MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2996 :New World

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Chapter 2,996: The New World [The Final Chapter of the Finale].

In the sea, the world has changed, and it has been rushing for more than a thousand years, just like a white pass.

The original earth world is now completely new, from a small projectile land to an infinitely vast space.

Thirty-three days of terrible destruction by the ancestors, fully integrated into the expanding world of the earth!

The innumerable small world, even more so!

The innumerable creatures all survive in such a space!

This is a brand new world, which is completely different from the previous thirty-three days, or compared with the three thousand worlds and the Shenwu world.

"The power of the law here is more prosperous and the world is more stable! I really can't think of it. One world can actually grow into such a situation! After staying here for a few years, I feel that I am getting closer to the real road. The situation! That kind of relationship is not something that cannot be touched at all!"

Xiaolong gently opened, as said!

Not only does he have such a feeling, including Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinwei.

This new world evolved from the earth's world is more complete in the sense of the road, and it is more helpful for their understanding!

A few and a half step-by-step strong, more and more feel that their distance is not far from breakthrough!

Don't think about it, it's all started by Pangu.

It is known from Lu Shaoyou and Chuangling that the original earth world is the place where the ancient world was made.

It is precisely because of this, the creatures here have the most unique features!

When the earth world was fully expanded, the original mundane people began to come into contact with cultivation and uttered a powerful and unimaginable talent!

The creatures belonging to the earth world have become more and more established in the cultivation industry after the initial spiritual shock!

Of course, the most important thing is that the big worlds in the big world look at the face of the Pangu Great God, and they are willing to take care of them, but the talents they demonstrate are absolutely terrible!

However, these are not the most important. What is interesting is that the aborigines of the Earth World have begun to use the so-called "technology" means to begin to study the mystery of cultivation!

For example, they no longer need complicated equipment and materials. Through a series of long and meticulous processes, they can create some legendary "weapons of mass destruction" with the ability of practitioners.

For example, in the earth world, humans use the ultra-high voltage current to stimulate the human body, thus achieving the role of the practitioner's body and the gods!

This point is really comparable to Du Shaoqi and others in the early years to use Zi Lei in the purple Lei Xuan Ding to temper themselves!

The only difference is that Zilei Xuan Ding has a total of a few, it is not easy to come, not everyone can enjoy it!

However, the ultra-high voltage current for the people of the earth world, in the case of mastering the deep repair, coupled with scientific means, it can really be a simple and freehand!

"This is really a group of interesting guys. If they are tossing like this, I am afraid that not only will the rules of the world change, but even the cultivation methods and processes will be greatly different!"

After the strong people learned about these things, they were shocked and said.

It can be said that the human means of the earth world is really strange. Under constant research, it is imperative that in the near future, it is really possible to subvert many traditional methods of cultivation!

"It is understood that they seem to be studying something called what wave, which can improve the talents of the practitioners! If it is successful, it is really terrible!"

Some people are well informed and have such hearings.

The human beings in the earth world are like opening up the treasures of the new world and starting various crazy explorations of research.

Under the guidance of some of the most powerful people, many people in the original thirty-three days, three thousand thousand worlds, and the Shenwu world are not allowed to go to disturb, meaning that the original earth world's living creatures have enough time to grow up.

After all, one day, they also need to face the unified rules of the whole world and integrate into some challenges!

Three years, more than nine million words, Wushen world has finally finished, and many words that I want to say, it seems that it is not appropriate to put it in the chapter, and there will be some extravagance in the world of Wushen, when Xiaoxi is put together in the public. The number is sent out, Xiaoyan’s public number is [禹枫yf], everyone’s plus the public number of Xiaoyan, and the news of the new book, what is the outside of Wushen’s world, Xiaoxi will be issued in the public .

Finally, I would like to thank all the book friends for their support, thank you, thank you!

"The two guys, Shaoyou and Shaohao, actually shut down for such a long time after the last battle, and they don't know what it is!"

In the past 10,000 years, Saitama often frowned and dissatisfied.

After the killing of the ancestors, Du Shaoxuan and Lu Shaoyou coincided with the rapid expansion of the earth's world, creating a new rhythm, which made the two people have a huge understanding, and thus directly fell into a state of realization and began to retreat.

