MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2938 : Can't escape a death [large

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The second chapter of the nine hundred and thirty-eighth chapter: escape can not die [big chapter].

"Retreat! Return to the ancestral battlefield, defend against the Mozu!"

Du Shaohao haha ​​slightly sighed, and then did not hesitate, then directly greeted many strong people, and began to retreat.

Under the guidance of a dry and half-step road and a forgotten strong, the thirty-three days and the millions of immortal powers in the world of 3,000 thousand began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The dense figures, such as the tides, are flooding out. Du Xiao Yao, Xiao Xing, Qu Kui, Ling Feng, Long San, etc., each open their own opponents and want to leave the 16th floor of hell.

Du Shaoqi is no longer chasing the two great devils from the East and the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan. Together with Lu Jingyun and others, they form a resistance against the forces.

This kind of situation is that the East has left the red phoenix and the Shenyan to be chased and killed.

The situation turned too fast, and the two were unpredictable and a little confused.

It’s just that there’s still an earth-shattering killing. Everyone in the world of thirty-three days and three thousand big thousand is swearing and vowing to kill the ferocious stance of the 18th floor hell. Why did it suddenly start to withdraw? Got it?

This situation makes the two magicians feel extremely puzzled.


Looking east from Chihuang and Shen Yan, I took a long breath and let out a sigh of relief.

Unresolved, but Du Shaoqi no longer pursues them, so that the pressure of the two suddenly reduced, threatened to go, no longer need to face the shadow of death.

"Thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds suddenly retreat, is it something unexpected?"

East from the red phoenix opening, looked at Shen Yan asked.

"It must be like this! These people and my demon, this is the result of endless, but suddenly want to leave, must have encountered something wrong, only then have this out! Enter the eighteen layers of **** for a long time, that three Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Thousands of Thousands of Worlds, has never appeared. It may be that what he planned for is not necessarily leaked out!"

After thinking for a moment, Shen Yan nodded and said something like this.

East from the red phoenix, the words fell into a short silence, only to feel that the words of Shen Yan are very reasonable.

Du Shaozhen’s people entered the 18th floor of Hell for many years. They did not know how many times they were killed, and they broke through the layers of broken seals. Only then did they enter the 16th floor of Hell.

Normally, they should rush to the 18th floor of Hell and block the recovery of the Devil.

However, it is clear that the millions of people who are present in the world for thirty-three days and three thousand thousand worlds cannot do this. Only the landlord of the 3,000-year-old world, Lu Shaoyou, will be able to pose a threat to adults.

But nowadays, they have not seen Lu Shaoyou show up!

The biggest possibility is that there is a deviation in his plan layout. This will cause the original arrangements to be changed, and the people who ordered the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds to retreat.

Otherwise, if you fight with the Mozu at this time, it will cause countless people to fall!

It is clear from the east to the red phoenix and Shen Yan that Lu Shaoyou must be far-reaching, and it is impossible to see so many powerful people in the two worlds fall here!

The result he wants is to defeat the Mozu and kill the Devil. At the same time, he can preserve the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds, and will not shake the foundation of these two great worlds!

"Lu Shaoyou is arrogant and ignorant, a **** of the future, even if he has reached the realm of carrying the road, how can he understand the power of the adults? Even if he has more tricks, it is impossible to compete with the adults in their heyday!"

East sneered out from Chihuang, and said that his eyes are full of disdain.

For Lu Shaoyou, he only thought that it was an extremely arrogant generation. With a bit of strength, he dared to plan a battle with the entire Mozu.

In any case, the East will not believe in the Red Phoenix. A soul-breaking soul that breaks through the path of the road can really be confronted with the ancient gods with the powerlessness!

Even if he makes more efforts, it is in vain. After the adults are restored, they can be easily broken!

The only thing that needs to be worried is Du Shaozhen. You must not let the kid's strength rise too fast. At the very least, when the adult recovers, you should not sit on him and step into the road. Otherwise, it will really pose a huge threat to the adults!

"Lu Shaoyou can't be underestimated, or be careful!"

Next, Shen Yan’s face was serious and shook his head and said: “Thirty-three days and three thousand worlds, these people don’t want to evacuate, no matter what kind of variables they have, I can’t watch them. Out of the 18th floor of Hell! Millions of people have entered the territory of my Mozu, and they have to leave some life! At least, it can bring more trouble to Lu Shaoyou's arrangement!"

As he spoke, he showed his embarrassment.

"Yes! They are the places where I am in the devil world. If I want to come, I want to go and leave?"

East from the red phoenix jaw, cold and cold voice.

He very much agrees with the words of Shen Yan. At this time, the millions of people in the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds began to withdraw completely. It is obvious that there is an alternative situation.

It is precisely because of this, this is an opportunity for the Mozu.

As long as they block their retreat, they can bring trouble to the arrangement of Lu Shaoyou. Why not?

Thinking of this, the East is not a delay from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan, and immediately directed a large number of Devils to move.

