MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 227 Extinguish

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Yanjing finally arrived in the winter.

The snow fluttering in the sky changed from salt to snow. From the street to the end of the street, it was covered with thick snow all night. Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, the world has become silver white. Occasionally, the yellow dog did not tighten, running through the snow, leaving a deep plum-shaped footprint.

Jiang Li stood in the yard, and the crystal ice icing was hanging upside down on the eaves. It was like a bead curtain in the beautiful temple of the deep palace. It got up early in the morning and the snow had not stopped. The **** pear was covered with a white cloak and almost blended with the snow. .

"Heaven is too cold." Tonger got up early in the yard and snowed in the yard. The iron bucket placed in the yard became a hail overnight, standing in the middle of the yard.

Jiang Li looked at the horizon, and there was a worry in his heart. In the winter, there is nothing in the flower garden of the Jiang family, even the gardeners are not there. Jiang Li knows that Zhao Wei is going to do something with Ji Yun. This thing does not know what Jiang Pear is. When Ji Yun left Yanjing City, he did not tell Jiang Pear. Instead, Zhao Wei reminded Jiang Li when he left Jiang House, indicating that these days are not in Jiangfu, and Jiang Li himself be careful.

Ji Yun does not tell Jiang Pear, either it is not worth mentioning, or it is a matter of great importance. I am not willing to worry about Jiang Li. Although it may not be worth mentioning for him in the world, most of the things in the world are not worth mentioning to him, but this time, Jiang Li is sensitive to the difference in appearance from Zhao Wei’s look.

This incident may be more important than she imagined, and after more than a dozen days passed, Zhao Wei did not appear in Jiang Mansion, and there was no news of Ji Rong.

In the heart of Jiang Li, I always feel a little uneasy. She thought about it and decided to take the initiative to go to the government office at least once. At least, General Ji is still there. I can ask General Ji, and then it will be bad. Maybe Situ will be heard in September, and Lu Yan can know one and a half.

"Let's go to the government office." Jiang Lidao.

Tonger and Bai Xue did not understand, thinking that Jiangli had something to look for. Today, Jiang Li and Ji Yun are the marriages given by their Majesty, and there is nothing wrong with doing this. Yanjing City is not like the former dynasty. The girl before marrying can't see the husband, so it is understandable that Jiang Pear does this. Mrs. Jiang’s wife learned, and did not say anything, only let Jiang Li go early and go back early.

Jiang Li took a carriage and went to the National Government with Tonger Baixue.

On the streets, there are playful urchins everywhere. The most happy winter is about children, and you can roll in the snow. The red gourd candied fruit is in the snow, and the lining is particularly bright.

The lantern in front of the government office was as gorgeous as ever. The little cockroach at the entrance of the government saw Jiang Li come over and raised a big smile on his face. After this was given a marriage, Jiang Li first went to the government office, and the government office knew that Jiang Li would be the wife of the country. There have been no female masters in this house for many years. If there is one more, it is rare to see more.

Jiang Li went in, she didn't have to lead the way, and went outside the yard of Ji Yun. Sure enough, there was no figure of Ji Yun inside and outside the yard, and there was no figure of Wen Ji and Zhao Wei – he really had not returned to Beijing.

When Jiang Li thought about it, he found a small donkey at the entrance of the study room and asked: "What is General Ji’s current in the government?"

The little girl shook his head and was about to answer. Jiang Li heard a familiar voice behind him. "He is missing."

Jiang Li turned his head and Situ came out from behind in September. She still has a bamboo basket in her hand, and she seems to be going to pick flowers in the flower garden. In the winter, she also wore a wolf skin skirt, still dark brown, deer boots, waist tied with plum blossoms, clearly is a delicate and eyebrows, but the dressed people are not close.

"September girl." Jiang Lidao, Situ September lived in the government office all year round, because in the flower garden of the government office, there are materials for her refining, she asked: "You just said that General Ji is missing?"

"Yes." Situ September said: "The second day after Ji Yun left Yanjing, General Ji was gone. Kong Liu and Lu Hao sent people to look for it, and there has been no whereabouts."

Jiang Li’s heart is tight: “It’s being...”

"No." Situ September said: "He took the sword in the study."

The heart of **** pear did not relax. Since General Ji’s general took the sword, it is obvious that he left. Why take a sword, the first thought of ordinary people, is about revenge. General Ke Ji has been old, why is it so? Jiang Lii said: "September girl, you know that Ji Yun left Yanjing City this time, what is it going to do? Lu Daren and Kong Daren are not there? Maybe you can know some people."

