MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2986 : Meet the Dapeng Emperor [Large

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Chapter 2, 896: Meet the Dapeng Emperor [Big Chapter].

Du Shaoqi does not know how the situation is today, but according to some things, he can make a rough judgment.

If the ancestors wake up and kill, the Shenwu world will not be calm at this time, and the countless creatures gathered outside will not be so calmly waiting here.

So, he still has a chance, there is still time!

It’s just that he is also worried that once the ancestors have recovered to the extreme, they are truly invisible. At that time, how can they be suppressed and killed completely!

Du Shaoqi gently spit out a sigh of relief, no longer thinking about these things, the outside world is also controlled by brother Shao Shaoyou.

What he needs to do now, he will engrave his own path and truly step into the level of the road!


Du Shaozhen calmed down and felt the little black dot above his god.

That is the way he portrayed himself. It is different from Pangu Great God, Da Luo Tian Zun, Mo Zu and others. It is something that really belongs to you!

Du Shaozhen's whole body strength gathered, all transferred into the mind mud pill palace, as in the beginning, condensed a sharp sword, began to chase his own red horse monkey god!

This step requires a strong belief and will!

The sword is terrible, so that the gods can feel the instinct of fear and fear, and constantly retreat!

However, with the first successful experience, Du Shaozhen went one after another, but it was going to be too much!

After a short time, he finally pressed the Yuanshen tightly and painted a slender pattern on it with a fine sword!

Your own way, which means getting rid of the heavens and the earth, earning the sky and shackles, has an unimaginable significance!

In the realm of carrying the road, it is truly out of the relationship with the whole world. Even if the heavens and the earth are destroyed and the things that are carried are lost, he can continue to exist!

Du Shaozhen Shen Jing in this process, constantly marking the traces of the gods.

In the outside world, countless creatures in the Shenwu world gazed at Du Jiazu.

At this time, the horrible movement has stopped, and the energy of the heavens and the earth is no longer full of turbulence!

"Dapeng Huang..."

All the creatures are eagerly looking forward to seeing the purple robe youth appear.

They are not in a hurry, just waiting quietly in the same place, looking at the Du family ancestral home.

But suddenly, when Du Shaoqi began to engrave the traces on the Yuanshen, the whole body of the Shenwu world was suddenly shocked!

At the time of the encounter, countless people sat down on the site, and the eyes naturally closed, exposing the majestic energy fluctuations.

This is true throughout the world, without any exceptions to life.

As a result, only the former person from the 3,000-year-old world has remained awake.

"this is……"

The old man’s heart jumped, but he quickly understood it and couldn’t help but exclaim: “The road is under! The Shaolin is breaking through to the real road!”

In this case, I felt awkward in front of Saitama, and at the same time, with endless joy.

For him, this is not something that is difficult to understand.

In the early 18th floor of Hell, when Du Shaoyu broke through the half-step road, Du's blood had already appeared in a similar situation. Lu Shaoyou and others also told him.

Nowadays, the reason is repeated, and the reason can be thought of immediately before the jade.

There is an inseparable relationship between Du Shaozhen and Shenwu World.

He controls the rules of Heaven and can be said to be one with this world. Every breakthrough of Du Shaoqi will bring about tremendous changes in the world of Shenwu.

Born in the world of Shenwu and long in the world of Shenwu, these countless creatures are themselves the product of the avenue. The body has the nicks of the avenues. When Du Shaozhen begins to engrave his own way, they will also gain unimaginable benefits!

Sure enough, just before I realized this in Saitama, there was a horrible roar in the world!

The energy of the heavens and the earth that has just stood still, boiled again and again, forming a kind of aura, like the Yangtze River, rolling in the sky and underground, and dancing like a dragon!

"This world is really going to rise!"

Before the jade, he whispered his mouth and began to shed tears.

He is not excited about the changes in the world of the gods, but is excited by the awakening of Du Shaoqi.

The stronger the world of Shenwu, the more representative of Du Shaoqi, the stronger the purple robe youth, really want to return!

After waiting for thousands of years, I hoped for thousands of years, Du Jiazu’s steps in front of the door were all polished because of his long sit still!

On this day, Saitama waited too long for too long!

Fortunately, it is finally here!


In the endless void space, all the stars have already been annihilated, and even the dust has been driven away!

There is a fierce battle between Lu Shaoyou and the Devil's ancestors. Both of them are cultivations of the invisible environment. The power of the explosion is really capable of destroying the earth!

The ancestors are not eager to kill Lu Shaoyou. He has his own plans. His strength is higher than the other side. It is only a matter of time before the killing of Lu Shaoyou, not to mention the desire to kill a existence that is both invisible. Not easy!

And Lu Shaoyou is even more anxious, and every time the **** hands in the hands are thrown out, it is like opening the ground!

Xiaolong, Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu have long avoided the far distance, but they can still feel the fierce battle over there.

"Lu Shaoyou, why bother to resist, you will never fight your ancestors, and you will not escape!"