"Block them!"

Shen Yan’s body lingered around the magic and made a loud noise.

"If you want to leave, leave your life! Kill me!"

The east is also screaming from the red phoenix, and the huge voice vibrates the void.

At this time, his small half body has not recovered, and there is a devil in the fracture of Du Shaoqi’s sword.

The two great devils no longer rushed themselves, but only made a drink, and the trauma they suffered was too heavy.


On the other side, Du Shaoxuan, Lu Jingyun, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyi, plus hundreds of people who are forgotten, arranged in one side, blocking the pursuit line of the Mozu.

A horrible attack hits the mountain, and the mountains and the tsunami are so general that the world is boiling and the sky is falling apart!

Everyone has displayed all their power at this time, and they are trying to stop the Mozu and fight for the time of the immortality of the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds.

As for a small number of people who passed through the blockade of the Mozu, they did not care, let the other side chase, these people who rushed through the blockade of the Mozu, the final end can only be the knives and many other strong Turn around and kill!

"With these people, how can you stop the pace of my Mozu!"

In front of the people, the ridiculous demon swayed the giant axe in his hand, and the horrible magical aerodynamics smashed down and smashed the void.

"Give me broken!"

The blood **** demon will also be fierce, holding a **** sword and stabbing Yang over!

The seven devils will fight hard, and they will have a fierce impact on the strong people such as Du Shaoqi. They just want to break through the blockade of these people and then pursue the immortality.

At the same time, the Mozu's stagnation and fortune are also doing their best, rolling in the magical spirit, mixed with unimaginable offensive!

A large number of immortal demons are escaping the defense of Du Shaoqi and others and chasing them directly.

"The mad dogs of the Mozu are trying to pull us to a decisive battle!"

In the battle, the dragon licked his teeth and said yes.

Under the fierce impact of the Mozu, their defenses are difficult to cover, and many places have revealed flaws, and many of them have become immortal.

Listening to the words of the dragon in the ear, Du Shaoqi and others did not say anything.

They know that the Mozu people are not fools. They suddenly start to retreat here. There must be some variables, or other arrangements.

Under this circumstance, it is entirely unexpected that the other party launches a terrible pursuit.

"Take it for a while, just wait for the immortal environment to retreat to a safe place. These seven demons will not be able to keep us!"

Du Shaoqi’s words are deep and gentle.

Their plan is very simple, in order to let the immortal circumstances of the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds retreat to the distance, when they will keep up.

Under such circumstances, the devils of the seven Mozus may continue to pursue, but they have been unable to form an effective offensive against them.

Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyi, plus Du Shaozhen can use their own means to unite many forces to forget the power of the strong, want to stay until the 18th floor of hell, still have some hope Things.


The seven devils will scream, and the terrible offensive is like a river.

Emperor Ba Tian and Yang Guo two, each of them alone in the two magical, and the heavily created East Emperor Tai Xuan is to block the Devil.

The remaining poisonous devil, Lu Xin, is also facing the murder of two demons.

Only a short time ago, in addition to Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo and Lu Xinyu are gradually losing.

They have just broken through the half-step road, and they have rushed from the world of three thousand, and the strength is far from being comparable to the Emperor and the Emperor.

Yang Guo and Lu Xinyi each under the smashing of the two magical lords, showing a defeat, and soon to be defeated.

If you drag it down, I am afraid that it may be suppressed!

"These people are slowly picking up. Six of you are dragging these four people. I am going to deal with other people! They don't want to go, how easy it is!"

At this moment, the ridiculous demon will be gleaming, and when he is awkward, he will abandon Yang and go away from the battlefield. He will be in the place where Du Shaoxuan, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youzhen, Long Yao and others are located.

"not good!"

Thirty-three days and three thousand people in the world see this, all were shocked.

The intention of the ridiculous demon is very obvious. The four men of the Emperor of the Emperor are constrained by the six devils at this time.

For Du Shaozhen, Lu Jingyun and so on, in the face of such a strong situation in the road, the only face is a unilateral massacre!

The number of demons in the Mozu is relatively large, and they can’t prevent it for a while!

"Retreat! Let's quit together!"

The Emperor’s tyrant screamed and gave orders to everyone.

Behind the people, those immortal circumstances have already withdrawn a lot of distance, which is considered to be a relatively safe distance.

And if these hundreds of people continue to fight at this time, the situation will be extremely bad!


The strong man who sat in the forgotten situation dared to delay, and saw the ridiculous demon will lift the giant axe in his hand. Everyone suddenly opened his opponent again and headed for the fifteenth floor of hell.

However, how can the ridiculous demon allow them to leave so calmly!


I only heard a broken drink from his mouth, and then it burst into a horrible cicada sound, just like the world’s thickest device crushed the void, carrying the momentum of Mount Taishan, and also has endless sharp and violent shots, let The scalp is numb!

Such an attack, turned into a huge axe shadow than the mountains, when the air is down, heading for Du Shaoqi and others!

