MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2949 : Kill again [big

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Chapter 2,949, Chapter: Killing Again [Big Chapter]

Many Mozus want to take a look at it seriously and see how those who are in the forgotten situation are killed in the hands of the Shadow Magic!

Many other strong people in the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds, this time has all felt desperate, they can not help.

For Xiaolong, Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyu, Du Shaozhen, Lu Jingyun, etc., this is a huge blow, unacceptable.


遁影魔 will make a more sneer in the mouth, and the **** konjac will slowly pick up, and the strength in the hand will be stronger!

Through the perception of power, he can clearly know the state of the dozens of people who are forgetting the strong!

Under their own crushing, the strength of those people will be reduced step by step, and will soon be broken!

That fleshy cracked open, **** and fuzzy!


遁影魔 will make a sigh in the mouth, his face suddenly smashed up, smashing his body and shooting!

All of this is long, but it only happens in a flash.

From the beginning of the shadow, the shadow will start, and when he makes the air machine crazy, it only happens in a short period of time.

Time seems to have solidified. Everyone only thinks that the fate of dozens of people who have forgotten the power in the thirty-three days is doomed, and it is absolutely impossible to escape!

A demon will kill, and they are not allowed to have half a fortune!

However, at this time, there was a scorn in the void, which was extremely abrupt!

Accompanied by the sound, it is a **** golden knife, as if from ancient times, it is killing!

When the knives appeared, the surrounding stars began to tremble violently, and all the stars were vibrating.

At the same time, the invisible regular pattern of the road is also changing, bright and 10,000 times!

Such a knife light, directly rushed down, just appeared, it directly killed in the battlefield, and instantly appeared in the shadow above the shadow of the shadow!


The light of the knife shines like the most overbearing thing in the world. When it is cut, it will pull the piece of light out of a terrible gap, with a cracking sound!

In the next moment, in the gap of the sky, the magical horror erupted, and the endless energy vented, and the scene was extremely popular!

Dozens of thirty-three days of sitting and forgetting the strong, all were overwhelmed by the boundless magic, disappeared.

Instead, after the knife cuts the curtain of light, the power does not weaken at all, and continues to spin out, and the shadow magic will go away!


Such a strong blow, so that the Shadow Magic will just react, it is to see the knife attack.

In a hurry, he just turned to avoid, and was killed by the knife, and the body side was cut off instantly!


The shadow magic will be fierce, making a painful roaring sound, and his face is very incomparable.

He used almost all the power and started to retreat.

Under one of the flashes, it appeared directly in the farthest place, and looked at the field with a stunned look.

"There are strong guys!"

This sudden scene made the strong players in the wars stop the movements in their hands.

In an instant, everyone understood what was going on.

Obviously, this is another strong rush to the shot, with the power to break through the killing of the Shadow Magic, and will immediately hurt it!

It is not difficult to see from this that the strength of the coming person is how strong it is. A demon will be in his hands, and there is no even resistance to it. It is too late to escape!

"What the **** is it?"

Nine great devils will reveal deep meaning in the scorpion, is not the same time to look around, want to find the strong hidden in the dark!

"Isn't that Lu Shaoyou back?"

Looking east from Chi Huang and Shen Yan, they saw each other's eyes and saw the feelings of sorrow.

Such a terrible strength, they really can not think of a second person, fear that the whole thirty-three days and three thousand big world together, and only Lu Shaoyou can do it.

Thinking of this, the two sorcerers couldn't help but start to have some trembling.

If this is the case, it will be a great disaster for the Mozu.

There are Lu Shaoyou out of the horse. In the case that Mozu is not born, no one can stop his footsteps. Even if the nine devils will be added together, it is definitely not the opponent of Lu Shaoyou!

The two devils trembled and stared at the place, watching the magical wave that the Shadow Shadow Devil had broken through the dark light curtain.

Not only they, Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyu, Du Shaoqi, Lu Jingyun and so on, all of them are like the Mozu people.

The only difference is that the thirty-three days and the tens of thousands of world's strongest are all with an unspeakable excitement.


Time passed by, and after a short period of time, under the eyes of everyone's expectations, the piece of magic was finally broken, revealing dozens of people who were forgotten.

These dozens of people have just succumbed to the smothering of the movie, and the breath has been devastated.

But the magic is that they are still alive, and no one is degraded.

In front of these dozens of people, a Tsing Yi man is the most eye-catching.

This man has a long knife in his hand. The body of the knife has a faint radiance of blood, and there is a golden light on it. When you look at it, you can feel the boundless killing, not like anything!

This knife, named Bloody, is the life of the Lord of the Three Thousands!

The man is standing quietly in the void, but the whole person seems to be wrapped in infinite light, and the power is forced to make everyone unable to look directly, as if they are not seeing a person, but a god. !





