MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 161 restore

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After the year was over, Yanjing’s snow was finally stopped for two days. In the two days that have been stopped, it is rare to have a rare sun.

The New Year has washed away the unhappiness of the past year. In any case, the new beginning will continue.

The criticisms that the Jiang family suffered in the past year, such as being ignored by the Jiang family, are forgotten. Suddenly everyone stopped mentioning it, and the people in the house were not crying and mourning, but they were happy and happy. Everything that happened in the past has been buried, and everyone is living the same.

Jiang Yuanbai also began to go up, no longer called sick leave.

On this day, the weather was fine, and Jiang Li was sitting at the door of the yard, watching the moon and the breeze moving the books out of the house. On a winter day, the books have been raging, and there is sunshine, just to take out the sun and let the worms get out.

While looking at the warm sun, Bai Xue suddenly came in from the outside and said: "Girl, Acai, who was only in Yefu, said that the girl had to hurry past, and Xuexian had an accident."

The smile on the face of Jiang Li’s face faded away. She stood up and said, “What happened? What happened to Xuexian?”

"The slaves have asked, and Ah Shun said that he couldn't tell for a while, let the girl hurry and look at it. Now the three masters and Situ girls are in Yefu, girl, are you going now?" Bai Xuexiao has **** pears to come. The tension Xue Huaiyuan is very nervous. If she knows that Xue Huaiyuan has a good feeling, she is afraid to rush to see it. Therefore, almost at the time when Ah Shun finished the matter, people were rushing to prepare the carriage.

Jiang Li really said: "Of course go now." She hurried back to the house, too late to dress up, just took a cloak and came out, greeted Tonger and Bai Xue, "You go with me."

She was very anxious and told the moon and the breeze. If someone asked, she went to Yefu. Anyway, the old lady and Jiang Yuanbai’s thing about her going to Yefu three times and five times is also a blind eye, and no one dares to say anything. Waiting for the carriage, Jiang Li felt that her heartbeat was extremely fast. She had seen Xue Huaiyuan a few days before, and Xue Huaiyuan was still very good. Situ said in September that he can read and write now. Although he is often sitting in a daze, it means that he is getting better and he is actively looking for his own memories. After two days, Ah Shun rushed over and said that Xue Huaiyuan had an accident?

Jiang Li laughed, if it was not urgent, Ye Mingzhen would not let Ashun tell him. It can be seen that this matter has reached a very critical time.

Bai Xue saw that Jiang Li was very nervous and comforted her: "The girl does not have to be anxious, there is a Situ girl, and she will not have anything to do."

"Yeah girl," Tong Er also said: "Is it not possible to go to Xue County today? Is it better to recover the memory?"

Jiang Li’s heart jumped, and others thought it would be a good thing to restore memory. But Jiang Li knows that for Xue Huaiyuan, restoring memory may mean painful coming. If Xue Huaiyuan really restores his memory and finds his wisdom, the first thing he has to face is the fact that his children are dead and Xue is no longer. For a father, the greatest pain in the world is this.

Will he collapse again? I don't even want to think about it all. Ginger heart is like a knife.

So cranky, I soon arrived at the gate of Yefu. Yefu’s door was open, and Xiaoyan waited outside. When he saw Jiang Li, he said, “Miss Jiang Er, you are finally here.”

Wen Yan, Jiang Li is even more flustered, can not wait to fly to Xue Huaiyuan. She didn't have time to say hello to the people in the concierge, and hurriedly rushed in with the skirt.

In the room where Xue Huaiyuan often lives, there are several people standing outside. Jiang Li approached and saw that the person standing outside was Ye Mingqi, and said: "Hey!"

Ye Mingqi asked, "How come you are so fast?"

Although Ye Fu and Jiang Fu are not far from each other, they are not so fast. Jiang Lidao: "I let the driver come to the road." The driver got her order, all the way up, and finally arrived in front of Yefu Gate in the shortest time.

"Hey, what happened in the end? Is Xuexian in the house?" Jiang Li did not wait for Ye Mingqi to answer, and he hurriedly asked.

Knowing that she has always looked at Xue Huaiyuan’s affairs very seriously, Ye Mingqi sighed and said: “I don’t know how to say this. I’m not in the house this morning, I’ve been in the house recently. Reading, although I was just staring at the book, I moved a stool to let him sunbathe in the yard and read the book."