It is not difficult to imagine that if such a blow is allowed to fall, thirty-three days and three thousand worlds of many people who are forgotten, at least die a small piece!

"Help me fight!"

Faced with this scene, Du Shaoqi immediately shouted.

There is no need for him to elaborate. Lu Jingyun and many other strong players are moving in an instant. All of them are full of Du Shaozhen, and they quickly move closer.


At that time, the horrible gossip figure appeared again, entrenched in the void, releasing the horror of light.

Hundreds of people who have forgotten the power of the strong, were quickly mobilized by Du Shaozhen, as if a river rushed, and along the lines of the gossip graphics, merged into his body.

But at this time, the ridiculous devil's blow is already coming to the top!

The battle between Du Shaohao and many powerful people is bound by a force of the sky, and it is difficult to break free.


Du Shaozhen’s throat screamed, and he suffered unimaginable pressure.

In the hurry, he quickly moved his strength, condensed a source of hollow swords, and killed the attack of the ridiculous demon!

But seeing the innumerable swordsmanship, carrying the boundless edge, the blink of an eye is colliding with the axe that the ridiculous magic will hit!


When these two very different forces collided, they suddenly broke out.

Du Shaozhen’s swordsman was directly crushed by fierce force and quickly wiped out!

However, in this process, the ridiculous magic will also consume a huge amount of axe, leaving only half of the power, the remaining momentum is not reduced, continue to emptiness, and smashed toward Du Shaoqi and others!

"Block me!"

Du Shaoqi shouted, his arm slammed, and the nine purple Lei Xuan Ding broke through the sky and continued to resist the past!

But the strength of Jiuding is obviously not able to withstand the ridiculous demon, and soon it will be hit by one by one, making a series of crashing sounds!

"Give me broken!"

Du Shaozhen’s face has already produced a fine sweat on his forehead, and all kinds of means have fallen!

A sword and a man, a fist, a piece of the power of the film, all of them are displayed, want to destroy the ultimate offensive of the ridiculous demon!

However, his strength is still very small compared to the situation of a trajectory. Even if this strong person is heavily wounded, he cannot fully exert his strength!


When it was said that it was late, at that time, Du Shaozhen’s repeated means had not been completed, and the remnant axe had already arrived, and he was stunned by the gossip figure outside his rest!

However, with a loud bang, Du Shaoqi carried hundreds of places to forget and was directly attacked by such a shock.

The huge round of gossip seals rolled in the void, crushing the space out of chaos, terrible!

"Oh... you can't escape after all!"

The ridiculous demon will smile coldly, and the magic axe in his hand will be lifted again, and it will be brewed out.

Du Shaoqi sullenly scorpion, can not control the vibrations in the body, and immediately organized a new round of defense.

It is obviously impossible to fight with the ridiculous demon. The strength of the other party is too strong, and Du Shaozhen can't deal with it now.

The only thing he can do is to constantly delay the time and evacuate to the outside world. Once he leaves the 18th floor of Hell, it is certain that these Mozu people will also be scrupulous and will not make a big move.

With such an idea, Du Shaoqi once and again run the power of the hundreds of strong people, and the ridiculous magic will start a second confrontation.

He displayed the Qingling armor, and the body of the dragon was spinning in the void, like a majestic mountain!

However, the strength of the ridiculous devil is terrible. After a long period of shock, it is finally at a certain moment, a horrible axe shadow falls, and the formation of hundreds of people has suddenly collapsed. The figure flew out and was smashed in all directions.




Many people’s mouths squirt blood and pierce the sky!

Under the attack of the ridiculous demon, the formation of Du Shaoqi and others directly collapsed!

This blow can be said to condense all the strengths that the ridiculous demon can exert, and it is not that Du Shaoqi can contend with them.

Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Long Yao, Long Xu and other strong players can no longer maintain the battle!

The person who suffers the most, is Du Shaohao!

The body of his dragon is cracked, blood is shot, and the scales are rolled up, revealing flesh and blood.

This state, although not worse than the last time, is not too much!

The ridiculous devil will rush to kill, so that Du Shaoqi lost most of his combat power at this time, unable to re-agglomerate the power of gossip.

The most terrible thing is that after hundreds of people fly away, the ridiculous demon will be rushing with a huge axe!


The magic of his body is running wildly, and it is turned into an axe shadow, which includes dozens of people, and slams down!

Among these dozens of people, Du Shaozhen and Lu Jingyun are among them!

At this moment, the faces of many people in the world of thirty-three days and three thousand thousand have become pale.

When the ridiculous demon fell down on this occasion, Du Shaoqi and others who lost the power of the gossip, no longer have the power of resistance!

In the hands of the strong drivers, they are not much different from the ants, fearing that they will be suppressed in an instant!


In the lineup of the Mozu, the two left the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan to see this scene, all laughing in a cold manner.

At this moment, they are very happy.

But at the same time, the two are also praying, I hope that this time there will be no more accidents!

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