MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 6

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Isn't the Fuwei Escort Bureau located in southern Fujian? Why did they come to the capital? Could it be that they met someone with the same name and surname...

Chapter 11 Hot Potato

Shi Qing quickly asked this question for him.

"It's Lin Yuantu, the disciple of Zen Master Hongye from Southern Fujian Shaolin, and the Fuwei Escort Agency founded by Mr. Lin."

"The Fuwei Escort Agency was created by our ancestors."

"I've admired you for a long time, I've admired you for a long time!" Shi Qing was a little less polite and more respectful this time, "I've heard for a long time that Mr. Lin's sharp sword is superb, but it's a pity that I don't have the chance to see it."

"Master Shizhuang is absurd!"

"Are you from southern Fujian?"

"No, I'm waiting to come from the capital semicolon this time to **** the caravan to the central capital."

Lin Zhennan clapped his hands and returned, and said with an embarrassed face, "I hope Brother Shi will forgive me, the Escort Bureau has its own rules, and the **** will not participate in the disputes between Jianghu and Jianghu in order to protect the safety of the journey."

"Understood, I'm messing with Meng Lang, I hope Brother Lin doesn't mind!"

Hearing the other party's response made Lin Zhennan feel very face-saving, and couldn't help but say something more.

"About twenty miles ahead, there is a small town called Houjianji. Brother Shi may be able to find the answer there."

As soon as the three characters Hou Jianji came out, Xia An suddenly became enlightened. No wonder why he felt the names of Jindaozhai and Shi Qing were a little familiar just now. It turned out that the crux was here.

Isn't this the opening of the Knights? If his memory is correct, many people failed in this opening. Although they are not top-notch experts, they are much better than those low-level guys who were beheaded by the six doors.

If he could touch the corpse, at least he could get some internal strength for a few months.

Originally, according to the original plan of the caravan, tonight should be spent in Hou Jianji.

But because of the series of events just now, Lin Zhennan made a special detour to a nearby town to stay overnight in order to be on the safe side.

This town is only about ten miles away from Houjianji. After the caravan stationed, Xia An casually found an excuse to deceive Wu Qing, temporarily left the caravan, and sneaked out of the town.

After confirming that there was no one following him, he immediately performed the grass-flying lightness kungfu with all his strength and rushed towards Hou Jianji.

Qinggong is really good to use, even faster than galloping horses, but the only disadvantage is that it consumes too much internal energy.

During the ten-mile journey, he took three full rests to recover his internal strength.

When he arrived at Houjianji, he found that every household had their doors and windows closed, and it was as quiet as a ghost town without people.

On the main street full of moonlight, there were three dead bodies.

Among the three corpses, one was a handyman dressed as a junior, the other was an old man with several blood holes on his body, and the other was a strong man dressed as a Jindaozhai.

According to the distance, Xia An touched Xiao Er's body first, but only got five copper coins.

But this is also what he expected, this Xiaoer is an innocent passerby who died tragically, without the slightest martial arts, it's strange if he can touch something good.

The second black-clothed burly man immediately followed gave him a lot of surprises.

"Gain internal strength for six months!"

All of a sudden, Xia An only felt an extremely pure internal force pouring into his body, surging like a wave.

Xia An was only a step away from being able to break through to the post-acquired martial artist. Now, as soon as this internal force enters his body, he has changed from a late-stage martial artist to an early post-acquired warrior.

Slightly clenched his fists, he found that the biggest difference between warriors and Houtian is the amount of inner force that can be called at a time.

In the martial artist stage, although he has ten years of internal energy, he can only use at most about 10% of his internal energy every time he punches or uses light kung fu.

But now this number has fully doubled, which also means that his martial arts moves and even light skills are twice as strong as before.

As for the only shortcoming, it is only that he does not have much internal energy storage, and if he does it with all his strength, his battery life will be greatly reduced.

But this trivial matter is not a problem at all for him who can improve by touching corpses.

This made him look forward to the last corpse.

