MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 290 Sovereign inheritance

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Inside the main hall, the lights are full of joy, full of joyful taste. Happiness smiles and sits in the main position with a smile on his face, and He Yiming, who just resolved the gas of the gasket.

At this time, in the heart of the Ice Palace, he is definitely the most distinguished guest.

"He brother, the old man respects you for a cup." Ice laughs and raises the wine cellar, and drinks it. He Yiming smiled and accompanied him to drink the cup, and his heart was full of joy at the moment.

This time, helping the Ice Palace to purify all the gloom and fierce souls, for him, is also a great advantage. Not only have you filtered all the lessons you have learned, you have created your own martial arts, the three major handprints, and the most pure soul power of the powerful.

In addition, He Yiming’s inspiration at the time of his work reminded him of an artifact that had not yet begun to be forged.

If this artifact is successfully forged ~s, then perhaps the two most threatening big stones in the heart can be removed.

Therefore, the joy of his heart will never be inferior to that of Ice Cry and many Ice Palace disciples. "He brother, the old man has something to discuss with you." Ice laughed and put down the wine cellar, the smile on his face eased and his expression became quite serious. He Yiming was slightly stunned, his face was positive, said: "Bing brother please.

Bing Futian nodded slightly. He raised his hand and falsified the front. He said: "I don't know what his brother thinks about my position in the world."

He Yiming’s eyes stunned a little, and his heart was suspicious, why couldn’t hesitate to ask why he asked this question.

However, after he indulged, he immediately said: "The Northern Palace Ice Palace is one of the top famous schools in the world, and there is also a water system in the Ice Palace. It is a large-scale faction that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years." He Yiming paused and said with the same awe-inspiring expression: "So, the Ice Palace has a pivotal position in today's world." Yan Zilong and others are slowly nodding their heads. He Yiming's sentence is not a little bit. Exaggeration.

The Northern Palace Ice Palace not only dominates the entire northern Xinjiang, but also has no land in the whole world today. It is one of the top martial art.

Of course, in today's world, all sects with the power of the Shinto can be called the top word anyway.

However, the Ice Palace still has a heavy history that has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are five great powers in the water system. This is the most praiseworthy place. "Since the brothers valued our ice palace so much, then they would not have opposed the elder Yuan to take over the position of the ice palace." Bing Xiaotian sat up with satisfaction and said with a smile. The smile on He Yiming's face suddenly became a stiff, and the eyes were unbelievable. If he is not quite confident about his hearing, then he thought he was hunting. Turning her head to Yuan Lixun, her face was equally shocked and unbelievable.

In today's Ice Palace, Yuan Lixun is the only Shinto strongman except Ice Cry. However, unlike Bingxiaotian and others, she is not born in the northern Xinjiang, but only worships the martial arts under the ice gate of the Northern Xinjiang, and the time is only a few years. Of course, more importantly, Yuan Lixun is almost impossible to live in the Ice Palace for a long time.

Under such circumstances, even Yuan Lixun himself never thought that he could obtain the inheritance of the ice palace.

He exchanged a strange look with Yuan Lixun. He Yiming said with a smile: "Ice brother, your good intentions are only the heart." He took a deep breath and thought about it. He said: "He and Lifu After the marriage, he should settle in Hejiazhuang, I am afraid that he will live in the Ice Palace for a long time." He was very sincere in his attitude with the words.

No matter why Bingxiaotian wants to make this suggestion, one thing is undeniable, that is, he is very valued by Yuan Lixun. In this case, He Yiming certainly does not want to offend the other party because of the refusal, and even offended the entire ice palace.

Bing Futian smiled slightly and said: "He brothers don't have to worry about this. Although the old man has been in charge of the Ice Palace for hundreds of years, he has never asked the errands of the Ice Palace." His eyes turned and said: "For our Shinto. Efforts to dig into the right side of the righteousness, these mundane things, Li Xun can choose talents to manage in the ice palace. As for the lord's duty, it is to grasp the general direction of the martial art, if it is true, then the old man is early I will not do this sovereign.

He Yiming hesitated a moment. He then remembered the emperor's release of Tianchi, the son of Lingbibaodian and others. They also seem to be the same, just hanging a master's name, unless it is a horrific event in the martial art, otherwise it is handed over to the following people to take care of.

Turning to thinking, He Yiming faintly refined the other party's mind, said: "Ice brother, if this is the case, then the ritual will not need to be the Ice Palace lord." He paused, and said: "But anyway, Li Kao is under the ice palace door, as long as the artifact ice mirror is in hand, then if the ice palace is in distress, I and Li Xun will never stand by." His sentence has made a promise, but also let the ice laugh in the heart The most worrying thing has been solved. However, he still shook his head and sighed: "He brother, if Li Xun really does not want to "handle the ice palace, the old man does not dare to force. However, now the ice palace is only a sacred one." The strong man, the old man has a ruthless appeal." He stood up and bowed to He Yiming, saying: "If the old man is alive, it is natural, but if the old man dies, there is no new Shinto in the ice palace. The strong man appeared, so I asked Yuan, the elder, to take over as the Ice Palace.

