MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 358 a perfect world

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The power of the cockroach surged out of He Yiming's hands. Each of his hands was holding a step artifact, and the two artifacts were desperately trying to capture the storm of the surrounding soul. If Qiu Chennu can see this scene, then it will be deeply unbelievable. Even the artifact can absorb the power of the soul, which is really too strange.

However, only He Yiming can understand the reason. These two artifacts represent light and darkness respectively. If they are not connected, nature is safe. But now he is jealous of him, and connected to the dark world of his body, so two artifacts have the possibility to manipulate and absorb the power of the soul.

They continue to absorb the power of the soul, which is to constantly enhance the power of the subject of the artifact, in order to be able to leave He Yiming.

The artifacts are psychic. They know that He Yiming is the enemy of the light and dark Son, and naturally he is not willing to yield to his men. However, after he got these two artifacts, He Yiming was willing to let go.

Although it is impossible to form a fingerprint at this time, today's He Yiming does not need such a cumbersome means when applying the handprinting method.

The color of black and white is faint in his hand. This is the power of the dark world. Under the suppression of this power, although it is impossible to let the two artifacts give in, they will never let them escape.

However, what He Yiming really wants to do now is not to conquer the artifacts, but to let the huge soul power that is coiled around the body dissipate and waste.

From his body, there is also a strong suction, and this suction is also caused by the dark world. Under the influence of suction, the continuous soul storm power is absorbed into it and becomes the power belonging to He Yiming itself. Among the world forces that He Yiming has formed today, the power of the five elements of the world is far greater than the dark world. This is not because He Yiming deliberately did it, but because of the different time of cultivation and the resulting exercises.

However, his world has always been a remarkable force formed by the integration of these two fields. If these two forces are not able to achieve balance, then the world he owns will not be perfect and will not be the most powerful in the world. The power of the power is released. The Shenlong Five Elements ancestors rejected his proposal to refine the medicinal herbs, which is undoubtedly for this reason.

If He Yiming is slowly cultivating, then for decades, even after a hundred years, he should be able to slowly adjust the power of the two fields to an absolute balance.

However, at this moment, when He Yiming used the light and dark field to absorb the soul power in the void, his light and dark areas became stable and strong.

The power of the dark and dark spheres can increase the power of the soul to the extreme. Similarly, when the powerful soul power is absorbed, it can also make the dark and dark areas more powerful. Of course, if what is filled here at this time is not the purest power of broken souls, He Yiming is categorically afraid to take in points.

Although he has made some achievements in the research and application of the soul power, he is far less powerful than the light and dark son.

The light and dark Son can absorb the power of the yin and the power of the violent creatures to strengthen the soul. He Yiming never dares to touch the restricted area.

However, at this time, the power of these broken beasts has no such problem, and such pure soul power will not cause any harm to him who has the light and dark areas.

Under the tremendous strength of nourishment, He Yiming's black and white world is becoming more and more real. He faintly feels that his own light and dark field has already possessed a powerful power that is not inferior to the five elements of the field. At sunset and sunrise, the surrounding storm slowly subsided. He Yiming's eyes slowly moved, and once again fell into the hands.

The two artifacts were firmly held by him. Although the light and dark forces above were swallowed, they were never able to break away from his control.

The soul storm in the void has disappeared. The totems have accumulated for tens of thousands of years, more than a dozen of them have died normally, and the souls of the gods and gods who are willing to give up their minds and consciousness have completely dissipated.

A small part of He Yiming inhaled the body, expanding his own light and dark areas, and most of them let the two artifacts in He Yiming's hands swallowed up. Of course, this is also what He Yiming intends to do.

Since the soul power of these beasts has burst, there is no possibility of cohesion. If it is not absorbed in a short period of time, it will disappear without a trace.

The soul power of the beast is too strong. He Yiming does not absorb much if he tries hard to absorb it. So when he absorbs enough soul power, he will no longer stop the artifact from gaining power.

Of course, under his surveillance, no matter how much power these two artifacts draw, it is impossible to get out of his control.

On the whole day and night, He Yiming and the two **** soldiers absorbed all the power of the beast and the soul, and they did not leave any points.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night killing, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the two artifacts, the twinkling of the light, He Yiming smiled dumbly, his hands suddenly let go.

The two artifacts seem to be dislocated horses, and they have to fly to the distance. However, at this moment, He Yiming is already a two-handed seal.

In his hands, it is no longer the three major prints, but a new, truly integrated world print. The colorful radiance and the black and white world are in perfect balance at this moment.

