MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 283 Call rain

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In the sky of the sky, the north wind whistling, and there was a smoldering atmosphere everywhere. Above the ground, a piece of fire will pay for the forests in the dozens of miles, and the huge potholes everywhere can be shocked. There is no life in it.

No creature can survive in such a harsh environment, even if it is lucky to escape the burning of the fire, to escape the power of the heavens and the earth like a rock, but it is impossible to escape the power of directly hitting the soul.

The power of soul shock is horrible and unbelievable.

Below the Shinto, if it is attacked by this power, it is almost certain to die.

He Yiming, Baima Leidian, Bao pig, and the one hundred and eight who have changed back to the original JB- stood in the air and quietly looked at the Shura **** below.

This is the result of the confrontation of the Shinto strong, and a dense virgin forest is completely erased from this territory.

Perhaps, under the power of nature, there will be a day when it will return to its original state. But what is certain is that this is definitely not something that can be done in a short time. on. Gently sighed, He Yiming said: "Thunder, fire it." White horse lightning snorted, and its head suddenly floated into the sky. He Yiming Ang, he also took out the five elements, gently swayed in the singular and huge power of a stock of Haotian released from two artifacts. This power gradually affects everything around you. In the sky, gradually gathered a huge cloud.

Among the clouds that gradually became thick, there was a huge thunder and lightning. Just a moment later, the cloud, which was condensed by countless water vapors, began to rain.

The thick raindrops are filled with the whole sky in an instant, and they pour down like a curtain of beads that are connected together. For a time, all the lightning in the ground today was thunderous and heavy.

The fire in the forest is not too small. The Mars from the four beaches of the Kowloon Furnace is the most pure fire power. It is a breeze to order a big fire. However, under the heavy rain that He Yiming and Baima Lightong jointly summoned, this raging fire was finally extinguished.

After an hour, He Yiming and Baima Thunder almost recovered the artifact at the same time. The clouds in the sky are gradually spreading, and the rain that has extinguished the mountain fire has finally stopped. Looking down from the sky, He Yiming’s eyes flashed a strange feeling. The destruction of the environment by the powerful Shinto is truly unparalleled.

When the Shinto powers on the mainland are fighting, they often choose between the sea and the desert. This is a tradition preserved from ancient times.

Now, after seeing the horrible scene of the tens of miles below, He Yiming deeply understands the intention of the predecessors of the Shinto.

As long as it is not the kind of heart-wrenching person, after seeing such a scene, it will automatically restrain itself and try to minimize the confrontation between the Shinto powers on the mainland.

Bao pig squinted and said: "The legend of the 800-year-old Flame Mountain is true! i...r..."

He Yiming was slightly stunned, and there was a bitter smile on his lips.

Above the eastern continent, there is an extremely hot place, which is a flaming mountain of 800 miles. Legend has it that this is the result of a warrior in the ancient times who took the artifact Jiulong furnace and a beast and fire phoenix. Because of the fall of the phoenix, the only one is the 800-mile flame mountain.

Although this legend has been circulated for many years, it is too illusory, so there are very few people who really believe. Even Hei Ming and Bao pig are so skeptical.

However, after this fight, He Yiming completely believed in this legend, because if he used a Kowloon furnace to kill a fire beast in a certain place, then the consequences would not be inferior. In the 800-mile flame mountain.

Of course, the power of the beast must reach the peak of the pseudo-reality, even more powerful than the old Samoth.

Hundred and eight have regained their gaze, and this level of damage is also quite shocking for He Yiming and other gods. But I don't know why, but I don't care about it. It seems that I have been used to this kind of power. Such a move made He Yiming’s heart quite embarrassing. However, as long as I think about the sacred land that is almost eternal life in my hometown, He Yiming’s heart is somewhat relieved.

"Do we still have to chase it?" asked one hundred and eight. He Yiming indulged in the film s1, said: "Where are they going now?" One hundred and eight spread the palm of his hand, and in his hand, he also pulled out two moving patterns.

