MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2988 : Du Shaoqi returns [large

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The second chapter of the nine hundred and eighty-eighth chapter: Du Shaoqi returned [Big Chapter].


The terrible sound of screaming whistling, turbulent!

Countless figures vacated, shadows, and dense, rushing out of the new world of the Mozu!

No one had thought that the ancestors had opened up a world of one another, and they also gave birth to many powerful demons.

The two headed roads, the back of a spur, full of spurs, poked into the sky, like an abyss demons, carrying endless murder, meaning to be able to kill the sky, penetrate the earth!

The other one was wrapped in dark scales and exuded with metallic luster, including the skull and face covered by scales, and the terrible light in the eyes!

These two are the first step, leading the inexhaustible army of the Mozu, killing thirty-three days!

"That is……"

Not too long, Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyi and so on, they quickly discovered such a scene, everyone is shocked!

Under the gaze of their eyes, the magical shadows of the road are everywhere, overwhelming, like locusts flying, killing machines, bloody!

When these figures broke into the field of vision, all the strong people of the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds were numb!

When the former world rushed out of the ancestors, it started a horrible movement, but before they really reacted, they saw so many terrible figures!

They know that all of this must be related to the ancestors, but how can they think that the Mozu actually has so many powerful existences!

So many Devils are terrible, especially the two real roads, and the oppressive force is swept away, making it hard to breathe!

"Ready to fight!"

There are strong people who shout, and the sound is long!

Everyone feels that the pressure is multiplied. If they are just the general Mozu, they will not feel too much pressure!

But there are two kingdoms in the middle of the road. Compared with the strongmen of the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds, it is simply a matter of crushing their existence!

"The five of us are trying to hold on to the two roads, and the rest are killing me!"

Xiaolong stood in the void and exchanged a look with Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu, Shen Sheng said.


The five men immediately rushed out, carrying the horrible energy fluctuations, and greeted the Mozu army!

Thirty-three days and three thousand big world powers trail behind, everyone in the hands of the knife soldiers, killing and venting!

"Working with the Mozu! Even if it is dead, it will never let them easily step into the thirty-three days!"

Numerous strong squats, screaming and rushing forward!

Between the two, the two armies directly collided together and began a terrible kill!

The two Mozus were strong, and they were blocked by the Xiaolongwu, and they launched a terrible confrontation with each other!


The eerie sound came from the throats of the two demons, and the sneer sounded terrifying!

The hearts of the five dragons with their inexhaustible heavy feelings, full force and move, tightly surround the two!

They know that with the strength of their own five people, it is impossible to really block the two roads!

Looking at the number of other strong people of the Mozu, it is also faint to suppress thirty-three days and three thousand worlds!

This is a terrible thing. In such a war, I am afraid that it will not take long for them to have a huge defeat and no ability to escape!

However, things have gone so far in this field, they can't manage that much, even if they are fighting, they must fight!


Xiaolong shouted, the body of the Qinglong was directly manifested, and the infinite dragon body was lying in the void, like an endless mountain, terrible!

Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan two strong men are also shot, the former hand in the hands of a mysterious handprint, turned out a huge incomparable "卍" character number, suddenly suppressed out!

Yang has an epee in his hand like a mountain scorpion, covering the sky and covering the sun; a large piece of green gas flowing from the land core body, becoming a terrible poison gas that can decay everything!

"Kill them, go find the Du Shao!"

The two Mozus did not put these people in their eyes. In terms of their strength, even if they came back five and a half steps, they could not resist their killing!

Under the inspiration of the ancestors, their real goal was to kill the world of Shenwu and kill the young man named Du Shaoqi!

Therefore, in the face of the dragons and five people joined forces to kill, the two Mozus did not hesitate to take the shot!

Behind a person, a huge bone spurs into the sky, under the shape of a bow, like a cone of mountain lasing, and killing Xiaolong!

Another man’s hand emerged out of thin air, a slender magic knife, which seems to have been made from a certain horrible animal bone, and the meaning of killing is lost!


With the shots of the people, the power of horror is stirring wildly!

The two demons in the territory of the road are terrible, and once the offensive is launched, they directly crush the world!

Under the attack, Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu were instantly shaken by powerful forces!

The body of the infinitely long dragon was rolling in the void, and it was chaotic into a chaos. I don’t know how many thirty-three days, three thousand big worlds and the strong people of the Mozu were killed under the dragon’s rolling. , blood stained red sky!

Emperor's handprints are also shattered in the blink of an eye, turning into nothing!

In addition, the situation of the three is similar. The East Emperor Tai Xuan was smashed by another Mozu strongman, and his arm was almost cut off!

Just under one face, they fell to the absolute disadvantage!