"Da Bo!"


A shout of shouts of surprise, from the thirty-three days and the strongest of the three thousand worlds.

Xiaolong, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Du Shaoqi, Long Yao, Long Xu and others are all over the face, and there is an inexplicable excitement.

"Less tour, you are finally back!"

Emperor Ba Tian was very surprised and blurted out.

And listening to the exclamation of these people, the devil's nine devils will be a gloomy face like to drop water.

It is not difficult to judge from the names of the men in the Tsing Yi who are surrounded by people. This person is Lu Shaoyou, the legendary king of the world.

Although it has not been seen, the Nine Devils will have heard of this name from the mouth of people such as Chi Huang and Shen Yan more than once after breaking through the 18-story Hell Seal.

This Lu Shaoyou is a legendary figure, very terrible, not a common generation!

They have already learned that it is because of this arrangement of Lu Shaoyou that they are dead for thirty-three days and three thousand people in the world, dare to directly enter the eighteen layers of hell.

And all the people of the Mozu are very jealous of him, including the unrecoverable Devils.

However, in the early fierce battle, Lu Shaoyou has never appeared, only to make it easy to kill the thirty-three days of the 16th floor of the **** and the three thousand world powers to retreat, all the way back to the magical battle.

The situation is to develop in a direction favorable to the Mozu, as long as they give them enough time, relying on the strength of the nine great devils, want to wipe out all the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds in this world, absolutely nothing to say. !

But who can think of this, Lu Shaoyou suddenly returned at this time, so that the nine devils will feel very dignified!

"This... this kid... is really back!"

Among the Mozu lineups, the two left from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan were both trembled, and the body began to shake.

They have a boundless fear in their hearts. For Lu Shaoyou, from the world of the gods of the year, he has gradually established the image of a tall and stalwart, deeply planted in the hearts of the two, making them difficult to ignore.

In normal times, the two great sorcerers may have a lot of contempt in speech, taking Lu Shaoyou and the ancestors.

But now the ancestors have not fully recovered, and Lu Shaoyou has actually appeared in front of them, so that the two have no fear!

With a look of utter disorientation, the East left the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan unconsciously retreat two steps, it seems that they want to leave Lu Shaoyou far away, so that they can find a little more sense of security.

"Boss, are you... have you succeeded?"

Xiaolong looked at Lu Shaoyou, and he was very surprised. After thinking for a long time, he couldn’t help but ask.

He had previously gone to a mysterious place with Lu Shaoyou, who was independent of thirty-three days, three thousand big worlds, and eighteen layers of hell. He hidden some great hidden things, and opened up three thousand worlds. The people are also going there.

However, after Lu Shaoyou and Xiaolong entered, they did not find the developers of the three thousand worlds. Instead, Lu Shaoyou began to have new insights with some special strengths.

According to Xiaolong’s estimation, I am afraid that it is the last barrier that blocks the old mainland from traveling less, and will soon be broken!

In the end, the realm that the boss will reach is the most absolute existence in the world, and that is the state of invisible!

In Xiaolong’s imagination, this process definitely takes a short time, even if it is a million years or a million years.

It is for this reason that he rushed back alone, entered the eighteenth floor of Hell, and took away all the strongmen of the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds, so that the previous arrangements would not be too big.

But who thought that in addition to the seven great devils who chased them, there are actually two devils who will walk out of the eighteen layers of hell, and they will kill all the people in the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds!

It was only at this time that the boss suddenly returned. Could it be that he had already taken the crucial step and stepped into the highest level?

Thinking of this, Xiaolong is a little more excited. If this is the case, then it is not too easy to deal with the Mozu!

"tell you later!"

In the face of Xiaolong’s doubts, Lu Shaoyou just smiled and said.

He immediately deflected his gaze and turned to the nine devils of the Mozu.

Gradually, Lu Shaoyou's eyes became cold and cold, just like the cold ice, extremely cold.

"The ancestors are not out, do you still dare to go out of the 18th floor of hell? Without his shelter, how can you make a small wave of small shrimps! If this is the case, then start a decisive battle, in the ancestors Before recovering, it is a good thing to solve all his minions!"

Lu Shaoyou opened his mouth, with the meaning of Sen Han, killing the machine!

He stepped out step by step, and pushed toward the Nine Devils. As the pace moved, Lu Shaoyou’s body was more and more powerful!

The infinite energy rushed out, releasing a burning scent, as if a round of horrible hot sun blooms, even more terrible than some stars burning in the distant star sky!

Watching him step by step, the nine devils will all condense their look, serious.

"Lu Shaoyou, even if you are carrying a road repair, how can you see that my nine devils will be like nothing! If it is not the seal loss of countless years, with the strength of my nine people, killing you is easy!"

