MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2972 :大动静【大

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Chapter 2, 792: Great movements [big chapter].

The departure of Lu Shaoyou did not cause much wave of turmoil, only the people of the wilderness knew.

From the three thousand big worlds, Yu Yuqian, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Long Yao, Long Xu, Qu Kuang, Ling Feng, Long San, etc., are falling in the world of Shenwu!

Today, there are no major events in the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds. They don’t have to run around. They just have to wait for Lu Shaoyou to return again, even waiting for Du Shaozhen’s re-awake!

The souls of the whole world have been quiet, and the people of the ruins have slowly accepted everything.

Although everyone is still worried about Du Shaozhen, after all, it is not helpful to worry about it. The most important thing is to try to improve their cultivation and strive to lead the world of Shenwu in the future when the ancestors reappear!

"This Shenwu world has been an independent existence for Da Luo Tian Zun, but after all, it has experienced ancient wars. In many years, it can only be regarded as a small world! But even so, even his father does not seem to completely glimpse here. All hidden!"

Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Long Yao, Long Xu, and the knives of the martial arts, who came from the world of 3,000 thousand, began to swim around the world of Shenwu.

In addition, Fu Yibai, the old madman and so on, who had spent many years in this world, are also very emotional.

Today's Shenwu world is much bigger than that of the past. The concept of Sanlu Kyushu and the precinct has long been lost. The scale of each party has also expanded dramatically, and its strength has been many times stronger than before!

Among the major forces, the most prominent ones are naturally a group of people who existed at the end of the year!

The special existence of the ruined country is not mentioned, such as the golden-winged Dapeng bird family, the ancient Tianzong, the Tianwu Academy, the Bifang **** bird family, the dark Tianhu family, the phoenix family, and the former Kyushu land, and so on. It’s already a long time ago, and it’s already prosperous.

"In just a few thousand years, in less than ten thousand years, this world has undergone earth-shaking changes. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I couldn't imagine it anyway!"

Fu Yibai felt with emotion, and at the same time, his heart was also gratified.

All of this is the credit of Du Shaoqi’s kid. It is because of his existence that it has brought about a great change in the whole world.

For this, the strong and strong are naturally surprised, and the world of Shenwu is more and more prosperous, of course, they are happy to see.

"There may be nothing to tell us about the less tourist, the existence of the Du family, or the existence of Du Shaoqi, does not seem ordinary!"

Suddenly, the cursing knife whispered softly, and it was the way.

When the words came out, all the people around him put their gaze on him. It seems that they came together in the same heart: You think so!

In fact, not only is the knife, but all the strong have the same feeling.

Lu Shaoyou must have not fully told them anything. When he was dealing with Du Shaoqi, he once said that Du Jiazu’s mouth was extraordinary, but he himself could not understand everything.

But it is not difficult for people to judge that Lu Shaoyou definitely knows more things, but he has not told anyone.

However, everyone did not have any similar dissatisfaction with this. Lu Shaoyou, since concealed, must have his reason.

"All the secrets will be unveiled, we will know everything!"

Aside, Ling Feng speaks aloud and then shifts the topic. He said: "I hope that Du Shaoqi’s kid wakes up earlier, not only to deal with the ancestors, but also to see if this Shenwu world can grow into a kind of future. What a point!"

With some hopes, the world of Shenwu is Da Luotian. If this world grows to the limit, it will not be weaker than the world of three thousand!

However, if Du Shaoqi wants to do such a step, it is not an easy task. At the very least, he can achieve the same repairs as Da Luo Tian Zun!

"I still hope that the guy will wake up early. Now it is not only the life of this world, but also the people of thirty-three days and three thousand worlds are waiting for that day!"

Long San opened, said this.

All the people heard that they nodded, and then they stopped talking. They continued to walk around the world of Shenwu, as if they were visiting.

For the strong people who have lived in the world of Shenwu for many years, and then went back to here for the first time in thirty-three days, the great changes in the whole world have made it difficult for them. The shock of imagination.

The creatures here have been difficult to break through even the Holy Land in the past, only because the tomb of Heaven has appeared, and the seal of the ancient continent has been sealed. The power of the heavens and the earth has been released a little, but it is still very powerful!

Until the end of the demon **** died, Du Shaozhen died and resurrected, all the repressive forces that solved most of them, and after that, they have left the world, and the world has not changed much.

Everything is done in Du Shaozhen’s control of Tiandao. After going to thirty-three days and repairing it and flying more and more, it will be presented step by step!

At the moment, the immortality is not an unimaginable thing for the creatures here!

Those deep-rooted, originally standing in the top of the world, there are a large number of immortal strongmen, even in addition to these super forces, many one or two streams of power, there are also several immortal places to sit The truth and the envy of the gods are even more. The original unattainable sacred place is also the realm of imaginary realm. It can be described by the land, and the overall strength has been improved more than 10,000 times!

Such a huge change is amazing and awesome.