He Yiming quickly stood up and returned to court. He and Zhai Zilong looked at each other and understood the difficulties of Xiaoxiaotian.

A big school like the Ice Palace, its top fighting power must be the peak force standing in this world.

Although it is not necessary to achieve a pseudo-deity, at least it must be a strong virtual imaginary. If this is not the case, this person is afraid that it is difficult to have the ability to protect the ice palace.

Five thousand years ago, the five elements of the day-to-day death, because of the sudden loss of several Shinto powers in the door, caused the power of the various parties in the door to finally break apart and analyze.

If it is not the core of the Five Elements, the core of the heavens and the land, and the guardianship of the gods, then the five elements of the year are likely to disappear.

Although the Ice Palace may not be such a thing, but the ice laughs in the high position, but it has to be prevented.

After a moment of indulgence, He Yiming glanced at Yuan Lixun and said: "Ritual, this is your business, you can take your own ideas."

Yuan Lixun's eyebrows and tattoos, although she was promoted to Shinto, but this advanced approach is too flat, and has hardly suffered any setbacks, so in the face of such a major event, my heart is inevitably a bit embarrassing.

After a while, she smiled slightly toward the ice, saying: "The Sovereign, the Ice Palace has the cultivation of the ritual, and the ritual can not be ungrateful. If it is a real accident, it should be a little bit weak. But..." The expression is extremely serious: "As long as there is a new Shinto strongman in the Ice Palace, then please allow the ritual to give way." Bing Futian laughed loudly, this heart disease is finally, but he naturally will not What are you against? In fact, there is still a plan in his heart that cannot be said.

The Ice Palace owes the feelings of He Yiming, and it is difficult to repay it. However, if the lord of the Ice Palace is Yuan Lixun, then He Yiming and the Ice Palace will really become a family. At that time, how to repay the human condition is Yuan Lixun’s family problem, which is much better to talk to.

In addition, there is another reason that Bingxiaotian has seen He Yiming's future prospects infinitely, so he wants to catch this line. If Yuan Lixun can handle the ice palace, the character of the couple will definitely not be treated. Ice Palace.

Yan Zilong shook his head slightly. He was old-fashioned. Naturally, he saw through the heart of the ice-creaming, but he was able to take over the position of the Ice Palace. For Yuan Lixun, it was also a very glorious thing. Therefore, the scorpion dragon hesitated a bit, it is also recognized in the heart. Since you want to get glory, you have to pay for it. The martial arts are like this, and so is the person.

He Yiming sighed in his heart, and his eyes turned and said: "Ice brother, Li Xun, after all, walked out in the northwest. If she was to take over the ice palace, I am afraid it may not be convincing."

The face of Bing Futian suddenly showed a strange color. He smiled and said: "He brother, if there is no other Shinto within the Ice Palace, then what is the relationship between their conviction and not? He has a big sleeve. Was, coldly said: "If someone comes out to make trouble, then directly kill o bar.

At this time, among the halls, in addition to He Yiming and other Shinto strong, the most famous elders in the Ice Palace are among them.

Listening to the harsh tone of the ice laugh, all of them have a cold greeting. Xu Dongshan quickly stood up and respectfully said: "The Sovereign said that if Yuan Elder can take over the Ice Palace, this is a great blessing to the Lord. If someone obstructs it, it is the sinner of this door. The rest of the elders did not dare to neglect and stand up and stand up.

Since Xu Dongshan, the most powerful five-powered sage under Lian Xiaoxiao, said this, they still dare to be Bingfutian sighed and said: "He brother, below Shinto All are ants.

If there is no Shinto in our martial art, then it will attract countless forces or bright or dark shackles. The old man is helpless. He Yiming indulged for a moment and slowly nodded.

For the great faction, the Shinto strong watch is the pinnacle of the sea god. If there is a strong person who lacks such a series, then this sect must not last long.

Scorpion dragon laughed and said: "Blood brother, since this matter has been resolved, you can rest assured." Bing Futian relieved the burden, the satisfaction of the heart almost even the blind man can see.

The scorpion dragon turned his head and said: "He brothers, what kind of exercises are you using when you are expelling the sullen atmosphere? It seems that the light and darkness of the Western world is related to the school."

He Yiming erected a thumbs up and sincerely said: "My brother is right. This is a newly created handprint for the younger brother."

The eyes of the scorpion dragon are bright, saying: "This set of exercises by the younger brother is definitely a small matter. I don't know if I can open my eyes to my brother..." pa: As the title, it is four more, but it is estimated that there may be no one now. It is.

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