This time, the retreat has actually continued for a long time!

The strong guys of the big worlds were excited by the victory over the demon ancestor and the extinction of the demon. They wanted to celebrate, but the two guys who were the first to do so have been retreating, so this kind of thing, In the end, it is no longer enough, which makes many strong people in the world very helpless!

But everyone also knows that the changes in the new world of this side may be a rare opportunity for the two, and they can gain huge insights from them, so no one will bother them!

"The Shenwu world has not stopped expanding in these years. Now it is far beyond the previous thirty-three days. Obviously, by then, a vast world will form!"

Some people have sent out such feelings, the changes in the world of Shenwu are shocking!

That era was originally a small world that was inconspicuous, but over the years, the overall scale has been greater than that of the 33rd day of the year. The aura and resources are also very rich!

Everyone knows in their hearts that all of this is due to Du Shaoqi. The stronger his cultivation, the more prosperous the world of Shenwu!

After he truly broke through the realm of carrying the road, the Shenwu world has undergone a transformation. Now, once again, it has been closed for a long time. With the improvement, everything is still developing. This is a wonderful trend, which benefits all Shenwu world souls. .

In addition to Du Shaoqi and Lu Shaoyou, Chuang Ling disappeared from the vision of all living beings. No one knows where he went and what he is going to do.

Perhaps, only after Du Shaoying and Lu Shaoyou have gone through the customs can they find his whereabouts.


Suddenly one day, the world of Shenwu once again made a horrible roar, and the whole world was shaking fiercely.

In this case, many creatures were amazed for a moment, but then they calmed down.

Similar things, they have long been ignorant of how many times they have experienced, but this time it is more violent than ever.

Of course, their overall strength at this time has also increased countless times than that at that time, because it is more calm and calm, and there is no longer any surprise.

"Dapeng Huang has to break through again. This step is to go out, it is a visionless!"

There are strong people who speak awkwardly and come to this conclusion.

It is only the Dapeng Emperor Du Shaozhen who can cause such a change in the world of Shenwu.

His breakthrough in the absence of vision is something that everyone expects.

However, the retreat only reached this step in 10,000 years, but it also surprised many people for a long time.

After the change of the martial arts world, it continued, but in the near future, Du Shaoqi himself finally returned to the sight of all living beings.

All of us are absolutely delighted!

"See the Dapeng Emperor!"

Many people saw the purple robe figure that appeared in the void, and all bowed down respectfully.

They know that the youth has stood at the most extreme in this world. Except for Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, and the pioneers of the three thousand worlds, no one can compare with it!

The emergence of Du Shaoqi has attracted countless strong people, and people in all major worlds have moved.

He has not appeared for a long time, and once he is in the world, many people want to see it!

However, Du Shaoqi did not have full concern for these people. For many people who are familiar with it, they simply said hello, and then the mind continued to invest in a certain place.

"Senior brother is this..."

In Du Chen’s perception, Lu Shaoyou is undergoing a huge transformation, and fierce energy is accumulating in his body, which seems to break out!

And in the near future, his body really rushed out of a large horrible light, and it suddenly spurred out of this new world.

This ray is in chaos, but only after entering the space of the outside world, it turns into yin and yang, and then continues to evolve, and soon gave birth to another brand new world space!

"The Lord of the Three Thousands of Worlds has opened up the world, and he has done it!"

"In addition to Pangu Great God, Da Luo Tian Zun, Devil Zuluo, and Chuang Ling, Lu Shaoyou has finally opened up his own world!"

"The most important thing is that he is the soul of the day after tomorrow, and the chaos of the ancient gods such as Pangu, and there is a gap between the innate spirits!"

"It's not easy, Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, is really abnormal!"

Many creatures have been informed of this situation, and they have issued a voice of praise.

Open up a new world, what kind of strength is this!

The people who have done this in the world can only count that number of people, and those who were before are all chaotic creatures with natural advantages!

"Dapeng Emperor Du Shaoqi, I don't know when it will open up the world!"

Some souls were shocked by Lu Shaoyou's toughness, and they also thought of this layer.

The news that Dapeng’s breakthrough in the imageless scene was gone, and everyone agreed that the purple robe youth would not open up his own world for a long time!

"This world is very interesting..."

