MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 104

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It was only when they were facing Xia An that they would restrain themselves a little, but now that this scruple is gone, it is really like a killer star descending into the world.

Zhao Wang, who was on the side, was terrified.

In just a cup of tea, hundreds of people died under the hands of the two of them. At this moment, King Zhao had already extinguished the idea of ​​capturing them alive.

A strong man of this level would be very difficult to kill if he did not have someone of equal strength to overwhelm the formation.

Let alone capture alive.

"Everyone, please help."

King Zhao thought for a while, and looked at the few doormen standing behind.

These people, all wearing pitch-black cloaks, seem to be from the same organization.

King Zhao actually didn't know how strong they were, but thinking about it, they shouldn't be inferior to the master.

And once these masters entangle Yaoyue and Lianxing, and cooperate with the army's charge, there is a high probability that these two people will be left behind.

The leader nodded and led the crowd to the battlefield.

"Remember, don't let them escape."

King Zhao exhorted suddenly.

Naturally, he could see that Yaoyue and Lianxing were clearly here to take his life.

If you miss this opportunity and be missed by such a strong person, you will inevitably have a headache in the future.

"My lord, don't worry, these two people are very arrogant, even if they are allowed to escape, it is impossible."

The leading man laughed.

"This king doesn't care about these things, he only cares about the results."

Zhao Wang said lightly.

The man didn't respond either, and went straight to kill Lian Xing and Yao Yue.

"Sister, there are a few more people here, and their strength is not bad."

Naturally, their plans cannot be hidden from Yaoyue and Lianxing's eyes and ears.

Taking advantage of the gap of a charge, Lian Xing floated to Yaoyue's side and reminded her.

Yaoyue glanced at the few people who jumped forward, and fell into silence for a while.

The strength of these people, in her opinion, is not bad.

But, that's all.

If you really want to fight, Yaoyue is sure to kill them all.

But the result is that he must also be affected.

And she wasn't sure whether King Zhao had any backup.

After all, this is a dense forest. It is a prince who is preparing to rebel. He has been stationed there for a long time. If he plans to rebel without any capital, he is undoubtedly foolish.

In other words, with the few grandmasters and heavy killing arrays dispatched now, there is a certain chance that she can be kept.

Of course, Yaoyue is not afraid.

If it was before, with her temperament, no matter what, she would kill these few who dared to provoke.

But for no reason, Yaoyue suddenly rang when he was parting, Xia An's exhortations, and his extraordinarily serious face.

Yaoyue suddenly smiled, "Then let's withdraw."

Hearing this, Lian Xing turned her head abruptly and looked at Yao Yue in disbelief, as if seeing a stranger.

She stepped forward, of course, because she cared about Xia An's instructions, so she reminded Yaoyue.

But from Lian Xing's point of view, Yaoyue is so arrogant that she probably wouldn't make such a choice.

But now, the result was far beyond her expectation.

Yaoyue actually chose to give in!

This is definitely the first time ever.

It seems that my sister has really changed.

"Let's go. I don't want to worry someone. It's annoying to talk about."

The corner of Yaoyue's mouth raised, and with a touch of her foot, she disappeared among the thousands of troops.


Lian Xing nodded approvingly, Xia An was usually indifferent, but in private, she taught the two sisters a lot.

After that, he also left with Yaoyue.

Such a master, if he really wants to leave, he will definitely not be able to keep it.

Everyone could only watch them leave, leaving only dozens of fragmented crossbow carts and hundreds of corpses.

The few guests who had just arrived were stunned, what about the mastery they agreed to have?

Zhao Wang's face was livid.

this wave.

That's where the pants are gone.

Chapter 144 Desperate Zhu Houzhao

Soon, Yaoyao and Lianxing met Xia An who was rushing to the dense forest after dealing with the dragon on the way back.

"How is it? You're not hurt?"

Xia An was concerned.

Yaoyue smiled, "I thought you would inquire about King Zhao's situation first."

Xia An shrugged, "What should I care about him?"

If you don't care about your own woman, why don't you care about a big man?

Xia An didn't have any sense of humor.

"Don't worry, we naturally have a sense of proportion, but we couldn't kill King Zhao." Lian Xing said softly.

"It's okay, I'll just find another chance in the future, as long as I'm fine~"

Xia An pondered for a while, "Tell me about the specific situation."

So, Yaoyue roughly explained what happened.

"There is more than one disciple who is stronger than the master."

Xia An was thoughtful, "It seems that King Zhao is not that simple."

"Then what should we do next?" Yaoyue asked.

"Wait first."

Xia An said indifferently, "If there is no accident, the imperial court should have taken action in the past few days. If it hasn't reacted yet, then the Ming Dynasty should also be destroyed."

"When they are almost done playing, we will go to finish."

King Zhao must be killed.

But also pay attention to the method.

If you can borrow strength, there is no need to kill yourself, it is thankless.


Yaoyue nodded and had no comment.

The three returned to the inn, quietly waiting for news.

at the same time.

"Your Majesty, please think again!"

"Your Majesty is the king of a country, and he should be strategizing above the court. Why is there any reason to go to battle to kill the enemy in person?"

Zhuge Zhengwo looked respectful, and advised earnestly.

In front of him was Zhu Houzhao, who was wearing armor and a sword at his waist, with an awe-inspiring look.

"The Tai Tuo's words are wrong. A man should stand upright."

"Going to the battlefield to fight is also a kind of strategizing."

"Furthermore, for the soldiers on the front line, it is a kind of spur and encouragement, which can boost the morale of the soldiers."

"But..." Zhuge Zhengwo hesitated to speak.

"No need to say much, I have made up my mind."

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand, completely resolute after eating the weight.

On this battlefield, his mighty general is really determined!

No one can stop it!


Seeing this, Zhuge looked up to the sky and sighed, but didn't say anything else.

It's just ridiculous.

"Come on! Prepare your horse!"

The bright red cloak fluttered in the air, and Zhu Houzhao had already left the palace.


On this day, Zhu Houzhao led a team and secretly set off from the capital.

The horse rushed to the army that had already set off.

five days later.

Outside Hengshan City.

"My minister sees Your Majesty!"

Inside the camp, a group of generals knelt on one knee with respectful expressions.

After running around continuously, Zhu Houzhao finally arrived at Hengshan City.

"Stay flat."

With his hands behind his hands, Zhu Houzhao paced in the camp. He also practiced martial arts, and at this moment he exuded a little general temperament.

"How is the battle going?"

"The ministers and others heard that the Holy Majesty is going to march in person, so they dare not act rashly. The army has been stationed for a long time, and they only need to wait for His Majesty to arrive in person."

In fact, news of King Zhao's rebellion had already spread.

Three days ago, the army arrived at Hengshan City.

However, they received an oracle in the middle, which forced them to stop their plan to attack.

"Very well, since I'm here, there's no need to wait any longer."

"Take a rest overnight and launch an attack tomorrow."

"This time, I will definitely let the traitor die without a place to bury him."

A cold light flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes, full of confidence.

The generals below sighed inwardly, this trip was delayed for three days, the best fighter has long been delayed.

Whether he can win is still unknown.

the next day.

Zhu Houzhao personally led the army to attack King Zhao.