"I don't know what he is going to do. He didn't tell me. Maybe he told Lu Yi and Kong Liu, but they won't tell you because they are not in the government office now. I don't know where they went. I only know that Ji Yun is doing a very important thing. It is very dangerous. The less people know, the better."

Jiang Li heard the words and did not give up his dissatisfaction because of Situ's answer in September. She knows that Ji Yun does not tell her that she does not trust her. It is because she is too valued by her, and she hopes that she will not be hurt.

This person... is always used to doing all things, even if it is misunderstood.

Jiang Li sighed in her heart, it seems that she is helpless. There is no one who knows the situation of Ji Yun.

Situ did not continue to talk to Jiang Li in September, but went to the flower garden and started collecting flowers. The flowers in the government office are still very fresh in the winter, but they are different from the ordinary flowers. The strange shapes are strange, some are flat and long, some are like an animal, and some are actually fiddling. tremble. Jiang Li didn't help, she didn't know which flowers Situ wanted to pick in September, and she had to watch it. Looking at it, I thought about the rumors about the government office.

She said: "I originally thought that Ji Yun was collecting a strange flower in the house because of Aihua. Now it seems that the reason why Ji Yun spent a lot of money in the flower garden to collect so many wonderful flowers is because the girl in September is easy to refine. Or these flowers are actually collected by the September girl, but they borrowed the name of Ji Yun."

Ji Yun's two hobbies, one loves flowers, one plays. But if it is a person who really loves flowers, and where he is so harsh, he still finds a poisonous flower that is rare in the world. It is better to say that he collects the raw materials of the world. The raw material is obviously useless to Ji Yun, and he will not make poison. It can be seen that it was prepared for Situ in September.

"No, these are indeed collected by Ji Yun, but the purpose is indeed to let me refine the medicine, because he hopes that I can make a strange poison to let his father wake up."

Jiang Li’s eyes widened, and this was the first time she heard it. In the rumors, Ji Xiaohan returned to the government that year, and learned that the red leaves died after leaving the news, and later no longer appeared. The world has rumored that he has already died, but the meaning of Stuart's words in September, Ji Hanhan is still alive?

How is this going?

"He... General Jinwu is still alive?" Jiang Li asked.

"No, he is dead." Situ was pulling out a blue flower in September. She was very careful. She used a small shovel to dig the soil next to the flower. When the flower was collected, it did not hurt the rhizome.

"But... you didn't just say..." Jiang Pear is hard to understand.

"Because I didn't produce the poison, I failed, so Ji's father didn't wake up and died because of toxicity." Suzuki's hand seemed to tremble, even though she tried to keep it. Calm, but in the end it is still leaking a trace.

"September girl," Jiang Li tried as carefully as possible and asked seriously. "Can you tell me what is this?"

Stuart turned his head in September and calmly looked at her. After a while, Stuart bowed his head in September and continued his movements. He said: "The people in the world say that Ji Yun collects the world's flowers, but it is only because of the toxicity in the world. The fierce flowers, most of them are bright and colorful, and strange shapes. Ji Yun is not looking for strange flowers, but it is a strange poison. He wants to find poison, just to cure his father's disease."

"His father's ... sick?" Jiang Li whispered: "In rumors, General Jin Wu has lost track many years ago."

"Not so, General Ji has been alive and has not disappeared. I don't know what happened. When I first came to the government office, General Ji was already in the government office. For many years, Ji Wei I have been staying with me all the time, even helping me to avoid the pursuit of Molan, because in the world, maybe only I can let General Ji wake up."

"What happened to General Ji?"

"He was seriously injured, he was poisoned, and he could not be saved. I have tried my best to maintain the spread of toxicity. I have been using it for poisoning and poisoning. For so many years, he has not woken up. Among them. There was no antidote to the poison. Three years ago, the toxicity had spread to the throat. I couldn’t help it. If he went on like this, he would live for at least one year. At this time, Ji Wei’s men found a poisonous grass in the desert, and I used poisonous grass to refine the medicine. But I don't know what the outcome will be. General Ji will take this medicine, maybe wake up, completely detoxify, maybe... will speed up the spread of toxicity and immediately kill."

"One side is a year of renewal, and one may wake up and may be killed. I can't make this decision for General Ji. The old general handed over the power of choice to Ji Yun, who decided to let his father take the medicine."

When Jiang Li heard it, the heart couldn't help but squat. She already knows what the ending is. She just said it in September, but she still can't help but feel hurt for Ji Yun.

"Everyone of us wants a miracle. Ji Yun never believes in life. Before taking the medicine to General Ji, he also went to worship his mother. But unfortunately, as Ji Yun said, even the drama on stage. The team, the comedy that was sung was too fake, and there was no miracle. I failed, and General Ji died."

