MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 200 like

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In the next few days, outside the city gate of Huangzhou, the soldiers and horses of Cheng Wang launched several military attacks. However, the Huangzhou terrain has always been easy to defend and difficult to attack. For those people, it is not an easy task. In addition, several times the defending city troops have defended the city, and the heroic morale of the king has been greatly damaged. It is not as fierce as the first night attack.

The people of Huangzhou still lived in battle, but the defending city troops successfully defended the city, so that they gradually gave birth to confidence. In addition to repairing the house that burned that night, it is gradually trying to restore the previous life. The city garrison is still patrolling the streets every day to see if there are any fishermen who are leaking nets. The day of the province began to be chaotic, causing confusion among the people.

When the military is not so nervous, Ji Yun and Lu Hao will not be in the house. This morning, the rain stopped for a few days, except for the warm sun. Wen Ren was in the yard to teach Lin to read the words on his plate. Lin Biao’s parents, brothers and sisters were buried by Wen Renyao and Jiang Lishou. Lin Biao has no other desirable place to rely on here. Of course, even if he doesn't say it, Jiang Li will not leave him alone in his original house.

Lu Hao walked in from the outside and said: "Liu Taihao was given a death."

Jiang Li just got out of bed and went to the hall. He heard that, Ji Yun sat in a chair and had tea.

"Is it dead?" Jiang Li came out and sat down in the chair and asked, "Isn't King sent someone to save?"

"No." Lu Yan shrugged.

"The emperor's introduction of the snake is out of the hole." Jiang Lidao.

Ji Wei heard the words and smiled. "Not necessarily."

Jiang Li looked at him, Lu Yan explained: "The king is selfish and his wife may not know about it. It is too dangerous to go to the palace to rescue Liu Taizhen. It will also disrupt his original plan. Once this is out. In the matter, Liu Taijun is inevitably sacrificed. If the emperor really wants to lead the snake out of the hole, there must be other ways. It is precisely because the emperor understands the nature of becoming a king that he directly gave the death of Liu Taiqi. Liu Taihao can’t hide from death, it is better to give the people a little earlier. One account."

"It turns out." Jiang Li nodded. Her understanding of Hong Xiaodi was limited to her previous life from Shen Yurong and her father’s remarks. I have seen Hong Xiaodi's face in this life. It is also very rare. I only know that there are still many chips in the hands of this emperor, but the relationship with Cheng Wang, the specific Jiang Li knows is not very clear.

"Also, His Majesty has sent General Wu Wei to Huangzhou."

Jiang Lidao: "This is good news."

When General Wu Wei came, Huangzhou City was saved.

Lu Yan glanced at Ji Yun and said: "General Zhao De is also on his way back to Beijing."

His tone was so strange that Jiang Li also followed the look of Ji Yun. Ji Yu’s expression has not changed. He only said: “Cheng Wang wants to go to Yanjing.”

Jiang Li thought for a while and asked: "Cheng Wang can't beat General Zhao De, isn't it?"

Ji Wei smiled and said: "A wolf and a tiger, do you think that the wolf is biting the tiger, or is the tiger eating the wolf?"

He said that the understatement made Jiang Li’s heart cool. On the surface of Ji Yun, it is said that Wang Wang lost to General Zhao De, but the meaning of the speech is different. Cheng Wang has been preparing for this moment for many years, so that Hong Xiaodi did not dare to move him easily. However, in the words of Ji Yun, the strength of General Cheng and General Zhao De is very different. If General Zhao De is really so powerful, that is to say, he is more powerful than the forces, then when did General Zhao De start preparing?

In the past, except for the emperor who suddenly transferred General Zhaode to the northwest, there seemed to be nothing special between the Emperor and General Zhaode. Is General Zhaode threatening Hong Di’s emperor? If Hong Xiaodi knows it, he will not let General Zhaode return to Beijing.

Jiang Li always believes that Yin Zhan’s affairs are only afraid of involving a big secret of the royal family. But at least for now, she can only see the tip of the iceberg. Moreover, both General Ji and General Ji have reminded her to let her not intervene. Jiang Li does not mean to be nosy, but her instinct tells herself that I am afraid that this matter will not be managed, because Jiang is also in it.

