MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 209 Look at each other

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In the morning three days later, when the Yin family was about to come to the house, after the **** pear got up, Tonger was busy dressing her up.

Both Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Lu have been smashed, and today Jiang Li has to dress up. Fortunately, a few new clothes sent by Lushi, the color is not particularly bright. It is about to know that **** pear does not like to wear a particularly bright color, it is clear and light, very suitable for **** pear. Therefore, Jiang Li took a look and did not feel anything. Tonger picked up the hairpin earrings that matched the color of the clothes and put them on the **** pear. Looking at the girl in the mirror, she sighed: "The girl is now without the shadow of the past."

Jiang Li looked at the girl in the mirror. It is very strange that when she just woke up from Miss Jiang's body, she also saw the child's appearance. The face is thin and thin, but it is still a child. Now only a year and a half, the childishness of the child has completely faded, showing the youthfulness and moving of the girl.

She should actually thank God, from Xue Fangfei back to a young lady, life has a chance to come back, it seems that there is limitless possibilities in the future. Just like the idea of ​​Lushi and Mrs. Jiang’s wife, a girl like her, what she has to do in the future is such a beautiful and unhurried beauty, looking for a good person, a singer, and a rich life.

But in the end she is not the real Miss Jiang, and she is not willing to forever hang on the same day after day.

Jiang Li stood up and went to the outside yard. The flowers in the yard were all opened. After Tonger returned to Fangfeiyuan, he sprinkled flowers around the yard. When he was in autumn and winter, he didn’t think that spring was coming, the flowers were rushing to open up, and there was Jiang Ligang. Going to Ginger House, the appearance of depression everywhere.

"Girl, how, slaves have already said, our days will be better." Tonger laughed.

Jiang Li also laughed: "Nature."

She also hopes to get better and better.

When I was talking, Mingyue came over: "Girl, the emerald sister next to the old lady has just been there, saying that the king of the peace king of Heping County has already arrived at the door, letting you hurry."

"So early?" Tonger sighed.

If such a high-ranking person goes to a guest to be a guest, it is always necessary to be late and look noble. Of course, for Xia Junwang, the Jiang family is not a slow-moving person. If one of his sons and daughters really wants to put on the shelves in Jiang, Jiang Yuanbo will not be able to accept it.

Always to see, Jiang Li is not afraid, she said: "Let's go."

It was only at the entrance of the evening Fengtang. When I didn't have time to walk in, I saw the end of the garden. There was a small donkey coming in from the outside. This way, it should be the guest. Therefore, Jiang Li did not go inside, but stopped at the door and looked at the people.

The natural person is a pair of men and women, the son of Yin Zhan, the pair of brothers and sisters who were met by the **** pear on the street that day. Wang Shizi, a county dressed in a white coat, is very elegant. He looks beautiful and warm, like a jade, and makes the Jiang family's little sister can't help but sneak a peek at him. He is also a good temper, always smiling, as if he can tolerate everything.

The woman who walked beside him was the heart of Pingyang County. Yin Zhiqing wore a 嫣 red 镂 gold crane pattern skirt, smoked big sleeves. Her appearance is bright, bright colors, just lining her charm, making people feel that her beauty is aggressive. Her eyes are big and charming, and she likes to have a smile, but compared with the smile of the county king Shizi, her smile is a bit glamorous and warm.

Jiang Li looked at the woman's red dress, inexplicably thought of Ji Wei. I don't know why, Jiang Li thinks that the Pingyang County owner, wearing such a red dress today, may be because she originally liked such a dazzling color, perhaps... because of Ji Yun.

The two went to the front of Jiang Li, and the footsteps of Yin’s love suddenly stopped. Looking at the **** pear, first raised his eyebrows, he felt that the **** pear was familiar, and then he screamed, as if he remembered who the **** pear was. Surprised.

Yin Zhili also stopped and showed the color of the accident.

Jiang Li smiled slightly and said: "I am Jiang Qingfu, Miss Jiang, who was on the street a few days ago. The county owner saved my friend, we have seen it."

Yin’s feelings are in vain, saying: “You are the one who is Miss Jiang and Jiang Li!” She turned to see Yin Zhili.

Yin Zhili also stunned and suddenly smiled. "It turns out that we have already seen it. It is really a good relationship. Miss II, in the lower Yin Li. My sister's name, you already know."