The last corpse, surnamed Wu and named Daotong, is good at using a pair of judge pens, and he can be regarded as one of the most acquired masters in the world.

Xia An felt that the corpse of a master of this level should be able to touch something good.

What he didn't expect was that the things he got were indeed good enough, but they were also hot enough.

"Obtain a Black Iron Token!"

The Xuantie Token is a gift given by Motian Layman Xie Yanke after he achieved great martial arts, in order to thank those who had kindness to him back then.

For those who have won the Black Tie Token, Xie Yanke will do his best to complete any difficult task no matter what. Even if he is asked to cut off his own arm, he will not hesitate.

Xie Yanke's martial arts belong to the level of a master, so this promise can be said to be quite important.

People in the rivers and lakes are all flocking to this thing.

Xie Yanke has only issued three black iron orders in his life, two of which have already been completed and requested to be withdrawn, and now only this one is circulated in the world.

"It's still possible to touch this kind of thing."

Xia An looked around and caught a glimpse of the little beggar in a daze in the corner.

If there is no accident, this little beggar should be the famous Shi Potian in the future, and the black iron token should have been hidden in the biscuits he held in his hand...

Chapter 12 The Weight of Officials in Front of the Jianghu People

At this time, there was a rush of hoofbeats.

Xia An raised his eyes and found that it was Shi Qing and his wife whom he had seen during the day.

The reason why these two people chased behind Jindao Village was also because of this Black Tie Token. According to the time point combined with the original plot, they must have had a face-to-face meeting with the people in Jindao Village and knew that the other party had not found the Black Tie Token. So go back to Houjianji to look for it.

"Who are you?" Shi Qing asked.

"I should ask you this question."

"Six doors handle the case, why did you two come here, and the deceased here is related to you two?"

Xia An took out the six door badge, looked at Shi Qing and asked coldly.

Xia Anduan would not use this method of self-destructing his identity if he met other people from the rivers and lakes.

But Shi Qing and his wife, who claim to be upright in the world, and have a property in the south of the Yangtze River, will only take action against officials unless they lose their minds, let alone in a town.

Once the news gets out, they will have to go back and forth.

Because the six doors are against the people of the Jianghu, they are extremely protective of their weaknesses. If the people of the rivers and lakes dare to arrest the six doors quickly, if they are found out, they will be the disaster of ransacking their homes and destroying their families.

Shi Qing and his wife really did something, unless they killed everyone in Hou Jianji, the Six Doors would definitely find Jiangnan Xuansu Village and let them know what it means to not leave behind any chickens or dogs.

And Shi Qing's reaction did not exceed Xia An's expectations.

After seeing him showing his waist card, although he was not afraid, it was not easy to sit on the horse and speak in the superior tone just now.

"Return to this official, this is Shi Qing, this is my wife Min Rou." Shi Qing got off his horse and cupped his hands, "The real name of this deceased is Wu Daotong, he was a close friend of my husband and wife, and I heard that someone wanted to harm him. The two hurried to arrive, but unexpectedly, they were still a step late."

This answer made Xia An sneer in his heart.

But his face remained restrained, "Do you know who murdered your friend?"

"This..." Shi Qing hesitated for a moment, but still did not involve Jindao Village.

He can talk nonsense to officials, but he can't betray Jianghu people. As the saying goes, Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu. Let alone Wu Daotong has nothing to do with him, even if he is a close relative or friend, he will not choose to tell the officials.

Otherwise, he will only be despised by his fellow Jianghu, and his reputation in the Jianghu will be ruined.

"My husband and I have only received news, but we haven't found out who the murderer is yet."

While Shi Qing was speaking, he took a step forward and handed Xia An a bank note, "This official, I hope it will be convenient for me and my wife to collect the corpse for my good friend."

Xia An thought for a while, then took the bank note, "Then I will hand over this corpse to you."

According to the original plot, the members of the Xueshan faction following Shi Qing and his wife, as well as Xie Yanke who was hiding in the dark, should all appear on stage. If the couple were expelled, there might be changes.

