter.

  Chi Xiao and the others held their breaths.

   This is a contest between the monarch of Chaos Sea and the monarch of Hunmeng Sea!

   is also a contest between the new monarch and the old monarch!

Read The Duke's Passion