Jiang Li also laughed: "I have seen the world."

They spoke outside the door, and Lu's voice rang from the inside. "Little pear, why don't you come in, is the son and the county owner coming?"

"Let's go in and say it." Jiang Lii said.

Yin Zhiqing and Yin Zhili nodded.

Several of them entered the evening Fengtang, and all the people in the house actually arrived. Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Yuanping are also there. Jiang Li noticed that there was no other person behind Yin Zhili and Yin Zhiqing. That is to say, their father, Zhao Dejun, Yin Zhan did not come. This is very boring. If Jiang Yuanbai wants to make good friends with Yin, why does Yin Zhan not appear, but let his sons and daughters come to the door?

At that end, Mrs. Jiang and Yin Zhili’s brothers and sisters have begun to speak.

Jiang Liyuan thought that the Yin family that Ji Wei was targeting was not a good person. Even if it looks good on the surface, it is also a deep heart. She also met a lot of people in the table, Shen Yurong is, Xiao Deyin is also, even Zhou Yanbang is. However, the words and demeanor of the brothers and sisters should not be pretend, but formed by the infuriation of nature for many years. Yin Zhili’s attitude is gentle and courteous. Yin’s feelings seem to be contaminated with some of the joys and sorrows of the door. The speech is somewhat straightforward, but it is still a clever girl. At least in the chat with Mrs. Jiang, what should not be said, should not be leaked, a word did not say. Come and go, it’s a lot of fun.

Even Jiang Jingrui, the second-class fighter, and Jiang Jingyou, who is obsessed with the sages, are listening to them.

Jiang Li’s heart sighed, and Mrs. Jiang’s wife was old. Sometimes she asked questions, and it would inevitably be confused. One question was said twice, but Yin Zhili seemed to be unconscious, and patiently explained it again. There is no impatient look on the face.

Therefore, the satisfaction of Lushi's face is more, Jiang Li thought, if it is not because the second room has no daughter, only Jiang Jingrui and Jiang Jingyou two sons, I am afraid that Lushi himself can not let Yin Zhili be her son-in-law.

Jiang Yuanping is still better, talking and smiling, Jiang Yuanbai did not say anything today, has been examining Yin Zhili, and occasionally thinking about what. Jiang Li’s heart is clear, I’m afraid that Tong’s is right. Today, it’s clear that she is coming to see her “good guys”. Obviously, this good person has at least nothing to say at the moment, everyone in the family looks I am very satisfied with going up, except for **** pear myself.

Yin Zhili and Yin Zhiqing are brothers and sisters of the same mother. Tonger has already tried his best to help Jiang Li in the past few days. Yin Zhili’s mother died when she was born in Li, and a few years later, Yin Zhili’s continuation was born. Yin sentiment. However, although the two are not brothers and sisters of a mother, the feelings are not bad. Yin Zhan is not eccentric, but the later sequel is not such a person as Ji Shuran, this family harmony.

Of course, if the person thinks it is worse, the sequel is not the opponent of Yin Zhili. It was eaten by Yin Zhili, so it is not impossible to find a chance to start.

Waiting to talk and laughing for a while, Mrs. Jiang suddenly said: "You are all young people, Ertoutou, Jingrui, Jiang You, you go with the son and the county owner in the yard, talk about it. We are old. People chat with you for a long time, I am afraid that you are also bored."

Although Yin Zhili and Yin Zhiqing did not mean this, but Lushi urged a few young people to go out.

Jiang Li smiled and said nothing, followed by going out. Today in the evening Fengtang, from beginning to end, she has been very silent, almost not as much as Jiang Jingyou said. She knows what Mrs. Jiang’s wife meant, but hoped that she and Yin Zhili would stay together for a while, but it’s strange that the unemployed men and women stayed in one place, so this added the Yin feeling, Jiang Jingrui brothers.

In the eyes of the Jiang family, it is quite satisfactory to not mention the father of Yin Zhan, just Yin Zhili himself. Even Jiang Li has to admit that Yin Zhili is indeed a flattering person. At the time of Tongxiang, Jiang Li believed that Shen Yurong was the gentlest and most talented person, but in fact, Shen Yurong was still too poor.

