MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 160

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At this time, there is no time to delay. Since I have already done everything myself, I should find Zhao Min and give her a legitimate reputation!

Xia An has never been the kind of person who eats up and then runs away.

Since you have done it, you should take corresponding responsibilities!

With the help of his own majestic and almost endless qi, Xia An's boat passed by like a speedboat on the sea.

If it weren't for the detailed sea chart provided by Dragon Island Master, he might not be able to get around.

Three days later, Xia An finally saw the land. During this period, he didn't dare to delay for a moment. After landing on the land, he hurriedly found an inn to sleep in.

This sleep is a day and a night.

There is no way, for three days and three nights non-stop using true energy to drive the boat on the surface of the sea, Xia An can't hold it even if his body is made of iron!

After the inn was ready, Xia An bought another horse, and this time he rushed to Longyuan without stopping.

He believed that Zhao Min would definitely be there at this time!

Because Xia An didn't need Xia An's true energy to drive on the road, almost all of his true energy was used to cheer up his emotions and spirits.

Just like this, one person and one horse, no, to be precise, several horses.

Running wildly continuously, Xia An had killed seven or eight horses.

Among them, even meals are casually dealt with on horseback for two bites.

Eat and sleep in the open air, hurry up.

Xia An went all the way from the southeast of Zhongzhou City to the west.

Finally, about a month later, Xia An arrived at Longyuan!

To be precise, they rushed to a small town in front of Longyuan.

A month of Xingyue and Xingyue is really exhausting. Even though he has this newly fused technique to help stimulate his spirit all the time, his body still can't stand it.

The body of a great master, after traveling for a month, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, the officials in this town are not bad. When they saw Xia An, they took him back to the yamen, and took good care of him after seeing the six-door badge on him.

"My lord, are you awake~?"

When Xia An regained his consciousness and physical strength again, he realized that he had actually arrived at a slightly plain house.

"you are…"

"The young one is the county magistrate of Longnan County. Not long ago, your lord passed out at the gate of the yamen. I had someone bring you back to my house to take care of you.

I don't know what your lord has ordered? "

This also makes it impossible for the county magistrate not to think too much, otherwise, why would such an adult with a waist plate with six gates lie down in front of the Yamen instead of other places?

"`~cough cough, this is not true, I came to you to ask you to help find someone for me."

"Even if the adults say yes, the subordinates will definitely do their best!"

After the county magistrate nodded repeatedly, Xia An stood up and helped him up.

"It's not that serious, it's my personal request."

The strength and spirit in the body have almost recovered in a short period of time, and even better, I should have slept here for several days.

"Your Excellency, just say so."

Xia An was not too polite, and the painter in the county came and told him Zhao Min's appearance, and after drawing it and modifying it by Xia An, the county magistrate took him to find someone.

He is ready to mobilize all the power that can be mobilized, so as to find Zhao Min as soon as possible.

But (good money) if you want to find it here, Long Yuan naturally wants to find it too.

"If you have any news, please send a letter to the police of Longyuan Six Gates, and they will naturally pass it on to me."

After Xia An finished speaking, he left Longnan County on foot.

The next road is not far away, he just needs to use a little lightness kung fu.

In a blink of an eye, Xia An had already arrived at the gate of Longyuan City.

"Have you heard that the demon sect is doing a lot of evil, and this time several sects are all preparing to attack the Guangmingding group!"

"Of course, I have an inside story about this matter. It is said that there is a Yuanren in the team of the six major factions. It is said that he is the princess. I don't know if this gossip is reliable..."

"Then what do you mean, don't these six major factions... fornicate foreign enemies!?".

Read The Duke's Passion