The shape of the ancestral ancestor 伫 梧 伫 stands in the void space, Zhang mouth sucks, the space smashes and smashes into chaos, and he is sucked into the belly.

Lu Shaoyou was scrolled by this force, his body was swaying, and the scarlet and violent gas entangled his body, dragging him into the mouth of the ancestors.

However, he slashed, the horrible knife seemed to pass through Tian Changhong, and he opened the air of the ancestors, and the whole person directly broke free!

"Yes? We have to make a bet, I bet that the last person to die must be you!"

Lu Shaoyou was walking around in a leisurely walk. When he and Rosie played against each other, the corner of his mouth also evoked a smile and looked at the huge magic body opposite.

Between the words, there is an insatiable sense of self-confidence.

This kind of look can not help but let the ancestors suddenly look like a glimpse, and my heart gave birth to some strange feelings.

He couldn't figure out what Lu Shaoyou was coming from, and he actually said something like this to himself.

The other side has just broken through the innocent situation, repaired to be worse than himself, plus his own immortal body, no matter from which point, he has an absolute advantage!

As long as Lu Shaoyou and his own efforts in the end, Luo Wei believes that the other side will die without a place to die, how dare to scream here?


Suddenly, Luo Wei sensed a special wave, and his face suddenly looked awkward. The two scarletes, like the two **** days, suddenly picked up!

After a quiet feeling, he suddenly changed his face, as if he had learned something unimaginable, and he always showed an endless and violent face, showing a bit of panic.

Although the meaning of this panic was quickly covered up by him, he was also sharply captured by Lu Shaoyou.

"Du Shaoqi, the kid is not dead!"

Luo Wei looked at Lu Shaoyou and said the words deeply.

As he perceives, there is a terrible power from the world of Shenwu, even if he is far from the endless distance, he is still being discovered by him!

This is extraordinary, if there is an ancient hero who recovers from the silence, it is more powerful!

At this time, the entire Shenwu world is not carrying an unspeakable charm, very terrible. Under the perception of Luo Wei, it seems that the ancient Da Luo Tianzun recovered!

This gave the ancestors a very bad feeling.

"Du Shaozhen's life is really hard, the ancestors used the chaos of the source to suppress it, and actually did not die!"

Luo Yan gritted his teeth and stared at Lu Shaoyou.

He knows that all of this must have the role of Lu Shaoyou.

But what he can't figure out is that with the strength of Du Shaohao, even if there is Lu Shaoyou helping from the side, it is impossible to really survive. Moreover, this time it is awakening, and the strength is recovering quickly!

All of this can not help but let the ancestors of the ancestors swell in the momentum, brewing horrible anger!

"I don't think of the demon ancestors, but there is such a violent side!"

Lu Shaoyou stood up and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He whispered: "My younger brother, Du Shaoqi, is not dead. This is indeed unexpected. But with your knowledge of the ancestors, it is not difficult to know the key points. Can you say this? As long as he keeps him alive, and with the existence of Da Luotian, his recovery is only a matter of morning and evening! To be honest, I did not think that he could wake up so fast, just to catch up with this festival!"

Lu Shaoyou said that the whole person is extremely relaxed.

And listening to such words, the face of the ancestors is more dignified.

How can he not know the special features of Da Luotian, and also know the origin of Du's blood, and know more about Lu Shaoyou's saying that as long as Du Shaozhen retains a trace of true spirit, it will not die!

It’s just that the purple robe youth really took his fierce blow, and with its original cultivation, it should not really be able to withstand it!

But the facts are so unexpected. With the help of Lu Shaoyou, the kid did it!

The ancestors finally felt a threat, and the existence of Du Shaoqi was really a knife hanging over his head!

Therefore, even if Lu Shaoyou broke through the invisibility, he did not feel any fear. Even if the gods who opened up the 3,000 worlds returned, Luo Wei also had the confidence to fight the two!

To say a little more, even if he is once again in the ancient times, how can he be suppressed? After many years, he will return again, this is the real power of the undead!

But now it’s not the same, Du Shaoqi’s kid, but he can indeed kill him!

"What to do, keep fighting!"

Lu Shaoyou suddenly sighed and screamed, and when the demon ancestors had a bit of ecstasy, a horrible knife swayed down, breaking the void space and directly descending to the front of the ancestors!

Even when he was shot, his face still had a smile, and he looked at Luo Wei indifferently, as if he was saying to him: "I am not surprised, is it unexpected?"

"Hey! What if Du Shaozhen is not dead, this ancestors want to kill him, it is not difficult at all! Presumably he will be restored, and at most it is just a road to the road, just a hit can solve the problem!"

The ancestors of the ancestors moved, and a pair of claws shattered the ground, tearing the knife light that Lu Shaoyou took out.

Then, he actually flashed his body and wanted to leave.

Luo’s plan is very simple. Since Du Shaoqi is the one who has the greatest threat to him, he will kill it first.

With his own cultivation, once he was released in the 33rd day and Da Luotian, Lu Shaoyou would be jealous!