Looking at the new world opened up by Lu Shaoyou, in which various forces smashed, Du Shaozhen made such a surprise after exploring it.

"With the expansion of the Earth World of Pangu Great God, I have gained a lot of insights and integrated into my own world, so this avenue of the world has a new power!"

When everything was settled, Lu Shaoyou appeared in front of Du Shaoqi and said to him with a smile.

"The power of the Pangu Great God, we can still learn a lot more! But the brothers have opened up such a world, it is already extremely good! As long as it grows up smoothly, here I am afraid it will be bigger than the world potential opened up in ancient times. too much!"

Du Shaozhen praised and said aloud.

"The avenue, there is no end! Perhaps we have been wrong before. There is probably a concept of 'no' in this world, but with the cultivation of me, the distance may be far away! Or, the so-called ' No, it is impossible to threaten us!"

Lu Shaoyou suddenly sighed and said yes.

"Yes! The earth world that Pangu Dashen has made is very telling!"

Du Shaoqi nodded and agreed.

The first person who denied "no" was Du Shaoyu, although what he said with the ancestors was only to stimulate the other side.

But the fact is that what he said has a strong reason, not a letter.

Nowadays, the changes in the earth's world, together with the new world form that Lu Shaoyou has developed, profoundly show that his statement is correct.

"None" may exist, but it is not necessarily the ultimate; or it is the ultimate, but for today's people, it is still out of reach!


When Du Shaozhen and Lu Shaoyou were discussing, suddenly a subtle humming spread.

The snoring was very slight, but it was still keenly captured by both of them.

"It seems like someone turned over..."

Du Shaoqi frowned slightly and looked at Lu Shaoyou.

"It is Pangu, it is he who wants to wake up!"

Lu Shaoyou’s expression was serious and serious.

When this sentence came out, Du Shaoqi’s heart was suddenly abrupt, and he perceived it seriously. As the story of Lu Shaoyou said, it seems that there is a powerful and infinite life in the earth world.

And this life, no doubt is the Pangu God!

Especially Lu Shaoyou, after perceiving such movements, his gods are trembled in faintness, as if the blood in the body is burning.

In addition, there are those original earth creatures, and there seems to be a fire in the chest of everyone!

"Panggu God will wake up, and many secrets will be unveiled!"

Lu Shaoyou whispered softly and looked forward to it.

"But this process is still early, we have to wait!"

Du Shaozhen was silent for a moment and came to a conclusion like this.

He is also very much looking forward to the awakening of the Pangu Great God, Du Shaoxuan and Lu Shaoyou, both of whom are extremely embarrassed about the level above the elephantless!

Perhaps when the ancient gods appeared, he was already at that level!

"Not bad! Let's go back and wait!"

Lu Shaoyou nodded, as he said.

Immediately, Du Shaoyan did not say much, and extended a finger to tear the space.

"I have finally come back..."

Through the crack in the space, I saw the scene at the other end of the void, and Du Shaoqi’s mouth began to sway and smile.

He felt the ease he had never seen before. It seems that from the time of writing, he has never been as stressless as today!

This feeling, the truth is too comfortable.

"Senior brother, I have taken a step!"

Du Shaoqi smiled and then stepped out and entered the world of Shenwu.

There, Du Tingxuan, Du Shaoxuan, Du Xiao Yao, Du Yunlong, medical lifeless, Murong You Ruo, Qi Qing alcohol, night floating Ling, Jialou plump, leaves 矜, Sima Mu 晗, East from Qingqing, Ouyang Shuang, 柒Nightingale, Zixiao, Zhu Xue, Du Xiaoqing, Du Xiaohu, Du Xiaoba, Du Xiaoba, Du Xiaohuang, etc., many figures are waiting for his return...

Author Feng Feng said: Three years, more than nine million words, Wushen world has finally finished, and many words that I want to say, it seems that it is not suitable in the chapter, and there will be some extravagance in the world of Wushen. Put it together in the public number, the public number of Xiaoyan is [禹枫 yf], everyone will add the public number of Xiaoyan, and the news of the new book, what is the foreign **** of Wushen, when Xiaoxiao arrives Will be issued on the public number.

Finally, I would like to thank all the book friends for their support, thank you, thank you!

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