This is the hands and feet of the two pseudo-deity powers, no matter where they are, they can't escape the tracking. "They have entered the Western realm and rushed to the headquarters of the Temple and the Dark Council." He Yiming slightly nodded, and the reaction of the two great Shinto powers did not surprise He Yiming. But for his continued pursuit, he was hesitant in his heart.

After a while, he said: "Hundred brothers, can you tell the smog of Luke's escaping smoke?" He shook his head without hesitation, saying: "No."

He Yiming's eyebrows are light, and he looks at him with the white horse and the pig. The look in his eyes is quite weird.

Hundred and eight in their minds have always been omnipotent, and the ability to trace and resurrect in the past is all in vain, with little effort.

In today's battle, if there is no one hundred and eight tracker, then the white horse thunder and lightning will be twice as fast, and the strength of He Yiming and others will be doubled, and I will not even think about it in a short day. Kill the five-headed beast and injure the humanity peak of the two false gods.

Therefore, in the small group of theirs, they have always been quiet and have won the trust and respect of all.

He Yiming's inquiry is just a routine, and the three Shinto strong people have long recognized in their hearts that the hundred and eight irons will be able to see the mystery of the smog.

But what I didn't expect was that one hundred and eighty had poured a cold water on everyone at this moment. Hundred brothers, even you can't tell the truth about those smokes? He Yiming asked quietly.

"No." One hundred and eight again said very simply: "There is something in the smog that I can't see, so I can't find out which group Luke got out of."

He Yiming shook his head slightly, and his eyes flashed a sullen color, but he did not give up, "Is there really no way?"

One hundred and eight hesitant, said: "If you give me a certain amount of time to calculate, I can have more than 90% chance to find Luke's escape."

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly light up, although not 100%, but 90% is also a very high number. With such a grasp, of course, try it. However, the strange attitude of Hundred and Eight has made He Yiming’s inexplicable inexplicable sensation. He hesitated a moment and said: "How long does it take you to calculate?" One hundred and eight very casually stretched out a slap, said: "The time of the fifty interest is almost the same.

He Yiming turned his eyes and couldn't help but even the two beasts were round eyes.

Luke's exhibition of this practice is for the purpose of escape, not to mention the time of the fifty-five, even if it is a breath of time can not afford. You can't let Luke stand in a stupid way, let the hundred and eight counted and then run away.

Bao pig extended his forefoot and disturbed his nose. He said, "Are we not chasing it?" Although the little guy is still unwilling, he knows that He Yiming will definitely make this decision.

Sure enough, after pondering for a long time, He Yiming had a long sigh of regret, but eventually did not continue to the west, but to clean up and take the people back to the northern Xinjiang.

Although this time they were a big winner and they won a lot. However, he escaped the two most nasty enemies and made He Yiming’s heart quite sorry. However, the two Shinto gods have a peak strength that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

The light that Liberte has made is so fast that it is incredible, even if it is a white horse thunder and lightning. Although He Yiming and others know that this is definitely the potential of Rio Bog, it will have such a fast degree.

But even so - He Yiming has not dared to force the other side easily.

Similarly, if you can find Luke to escape, the true body of hundreds of smokes He Yiming naturally refused to let this person easily. But since it is impossible to detect, then whether he pursues or not requires two thoughts.

If Rioport and Luke escaped his pursuit by virtue of this different kind of stimulating potential, they went to the northwest to kill. Well, He Yiming really doesn't know how to deal with this matter.

Although this may be minimal, He Yiming knows that if he is chasing after him, if the poor blues fall and Huang Quan will kill the other side, then when there is no way to go, Rio Potter and others are likely to make this. The fish died in a broken net.

The relatives of the family in Hejiazhuang have been quietly moved away by He Yiming, but there are still tens of thousands of people living there, many of whom are old people with facades. If these people are damaged, the reputation of Hejiazhuang is also a major blow.

Therefore, if there is not a complete grasp, the Shinto powers are also mutually restrained, and will not do the kind of killing.

When the dog jumps to the wall, the rabbit will bite a bite when he is in a hurry, so that all the things that are lost are all avoided by all the powerful people. After a while, He Yiming and others have moved away from this area. After a whole day, they finally returned to Northern Xinjiang and re-entered the Ice Palace.

Read The Duke's Passion