She must protect the **** family, protect herself, and protect Xue Huaiyuan and her performance. Otherwise, if you are wrong, you will lose all you have.

When thinking about this in my heart, Ji Wei stood up and went outside. Lu Yan asked him: "Where is the adult going?"

"Go out for a walk." He went to the door and paused and asked Jiang Li: "Are together?"

Jiang Li stood up and said, "Okay."

The daylight is still as bright as ever, and the sun after the rain is brighter. The streets of the city are full of stones and wooden beams that fall from the houses. Some have been repaired, and others are living. Some of the repairs were not good, people found some thatched grass and set up thatched cottages on one side. There are also coffins on the ground that have not yet been buried, and some monks sit next to the coffin and chanting.

The children did not know what was going on, and they did not know the cruelty of the war. I don’t pay attention to my mother, I play games with my playmates, and I laugh happily. Parents know that the next is not too flat, all face a sad face.

Most of the shops on the street have been closed. There are very few open ones, and there is a tea shop in front of it. The door beam has been burned dark, but it still doesn't matter. There are a lot of tables and chairs inside, and an old couple is busy.

Only in these few days, who still has the heart to sit here to eat tea snacks, so in the straw shed, there is no one at the table. There is, and the woman who has come in a hurry, took a few copper plates from the sleeves, bought a bag, and hurried away.

At this juncture, the streets are particularly unsafe. Although it is not so good to live at home, it is always better to stroll around the street. Who knows if those fierce assassins will suddenly jump out and take away their lives.

Jiang Li stopped at the refreshment shop and said, "I am going to buy something."

The nephew who had been temporarily invited before has left, and Ji’s situation is really not suitable for outsiders. So there are no people who serve **** pears. Fortunately, Jiang Li is not really a big lady who is very pampered, and does not feel anything. Also help to clean up the house. As for food, it was bought outside by Wen Ji. Because it is like this in the city, of course, it will not be delicious, just fill it.

Jiang Li wants to buy some refreshments, not for himself, but for Lin Biao. Although the little guy was accompanied every day, he often had nightmares at night, dreaming of his own tragic death, crying and crying. Wen Ren is also helpless. Children like sweet food, buy some back, I think Lin will like it.

When the old couple saw the **** pear coming, they asked what Jiang Li needed. Jiang Pear chose some, waiting for the old man to wrap up, and asked the woman by the way: "Auntie, this is the case in the city, how do you still open the store?"

The aunt smiled and said: "This shop is an old shop, which is left by our fathers. We eat and live in the store, even if we fight in, we have nowhere else to go. Besides, those soldiers If you go into the city, you are hiding in the house and on the street. It’s the same. If you live a day, you will have a good day. If we are old people, we will not be afraid of anything.”

When she spoke, the old man had wrapped the cake and sent it to the hand of Jiang Li. Jiang Li wanted to pay the silver, and suddenly remembered that he changed his clothes today and dropped the purse. She thought about it, was about to fade the bracelet in her hand, a slender hand stretched out, holding a silver in her hand and placed it in front of the old woman.

"This..." The old woman was taken aback and said: "I can't use so much. We don't have any extra copper plates..."

"No need."

Jiang Li looked back and saw that Ji Yun had already come to his side. About waiting for her for a long time, and saw her dilemma, deliberately to solve the problem.

"Little girl," the old woman immediately gratefully said: "Your husband, you are really a good person."

Jiang Li's face is red, just to be distinguished, but Ji Wei has already left her.

Jiang Li’s arms still hold the oily paper bag with a sweet smell. When I think about it, I look up and look at Ji Yun. I see that Ji’s mouth is still sloppy and careless, and I will go forward without any trouble. .

"Have you heard that..."

"What?" He looked at Jiang Li from the side and his eyes were full of fun.

"This auntie said that you are a good person." Jiang Lifu did not change his color: "You are not saying that only one person in the world thinks that you are a good person. Now you can say that there are two people."

Ji Yiyi, I didn’t expect her to say this. However, I quickly reacted and said: "I don't mind letting her take back her words."