Moreover, the Black Tie Token is also in his hands, and nothing can be found on the body.

"Thank you, sir!"

Shi Qing quickly thanked him, and began to **** for something on the corpse.

Xia An just watched silently, waiting for the future development.

But until Shi Qing and his wife turned Wu Daotong all over under the pretext of collecting the corpse, and finally found a carriage to pull the corpse away and disappeared, they didn't see these people jumping out.

"Because the Black Tie Token was taken away by me, has the plot changed?"

Xia An was thoughtful, then turned his head, and Shi Potian, who was squatting in the corner, was gone.

But what he didn't know was that the reason why the latecomer didn't show up was not because of the Black Tie Token, but because he showed his waist card.

Needless to say, the Xueshan faction has its roots and roots, and it is easy to avoid conflicts with people from the Gongmen.

As for Xie Yanke, although he has the ability to avoid the six doors, he came here for the Black Tie Token, and naturally he would not act casually before seeing the Black Tie Token appear.

Although Shi Potian is only a little transparent now, but because of his status as a beggar, he is extremely afraid of officials, and when he showed his waist card, he had already sneaked away.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, the Xuan Tie Ling still remained in Xia An's hands.

Since there is no way to send it out, then simply keep it for now.

After leaving Hou Jianji, he used his lightness kung fu again to rush back to the caravan station.

As soon as he arrived at the station, he saw Wu Qing sitting in a wheelchair.

"It's so late, what did you do?"

"I went to practice outside the town." Xia An said casually, "I haven't had time to practice these days, and my hands are a little raw!"


Ruthlessly glanced at his boots, but did not continue on this topic.

"When we arrive in Rongyang tomorrow, we will part ways, and we don't know when we will meet again."

"I'm in Chengcheng, the distance is not too far, see you soon." Xia An said with a smile.

"I hope! You have to go on the road tomorrow, so you should go to bed early." There was a slight smile on Wuqing's lips, and he pushed the wheelchair back to the room.

Xia An, who has been a human being for two lifetimes, has actually seen that Wuqing has developed some affection for him through these days of getting along.

And he also has a good impression of Wuqing.

It's just that no one has pierced this layer of window paper, this way of getting along is actually the most comfortable.

Chapter Thirteen: Drowsiness meets Pillow?

The next day, we arrived at the boundary of Rongyang at noon.

At the time of parting, after Xia An and Wuqing said goodbye, the two parted ways.

Xia An went to Chengcheng alone.

On the way, Xia An found that many martial arts figures were walking along with him, and the scale was not small.

Xia An tried to figure out what was going on, but he was wearing a scholar's outfit now, and these people from all walks of life were unwilling to talk to him.

In the end, when Xia An was resting at a tea stall, he found out what happened.

"Yan Wang's enemy, Miracle Doctor Xue, posted a heroic post this time, inviting fellows from all walks of life. The momentum is so urgent, and he said, "Heroes see the post, please come." Do you know why?"

"Master Xue is the number one master in the world. If he can make such an invitation, something big must happen. According to my estimation, most of it has something to do with that villain of the Beggar Sect."

"But the villain who killed his father, mother, and teacher."

"It's that guy, that guy is known for his chivalry, and he has deceived many people. If he hadn't been seen with his own eyes, who would have thought that this villain would have committed such a heinous crime!"

"Back when he was the head of the beggar gang, I had a relationship with him. I admired him very much. When it was rumored that he was a barbarian, I had a big dispute with him and almost got into a fight. No Thinking of barbarians, they are no doubt like beasts."

"This kind of murderer can be punished by everyone..."

Doctor Xue, the leader of the beggar gang, and the breed of barbarians, the combination of these words immediately made Xia An think of a person.

"You're talking about Qiao Feng, the former head of the Beggar Gang?"

Hearing his question, the people at the neighboring table who were discussing intensely couldn't help but cast surprised glances.

"I didn't expect that fellow's notoriety, even the scholars have heard about it. It really ruined my reputation in the Central Plains martial arts."

"Where are you guys planning to go?"