"When the kitchen came to send hot soup, I got up to work on a hot soup. When I saw it, I saw Xuexian sitting on the ground. The stool was also turned over. Maybe he didn't stand when he got up. You know that people are up. Age, sometimes suddenly getting up is easy to get dizzy. I think he has been sitting on the ground and didn't get up, for fear that he is touching where he is, and hurrying forward to help him, waiting to see him, he was shocked, his head It’s squatting and it’s a lot of blood.”

When Jiang Li heard this, she was already in her heart and couldn’t help but ask: "How can it be so serious? Is it okay now?"

"I was also shocked. Who knows that Xue Laotou looked at me and suddenly asked me: Who are you? A pear," he scratched his head. "The old man's face at that time looked really scary. He often asks people this question, but today's tone is a bit strange. I can't say exactly where it is. Anyway, I answered that I am Ye Minghao. He asked me where this is. I said this is Yanjing City. Then he actually didn't want to. I helped, and I stood up."

Jiang Lidao: "I stood up?"

"Isn't it? I thought Xue Laotou was in good health. Now I don't like to help people. But after two steps, he fell down. I was so scared that I quickly asked someone to ask Dr. Stuart to come. I thought Xue Laotou is weird today, I have nothing to do. Situ girl is coming fast, but after Situ’s girl came over, she only told me to let you come over.”

Jiang Lizhen listened, Situ said this in September, it must be because Xue Huaiyuan’s business is not a trivial matter.

When I was thinking, Situ’s voice came from the house in September: “Is the **** pear coming? Come on, come in quickly.”

"Yes, I am calling you, hurry in." Ye Ming said.

Jiang Li and Ye Mingxi entered the house together.

The curtains in the room were pulled up, and it was about Stuart’s September pull. Although it was a daylight, it was bright and light, and there was a fragrant aroma that lingered around the tip of the nose. Ginger pear went to the inside, and the bedside, Situ sat in September, standing next to the sea otter. Haitang looked down and his eyes were red, like crying.

Jiang Li’s heart is “squeaky”, and now that things are happening, if Xue Huaiyuan has three long and short, she is afraid that she really does not know how to persist.

She looked at Xue Huaiyuan.

Xue Huaiyuan was lying on the bed, her eyes closed, and the wound on her head had been bandaged. Situ was looking down at his medicine cabinet in September, and Jiang Li could not help but say: "September girl"

"He may recover his memory." Situ did not lift his head in September.

Jiang Li’s hand trembled and he didn’t know what to say for a while. After a long while, she said: ".. All?"

"Maybe." Situ stood up in September and faced Jiang Li. She whispered: "Even if not all, I should think of most of what he thinks is important."

Jiang Li set his mind and asked: "But why is he still awake now?"

"Because I remembered most of the past, those memories should not be a particularly good memory." Situ said in September that it was very calm. "As far as I know, this Xuexian’s past is full of It’s miserable. Just because he remembered the painful thing when he recovered his memory, and he couldn’t bear it for a while, he would fall asleep. You can use this behavior as his instinct to escape. But I have been with you before. Having said that, this situation is very likely."

Ginger pears coveted, "I know." She whispered again, "When will Xuexian wake up?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on when he escapes." Situ put the medicine chest on his back in September. "Don't think this is a simple matter. Anyone who bravely and then cold-blooded will recover his memory, especially It’s such a bad memory that it will be struggling. When he gradually accepts the facts and is willing to wake up, he will naturally wake up. It may be one day or ten days. If you need it, Of course, I can also apply needles to wake him up immediately, but facing this reality without any preparation will be very painful for him. What are you going to do?"

In the eyes of Stuart's September, Jiang Li pulled a corner of his mouth, but he finally couldn't laugh. She said: "No, let him accept slowly, wake up slowly."

It took her a long time to come out and accept the facts of the past. Her father loved her and Xue Zhao so much. She suffered a hundred times more damage than her. How can she bear to deepen her father's pain?

Ye Mingxi sighed and said: "This Xue County has been a bumpy life for a lifetime. It is a sad thing to watch."

"In any case, when he wakes up, he has to face a sober life." Situ’s tone in September seems to contain some faint embarrassment. She said: "In fact, the past days are not bad, the world. The madman in his eyes is more happy than others."