This is the power of the world dedicated to He Yiming. Under this force, the five elements and the light and dark are truly integrated. A huge force swept through, constantly entangled in two artifacts, and wrapped in layers, no longer moving.

A pleasant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He Yiming reached out and waved two artifacts that could not be moved into the world of the Five Elements.

It is not an easy task to surrender the main artifacts inside, but today He Yiming has strong self-confidence. As long as he is willing to pay for the effort, he will be able to achieve his wish. "He brother, congratulations." Qiu Chennu said before.

He Yiming nodded to him and smiled. The daylight swept around and took out a small white stone from the world of the Five Elements. Then he gently waved his wrist.

The surrounding space suddenly had a strange wave of fluctuations, and a strange crystal of crystals flashed out of the vacuum. These crystals continue to merge, condense, and blend.

In the end, it became a colorful and singularly versatile force.

Qiu Chennu’s eyes reveal a ecstasy, and he naturally recognizes that this is the soul stone, a soul stone that he thought was completely bursting.

He Yiming Hui made a smile and handed the spar in his hand to the burning novel network. He said: "Qiu brother, although the soul of the beast has dissipated, but as long as the soul stone is still there, then the totem family will have a day of revival. .

Qiu Chennu took the soul stone seriously. After a long ringing, he sighed long and said: "He brother, thank you."

As He Yiming said, as long as the soul stone can be saved, the totem family can slowly accumulate and reunite the new beast spirit. Although this time will be quite long, it is a hope and a hope for the entire community.

The finger moved slightly, and the surrounding space fluctuated again, and it was restored to normal in a moment. Until now, He Yiming took over the power of his own world.

He hesitated for a moment, said: "Qiu brother, when the soul of the beast burst, because it can not withstand such a huge impact of power, so the younger brother wants to invite you to inform the same voice

Qiu Chennu’s spirit was revival, saying: “This is a small matter, and the old man can do it. But this time it is possible to kill this scorpion. It’s all about the brothers. Why don’t you say it yourself?”

He Yiming waved his hand slightly and smiled: "The younger brother still has something to do, and he has to rush to the flaming mountain immediately. It is really a trivial matter." To Qiu Chennu nodded slightly, He Yiming reached out and made a move. With everyone in the moment to leave.

Qiu Chen’s eyes were sent to He Yiming and so on. He quickly sighed in his heart, and the fact that his face was so trivial in his eyes was not worth mentioning. Today, the eyes and mentality of both sides have changed a lot, and they are no longer at the same level.


Riding a white horse, flying over the sand, passing the northwest.

He Yiming did not return to Hejiazhuang, but went straight to the Flame Mountain.

Although the two great artifacts of the Light and Dark Son have fallen into his hands, and He Yiming still can't feel the martial arts, the Holy King, the Holy King, the Night Sword, the God of the Gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the week. The royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods The throne seeks the devil to be proud of the world's most powerful and abandon the little Zhou Dynasty to the light and dark son of any living atmosphere, but somehow, his heart has a hint of uneasiness. So after leaving the desert, the first thing he wanted to see was the time of the Dragon Five ancestor, and they had already arrived in the narrow and wide mountain range.

The power of the fire system is full of every inch of space here, and such a harsh environment is simply not something that ordinary people can stop. However, in a valley with a high temperature, there is another strange world. He Yiming screamed, and the sound was like a thunder, and it was endless. A slight wave of black space seems to open a door waiting for his entry.

He Yiming turned back and sighed a few words. Bao pig, white horse thunder and power and the hundred and eight at the same time flew up and waited outside the flaming mountain. Slightly sorted out the clothes, He Yiming calmly entered this strange black space. As soon as I stepped in, the world in front of me suddenly turned upside down.

However, He Yiming did not show any strange look, because when Shenlong built the world, he observed it all the time. At the end of the day, He Yiming was a slight glimpse. "The two demon brothers were sent out by me to take the five-line ring. You don't have to look for them." The sound of the dragon rang in the room.

He Yiming's heart fretting, his face suddenly changed, said: "Predecessors, what you have taken is the artifact five-line ring used in the past?"

Shenlong moved a huge head Road: "I want to take it, of course, the first generation of five-line ring, not the imitation goods you and the hands of Minhang."

The muscles on He Yiming's face twitched a little and said: "Do you always put the five elements in the northwest life and death?"

"Yes, if it is not the order artifact, as the main eye, how can it support the space of life and death." Shenlong said proudly.

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