MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 97

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at the same time.

A group of people came to Heimuya quietly.

The leader is a refined middle-aged man.

And at his waist, a token swayed in the wind.

If you take a closer look, you can see at a glance that there is a big bronzing text engraved on it:

Zhao! Husband.

Chapter 135 The Destruction of the Sun Moon God Religion

"My lord, the Blackwood Cliff is ahead."

A man in brocade said respectfully, "Ren Woxing couldn't afford to be seriously injured. This time, my lord will definitely take down the Sun Moon God Sect."

"So what if he doesn't get hurt? Since I came in person, the Sun Moon God Sect has nothing to do but surrender."

The refined man smiled faintly, with a strong self-confidence blooming from his body.

"It's the villain who said the wrong thing. Your lord is so powerful, and the Sun Moon God Sect is so small, it's easy to catch."

The brocade man smiled.

The elegant man looked calm, "Lead the way."

A group of people continued to advance towards Heimuya, and soon arrived at the place where Ren Woxing was located.

"Is the teacher in charge?"

The young man in brocade clapped his folding fan, and the sound immediately echoed on the Blackwood Cliff.

The vigor of the internal force is actually a congenital master.

"Everyone is..."

"Two sixty"

Not long after, a figure came out, but it was not Ren Woxing, but his daughter Ren Yingying.

"Xiaosheng has seen the holy lady."

Brocade young man Yi Jishou, "Xiaosheng was ordered by King Zhao to visit Master Ren."

People from King Zhao?

Ren Yingying couldn't help frowning her eyebrows, "Master Ren is in retreat, you guys go back."

The brocade young man raised his brows, but he didn't intend to leave, "Retreat? That's really an unfortunate coincidence, but I'm going to come here in a hurry, can I bother the saint to inform you?"

"Understood, I will tell the leader when he leaves the customs."

Ren Yingying said calmly: "Everyone, please go back."

"No, no, no." The man in brocade smiled and shook his head, "Xiaosheng means, please tell the holy lady now, don't make me wait too long, otherwise, the prince may be unhappy."


Ren Yingying was silent for a while, and then said: "If you have anything to do, you can tell me directly, the leader has entrusted the affairs of the church to me before retreating."

"What does the holy aunt mean, that your religion is now up to you?" the brocade man asked.

Ren Yingying nodded.

"That would be all the better."

The man in brocade clapped his folding fan, and said with a light smile, "My lord's meaning is also very simple. Your Sun Moon God Sect has infinite potential, and you can conspire great cause together."

"From then on, enjoy the glory and wealth."

Sure enough, it was for this matter.

Ren Yingying's heart moved, she naturally didn't want to have any contact with Zhao Wang.

However, there was no outright rejection.

Instead, he prevaricated and said: "At this time, I also heard that the leader is already seriously considering this matter. After he leaves the customs, he will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."


The man in brocade asked with a smile, "When will the leader leave the seclusion? Or is he not in seclusion at all?"

"I've heard that in the Hengshan Sect, Master Ren was seriously injured and passed out. I wonder if he has woken up now?"

Ren Yingying didn't change her face, "The leader's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, so naturally he has recovered a long time ago."

"Although the saint is beautiful, her ability to lie is average."

The brocade man's face turned cold, "Don't say anything about delaying time. We are here this time to give you one last chance."

"Surrender, or perish!"

"This matter, I can't decide."

Ren Yingying shook her head slightly, "Your Excellency, why should you be so aggressive?"

"It seems that you have made a choice."

The man in brocade sighed softly, "What a pity."

Ren Yingying didn't speak, and turned to leave.

"The last half day."

The man in brocade suddenly said, "Give your teacher the last half a day to think about it. If you don't surrender by then, there is no need for this Blackwood Cliff to exist."

"Of course, the artillery is waiting outside. If the holy lady thinks that flesh and blood can fight against the army, you can try it."

After finishing speaking, he respectfully returned to the elegant man.