In this regard, the two Mozus only sneered, and the mouth was constantly eerie.

The two even didn't even look at the fierce battles around them. They just wanted to kill the blockade of the five people earlier and look for Du Shaohao!

However, the aftermath of the collision here is that the figure around the large piece is crushed into a blood fog, turning into nothingness!

"The Mozu actually has two roads in the road, it is terrible, and Uncle Xiaolong can't resist it!"

During the battle, Lu Jingyun frowned deeply and confessed himself.

He is extremely anxious, but he can't help anything!

In front of the real strong tracker, his practice of forgetting the third world is too weak to be used too much!

"How is it right now? If this continues, we will soon be defeated, and my father and Yang Guobo and Aunt Gu will also be in danger!"

Long Yin also has a heavy heart and a heavy heart, like a mountain, heavy.

"I don't think that the ancestors had such a means, but they have opened up a new world. We didn't get any news!"

The strong people around the world of thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds are also under great pressure!

As early as the battle of thousands of years ago, the demon in the eighteen layers of **** had already been crushed by them!

Even the entire 18-story **** was broken in the battle between Lu Shaoyou and the Devil. In addition, when Xiaolong and others held blood to rescue five ancient roads, the Mozu world became completely nothing!

At that time, the war was precisely because the Mozu suddenly mobilized a powerful force to defeat Lu Shaoyou, and then attacked Du Shaoyu, so that all the original plans were shattered. Otherwise, if everything was developed according to the arrangement of the lord of the world, the ancestors It’s gonna go!

Perhaps as early as that time, this party of the Mozu world has been opened up, and the power of it is mobilized by the demon ancestors, used to shock Lu Shaoyou!

"I am afraid that this is not the case. The world of the Mozu is not something that can be nurtured in these thousands of years. Perhaps it was already in ancient times, he has already made these arrangements!"

Lu Jingyun said quietly and said with dignity.

He feels that this speculation must not be fake. In just a few thousand years, it may be possible to let the ancestors reopen a world, but the creatures in it will never grow to such a terrible position, and two of them will be born. The road to the road!

In the ages before that, the ancestors were jointly suppressed by Pangu and Da Luo Tianzun!

All this really goes back up, it can only be in ancient times!

Perhaps even the Pangu Great God and the Great Luo Tianzun, but also never imagined that the ancestors actually opened up a new world, otherwise the two terrible powers will never allow the world to grow.

Just don't know, how did the magic ancestors do it!


The fierce battle of terror is going on, and the people of the two forces are fighting crazy!

After the five-and-a-half-step power-bearing strongmen such as Xiaolong and Emperor Batian were repulsed by the squatting, they once again gathered together to gather a new round of siege!

Each of them is undermined and their strength is compromised.

Everyone is thinking, maybe today will be their death!

But at this moment, if you don't fight hard, you will only die faster!

Lu Shaoyou was dragged by the ancestors. At this time, the situation is unknown. I am afraid that no one in the world can help them anymore!

Unless the pioneers of the three thousand worlds, the predecessor of the spirit can return and join the battle!

"Unfortunately, the predecessors of the predecessors did not know, and it is not clear what the situation is now, is it a trouble!"

As for the predecessors of Chuangling, Xiaolong knows more than anyone else.

The old mainland Shaoyou once told him that the predecessors of the spirits pursued some of the ultimate secrets, and Lu Shaoyou also took the dragons together to find them, but there was no result.

No one can say that it is not good. The invisible realm that opened up the world of 3,000 thousand is the same as the gods of Pangu, Dalutianzun and Mozuo, who have come out of ancient chaos. accident……

So at this time, I can only think about it, but I can't really expect that the strong man will come back suddenly and deal with the Mozu!

Everything, you can only rely on your own strength and the end of the battle to the end!


A horrible sound of screams roared out of the mouths of all living beings, killing the plane and shooting, and the universe trembled!

The five dragons were slashed and smothered. If the moths rushed to the two demons and went to the road, they did not know that they could block a few hits!


The void is in the giant earthquake, the heavens and the earth are swaying, everything is being broken...

A place has been hit into a chaotic form, terrible, a huge vortex appears, devour everything!

A large number of thirty-three days, three thousand big world and the strong of the Mozu were all involved in the vortex, and the death and injury were heavy!

The collision between the two roads and the five-and-a-half-step road is really terrible. Even if it is only the aftermath, it is enough to crush the innumerable other creatures!

This is an indiscriminate attack, and it will not look at the strong side of the person who was killed.

In this regard, the two Mozu strong people do not care, do not care about the death and injury of the Mozu!

"Go to hell, 蝼 ants! Oh..."

The Mozu, whose back is covered with a huge bone spur, suddenly sneered out, and the magical spirit rolled out. It was like a storm, and it was spreading toward the dragon and others!

