MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 10 beauty

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"Tai servant Shaoqing Yang Huating's fold was detained, and Cheng Wang was called to the right to enter the palace, and the emperor is now looking for you."


"The adult just..." The tall guardian of the Sabre had just said half, and the young man around him slammed and interrupted him.

The mountains are quiet, the temples in the distance are still brightly lit, and this night is destined to be a sleepless night. There is a beautiful brocade night, not too slow: "Wen Ji, don't talk when watching a movie."

The guard who called Wen Ji would no longer speak.

"He likes to watch a movie."

In the house, Jiang Li is explaining to Tonger.

"Girl, you said that is... is that Su Guogong?" Tonger asked.

Jiang Li nodded: "Not bad."

Yan Dynasty has a generation of talented people, but Su Guogong is now the youngest country grandfather. Speaking of it, he is now only twenty-four.

Su Guo Gong Ji, his father Ji Yuhan is the general of Jinwu, with the emperor to open up the territory, make a great contribution. The Emperor first remembered his heart and attacked the country.

General Jin Wu’s heroic and extraordinary, the imperial pet is not bad, is the dream of all Yan Chao daughters. It was only the general who was Ji Hanhan, but he had married a woman who was a sinner.

The father of Yu Hongye was involved in a case of greed and ink, and it was found that the family was affected by it. As a niece, the red leaves were smashed into the brothel. The young Ji Yun Han Tongtong was entertained and fell in love with the red leaves at first sight.

The red color of the leaves is fragrant and temperamental. In fact, even if she is the daughter of the sinner, the son of Yanjingcheng is also rushing to please her. Later, Ji Xiaohan redeemed the red leaves and slammed her into the door.

If Ji Yuhan is only from an ordinary family, at most he is also pointed. It is a pity that Ji Hanhan is the general of Jinwu, who is Su Guogong, and the Ji family has blocked the red leaves of Ji Xiaohan. However, Ji Xiaohan is doing his own thing, but why not.

After a year of red leaves and 暝 暝 成 虞 虞 虞 虞 虞 虞 虞 虞 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年 一年

No one knows what happened. He only knows that the people inside and outside the house of Ji’s family have been replaced. The few cockroaches who have been serving the red leaves have never appeared before, and Ji Hanhan and the family have never seen it. Broke the contact, and since then the Su Guogong family has no post-families.

After handling everything, Ji Hanhan disappeared, leaving only the young son Ji Yun, raised by his grandfather Ji Zong. Later, when Emperor Xiandi died, Hong Xiaodi became a throne, and Ji Jin was a young man. At the age of fourteen, he became the youngest granddaughter of the Yan Dynasty.

The life of Ji Yun’s father is quite legendary. It’s the turn of Ji’s own, and it’s not too much.

Let the Yan Dynasty relish the people, first of all, it is not the appearance of Ji Yun.

Hearing the birthplace of Ji Yun, the red leaf is a famous beauty in the world. Everyone smiles like a picture, and is more intelligent than a person in the picture. Most of the appearances of Ji Yun have inherited the beauty of the mother, and they can make people look at people. And his temperament has inherited the coldness of Ji Yun, the person who got the general Jin Wu, the natural temperament.

This is a very beautiful person. It is not that he is alienated, but is cruel and moody. Maybe the last second is still treating you softly, and the next second will make you look down on you. The Yanjing people called him "Jade Face Shura", but no matter how filthy the temper is, there are still a lot of young girls going forward.

And he himself is also very publicized, rumored that Yanjing official, not to mention the minister, is the Prince of the Prince, he must also be jealous when he met him. Ji Xin has a deep heart. If he offends him, he will find a lot of trouble for himself. He likes to wear beautiful colors, and it is more fragrant, and also beautiful and ugly, and even the ups and downs of the house are bright and beautiful.

Ji Yun has two hobbies, one is to enjoy flowers, and the other is to watch movies. His house has collected all kinds of wonderful flowers in the world, and he likes to sneak a group to listen to the drama. If you listen well, the rewards are thousands of dollars. If you don’t hear well, you will let people bring the troupe out of Yanjing thousands of miles away. The monks in Yanjing City love and hate him.

Some people say that Ji Yun likes to watch a movie because of the hobby of raising a singer. Many of the high-ranking brothers in Yanjing City also have such a hobby. Until later, the famous auspicious troupe of the capital, Liu Zhu, was discounted and threw his limbs out of the gate of the government. I heard that it was impossible to climb the bed and was thrown out. This rumor was not broken.

All in all, Su Guo Gong Ji is a flying scorpion, moody, gloomy and terrible, do not understand the peculiar beauty of pity and jade.

Beauty is poisonous, or beautiful.

Tonger also heard the name of Su Guogong. They came to this ancestral hall eight years ago. At that time, Jiang Li was only seven years old. At that time, Su Guogong had already been sixteen. Yanjing did not know, but he did not expect to see it here. To.

"How does the girl recognize that it is Su Guogong?" Tonger asked: "The girl has never seen Su Guogong before."

Jiang Li smiled slightly.

How did she know Su Guogong? When she was still Xue Fangfei, she and Shen Yurong married Yanjing. Gradually, the reputation of Yanjing’s first beauty fell on her. As a beautiful and ugly Su Guogong, he also heard the name of Xue Fangfei.

And how does Su Guogong evaluate Xue Fangfei? It is said that Su Guogong once on the street, glimpsed Xue Fangfei and Shen Yurong's sister to visit the jewelry shop, only glanced at it, they ridiculed: "The beauty is beautiful, there is no soul."

This was passed as a joke in Yanjing City for a while, especially those Miss Shijia, suddenly more than a beautiful beauty like Xue Fangfei, Miss Shijiao naturally dissatisfied, Ji Wei can be regarded as a sigh of relief for them. There are also men who fight for Xue Fangfei, but they dare not be guilty of guilty.

Xue Fangfei did not feel anything, Shen Yurong was boring for this, and Xue Fangfei also turned to comfort him. Shen Yurong’s sister and mother-in-law felt that Xue Fangfei had let Shen’s family make a joke, which made her ban for three months.

Now think of it, she is still not very angry with Su Guogong's words, and even think that Ji Yun's words are quite right. At that time, she married Shen Yurong. In order to please Shenan and Xiaoguzi, she put away her own nature and lived with her hands and feet. Learning to be a good wife and a good mother, but not a girl's smart time.

Love someone to love to sacrifice self, become another person, or is it humble to the dust, no soul?

Jiang Lidao said: "The Yan Dynasty can grow into such a thing, and it is only Su Guogong. What's more, there are red eyes in his eyes."

Tonger did not suspect him, but he was puzzled and asked: "How can Su Guogong come here? Is it also a fragrance?"

Of course not.

"Maybe he came to enjoy the flowers." Jiang Li thought about it, could not help but laugh, "I didn't expect to watch a good show. The two great things in life are satisfied all day, and he must be in a good mood now."

Of course, she is the same.

------Off topic ------

The male lord is the national grandfather Ji Meiren! Ji family is a family ╮(╯▽╰)╭ standing at the peak of Yan value

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