The elegant man didn't say much, but just glanced at Ren Yingying with deep meaning.

Then he stepped a little and disappeared in place.

The brocade man and the rest quickly followed.


Ren Yingying couldn't help trembling, if King Zhao really made up his mind to level Heimuya.

It's really not that difficult.

But it is unrealistic for Ren Woxing to take his congregation to seek refuge with King Zhao.

Sure enough, even though Ren Woxing's injury hadn't healed yet, this kind of thing was directly rejected.

half a day later.

On the Blackwood Cliff, the sound of artillery fire rang out as promised.

Under a round of shelling, the Sun Moon God Sect suffered heavy casualties.

Some elites took the opportunity to enter, and almost 90% of the congregation died in the chaos.

In front of a well-trained army, even a first-class Jianghu sect like the Sun Moon God Sect is like a chicken cub, which can only be slaughtered.

That night.

boom! boom!

Xia An was about to take a rest when suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door...

Lian Xing moved lightly and opened the door.

At a glance, he saw Ren Yingying whose face was covered in blood and was covered in pitch black.

"Is Xia Chashen here?"

At this moment, she was still panting violently, as if she had experienced an extremely fierce fight.

"What is it?"

A clear voice sounded from the room.

It was Xia An.

Ren Yingying said urgently: "King Zhao dispatched troops and artillery to bombard Heimuya, my sect was almost razed to the ground!"

"There is such a thing?"

Hearing this, Xia An couldn't help being startled, walked out of the room quickly, and took a look at Ren Yingying who was covered in mess.

It turns out she's the only one.

Then he asked curiously, "Where is the teacher?"

As soon as Ren Yingying gritted her teeth, her eyes turned red immediately, "My father has been murdered by villains.

Xia An was silent for a while, he didn't expect such a big change to happen in just a few days.

Even Ren Woxing died in the hands of King Zhao.

He could only comfort him softly.

Lian Xing was thoughtful, "It seems that this King Zhao is already determined to rebel, but with his self-cultivation, he should not die in the bombardment."

"King Zhao has another master, whose strength is not inferior to that of Dongfang Bubai."

Ren Yingying said in a low voice, her eyes darkened, "My father died under his hands."

"Another half-step grand master?"

Xia An narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that King Zhao's background was truly extraordinary. 3.4

"Then what are you going to do next?" Lian Xing looked at Xia An. ,

"Go to Heimuya to see the situation first."

Xia An pondered for a moment, and said.

"There are troops stationed there, isn't it too dangerous?" Lian Xing frowned slightly.

Even if she is also a half-step grand master, it is extremely dangerous to confront the army head-on.


Xia An shook his head, and said lightly: "With such experts dispatched, it is unlikely that King Zhao will dispatch too many troops, and the ones dispatched are probably elite."

"After the Sun Moon God Sect is destroyed, it will definitely be transferred."

"So relatively speaking, the Sun Moon God Sect is safe."

"There are really not too many people in the army." Ren Yingying recalled and agreed.

"My father relied on martial arts to destroy the cannon door, and was killed by that master.".

Chapter 136 Touching corpses continuously, three corpses brain pills

"I see."

Xia An nodded, no matter what Ren Woxing said, although he was not as good as Wujue, a great master, he was still a master. Even in the face of the army, he had the ability to save his life.

It's just that I didn't expect that there was a half-step grand master on the opposite side.

"Who is that half-step grand master, do you recognize him?"

Xia An asked Ren Yingying.

Generally speaking, people of this level are well-known in the world.

"I don't recognize him, and I have never seen his martial arts. I only know that he is a middle-aged man with the appearance of a scholar." Ren Yingying said.

"What weapon did you use?" Xia An frowned.

Ren Yingying recalled it carefully, "I didn't see any weapons he used. He was unarmed, which didn't match his temperament at all."

"That's it..."

Xia An searched carefully in his mind, and found that he had no memory of this person.

"Forget it, just go and have a look."

Read The Duke's Passion