Yin's feelings are in front of him. I don't know if she looks so good. Even Jiang Jingrui, who has never had the heart of "men and women", can't help but look at her frequently and talk to Yin. Yin's feelings are very hearty, walking and walking, Jiang Pear suddenly found that he and Yin Zhili were left alone.

She was stunned first, and then she was clear. The people present today knew about the idea of ​​Mrs. Jiang’s wife and the opportunity to get along with them. Jiang Jingrui brothers don't have to say that the Pingyang County Lord seems to hope that they can make it.

Without a noisy, Jiang Li’s heart calmed down and simply slowed down the steps and slowly walked in the garden.

Walking around Yin Zhili, she is not at all uncomfortable, and can even say that it can almost be a person who does not exist. People are like this. If there is someone in your heart, you will not see anyone else in your eyes. Yin Zhili is very good, but in the eyes of Jiang Li, what does it have to do with her?

She does not care so much, falling in the eyes of Yin Zhili, it becomes bleak and calm.

The young girl is wearing a soft satin skirt, a bicolor brocade, a bun, a red bean, and two small sapphires hanging from the ear. Deep and shallow green, let her be in a crowd of people, especially English.

Her side face is small and delicate, and there is a kind of exquisiteness different from the official lady. She does not seem to be a long-term care for the delicate flowers in the flower gardens. Instead, she is like a special plant growing beside the valley waters. The slim posture does not exist for pleasing anyone, and it is very comfortable.

"After coming to Yanjing City, I have heard many rumors about Miss Jiang." Yin Zhili suddenly spoke.

His voice is also mild, Jiang Li asked: "What rumors?"

"There are a lot of rumors about Miss Two, but what impressed me the most is that Miss Er took the Tongxiang County people to play the stone lions and sang the shares, and the story of Xue Huaiyuan, Tongxiang County." He smiled: "I heard this. I feel very surprised. There is such a woman in the world. I really want to see you. I sent a post with Jiang Shoufu." When he said this, he said with amazement: "I know that this is a bit abrupt, but there is no other meaning. I only think that such a woman is worth making."

He laughed again. "I thought that such a woman was about to be warm and straightforward, just like my sister. I thought it was also a cool girl. I never thought about it. I saw it today. It was actually the street that day. See you on the truth. To be honest, Miss II is different from what I imagined, but in this case, I will understand the people of Yanjing City, why do you say Miss II?"

After hearing this, Jiang Li was curious: "How do the people of Yanjing City say mine?"

"The second lady who said that the first assistant is clear and pure, pure and good as snow white lotus. I didn't believe it at first," he said. "I always feel that the girl in their rumors is too weak, how to do so much. Bloody things. It seems that people can't look at each other, but I am short-sighted."

His gesture of speaking is very comfortable, not ill, and there is no meaning of any attack. The admiration is praise, curiosity is curiosity, there is no trace of falsehood, and there is no deliberate compliment.

Jiang Li smiled and said: "The original people said this to me."

"It's very similar to Miss Two."


"Clear and lovely, lotus," he said.

Such a sigh of jade, I want to come, no matter which woman heard it, she will be shy and blush. However, Jiang Li had heard it and only felt a smile in his heart.

Therefore, Yin Zhili still does not understand her, he only saw his own surface. For example, Ji Yun, twice reminded me that she is very embarrassed, not as docile as it seems.

"I heard that Miss Two also won the first place in the Six Arts School of Mingyitang." Yin Zhili said: "This is very difficult."

"If Shizi is also among the school's examiners, Shizi can get the first one." Jiang Li answered.

The news that Tonger had heard, the county king Shizi is also a civil and military, almost omnipotent, there is nothing he is not good at. Jiang Li is not doubtful.

"Unfortunately, I was not present that day, otherwise I could see the grace of Miss Two. It is really regrettable." Yin Zhili said with a smile: "I really hope that there will be opportunities in the future."

Jiang Li smiled slightly: "The people in the world are not a few people better than me. The world can see the best, but it is not me."

In the meaning of her words, it seems to contain some other meanings. Yin Zhili looked at Jiang Li, and Jiang Li looked calm. He thought for a while and stopped talking. At this time, they went to the stone table in the yard. There were chessboards and chess pieces in front of the stone table. Yin Zhili asked: "Miss Er, can you play the game?"

"Okay." Jiang Lidao.

They sat down at the stone table. The stone table is under the tree, between the branches and leaves, the tiny daylight is sprinkled on the expectation and becomes a staggered golden color.

