MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 81

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In the restaurant.

With an eye-catching shot, he took a casual sip of tea, and the storyteller waved a folding fan, eloquently eloquent, spit spattering.

As for what he was talking about, it was naturally Xia An's boxing master Jiumozhi.

Over the past two days, various versions of the story have emerged and have been widely circulated in major restaurants and inns.

There are no empty seats every time.

Everyone from the eighty-year-old man to the three-year-old child is very interested in this white-clothed catcher and admires him highly.

In the corner of the restaurant, a woman in a red dress stood quietly, listening to the storyteller with great interest.

In the phoenix eyes, there was a flash of brilliance.

Suddenly, a cold and heavy coercion enveloped the entire restaurant, making everyone feel a sense of heaviness for no reason.

The girl in the red dress was extremely beautiful, her facial features were so delicate that no flaw could be found, like a work of art carefully carved by the Creator.

When others see it, they will inevitably sigh that there is such a beautiful woman in time.

Not like anything in the world.

However, none of the men who were closer dared to look her in the face.

Don't even dare to peek 0....


Using these two words to describe a woman may sound a little unreasonable.

But you couldn't find a better word for it.

She is like the shining sun, bright and scorching hot, making people stare at her.

"Unexpectedly, this Xia An has such a reputation."

The corner of the woman's mouth curled up slightly, she was so beautiful, "It's interesting to kill such a person."

As soon as the voice fell, her figure disappeared in the restaurant in an instant.

As if it had never been there.

The East is undefeated!

The master of Heimuya, one of the few half-step masters in the world, finally came to the capital.

That night.

It was late at night.

Until this time, Xia An was not ready to return to the six doors.

As for what he did before, it was not to investigate the case, but to enter the palace.

The impact of killing Jiumozhi was much greater than what he had originally estimated.

Even Emperor Ming was alarmed and summoned him into the palace to reward him.

In view of the fact that the promotion was too high before, directly from the ninth rank to the third rank, there is no room for promotion for the time being.

So it was changed to reward a thousand taels of gold, a hundred acres of fertile land, and a mansion.

In addition, seeing that there are so many beautiful women around Xia An, Zhu Houzhao is also going to reward him with two concubines.

However, Xia An rejected it. There are already enough Yingying and Yanyan in the family. Wouldn't it be messed up to add two more casually?

Besides, although he is not a hypocritical person, he is not easy to catch anything.

3.4 In the end, he left the palace alone.

At this time, it was already the second watch, most of the people had already gone to bed, and the bustling capital also had a rest.

Xia An walked alone on the official road, walking forward under the bright moonlight.

Suddenly, he frowned and looked up at the sky.

The next moment, a bright red figure floated down from the sky, and the hem of the skirt moved automatically without wind.

It was an extremely beautiful woman, with exquisite facial features like a demon, and a vermilion vertical line between her eyebrows.

This added a bit of awe to that alluring face.

The combination of two completely different temperaments complements each other and shows its charm even more.

"You are Xia An?"

The woman's lips parted slightly, and a cold but pleasant voice floated out.

Although the voice was very soft, it carried an indescribable dominance.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

"Who are you?"

Xia An narrowed his eyes and his nerves tensed up.

To be able to approach him quietly and not be discovered until such a close distance, this woman is definitely not an ordinary person.

"This seat is undefeated in the East."

The cold voice reverberated in the night sky, Dongfang Bubai couldn't hide his meaning, it was open and aboveboard.

"It turned out to be the Eastern Hierarch, long admired."

Xia An frowned, a little surprised, "I don't know what the Eastern Hierarch is doing here?"

"Unexpectedly, you have heard of my name before."

Dongfang Bubai smiled faintly, "It seems that I am quite famous."

"The Eastern leader's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, so his reputation is naturally spread far and wide."

While Xia An was talking with Dongfang Bubai, with a light flick of his wrist, a letter cigarette quietly fell from his sleeve into his hand.

He would not naively think that such a strong man came to him in the middle of the night to chat.

Dongfang Bubai covered his mouth and smiled, showing all his enchantment, "You praise me so much, and you are so handsome, I am really reluctant to kill you for a while."

04 Sure enough.

As soon as Xia An's heart moved, he knew that nothing good would happen.

Gently move **** together, trying to light the smoke.

"This seat advises you to stop the small actions in your hands, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Dongfang Bubai played with his nails with one hand, and said casually.

It's like a girl from a good family, chatting with others.

But Xia An clearly felt that a heavy murderous intent was already invisible, covering him.

"The teacher has a good eye."

Xia An sighed softly, and took the letter back.

Facing a master of this level, it is somewhat difficult to let out the signal smoke quietly.

I'm afraid that before you ignite it, others will kill you in front of you.

Instead of this, it is better to confront the enemy with potential.

This place is not too far from the six gates, if there is a fight, Yaoyue and Lianxing will definitely be able to feel it.

As long as they wait until they arrive, they will be safe there.

With this in mind, Xia An no longer struggled.

"How can you be so calm?"

Dongfang Bubai slightly raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

There are not many people in the world who know that they are locked by themselves and can still maintain their mood.

It's no wonder that Xia An is so touted, there are indeed merits.

"Your disposition is not bad."

Dongfang Bubai said slowly.

"Thanks to the appreciation of the leader."

Xia An smiled and said: "Since that's the case, you and I have no grievances or enmities, so how about we go our separate ways?"

"It's a beautiful idea."

Dongfang Bubai suddenly smiled, "Unfortunately, I was entrusted by someone and had to take your life."

Xia An thought about it, and was about to ask who had such a big face that he could even invite a half-step master like Dongfang Bubai.

However, before he could speak, a few embroidery needles suddenly appeared in Dongfang Bubai's plain hands.

She threw it lightly, and suddenly, an astonishing force erupted from the embroidery needle, shooting towards Xia An.

when! when! when!

Xia An drew his sword and blocked it. During the rotation of the sword, it was like a half crescent moon, blocking all the embroidery needles.

"not bad."

Dongfang Bubai nodded, there are very few people in the world who can accept his move.

But immediately, dozens of flying needles exploded, pouring towards Xia An like a violent storm.

On the needle body, there is a majestic internal force, and its power is even greater than before.

Xia An didn't dare to take it hard, so he moved around in an instant, avoiding the flying needles like palming his eyes.

"Qinggong is very good."

There was a hint of appreciation in Dongfang Bubai's beautiful eyes, and he was a little more serious.

It is said that there are no worthless men under a great reputation.

On the way to the capital, she had heard of Xia An's name several times, and before that, she only thought of it as someone who was trying to catch fame.

Now it seems that is not the case.

At the very least, the lightness kung fu and swordsmanship of this body are not comparable to that of ordinary masters.

"Not bad, but not just that."

Xia An took a deep breath to calm his mind.

He closed his eyes slightly.

After a while, he opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were like lightning.

The breath on his body has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Like a sleeping volcano erupting, like a sleeping lion waking up.

Meridian retrograde.


Dongfang Bubai suddenly laughed, she always felt that this young man in white should be able to bring him some fun before he died.


There was a sword cry, and the light steel sharp sword trembled and buzzed.

Facing such an extremely strong man above the master, Xia An's energy and spirit were unified, and he reached the peak.

Pi Lian's sword qi hangs upside down like a rainbow, reflecting a gloomy light under the moonlight.

Xia An stepped on his feet and took the initiative to kill Dongfang Bubai.


The crescent-white sword light fell, and wisps of sword energy filled the air, hanging upside down like a waterfall.

Wherever it passes, nothing is continuous, and nothing is indestructible.