Lu Jingyun, Qudao, and others did not travel long distances around the world of Shenwu, but they returned to the wilderness.

During this period, people such as Du Yunlong, Du Shaoqi, Jialou, Yuyao Ling, Qian Guyu, and so on, all fell into a retreat and cultivated wholeheartedly.

As the strongest group of people in the barren country, facing the unknown situation of Du Shaozhen, they can only do nothing.

The only thing they can do is to do their own practice, and no longer care too much in their hearts!

There are medical doctors in the country, Murong is quiet, and there are many children of Du family who are now very prosperous, taking care of all kinds of trivial matters, there is no need to worry too much at the top!

For this reason, these people are fully committed to retreat, regardless of the common things.

The whole Shenwu world suddenly calmed down and calmed down. The powerful forces of all powers were fascinated and immersed in one heart.

Everything seems to have returned to the state of the previous years.

"Awful scary little boy still has no movements, and Shaoyou doesn't know when he can come back!"

The day before, Saitama had to go to Du Jiazu for more than a dozen trips. From time to time, he wanted to release the power of the gods to explore the movements of Du Shaoqi.

However, under the isolation of Lu Shaoyou's ban, he was not able to peep into it anyway.

Du Shaozhen’s situation made Yu Yu’s former worry, but with the coming years, his mood was gradually calmed down.

The old man can only look at it now, and he wants to wait for Du Shaoqi to wake up.

At the same time, he is also worried about another apprentice Lu Shaoyou. Less leisure to explore the dynamics of the ancestors, just hope that no more accidents will happen!

Whether the ancestors were before or after the opening of the heavens and the earth, they were the strongest and rare existence, and they were the place of no image!

After all, I didn’t stand at that height. No one said that it’s not as good as the strong ones.

In addition, as long as Lu Shaoyou returns, he will certainly be able to find out the general situation of Du Shaoqi at this time. As a result, Saitama felt that he would be more reassured in his heart.


After a long time, Saitama gave a sigh in front of him, and he found a step in the vicinity, and sat down with his ass.

In the old eyes that have been slightly turbid, with deep expectations, they stared at the door of Du Jiazu, and always eager to see some movements from there!

He is sitting like this, sitting for a long time...

At this time, in Du's family, the stone sarcophagus was quietly placed there, and the stone sarcophagus was covered tightly, and the stone sarcophagus was divided into two worlds.

At this time, there is a colorful light and a mysterious power fluctuation.

This is the means by which Lu Shaoyou has done his best to temporarily drag Du Shaozhen’s life so that he will not directly annihilate the dust and turn into nothingness!

One strand of energy is constantly running and transmitting, and all of them are poured into the center of the light.

There, there is only a faint to the ultimate vitality, and there is no body and **** of Du Shaoxuan!

This vitality is exactly the last wave of life fluctuations of Du Shaoqi, but at this time it is in a state of no consciousness.

The most abrupt thing is that such a small vital energy, but it is a **** light, always want to swallow Du Shaoying's last life, so that it completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth!

This is the source of Chaos's chaos, and it is suppressed on Du Shaozhen!

Fortunately, the light energy of Lu Shaoyou, the influx of large pieces, is constantly consuming the power of blood.

This is like a tug-of-war. It is very dangerous. Fortunately, Lu Shaoyou’s shot is such a subtle control of the flow of power. It only acts on the chaotic origin of the ancestors, and does not cause any harm to Du Shaoqi itself. .

It is conceivable that even if the strength of Lu Shaoyou is worse, it may be difficult to find such a perfect balance in the former two, and there is no guarantee that Du Shaohao's life will survive!

Under such circumstances, Du Shaoqi's last trace of life is in a state of inactivity, and the strength of Lu Shaoyou and Mozu are constantly entangled, the most dangerous and rigorous confrontation!

In a short time, such a balance is hard to break!

Unless, Du Shaoqi can awaken more consciousness, he can adjust the power amount autonomously, or use his strength to completely erase the power of the chaos of the ancestors!

Time flies in such a situation, and it is a few decades.

In these decades, the Shenwu world can not tell the calm, most of the strong are in a state of retreat for many years.

Of course, Du Tingxuan and others in the barren country will occasionally come to visit Du Shaoqi in the aftermath of retreat.

On the contrary, there is no need for cultivation before the jade, and it is completely guarded for decades.

His own talent qualifications are limited. Today's cultivation is piled up by countless natural treasures. There is no too strong concept for the passage of time, and there is no need to consider how to improve the strength.

Anyway, no matter how hard he works, he knows that he can hardly make a breakthrough!

However, in the past few decades, there have been some strong people from the world of thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds, all in order to visit Du Shaoqi.

Among them, there are many people who are the most enthusiastic recipients of the wilderness.

One of them is the son of Daiyu, the brother of Du Shaozhen, the founder of the Qing Dynasty, and the former Emperor Yutai.