She herself is Princess of Monglan. After the turmoil, I thought it would be a cruel thing to know how to be sober and face the reality. Xue Huaiyuan probably made her feel the same.

"I want to stay here." Haiyan’s voice still has some whimpers. "Master is like this. If you know what happened to Xue, you must be very sad. I want to stay with the master, at least tell the master, Xue is not No one. I also want to tell the grievances of the lady, telling the master that the lady was not as bad as the others."

Jiang Li looked at Situ in September, and Situ shrugged in September and said: "This is the person you will come back to. Of course, you have the final say, don't look at me."

When Jiang Li thought about it, he said to Haishu: "If you do, you will stay here. Take care of Xuexian Yu, just don't go out on weekdays. The province is seen."

Haishu nodded: "Good."

Jiang Li took such a trip, originally thought that Xue Huaiyuan had an accident, but did not expect that in the end it was learned that Xue Huaiyuan had recovered his memory, and for a time he was saddened.

When she looked at Xue Huaiyuan’s bed for a while, she walked out of the house and saw Situ waiting for her outside the house in September. Jiang Li stepped forward, and Situ said in September: "After Xue Huaiyuan resumed his memory, are you going to tell her that you are going to mention Xue Fangfei's revenge?"

Jiang Li tells the truth: "I don't know."

"Oh?" Situ did not understand in September.

"If you tell him, he may feel that his child's enmity will be revenge if he needs help from others. Maybe he will be even more upset. But if he doesn't tell him he should know the truth."

Stuart sneered out in September. "You are thinking about it."

Jiang Li shook his head: "I just don't know what to do."

"It's weird. You have always been very assertive about other things, but in the case of Xue's family, you always care about chaos." Situ September said: "I don't understand, but nothing happens. Wait for Xue Huaiyuan. When I wake up, I will come to Yefu to see him. I will tell you later, as for how you get along with Xue Huaiyuan, how to tell him the truth, it is your business." She waved her hand to Going forward, "I will go back first, and I will not accompany you."

Situ left in September.

Ye Mingxi looked at Situ’s back in September and sighed: “Study is also an unusual person.”

Jiang Li returned to the gods, Ye Shijie was not in the house, she was in the house, accompanied by the sea otter to take a look at Xue Huaiyuan for a while, until after noon in Yefu with Ye Shijie, I took the carriage to Jiangfu.

Going back to the road, Jiang Li was very worried all the way. Tonger and Bai Xue did not bother to disturb her, but Jiang Li was somewhat upset. After Xue Huaiyuan wakes up, how can he tell him whether he should recognize him or not, and when will he recognize it? If Xue Huaiyuan does not believe that he is Xue Fangfei, what should he do? Her heart was a mess, and at the same time, there was an indescribable embarrassment.

Xue Zhao died because he was rehabilitated. It was she who became Miss Jiang II and regained her life. Xue Zhao could no longer be alive again. After all, the father has to face the fact that he lost a son. Jiang Li does not know what to say.

As soon as she thought of this picture, she felt cold.

When I return to Jiangfu, Jiang Li doesn't want to say anything, and goes straight to Fangfeiyuan. Who knows that when he just walked to the door of the hospital, Mingyue came over: "Girl, someone is going to see you, and the slave said that you are going out, she is waiting for you to come back in the front hall."

"See me?" Jiang Li really didn't have any thoughts to see any guests today, but he also knew that he couldn't be less. It’s just that her friends have very few people, and there are very few people who can take the initiative to go to the door. If they are not important, they will disappear without seeing them. Therefore, she asked: "Who wants to see me?"

She guessed, maybe it was catkins. The lady who made a good deal with her in Yanjing City is only the catkins. Who knows that Mingyue shook his head and said: "Mr. Xiao Deyin of Mingyitang."

“Xiao Deyin?” Jiang Li’s eyebrows, she never thought, Xiao Deyin will come to find himself? Not to mention how Xue Fangfei, in the life of Miss Jiang Er, and Xiao Deyin, in addition to the name of the teacher and apprentice of Mingyitang, there is no friendship. Moreover, this teacher-student relationship is still very thin. As long as Jiang Li does not go to school, there is nothing. Especially when she came in, she almost no longer went to Mingyitang. She and Xiao Deyin did not see each other several times. Inexplicably, how did Xiao Deyin take the initiative to come to her?

