MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 114

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Finally, there was some movement from the bottom of the well.

"Ha! I just said, these two people will definitely come back, get ready, and when they dare to come up, we will do it together!"

Immediately, a big man showed a fierce look in his eyes, full of killing intent.

In front of treasures, human greed has nothing to hide.

Chapter 156 Blocking the Exit? Break it with one sword!

At this moment, Xia An and Wan Wan had indeed returned to the stone well.

The latter still held the Evil Emperor's relic in his hand, as if he was acting as a maid.

Xia An was not worried about her running away.

Wanwan is a smart person and knows how to choose.

In fact, Wanwan really didn't have this idea.

However, she raised her head and looked over Ishii, feeling a little worried.

"There are many masters outside waiting to make a move. If they go up rashly, there may be accidents."

"Perhaps you should look for it, young master, to see if there are other exits."

"This mechanism is so exquisitely designed, presumably the builder should not have only built one exit."

"It's okay." Xia An didn't care.

Of course, there are other exits to Yang Gong's treasure house, and there are more than one.

But it's a little far away, Xia An doesn't want to make a fuss.

And most importantly, the main goal of this trip was fishing and law enforcement.

Just run away now, who would dare to kill the six doors?


Then what kind of corpse is touching?

"Xia Catching God, Miss Wanwan, you two should have just come out of the treasure house, right?"

"I'm very curious about what's in the treasure house, please let me know."

Just as he was thinking, a male voice suddenly came from the mouth of the well.

"If you want to know what's there, you might as well come down and see for yourself."

Wanwan didn't have a good temper, so she snorted coldly, "A group of people blocked the mouth of the well, what kind of skill is that?"


The man sneered again and again, but he wasn't motivated, "Miss Wanwan is extremely powerful, Xia Tunshen is famous all over the world, and the little one is just a nobody, so don't dare to go down."

"Since you don't dare, then don't talk nonsense and make noise." Wanwan said coldly.

"Noisy? What can you do if you are noisy?"

A burly man with a beard poked his head out, "Don't think that I'm afraid of you just because you're the descendant of the Yinkui sect!"

"You don't even look at it, who is in charge of the situation now?"

"Don't mention the morals of the world, I'm just a bandit, and I can make money wherever I have money!"

"Even if the heavenly king and I block my way of making money, I will die!"

"I think the things you are holding in your little girl's hands should be quite valuable. How about this, you throw the things up and say something nice to me."

"How about you take your things and leave?"

"I'm afraid that if you have a life to take, you don't have a life to enjoy!"

Wanwan's complexion darkened, and she raised her hand to strike with a burst of true energy.


The man quickly retracted his head, and after a while, he poked his head out again, his face full of anger,

"Well, you old bastard, I think you really want to die, don't you?"

"I'll see how you come out!"

"You and this little boy surnamed Xia will be trapped inside to death together."

Wanwan was filled with anger, but she didn't act out of it.

Even in such an environment, she was still confident that she could kill the big man without any effort.

But that doesn't make sense.

This person is just a relatively arrogant person on the surface, and he is just a piece of trash.

The real masters are all waiting on it, just like poisonous snakes lurking in the dark, waiting to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

Once ready to go to the well, what they will face is a joint blow from several masters.

"Let's find another exit first, and then settle accounts with him after we go out."

Wan Wan's eyes flashed a hint of gloom, and she suggested to Xia An.

She was extremely aggrieved by a dignified master master, who was given such breath adjustment by a little guy.

But the situation was such that he had to bow his head.

Come to think of it, so did Xia An.

"No problem."

However, it was beyond Wanwan's expectation.

Xia An didn't seem to be angry, and his expression remained calm.

He raised his head and looked towards the mouth of the well, with the calm eyes of the ancient well, as if he was looking at a group of ants.

Wanwan's heart skipped a beat.

That's right, how can a person care about anything with ants?

Xia An didn't get angry, not because he had a good temper, but because he didn't take these people seriously at all.

"If I want to go out, no one can stop me."

A calm but sonorous voice echoed at the bottom of the well.

Wanwan looked at the young man in white in front of her, completely lost in thought.

At this moment, in his eyes, Xia An's body seemed to be covered with a layer of white light, like a banished immortal.

He looked calm, but there was an indescribable overbearing and self-confidence.

"How dare you speak boldly when your death is imminent?"

"Xia Catching God really has confidence."

The bearded man came out again, sneering again and again.

There is no fear of a top master at all, there are so many masters beside such a deep well.

Can these two come out?

He didn't believe it.

The bearded man laughed loudly: "I said Xia Chushen, everyone is a man, and I can understand bragging in front of beauties."

"But if the cowhide is blown, it will be too embarrassing..."

He stopped after speaking halfway, because a wisp of sword energy had pierced through his brow.

The expression of the bearded man even maintained his previous arrogance, but he couldn't speak anymore.

The body fell straight backwards.

This sudden change made everyone guarding outside the mouth of the well immediately vigilant and cheered up.

However, they haven't waited for them to take action.

From the mouth of the well, mighty sword energy soared into the sky.


No one knew what was going on down the well, but the powerful Grandmaster responded immediately.

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen masters who coveted 270 evil emperor relics joined hands to make a move.

All the unique skills from all walks of life rushed to the bottom of the well.

They knew very well that this position was the best opportunity for them to win against this rumored half-step grandmaster's strength at the lowest cost.

Take advantage of the right time, place and people!

All of a sudden, an indescribable force erupted from the mouth of the well, and the lowest among the people who made the shot was an innate master.

It is conceivable how powerful the power must be.


However, everyone only heard the crisp sound of swords screaming.

Afterwards, a sharp and incomparably sharp sword qi rose from the well. Wherever it passed, there was nothing continuous and invincible.

With a destructive momentum, he smashed all the offensives.

too fast.

In an instant, it was as if time had stood still, before even the sound of the true energy dissipating could be heard, and everything collapsed.

Then, a figure in white flew out from the mouth of the well, like fallen leaves, and landed steadily on the ground.

Xia An held the sword in one hand, with a calm expression, and there was an indescribable charm in the fluttering clothes.

But the brilliant sword power on his body made all the onlookers feel their scalps go numb.

With just one sword strike, the attacks of more than a dozen masters were disintegrated?

What kind of freak is this? .

One hundred and fifty-seventh step to kill a person, a thousand miles will not stay!

"how is this possible?"

The leader is also a master in the middle stage of the master, and he has been in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years without any disadvantages.

But a few days later, Xia An's sword broke through the attack, and the tiger's mouth was still aching and bleeding profusely.


"This is just one sword, more than a dozen masters!"

"This sword intent is too fierce."


There was a lot of discussion.

Those who shot were silently adjusting their lives.

Those who didn't make a move were secretly thankful.

Even with the help of such easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain, Xia An was able to get out of trouble.

And still so easy.

No one knows how strong this six-door God Catcher in white is.

Wanwan also jumped out of the well with the Ye Mingzhu and the evil emperor's relic, and landed behind Xia An.

In a pair of beautiful eyes, there is a lot of splendor.

She was the only one who watched Xia An's sword at close range, and she knew exactly how frightening the aura of this white-clothed young man in front of him was.

"That's the Evil Emperor Sari, right?"

"It seems that this treasure house is really under this stone well."