The other situation in which the road is carried is also the fierce knives that have been smashed in succession.

After the second round of attack, Xiaolong and others have been severely affected. Everyone has blood marks and wounds!

They only think that such an attack may only be supported once or twice, and they will suffer from crushing!

"Prepare to blew it, even if it is dead, Lao Tzu has to let these two lanes delaminate!"

The dragon's dragon scorpion suddenly shot two rays as if it were a real light, and the bottom of the eye gave birth to a strong anguish and firm meaning.

"For the sake of three thousand big worlds, for our loved ones, death is worth it!"

Yang passed the mouth gently, and the voice was not grand, but it contained a great expression that could not be said!

His eyes were somewhat erratic, and he seemed to think of the beautiful shadow. It was the one that made him most concerned. He lived in the world of three thousand and did not come here!

In addition, a familiar face swept through his mind, Yang Guo's mouth actually brought a smile, seems to be saying goodbye to many old people!

Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, and Lu Xinyu see this, and they can't help but have the same emotions.

"The old man has lived for countless years. In the early years, he fought with the gods and gods in the world of 3,000 thousand. It is also a life of nine deaths! But after all, it is the same level of killing, not how strong! Now, the old man is fortunate enough to participate in the battle of the strong. Among them, it is not worth mentioning this life! Let it blew!"

The East Emperor Tai Xuan sneered a sneer, completely do not care about his own injuries, but the terrible air machine began to brew, the figure rushed out, killing the two Mozu!

The self-destruction of a half-step strongman may not be able to make a real strong tracker fatal, but it is enough to make it powerful!

In this way, it can be regarded as a strong person for thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds, reducing the huge pressure!

What's more, they have a total of five people here, and they are blew up at the same time. I am afraid that the two Mozus can't afford it!

"Death and die!"

Emperor's hegemony is also a vocal, and with the East Emperor Tai Xuan, directly killing the two Mozu's strongman!

Xiaolong, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinwei are three people, naturally not slow, and the pace goes on!

Seeing that these five people came to kill, the two Mozus looked at each other and then directly retire, and at the same time issued a series of laughter.

"I want to blew myself to deal with me, are you five ants, are you equipped?"

The strong man with dark scales smiled and opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and dull, like the one from the broken drum.

The two instantly retired and did not intend to fight the suicide attack of these five people!

With their strength, it is not particularly difficult to get rid of the opening, and these five people are better at self-explosion, and they will not delay too long.

Seeing that the air machine on the five people is more and more flaming, the two Mozus are not swaying the cold smile.

At the same time of retreating, they couldn't help but close their eyes. It seems that they want to listen carefully to the wonderful sounds that they made when they blew themselves!

"Little Dragon, your life is so heavy, how can you go here because of two blackmail annihilation!"

Suddenly, a word appeared out of thin air, which seems to have come from ancient times, and suddenly fell to the ears of Xiaolong, Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu.

With the fall of this voice, it was a powerful force swept up, directly falling on the body of Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyi!

In the next moment, the five-and-a-half-step strong-trackers suddenly found that the air machine they brewed was greatly suppressed, and it was impossible to break out!

"Less boy!"

After hearing this sound, Xiaolong’s eyes are full of hustle and bustle, and the joy is stirring!

This voice is too familiar, and it is no stranger to all the strong, but it is not Du Yuzhen who is unclear!

I don’t want to think about it. The five-and-a-half-step powerhouse suddenly regains all the strength of the whole body, suppresses it, and stops moving!

Originally prepared to blew, under this restraint, they suffered some trauma again!

But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is that Du Shaozhen really comes back!


A purple robe figure emerged out of thin air and came to everyone.

This figure is not exactly Du Shao!

"Little Dragon go to the side to adjust the interest rate, the two Mozu's chop, hand it over to me to deal with it!"

Du Shaoyan glanced at Xiaolong and said with a chuckle.

"Less boy, have you broken the road?"

Xiaolong was very surprised and could not help but ask.

When Du Shaoqi smiled and nodded, their hearts were even more excited, and then everyone was excited to the jaws and quickly retreated to the rear.

"You be careful, these two demons are all in the same way!"

Before Xiao Long left, he did not forget to remind Du Shaoqi.

They finally felt a lot easier. Du Shaoqi broke through the road and rushed here in time. It may be difficult to deal with the two Mozu strongmen, but they will never be like they are completely pressed!

As long as this kid can support it, wait until the five of them recover some strength, and then come back to help, then the situation will be much better!

"Is it another world of the Mozu? The Devil is really a thief!"

Du Shaoqi looked around and looked at the inexhaustible army of the Mozu around him, and said to himself!

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