Moreover, Jiang Li’s heart was indulged. In the past few days, Ye Mingzhen did not send someone to arrange a “destruction” at the gate of Xiao Deyin’s house. Xiao Deyin should be confused when he was confused. How come he would come to her?

“Is she still in the front hall?” Jiang Li asked. “If it is still, Mingyue, you will bring her to my yard. It is always inconvenient to talk in the front hall.”

The bright moon hurryed: "I am still, slaves, please ask her."

Jiang Li took off her cloak, changed her clothes, and let Tonger slightly sorted her hair for herself. It looked very calm. Sitting in front of the stone table in the yard, the sun was halfway in the blue tea. When the tea was warm and warm, Xiao Deyin came.

She followed behind the moon, wearing a purple skein embroidered plum group, 袅袅 Tingting, sleeves wide, and some do not eat the taste of fireworks. And her face is beautiful, her mouth is smiling, she looks gentle and good. It is no wonder that Mr. Xiao Deyin, the most favorite student in Mingyi Hall, is the first one.

When she saw the **** pear, she smiled and came forward and screamed: "Little pear." She sat down at the other side of the stone table.

"Mr. Xiao." Jiang Li also smiled and said: "How come Mr. is free today?"

"You have never come to Mingyitang a few days ago, knowing that something is happening in your home." Xiao Deyin said with a smile: "I have long wanted to visit you, but I am afraid that I am disturbed by the government. I feel that it is inconvenient. But in the end It is the best disciple of Mingyitang. At least in the piano art, there is no better student in Mingyitang than you. I like you in my heart, think about it, the year has passed, or take a look you."

This is like saying that this gentleman is very fond of caring about this student on weekdays. He also said that Jiang Li is her proud student. Jiang Li smiled slightly, neither reconciling nor refuting. The look of the eyebrows bent, I do not know why, the Xiao Deyin who looked at it was a bit hot.

However, she quickly said: "Little pear, it’s good lately, when are you going to return to Mingyi?"

"I may not intend to go to Mingyi Hall in the future." Jiang Lidao. She was originally in the Mingyi Hall just to inquire about the news, and the second was to make a name. Since both purposes have been achieved, and Mingyitang can no longer teach her something else, it will be a waste of time. Moreover, spending most of the time on Mingyitang means that she can only care about Xue Huaiyuan in a small part of the time, and revenge Shen Yurong, which is really not worthwhile.

Jiang Li clearly saw that Xiao Deyin’s eyes had crossed a trace of laundry, but Xiao Deyin’s face was a real pity. She said, “Why? You are the best student of Mingyitang.”

"Mr. praise, it is really a lot of things in the government, I am no longer suitable for Mingyitang."

Xiao Deyin sighed: "Your mind is fixed, I am not good enough to persuade, know that you have your own ideas, you can only regret it. You know, Mingyitang students, my favorite is you, Not only because you are talented, but also because you have the courage and the heart of justice. For example, in the case of Tongxiang Xue Huaiyuan, you are a young lady, but dare to take the township people of Tongxiang to Beijing and report to them, it is me, I also admire in my heart. of."

Come here, this is the purpose of Xiao Deyin's trip. Jiang Li knows it well, and in a flash he knows that the main event of Xiao Deyin is here. But she didn't know it, she just smiled, and she said something awkwardly: "If you change Mr., you will do the same."

Xiao Deyin nodded and sighed: "Only in this world, there are many people with a sense of righteousness, but there are very few people who have no righteous heart."

"Mr. think too much, there are still many good people in this world." Jiang Li made a timely and innocent lady gesture.

Xiao Deyin glanced at her and suddenly leaned close to her body. He whispered: "Little pear, you told Mr., on the court, I told Feng Yutang to start with Xue Xian, the evidence behind the Princess Yongning is not just a Rumors?"

Jiang Pear was shocked and said, "How does Mr. Xiao say this?"

Xiao Deyin decided that she was hiding, saying: "You tell Mr., is it still?"

"There was already a very clear understanding on the court," Jiang Lizhi said, "The evidence is taken out, but it is only the hands and feet of those who want to filthy Princess Yongning. Although there is a princess's letter on it." But it can't be done."

"Since there is a letter, it is true, how is it called a hand and foot? For someone else, it has already been convicted, nothing more than because she is a princess, others will find ways to excuse her." Xiao Deyin said.

