MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 191 Halfway

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In the Yanjing City, after the assassin killed the people on the street, the arrest of the assassin was unsuccessful. This incident made a lot of noise, but two days later, another big event happened in the palace.

Li Wei is talking to Jiu Xinxin's young girl, Ji Yan. The beauty of Ji Yansheng is not as good as Li Wei when she was young. However, now is the best time, the water is like a new flower, it is important. It is she who is only sixteen years old.

If Li Wei has children, this can almost be a child of Li Wei. Therefore, even if it is elegant and beautiful on the weekdays, compared with the seasons, it is like a flower that has already been opened. Although it tries to maintain its own decline, the color has passed, not as good as the other. Even if Hong Xiaodi loves her again on weekdays, Li Wei seems to be more and more flustered, and she seems to be afraid of anyone taking her position, but her heart is uneasy and doubtful, only Li Xin knows.

Business sly, greek, greet, and greedy, savoury. This thought was tried to formation by her, but in the end it was a young age. How could it be compared with those who had been in the palace for many years, and they were stunned by the other party at a glance. Ji Yan himself was still ignorant.

Li Xiao smiled and took her hand, gently soothing her, as if I was thinking about this family with one heart and one mind. In the past few days, Emperor Hong Xiaodi has already talked about Ji Ji, and Li Xiao knows that he will never be able to see it again. Sooner or later, he will see this season. It’s better to see it earlier, so that Hong Xiaodi can see her. degree". Occasionally, a small temper will make people feel cute, and often make a temper will make people feel annoying and impatient. Especially the emperor above the 10,000 people, he does not have to grieve himself to join anyone, and behind him, there commonly commonly no substitute.

Therefore, Li Wei specifically asked Ji Yan to talk. Although she and Ji Ji know that the idea of ​​playing in the family of the season is nothing more than cultivating a new one, but this is, younger, and perhaps there will be a beautiful child.

Ji Yan is full of yearning for the future life depicted by Li Wei, and Li Yan tells Ji Ji that there is no trace of how comfortable he is in the palace. As long as Ji Ji can firmly grasp the emperor's heart, naturally he can live on such a day. After all, the season is young and beautiful. There are not so many people in this palace, such as Ji Yan.

In a few words, it has already been somewhat swaying. Li Wei looked in her eyes and her heart was scornful. The family of the season chose a lot of choices, and they did not expect to choose such a person. Of course, it may not be stupid, but she is just entering the palace, and Li Wei has been living in the palace for many years.

Live more than a year, more or less will grow a little. Even if the season is younger and more lovely, you must go through this process step by step.

The two said it was lively, when the sisters and sisters were very familiar, suddenly, someone rushed into the bedroom of Li Wei. Li Wei thought that it was the emperor who came, and he said, "Your Majesty," and he stopped.

Her maids, red beads and green crickets were blocked by cloth towels, and they were pushed to the ground by two tall women. Shaking her head at her.

"How is this going?"

A servant came in from the outside, cold and indifferent: "Li Niang Niang, you have nothing to do with the king, your Majesty already knows."

"What...what?" Lily was almost hit by lightning when she was struck by lightning. She was strong and still smiled: "What is the father-in-law saying? This is nothing!"

"The evidence you have with the letters of His Royal Highness has been found." The waiter seems to be reluctant to say a word with Li Wei, and directly greets the woman, saying: "Do it!"

Before she had time to speak, she was held up by her mother and her hands and feet, blocking her tongue, such as red beads and green eyes. She looked at the two palace ladies with fear and panic. The red beads and green eyes were also desperate. A glimpse of my heart, I suddenly realized that it was a real incident.

Ji Yan is talking to Li Wei, who is hot and hot. He is so shocked that he has been so shocked that he quickly fell to the ground. After she understood the crimes of Li Wei, she was even scared. In the palace, the shackles and people are private, it is to get rid of the big drunk of the head, she is the person who sent in the quarter, she can run? !

One can't run!

The season 婉 婉 婉 厥 厥 厥 厥 厥 厥 厥 厥 厥 欲 厥 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲 欲However, Ji Ji knows well that it is not in control at this moment, and it will always be remembered. The sins committed by Li Wei, even she sounded scared.


The act of Li Wei and Cheng Wang’s adultery is considered a royal scandal and should not be promoted. However, it was spread overnight throughout Yanjing City.

No one knows who was the first to say it, but suddenly it was so full of wind and rain. The officers and men seized the Jijia and took away all the people in the quarter. When the people looked at the battle, they knew that the rumors were **.

I heard that Liu Taijun was imprisoned in the palace. This is, after all, a crime of sinful crimes committed by King Cheng. Her mother-in-law can't get rid of her relationship. Then came the arrest of the king, but the king did not know whether he got the news in advance or what happened. The young man in the palace was still there, including the king of the king, but the king himself was gone.

Or, he has already escaped.

The Yanjing City suddenly became chaotic, and the people naturally blamed the adulterer. Speaking of it, many things that have happened in this year seem to be unable to escape the words "the adulterer". From Ji Shuran's business, to Yongning Princess and Shen Yurong, to Cheng Wang and Li Wei.

However, the people passed by and passed on, and it became a reversal of the king. Therefore, the crime of great disrespect will be committed. Now fleeing, is preparing to rebel.