The snow fell silently and fell to Situ's September. She seemed to be unaware of it, neither licking the snow nor playing an umbrella. Let those who are cold and fall on themselves, Jiang Li even thinks that Situ may be fighting in September.

"This is not your fault," Jiang Li whispered: "This is not the fault of Ji Yun."

"Of course I know." After a while, Situ opened the door in September. She said: "But after the death of General Ji, I left Yanjing and I came back until last year."

Last year, it was when Ji Yun asked Situ to take care of Xue Huaiyuan in September.

"I don't like to owe anyone, but after that incident, I still feel that I owe it to Ji Yun. If it wasn't for Ji Yun who wanted me to treat Xue Huaiyuan, I would never be able to return to Yanjing City in my life. So once I have made up for it. Opportunity, I will try to make up for it. So you asked me why I gave Xue Huaiyuan a cure and gave Xue Zhao a cure. I easily agreed, but it was because three years ago, my poison killed his father."

Jiang Li could not help but say again: "This is not your fault, September girl, you have tried your best."

"But the ending is the same. I am still like this. The feelings of Ji Yun can be imagined." Situ Jiu Yue said, "I have never seen a person, do something so focused in my life. I know Ji from me. At the beginning, he built such a flower garden, in order to detoxify General Ji. Unfortunately, for so many years, he can only watch the poison spread a little bit every year, and he is helpless. In the end, he watched the death of General Ji, only Because he made the wrong decision."

Jiang Li is silent, even if she imagines, she can guess how desperate Mickey’s mood is.

In September, Situ took the last flower and stood up. He said, "This is the answer. In fact, I thought that after his father died, he would tear down the flowerbed. I didn't expect this flowerbed to remain. Maybe it’s to hide people’s eyes and ears, maybe it’s to be prepared.”

Jiang Lidao: "So, where is General Ji’s funeral?"

"I can't make a big move. For fear of finding clues, it is also the wish of his father before he died. He burned his body to ashes and placed it in his mother's tomb."

Jiang Li heard the key points in Stuart's September speech, saying: "For the fear of discovering the clues? Is the poisoning of General Ji's intentions? Is this person hiding in the dark, still in Beijing?"

Situ looked at Jiang Li in September: "Yes. Since you guessed it, I don't have to say it, but I don't know anything else. I don't trust anyone completely, but maybe You are an exception, but in order to protect you, he will not tell him a lot, so the most terrible and ugly side of the truth, maybe only he knows."

When Jiang Li arrived, she suddenly understood why Ji Ji was such a character. It is true that he is moody and murderous, but after experiencing such a thing, there may be more terrible facts. When he was a teenager, he learned to face the darkness alone and walk out of the darkness. If you want to protect what you want to protect, the first thing you need to learn is to survive in the dark, to make him become like Azhao, like Xue Huaiyuan, who is upright and upright, impossible. Even the innocence is ridiculous.

Jiang Li couldn't tell what it felt. She only felt that her heart was like a stone, and she couldn't breathe. This is full of bright layers of colorful flowers, each of which is the expectation of Ji Yun from the young age, but unfortunately, the flowers are still prosperous, but the expectations are lost.

She thought that the day after night came to the government office, Ji Yun planted trees in the yard, he planted very slow, looking at the flowers full of flowers, his eyes are very lonely.

She suddenly couldn't bear to think about it anymore.

In September, Situ walked into the refining pharmacy with a bamboo basket full of flowers. But she did not immediately refine the medicine, but after putting the bamboo baskets, she went to the side of the yard and looked at the snow. About the thought of General Ji, let her tone indulge, how calm the face, but not in the heart.

The two girls are standing in the yard, and the heavens and the earth are white, each with their own minds, but they feel that things are impermanent, human beings change, and there is no helplessness.

After a long time, the snow stopped for a long time. After a long time in the cage, Xiaohong woke up, opened the black bean-like eyes, flew to the eaves, and licked the **** pears.

Jiang Lidao: "September girl, I want to go to Yefu to see you, do you want to go to Azhao to see the wound. Last time I promised Azhao to make a poison to the whip, I don't know if it is good, if it is good, today is Go to Azhao and send it."

Her heart is surprisingly boring, and she is eager to use other things to slow down the suffocation in her heart, otherwise she will be crushed by this sad emotion, and she will not think of anything else in her mind for a while. She wants to go to see Azhao, look at her father, look at Ye Mingjie Ye Shijie, and let his heart rest for a while.

She thinks that Situ is the same in September. If Ginger is no longer, Situ will be in September, and she will refuse to go to Yefu.