Jiang Li looked at her with amazement. It seems very strange that Xiao Deyin would say this. She said: "The most important thing is that there is no reason for Princess Royale to do this! Xuexian is a county in Tongxiang, very far from Yanjing City. Far away, for the rest of his life, I was afraid that Xuexian County had never seen Princess Yongning. Why should the Princess of the House pay great attention to the county of a small county?"

“There is no reason?” Xiao De’s face raised a meaningful smile and said, “Why not?”

Ginger pear has big eyes.

Xiao Deyin made a little more forward, almost sticking to the ear of Jiang Li: "The Princess of the Princess, but very much like the original champion, Shen Daren, and Shen's father, Xuexian."

Jiang Li frowns: "I don't understand." She showed a purely simple lady who was ignorant of men and women. Xiao Deyin did not doubt him. He pointed out: "Wingning Princess likes Shen Daren, but thinks Mrs. Shen. Inconvenience, the woman’s jealousy, let the princess not hesitate to go to Xuexian County in a thousand miles, to satisfy his own revenge."

Jiang Pear was shocked and looked at Xiao Deyin: "Sir! This can't be said!"

"Why should I lie to you?" Xiao Deyin sighed. "In fact, the thing of Shen Fang’s wife, Xue Fangfei, is also a big problem. Think about how it would be so clever. Before Shen Daren’s champion, no one knows, he And the wife and the chorus, and after he was in the middle of the champion, the princess saw it, and the favorite, Mrs. Shen just happened to be intimate with the person, just died soon after? Just three people, nothing left, little pear, you The mind is clear, I don’t know the world is sinister, but I have to understand that if people are broken, everything will be done."

Jiang Pear is straightforward to hear, and this is what Xiao Deyin said. The words are not long, but Xiao Deyin himself?

Jiang Li seems to be frightened by these words, whispered: "Mr., this can't be talked about, how do you know that Princess Yongning is a favorite?"

"I naturally have evidence. When I heard about this, I was also with you. I didn't believe it. If I didn't see it with my own eyes," she sighed. "I want to avenge my friend Fang Fei. Unfortunately, the people are very light, Princess Yongning. The power in Yanjing City is not small, and I am just a gentleman who teaches the piano. It is difficult to resist it. I am afraid that if I have not said the truth, I will be killed."

Ginger pear shrank a little.

Xiao Deyin looked at her: "Little pear, can you believe the words of the gentleman?" She is eloquent and sincere, and she does not seem to be false. Jiang Li hesitated for a while and finally nodded lightly.

"In fact, I don't dare to tell anyone these words." Xiao Deyin said: "This secret is very important. I am afraid that it will cause trouble. Besides, I don't want you to say that I am used to being independent in Fangjing City except Fang Fei. There are no friends, no trustworthy people, but you are different."

"You are the person who has personally accepted the Tongxiang case. You dare to turn over the case for Xue County on the court. You can see that you are upright and not afraid of power. I tell you, I am not afraid of telling others. And," she is brave enough. Look at the eyes of Jiang Li: "I hope that you can help."

“I?” Jiang Li is surprised. “What can I do to help?”

Xiao Deyin said: "Since you have already managed Xue Xianyu, Xue Fangfei is his daughter. You may be in charge of it for the sake of Xue Fangfei. I know that you are upright, and there is a whole Jiang family behind, maybe I can compete with the Princess of Yongning. Although I know the truth, I want to be a friend, but my power is thin. But I think if we can join hands, maybe things will be much easier."


"Yes." Xiao Deyin saw Jiang Li seem to move, and quickly said: "If you are willing to run for Xue Fangfei's case, I can become your most important person card to help you identify Yongning Princess. In this way, the odds are Great!"

Jiang Li looked at Xiao Deyin, his face was amazed, but he couldn’t help but laugh loudly. She really did not expect that Xiao Deyin would find himself on his head and still play such an idea. This is the idea of ​​Xiao Deyin. It seems that it has become the task of Jiang Li, and Xiao Deyin has only become a "personal card". When the momentum is wrong, he can withdraw in time.

She is as self-sufficient as ever.

Ginger pear sneered in the heart, but a hesitant expression appeared on the face, saying: "Sir, this thing, I will not be able to make a decision for a while, let me think about it."

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