The truth of this passage is well-founded, the people are heart-wrenching, and everyone in the court is at risk.

On the right side of the house, Li Zhongnan angered: "Hong Xiaoxiao, this is forcing the king to advance in advance!"

“Hey,” Li said: “Is it not going to be a king in advance?”

"Prepared and suddenly forced to be naturally different is not the same." The person who spoke was Li Xian, and Li Xian looked sullen. Compared with his always humble smile, although his appearance has not changed, he is now changing. Personally. He said: "It seems that the emperor is already prepared, and Li's business is just a blind man."

"He already knew that there was an affair between Li Wei and Cheng Wang, but he kept Li Wei, and he did not know it. It was nothing at this time that the name was justified and crusted into a king. This little boy was deep in heart, I was looking at him! "Li Zhongnan hates the voice.

"Father, think about what we should do now?" Li Xiandao: "Cheng Wang is now fleeing. His arrangement has changed slightly. We stayed in Yanjing City, maybe the emperor will start with us soon. It is time to prepare."

"No need to worry," Li Zhongnan calmed down and said: "The emperor is still afraid to do it to us. There are so many people in the middle of our country. I am not sure. The emperor will not move first. I still want to find a way to get in touch with Cheng Wang. He is outside Yanjing City and just needs us to make eyes."

Li Xian looks different.

Li Zhongnan saw it and patted Li Xian’s shoulder: "Explicitly, you can rest assured that the princess of Yongning has not forgotten the old man. Although this is the old man who helped to become a king, it will not let the king get the compensation." I hope that it is so easy, our Li family must occupy a pivotal position in this big event!"

Li Xian smiled and said: "All fathers are the masters."


Outside the Yanjing City, a carriage is running.

This carriage looks like a normal carriage, like the one that the passersby usually sit. In the carriage, two women and one man were sitting. Both women were dressed as peasant women. The man was like a business outside, and he had a headscarf on his head.

One of the women is older and is about a couple with the man. They stuck the younger woman in the middle with one left and one right.

The person sitting in the middle is Jiang Li.

Jiang Li listened to the conversation between the coachman and the man, and his heart went down. The carriage has been out of the Yanjing City for hundreds of miles, and it is the people at home who are looking for it, but they are also unable to catch up.

On that day, Tonger blocked a knife for Jiang Li, and Bai Xue pushed her down the carriage. Jiang Li turned and ran into the crowd. Since those people are coming to her, mixing in the crowd may confuse their gaze. Who knows that just got into the crowd, he was caught. At that time, Jiang Li knew that these murderers dressed as ordinary people had made such a noise on this street and killed many innocent people. In fact, they were all blind, and the most important purpose was to arrest her. From the beginning, she was under the eyes of the other party and never left.

But who leaked her whereabouts? It will make people stay on this path, and it seems to be arranged in advance. Except for the people of Yefu, only the Jiang family will know that she is going to Ye Family that day. Although it seems that the talent of Yejia is doubtful, Jiang Li almost thought of a person, Jiangjia Sanfang.

The Jiang family's three houses have already been bought by the right side, and they can also be said to be kings. Cheng Wang because the Princess Yongning will anger himself, and exchange his own life for the future of the three-bedroom, for Yang and Jiang Yuanxing, is a very cost-effective business.

Young has always been very smart.

After she was taken away, she crossed the gate with the appearance of the present. At that time, the gates had not been blocked yet, and they passed easily. The man gave Ginger a medicine, and the face of Jiang Pear quickly became full of red marks, and he coughed constantly, unable to speak, and could not move. The woman put the **** pear in the clothes of the peasant woman, and put on her veil, but she also exposed a part of the erythema. When passing by the city gate, they said to the garrison, they are husband and wife, and Jiang Li is their sick sister. Ordinary people see such coughing and terrible patients, of course, they are too late to hide, and their orders are no problem, they are released.

So Jiang Li was taken out of Yanjing City, all the way south.

It’s been four days since I was taken away that day. Jiang Li did not know what the situation is in Yanjing City. I want to come to Jiang and Bai Yuanbai to know that this matter must be anxious, looking for her in the entire Yanjing City. What they didn't know was that this was a long-planned conspiracy. At the beginning, they planned to take Jiang Li out of the city.

Jiang Li’s heart is also very anxious. But there is no way to do it. She can't move with her movements. She has to feed the woman to eat. Only when she is kept in the house every night, there is temporary freedom. But I can't talk, it's that the move is also weak, and it's soft, they have something in her food.

She couldn't talk, so she couldn't ask the two about who had tied her. But Jiang Li wants to come and think, and only one king. Although she said that she has a lot of enemies, when Yongning Princess and Shen Yurong dared to take her in this way, she would not be someone else.

Cheng Wang kept her life, did not immediately kill the **** pear, in addition to revenge for the Yongning Princess, tormented it, there is still the use of her to threaten Jiang Yuanbai. As long as he is on the way to the king, Jiang Yuanbai does not intervene, and the chances of becoming a king will increase by a few more. Now, in addition to a son of Jiang Bingji, Jiang Yuanbai’s two daughters, Jiang Youyao, are also crazy. There is only one **** pear. Maybe it will be for the return of **** pear.

Although Jiang Li thinks that hope is very embarrassing.

After a long walk, I saw that it had arrived at noon, and the carriage stopped in front of a pub. Js3v3

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