Yin Zhili made a "please" posture for Jiang Pear, and Jiang Pear chose the sunspot. Yin Zhili chose Bai Zi.

The sunspots go ahead.

In fact, Jiang Li may not have played chess with people for a long time. Xue Zhao does not like to play chess. Xue Huaiyuan likes it very much. When he was young, Xue Huaiyuan took Xue Fangfei to play chess with her, and he turned a stinking chess scorpion into a master. In the few years that she had just married to Shen, Shen Yurong also liked to play chess with her. She also had the gentle elegance of “the gambling of books and the smell of ink”, but it was only spent more and more tedious things.

Later, she became a **** pear, only for revenge, and there is no one who can play with her. Ji Yun does not seem to like to play chess. At least Ji Yun did not go with her, so it is said that Yin Zhili can be regarded as the first person to play with her after she became a **** pear.

Yin Zhili's chess style is very gentle, but the step by step is very firm. In contrast, Jiang Li's chess pieces seem to be somewhat unfamiliar, like some lame. But the six people who got the first place know how to know the chess. Yin Zhili sighed: "The second lady's chess path is ingenuity."

"Just use some little cleverness." Jiang Li’s speech, in a moment, fell back and forth, and he said: "Shizi knows that the soldiers and horses of the king have recently arrived outside the city, ready to fight against the rebellion."

Yin Zhili’s hand, it seems that Jiang Li would suddenly say this, but he still replied in a warm voice: “I know this, my father’s return to Beijing this time is to come to arrest the rebels.”

"Can General Zhaode be able to subdue the rebels?" Jiang Li asked.

What she said was really naive, as if she did not know how many soldiers and horses were formed, and how many soldiers were under General Zhaode. And for her, there is only one "win or lose" for her, and the rest of her does not understand anything.

Yin Zhili smiled: "The second lady is relieved, there is a father, the rebels will not enter the city."

"General Zhaode seems to be stronger than Cheng Wang?" Jiang Li asked.

Yin Zhili only fell a white son, heard the words, looked up and looked at Jiang Li.

The girl does not seem to notice the color of the opposite person, just holding the sunspot, seems to be seriously thinking about where to drop. Just say it at random: "General Zhaode wants to come and not only protect the city, but also to destroy the rebels. Otherwise, the kings have been hovering outside the city, so long over time, people outside the city can not enter the city, people in the city Can't go out of town. Everyone is inconvenient. If the king is simply going to attack the city, there is no record in the history books. Have there been rebel forces to attack half of the country and stand on their own feet?"

"The second Miss is so wrong." Yin Zhili lowered his head again. As Jiang Li fell down, he followed the child. His movements were quick, not like Jiang Li, but he still had to calculate it. Every step of the way is normal. He said: "The rebels will be destroyed sooner or later, but once the war begins, the people who suffer are all the people." Here, his eyes flashed a bit of pain.

Jiang Li took his painful eyes and his heart was surprised. He rumored that the county king Shizi was a kind and compassionate person. Now it seems that it is not a lie. As a superior, even a person with a higher status can never be put in the place to think for the people, nor can he experience the suffering of the world. Yin Zhili can think of the people who have been linked to the war. It is different from others.

Jiang Lidao said: "The war is also to protect more people. This has nothing to do with the world. The world does not have to be too self-blaming."

Yin Zhili also smiled: "My father often said that I have a woman's benevolence, not a good thing, and the second lady laughed."

"It is not a shameful thing to be mindful and sincere. The world does not have to say this." Jiang Li smiled and said: "The world is very good."

"You always call me when the son of the world is a child. We have seen one side on the street before, and we played chess together. It is always a friend." Yin Zhili Wen said: "Don't call me a child in the future."

Jiang Li stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while, and said: "Yin Gongzi."

Although it is better than the world, it is not familiar with where to go. Fortunately, Yin Zhili is not an insatiable person. On the contrary, he seems to be very satisfied with the name of Jiang Li, no longer mentioning the words.

The two seriously played chess.

The effort of playing chess, no one around to disturb them, not even a tea, but it is exceptionally clean. I can think about it. At the beginning, Yin Zhili’s white son took the upper hand. It seems that every time the **** pear’s sunspot is pushed to the stagnation, the **** pear’s sunspot can always survive. When I went down to the middle, the pears of Jiang Li slowly chased them up and swallowed the whites. The two were equal and not divided. So Yin Zhili’s very fast movements slowed down and even stopped to think for a while.