Under this circumstance, as long as you successfully enter Da Luotian, Du Shaozhen will die!

At the very least, the other side's cultivation is indeed a counter-attack!

"Do you think I will let you succeed?"

Lu Shaoyou suddenly saw the plan of the ancestors, and his eyes narrowed up and looked at him.

In his hand, he had a long knife and **** strokes through a pair of temperament training, and he stopped in front of the ancestors!

Immediately afterwards, Lu Shaoyou’s chaotic air rushed out and spread out in the void space, making the vast space seem like a chaotic ocean!

And Luo's body is wrapped in this chaotic ocean, tightly bound him, so that the body shape that he wants to walk and go straight, have to turn around and meet Lu Shaoyou's attack!

"Lu Shaoyou, you can't stop your ancestors!"

Luo Wei was really angry this time. He was up and down, and the violent and fierce air rushed into the sky. He walked through the chaotic ocean of Lu Shaoyou. Whenever he passed, all the power of chaos broke open!

“Do you think you have a chance to turn over?”

Lu Shaoyou sighed and screamed directly.

In the hands, **** spurts out another horrible knife, killing the ground, smashing the sky, and constantly going to Luo Yi!

Lu Shaoyou knows that Luo Wei must not be allowed to escape, otherwise the strength of the other party, if it enters thirty-three days, will bring terrible disaster to the people there!

At the same time, the life of the younger brother Du Shaoqi will also be threatened!

Therefore, he directly exerted his full strength and began to work hard!

"Lu Shaoyou, the ancestors need you to fly away, never live forever!"

Luo Qi up, almost crazy, and a terrible collision with Lu Shaoyou again and again!

This piece of imaginary space, under the two people's duel, collapsed, the scene is very extreme!

The sky is full of chaotic light, and almost all the huge space will explode!

In the distance, the only remaining world in the universe, like a withered leaf, is experiencing the storm and swaying!

Outside the Earth World, the protective mask is flickering and flickering.

Both the Devil and Lu Shaoyou are too powerful. The only aftermath of their attack is that they have such terrible power!

The two battled to madness, and as time went by, Luo Hao became more and more angry!

They all played strong blood, no longer reserved, fiercely colliding!

On the chest of Lu Shaoyou, he was hit by the magic ancestors, and there were several **** marks, and there was black gas coming out, which was difficult to heal!

And Luo Wei’s abdomen was also pulled out by a **** slender wound, and there was terrible power to entangle it!

This war is too terrible, almost to turn over the entire void space!

Xiaolong, Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyi have already retreated to the position where the gods and gods battles are located. They are all shocked and feel the war from far away places!

No one dares to come close to observe, and there is no such thing as a match between the realm of the realm!


Shenwu World.

The whole world is shaking and making a series of roaring sounds.

The scale of the world has once again expanded, and the aura is as rich as a mist. With the breakthrough of Du Shaohao, it is beginning to happen unimaginable changes!

Du Shaozhen is engraving his own way. On top of his red monkey, the sacred scorpion is a sculpt under the sword. It looks like a meridian bloodline.

The heavens and the earth are in resonance, the law is roaring, the world is ringing the sound of the road, and countless creatures are listening to the sound of the road, and the strength is rapidly improved!

Those who broke through the early days of forgetting and immortality, once again strode!

Not too long, the little stars, Du Xiao Yao, Du Shaoqi, Du Yunlong, Du Xiaoba and so on, are close to the level of forgetting the second layer of forgetting and forgetting me!

And a lot of immortal first steps, directly on the fence, immortal middle, the immortal middle-order power, is an instant direct high-order!

This change is too horrible. The overall strength of Shenwu’s world spirit seems to be enough to start in the same day as thirty-three days!

Hundreds of people have forgotten, there are a lot of immortal circumstances, so many strong people, it is absolutely unimaginable in the past.

All this has not lasted for too long, and the cultivation of many souls is like a cloud-like soaring, and then stop!


When all the deadlines, the figure of the ruling country rushed out of the retreat. The little stars, Du Xiao Yao, Du Yunlong, Qi Qing alcohol, Du Xiaohuang, Jialou, and so on were all listed here.

In other parts of the world, it is also a large figure that has just come to the barren country and came to the Dujiazu ancestors. It is a place with countless creatures, and you can forget and immortalize!


Shortly after the arrival of many souls, Du Jiazu made a huge roar among the ancestors, and the ray of light rushed to the sky.

In the next moment, only under the gaze of everyone, a purple robe appeared, standing in the air, stunned and stunned, deep and sturdy, like the sea!

Seeing the appearance of this figure, there are countless souls in the world of Shenwu. They are so excited that many people's faces are swollen, and even more tears begin to brew!

"See the Dapeng Emperor!"

"See the Dapeng Emperor!"

Across the figure, I bowed down and worshipped, and the sound of the tsunami in the mountains was soaring!

In the face of the purple robe youth, the souls of the Shenwu world have screamed for thousands of years in their hearts!