The words are cool, **** pear is speechless. She discovered that Ji Wei took her sleeves, but their sleeves were wide and far away, as if he were holding his own hands. Ginger pear is incomprehensible. She does not know that Ji Yun is because she hates people close to herself, or respects the girl's family, so she deliberately keeps her distance.

Jiang Li secretly wanted to pull his sleeve out of his hand, but unfortunately he could not succeed. Because his movement was too big, his body was swaying and almost stunned. He was helped by Ji Wei.

"Walk carefully." He smiled.

Jiang Li had to give up.

The two of them walked on the streets outside Huangzhou City, and it was so confusing. The people who dared to walk so far in the street in the daytime were not much. In addition, the appearance of Ji Yun is too strong, and immediately caught the attention of many people. People hid behind the window, behind the door of the house, secretly glaring at them. Especially the young girls, see Ji Yun's extraordinary pretentiousness, has long been secretly looked. By the way, the **** pear that is held by Ji Yun is also watching.

Jiang Li is really a dumbfounding, she really does not like this kind of person who is regarded as a rare appreciation.

Jiang Lidao: "Guest, I see if we go back. Or if you go around alone, I will go back first."

"When you are doing Xue Fangfei, you should be very used to it." Ji Yun slowly reminded me.

Ginger pears live. However, when she first came to Yanjing City, she was very beautiful, and she was looked at wherever she went. It was also uncomfortable at first, and I became accustomed to it later. But now she is no longer the same as Xue Fangfei. Jiang Lidao: "The past is the past, now is the present, I am no longer Xue Fangfei."

Ji Yun: "Then you should be used to it."

Jiang Li asked: "Why?"

"I don't like to stay with the gray rat," he replied, "If you don't look good, don't stand in front of me."

Jiang Li thinks, right, this person is a beautiful and ugly. Suddenly she seized the loopholes in Ji’s words, and she could hardly raise her heart. She looked up and asked Ji Yun: "The meaning of the country’s grandfather is that I am still very good at reading now?"

The caper and the smug in the voice can't hide, and Ji Yun couldn't help but turn her head to look at her. The girl leaned her head, her eyes were clear and smiling, and the girl's unique heart and courage reflected in it, making her look like a newborn pear, white and lovely, purely to laugh.

Ji Xin’s heart was moving.

From the beginning, gentle but indifferent, lonely and lonely girl until now, she always likes to laugh, but this is the same as the **** pear in the first sight. But this may be her true appearance. In the past years, when Xue Fangfei’s girlhood did not meet Shen Yurong, she was like this.

It is hard to imagine her later becoming a boring woman who is busy with trivial matters. Putting away her aura and intelligence, it is no different from the beautiful ladies of Yanjingcheng. Shen Yurong turned a soft, lovely, and pleasant pear flower into a cannibal flower that was killed in a dim flowerbed. It was a violent thing.

He has never been a man of pity and jade, and the beautiful woman in the world has seen many. He was once smashed by the heart of the stone, ruthless and unrighteous, but this moment, I also feel that the sun is soft, she smiles cute, I only hope that this smile can last for a long time, this **** pear is like a forever brave Young girls, have the courage to be desperate, and the good luck of God.

He leaned closer to Jiang Li and whispered: "Yeah."

Ginger pears live.

I originally thought about it, and I was prepared to use it to confront him. All the words that ridicule him stopped. The smile of the young man’s mouth is gentle, and there is no deep and shallow feelings and hypocrisy in the amber scorpion, just like the sunlight at the moment, warm and bright.

She suddenly couldn't speak, and her cheeks slowly rose red.

The little deer, who had already been silent, suddenly stood up slowly, slowly lifting his legs, tempted to walk, and then bounced and ran around in her heart, stepping her heart into trouble.

Ginger pear can almost hear the sound of his heartbeat.

She actually forgot that when she liked Shen Yurong, she was in a mood. After all, it has been a long time, but now, at this moment, she knows herself, maybe there is a trace, a little, and she is tempted by this man. .

This is not a good thing, Jiang Li is at a loss. The initiators seem to have no idea, stand up straight and go forward.

Sunlight sprinkled on his tall back and dyed others into gold.

Jiang Li knows that the big event is not good.

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