Many years ago, Yan Taiyan came out from the world of three thousand and thousand, and came to establish the Qing Dynasty in thirty-three days, in order to cultivate himself and thus enhance his strength!

After being unable to break through the immortal nine-day peak, he resolutely handed over the kingdom of God to Du Shaoqi's hand, and then he went on the road again, looking for a new breakthrough opportunity.

When it comes to reappear, it is the world of Shenwu.

Nowadays, he really succeeded in breaking through the situation of forgetting and becoming the most powerful one in all the world!

The return of Yu Yuyan, together with the cultivation of the great promotion, finally brought some happy smiles on the face of Daiyu.

For the only son, he also looks like a child, but he does not want to be less than Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi, but being able to stand at the top is also a very exciting thing!

In addition to the jade jade, the arrival of another person has also been valued by all the strong people. Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Long Yu, Long Xu and other young people who have forgotten the peak of the third world are also respectfully coming to him. In front of you, see the ceremony of the younger generation.

The comer is a black robe old man, his body is rough, his hair is moving without wind, and his eyes are as good as a star. The whole body shines like a moon.


Seeing this old man, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng and other young Lujia children are leaning over and shouting incomparably.

The two masters of the Holy Emperor and the Saitama also greeted each other with politeness, and then they entered the hall of a barren country.

At present, Du Tingxuan, Yan Qingol, Du Yunlong and many other people in the wilderness are all in retreat. They have to be medically indifferent, Murong is quiet, and there are other Du family to receive.

"What happened to me?"

After the arrival of the old man, it was directly like this.

This question made the ruined country strong and stunned for a while, how can one of his own Dapeng emperor come out with a master? When is this?

The people have heard of the existence of Daiyu before, but the old man in the black robes is unheard of.

However, in the careful introduction of Lu Jingyun and others, the people who died in the country, such as the doctorless life, Murong Youru, and other people in the wilderness finally know that the old man is called Duanmu Haotian, and he has the name of the Holy Hand.

Many years ago, before the 3,000-year-old king of the world and the dragon **** chased the demon god, he had come to the world of the gods, and left some opportunities here, which was obtained by Du Shaoqi, and thus had the master and the disciples.

Du Shaozhen's animal control, Yi Rong Shen, etc., are from the old man in front!

What surprised most people was that Duanmu Haotian and Yuyu were in front of him, not only to accept Du Shaoqi as a disciple, but also the master of Lu Shaoyou!

Before coming to the world of Shenwu, he retired in the 3,000-year-old world for a long time, and finally broke through to the third place in the near future!

This is another super strong!

"The situation of the second lieutenant is still unclear, the means of less travel, only to wait for him to come back to know the details!"

As soon as Du Shaozhen was mentioned, the former scorpion of Daiyu was still unable to conceal the strong fears, and said with a calm voice.

It was said that there was no silence in the field, and no one was willing to talk. There was a repressed atmosphere in the whole hall.

In the following period of time, the people talked about some things in the hall, and then they dispersed.

Yan Taiyan did not stay in the Shenwu world for too long. After he broke through and forgot to hear, he heard the news of the war and Du Shaozhen’s situation at that time, and he rushed directly here.

Now that he has not returned to the Qing Dynasty for thousands of years, he plans to go back and have a look.

Qi Chengyan, Qi Chengyao, etc., he has not seen it for a long time, and he missed the seven children.

"The three of us are with you, just to talk to us about some of the experiences of forgetting to forget!"

Before Yan Taiyan left, Qudao, Longsan, and Lingfeng stood in front of him, and they said the truth.

The strength of these people, before they left Taiyan in the early years, still had to win a little bit, but now they have been left behind.

Breaking through and forgetting, without too much talent and effort, more depends on the opportunity and sudden insight, as if you can't find it, but it may mean that there will be an opportunity!

Of course, there are some successes in the past, they have gained some insights, and there are definitely many benefits!

"it is good!"

Yan Taiyan nodded very simply and immediately went with the three people and left the world of Shenwu.

On the contrary, the sacred hand, Emperor Duanmu, stayed in this world, as if he wanted to wait for Du Shaozhen to wake up.

However, compared to Saitama's former, Duanmu Haotian has to be indifferent, and although there is an anxiety in his heart, it is not excessively overwhelming.

The arrival of Yu Taiyan has come and gone again. Duanmu’s staying behind is only a small episode for the Shenwu world and the wilderness country, and it has not caused much movement.

After these little things, the world of Shenwu has calmed down again.

Long years, tumultuous!

Unconsciously, it has been a hundred years since Lu Shaoyou returned to the world with Du Shaoqi.

In the past 100 years, apart from the worry about Du Shaoqi, many of the strongest people in this world who want to break through are undoubtedly happy.

They all have a lot of sitting and forgetting in one fell swoop. No matter how many doubts they have in cultivation, they can directly ask for advice, especially those who are in the wild, and they have received many treasures.

Under such circumstances, a huge movement is quietly brewing in this world!