The ridiculous demon tightened his brow and yelled arrogantly, but the huge axe that was waving in his hands had already sold out his true state, revealing the extreme fear in his heart.

The pressure that Lu Shaoyou brought to him is too great, making it difficult for the absurd to calm down.

He can only scream madly, wanting to show the momentum that the strongman should have.

However, this has fundamentally put himself in a weak position!

"The hero does not mention the courage of the year, not to mention that it has been a matter of countless years ago! Your nine devils will be very extraordinary, and it is possible to use the road to repair the world, but there are few people in the world! But in that era, there are still thirty-three. A large number of days carry the way to clean up you, and Er and others together with the **** of the ancestors, suppressed in the 18th floor of hell, it is difficult to turn over! Even if it is now back, it is difficult to reproduce the fierceness of the year!"

Lu Shaoyou continued to move at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, his mouth raised a taunting smile and continued: "The ancient times are no longer. Now, in the past, are you still unable to see your own ability? If you have the ability, you will come up with ancient times." Strength, fight with me!"

In his speech, he has traveled a long way, bringing him closer to the Nine Devils.

In the process, the Nine Devils will involuntarily slowly withdraw.

Lu Shaoyou's words, so that the nine can no longer refute, the nine devils will be extremely gloomy, seriously looking at the Tsing Yi man, with a terrible momentum oppressed!

The strength revealed by Lu Shaoyou's exhibition is a completely ruling road, and it is generally the same as when the Nine Devils are ancient!

But in this era, it is enough to crush nine people to breathe!

"Unfortunately, we have already killed the 16th floor of hell. From the last 18th floor of hell, there is only one layer apart! If the boss comes back earlier, he can go straight to Huanglong and kill the devil. In the old nest of the ancestors, interrupted his recovery!"

Looking at the tension between the scenes, Xiaolong could not help but feel guilty, and he was very sorry in his eyes.

"No problem! Anyway, the conditions for wanting to really kill the ancestors are not enough. Let's kill them again! I think, after going through this process again, everything will be completed!"

Although Xiaolong’s voice was very small, he was all listened to by Lu Shaoyou. He gently opened his mouth and responded with a voice.

Later, Lu Shaoyou’s eyes suddenly sank and no longer talk nonsense.

The blood in his hand slammed up, and the power of the body frantically worked!


The terrible power of the avenue is crazy, and it is also mixed with a lot of chaotic gas, flying like a long dragon, rushing into the blood of Lu Shaoyou!


But the sound of the strange beasts wandered and opened, as if the ancient culprits recovered, the vibrations were in the world!

This is the power of Lu Shaoyou's avenue, the way he walked out, and the avenues of the major worlds are very different!

At the same time, the power of this avenue has produced a small amount of chaotic origin, which is the ability to have a visionless environment!


Lu Shaoyou lifted a knife and instantly provoked a terrible knife, and went straight to the ridiculous demon!

Looking at such a knife, the ridiculous demon violently trembled throughout the body!

He didn't want to think about it, he just waved out the **** axe in his hand, carrying the rolling magic, and suddenly resisted the attack of Lu Shaoyou!

Only in the next moment, the **** knife light descended, and easily annihilated the axe shadow of the ridiculous demon, and then opened the giant axe body and split it in half!

The ridiculous demon will block in front of Lu Shaoyou, as if it is tofu is generally vulnerable!

The knife smashed the terrible magic, but it didn't lose too much, and it still fell!

"Hurry to hide!"

The blood gods, the magical demon, the fierce devil, the red flames will wait for the remaining eight devils to scream at the same time, they all rushed out, each attacked at the same time, all killed Lu Shaoyou's knife light.


The horrible energy of the pieces swelled, which made Lu Shaoyou's knife light for a moment.

Taking advantage of this short time, the ridiculous demon will directly withdraw from the retreat, but still can not completely escape, was smashed in the back!


A piece of magic blood drifted past, it seems like a **** rain.

The back of the ridiculous demon was cut from top to bottom, and the broad and thick bones of the muscles were opened, revealing the five internal organs in the chest, and the monks were incomparable!


The other eight devils have also suffered a certain impact, and they have spurted a blood from their mouths.

But no one dares to delay, directly dragging the broken body of the ridiculous demon, instantly plucked out and fled to the 18th floor hell!


When the East and the other Mozus such as Chi Huang and Shen Yan saw this scene, they were not shocked.

They have been holding on for a long time, and this is what they want to escape.

I saw a strip of Mozu figure began to walk away, everyone's goal is the same, that is to return to the 18th floor of the hell, seeking the shelter of the Devil!

"Oh... the Mozu was a arrogant attitude before! I didn't expect it to be a dog of the funeral family when I came back to the Lord of the Three Thousands of Thousands of Worlds! So that's the case, then I will kill it again. It!"