Until the end.

The black and white pieces each occupied half of the sky, Jiang Li fell to the last one, looked up and smiled: "Win."

She has always been a faint smile. Although she is gentle and polite, she always feels that she has been covered with something. The smile at the moment is from the heart. The girl smiled like a flower, her eyes were bright, and the sun fell through her branches on her body, which was particularly moving.

Yin Zhili also stunned.

Immediately, he looked forward to it and suddenly smiled and smiled. "I thought I was a determined person. Now it seems that Miss Jiang is."

It seems to be horizontal and vertical, without the marginal chess path. In fact, from beginning to end, the purpose is one. She took care and walked cautiously, not as good as Yin Zhili, but it took a long time to lay a net. When laying out the net, naturally nothing can be harvested, but she is not in a hurry, waiting patiently, not waiting for the net to be paved, the prey walked over, killing all the way, the film does not stay.

It’s a gentle knife.

"Second Miss's chess style is gentle or sharp, I can't see it." Yin Zhili smiled bitterly. "But, Miss II is very powerful, I am willing to go down the wind."

Gentle or sharp? In the mind of Jiang Li, a figure of a person floats up, just as she always wants to ask, is he passionate or weak?

Jiang Li smiled and said: "Yin Gongzi is also very powerful."

Chess looks at the character, Yin Zhili's chess style, more or less can also see the shadow of his person. Although gentle, but not cowardly, whoever wants to bargain from him or deceive him should be unlikely.

She said this sincerely, Yin Zhili also smiled. When the two just got up, the voice of Yin’s affection came over. She said, “I have been looking for you for a long time. I used to hide here and play chess.” She glanced at the **** pear and said to Yin Zhili: You are not always above the top, I want to play chess with you, are you not willing?"

"Your chess is too bad," Yin Zhili said with a headache. "And always repent, or let yourself go with yourself."

Yin Zhi snorted, but did not care about his words.

Jiang Jingrui and Jiang Jingyou followed behind and saw them saying: "It's not too late, the banquet is only going to start, go outside."

Jiang Li nodded.

She was very natural to walk with everyone, but walking and walking, I felt that my sleeve was pulled, and looking back, it was Yin.

Jiang Li looked at her with some suspiciousness.

Yin Zhiqing did not move, waiting for Yin Zhili and Jiang Jingrui brothers to go ahead, and after she opened some distance, Yin Zhiqing looked at Jiang Li, it seems hesitant, but after all, he whispered: "Jiang Miss Two, there is something I want to ask you."

Jiang Li faintly guessed what she might want to ask, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart. However, she looked as usual and said: "The county magistrate please."

"On that day, my brother and I met you on the streets of Yanjing City, your side, and a son in red. Dare to ask who the son is?"

Jiang Li stared at her.

Yin's feelings seemed a little embarrassed, and the cheeks were slightly reddish. So, if she was gorgeous, she saw Jiang Li not answering, slightly frowning, and asked again: "Miss Jiang Er?"

"That is today's Su Gonggong." Jiang Li replied.

"Su Guogong?" Yin Zhiqing bowed, she may not be familiar with Yanjing City's official, like the first time I heard such a person, but soon, she said: "I have no other What does it mean, that Su Guogong, what is the relationship with Miss Jiang?"

This is really a bit of a question. Jiang Li didn't know that it was because the folk customs in the cloud were open, and the county owner was so straightforward, or she deliberately said so. Jiang Li thought for a moment, and said: "Just know, slightly exchange."

"Do you have a good relationship?"

Jiang Li shook his head: "Not too good."

As soon as this was said, Jiang Li vowed to see the bright eyes of Yin. Yin’s feelings suddenly raised her mouth. When she laughed, she looked particularly good and compared the scenery around her. Jiang Li’s inexplicable feeling was a bit dazzling.

"We will live in Yanjing City in the future." Yin smiled and said to Jiang Lii: "My brother doesn't often play chess with people, and he doesn't often get along with women. It looks like he appreciates you." ""

One or two, all to hint at something, Jiang Li could not help but laugh, but still smiled on the surface: "The world is very good, can get the appreciation of the world, is the honor of Jiang Li."

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