Situ had a bow in September, and looked at Jiang Li with doubts. When she saw Xue Zhao last time, she did say that she could refine the poison of Xue Zhao's whip. I didn't expect Jiang Li to remember.

"September girl, let's go together." Jiang Lidao.

Situ did not refuse in September, she said: "Okay."

The two of them left the government office, got on the carriage, and went very quickly, as if to escape some kind of emotion. Tonger and Bai Xue face each other, no one knows what happened. I only think that the atmosphere between Stuart September and Jiang Li is strange and quiet.

The carriage was far away and stopped at the gate of Yefu. Jiang Li and Situ jumped off the carriage together in September, probably because the weather was too cold, and the little cockroaches at the entrance to Yefu were not there. Tonger stepped forward and used the door handle of the Yefu copper lion to smash the door.

No one answered.

Jiang Li feels a little strange, is it not Ye Minghao? But even if Ye Mingxi is not there, Ye Xiao’s little sister should always stay in the government. There is no one big man and no one. Jiang Li thought about whether Ye Mingzhen was practicing swords in the house. He did not hear it. He stepped forward and just wanted to knock on the door again. Suddenly, her eyes stopped.

From the gate of Yefu, between the cracks of the door, a red color is emitted. The red color is very fine and fine. In addition, the weather is too cold, and the blood color is solidified in front of the door. If you don’t look at it seriously, you will almost think that It is the illusion of people.

Jiang Li's eyes solidified, and Situ also noticed that it was wrong in September. When he looked up, his brow wrinkled, and he pushed the door without saying anything.


As soon as he opened it, a wind filled with blood and suffocating air came. Not far from the door, the little cockroach who saw the **** pear always smiled and fell in the pool of blood, one hand stretched toward the door, as if trying to open the door, then his life was fixed here forever. It is.

Tonger screamed, and Jiang Li was flustered. He lifted the skirt and ran inside. On the way, the seven squadrons were the leaves of the Ye family and the guards. These people are all killed by a knife, and the wound is worn from the chest to the back, which is especially miserable. Jiang Li could not help but say: "Hey! Mr. Xue! A Zhao! Ye Biao Ge! Haishu!"

Situ was followed by September, but he did not hear the voice of the person. Jiang Li was so scared that his tears would fall, almost fainting. Ye Mingqi and Ye Shijie treated her as relatives. Needless to say, Xue Zhao and Xue Huaiyuan, their family has just reunited, is this bad luck again, is it impossible for God to play them?

Jiang Li is going crazy. She found a circle and didn't find the body of her loved one. She didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Then she heard Situ screamed in September: "Xue Zhao!"

Jiang Li’s heart jumped and ran away without thinking about anything. He saw Situ’s standing in the yard in September. The yard was in a mess, and several guards’ bodies fell to the ground. Xue Zhao’s wheelchair turned to the ground. A whip broke halfway and was buried in the snow.

Situ picked up the whip in September and his hands trembling.

The whole Yefu has been searched both inside and outside, without them. The rest of the people have no life, as if they are a hell.

"Girl, what should we do? Let's first report to the official. It's not safe here. What if the monks haven't left yet, hurting the girl?" Bai Xue was a little scared.

Jiang Li took the whip from Situ's September and did not see Xue Zhao's body. Her heart gradually calmed down and she could think about something. She shook her head. "The **** are not here."

Situ looked at him in September and two sly.

"All the people in the Ye family are dead, and my cousin and my cousin are missing. If the enemy is doing what, why bother with Mr. Xue and Xue Zhao, and Haishu are also the next person. These people are clearly related to me. The people behind me are afraid that they are not coming to them, they are coming to me."

Situ asked in September: "What does this mean?"

"They didn't kill Mr. Xue and smack them because they don't have their bodies. If they die, they can be placed here. The purpose is not to kill, but to take them away and hide them."

"Threaten girl?" Tonger asked: "What is the threat to the girl? What do the girls want to do for them?"

Jiang Lidao: "September girl, come over first."

Situ September and Jiang Li went to one side and frowned at Jiang Li: "What did you think of?"

"Someone has to deal with Jiang, don't have to start with me. I don't have much effect on Jiang. I want to use me to threaten my father's work. My father will never compromise. So I think it may not be Jiang's. Problem, but..."

"You said Ji Ji?" Situ immediately said in September.

Jiang Li nodded. "Since you said that Ji Yun is doing something very important, it may be true for the other party. I think their purpose is to threaten me with the life of Ye Fu people, and then let me come. Threatening Ji Yun."

"You... what to do?" Situ asked hesitantly in September.

Jiang Lidao said: "I think, they will soon send a letter and tell me how to do it, see the machine."

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