MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 957 Tragedy Im

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From the moment he touched the statue, Ron noticed that the situation had changed.

While they devoured the power of the gods into their bodies, there was a certain force that absorbed them in turn.

A cup of boiling water. If you are not sure if the outer wall of the cup is hot, you must not try carefully?

First the belly, then the fingers, then the palm.

In this regard, Ron is completely different from Im, who can't wait to pick up a glass of cow drink.

So he discovered the change for the first time, unlike Im, who was unable to escape when he found it.

Seeing Ron's movements, the living statue's eyes glowed.


Ron took away so much power from him, he just wanted to return to the source of the spirit in Im, so he didn't agree, it was just too much deception!

But soon, the statue frowned, noticing the broken surroundings.

"She failed?"

"Holding my strength but not even the weakest evil gods I have ushered in, can't do more than defeat!"

The weird self-talk made Ron glance sympathetically at the wreckage of plants on the ground. From this sentence, one could easily infer a cruel truth.

No wonder the statue has that weird power.

Because this is a trap set by the other side!

The other side deliberately attracted the evil **** Im, who was trying to capture the world, and then sent it to the temple for the statue to absorb ...

After all, this is a power she can mobilize to suppress the existence of Im at the peak of 800 years ago!

Eighty to nine hundred years ago, Im's invasion was not an accident, but an inevitable manipulative manipulation.

The plan was exactly right.

However, things are artificial, just like Ron said, there have never been any truly perfect plans, and the rebellion of the Twenty Royals eight hundred years ago was beyond their expectations.

"But ... who are you?"

The statue slowly turned back and asked in doubt.

"You and us are a little different."

Ron smiled.

Eight hundred years later, their arrival was also unexpected!

"I said I was just passing by, would you let me leave?"

"Of course not."

The statue opened its eyes suddenly, and the majestic and oppressive atmosphere wrapped the temple.

"If you gave him to me just now, I don't want to be more hostile, you can leave."

"but now……"

"Since you can devour the power in him, then presumably, you have the same power in you."

In the end, the solemnity on the other's face suddenly disappeared, and all that remained was greed.

In fact, this is the true face of the other party.

If he is as "reasonable" as he looks, how can he set up a trap that cannibalize similar ones?

It was regrettable and sad that the human cannibalism happened in the famine years of ancient wars and horses, but in modern society, only pure shocking remains.

Huh! !!

The voice fell, and he didn't see what the other party did. He disappeared directly in Ron's sight, as if the image was framed, so that in the continuous picture, the previous frame was still in the temple, and the next frame came. In front of myself.

"Hmm ... keke!"

A blow to the abdomen gave Ron a spit of blood mixed with visceral fragments, but the other side still seemed dissatisfied and closed his eyes and groaned.

"Sure enough, you ... are also a rebellion for the power of the gods!"

All in all, the statue turned around and raised its legs in the blink of an eye, and the heels relentlessly smashed towards Ron's temple.

Eye of the sky!

Suddenly, Ron's eyes were blue, and with the emergence of a thunderous thunderstorm, the statue's movement couldn't help slowing down.

But soon, tiny arcs in the void were shattered and the speed broke out again.

However, such a clearance is sufficient.


Ron leaned in for a moment, letting the attack swipe across the back of his head.

Snapped! !! !!

A loud explosion echoed in the ear, and a black mirror appeared at the height of one person.

The attack was fast, but not enough to break the space.

Divine power is the same as armed domineering, which can increase the attack power, so that the opponent can break up the space by relying only on physical attacks.

If this foot is in place, Ron's head will be directly fried into watermelon scoops.

But divine power can not only strengthen physical attacks, but also other attacks.

Huh! !!

The erupting black flame was instantly covered by Thunder Dragon Fangtian Ji, and the lightning with other colors was directly dyed and turned into pure black.

Seeing this gaze, the statue jumped back and dodged.

boom……! !! !!

The heavy halberd fell, and the violent explosion directly tore the floating island into two pieces. Even in the aftermath of the battle between the two men of Ronim, there were not many damaged islands centered on the temple and a large crack opened. pit.

Only now did Ron understand why.

Looking closely, except for the part of the soil wrapped in the surface layer, this entire island is truly all sea floor stones!

If he had not consumed half of the power of Im and some of the divine power of the statue, it would have been difficult for him to do so simply because the body did not digest the energy.

But at this time, the statue strides in the air and draws a frame again, usually blinking closer.

"This power does not belong to you, mortal!"

"In my name, I will grant you a fine!"

The statue ... No, Shi Ji stepped forward majesticly, holding a ball of swimming seawater in each hand and holding it on his chest.

"Rage of the sea!"

call out! Huh!

As Shi Ji pushed his palms with both hands, the dense water bombs quickly compressed and tightened during the flight, forming crystal clear sea crystals, like heavy machine guns, covering Ron.

If it really is a heavy machine gun Ron, don't care, let alone the elemental body that has been integrated into the instinct. With his domineering strength today, whether pure physical damage can break the defense is a problem.

But the problem is this.

And it is wrapped in a terrifying divine power!

The equivalent of a small equivalent nuclear warhead fired at the frequency of a heavy machine gun, you are afraid? !!

The corner of Ron's eyes twitched slightly, and the statue reporting the suspicious name used such familiar moves, and there were too many slots for a while.

However, the body movements are not slow. After all, the opponent can rely on some strength to suppress the existence of the peak Im, eight hundred years ago. Ron is afraid to carelessly.

From the speed of his offense, it can be seen that even if he has just recovered, and only devoured half of Im's **** origin ~ ~, his strength is by no means comparable to Im in the state of seven fruits.

In addition, it is impossible for every fruit to be developed to such an extent as shaking fruits and fluttering fruits. Shiji's winning strength may have to allow Im to successfully conquer the world and recover all the demon fruits. In order to compete with this Shi Ji.

He is not the kind of hunter who needs to rely on wisdom and courage to hunt against powerful beasts. He is more like a cat-and-mouse hunter and a hunter.

Boom boom! !!

The dense explosions surfaced in mid-air, and it was time to night, but the hemisphere where the East China Sea was was illuminated by this fierce explosion.

Black Ray Kirin!

Suddenly, an immensely huge and mighty beast appeared above the sky. In the light of the exploding fire, the dark scale armor was vivid.

Staring at a pair of red eyes, Kirin, who turned from a beast into a fierce beast, roared, biting up.



Shi Ji's eyes were slightly condensed, he stopped attacking, and he continued to beat with his left and right hands, exploding Hei Lei.

But at this moment, Ron suddenly appeared behind him.


The scarlet scarlet left by the explosion remained on his body, but his eyes remained unchanged and his fighting spirit was high.

Noticing the rapid healing of Ron's body, Shi Ji raised an eyebrow: "So it's still a **** of vanity, immortal?"

Ron also raised an eyebrow: "You look like you don't have the ability of Im to control the fruit of the devil?"

The halberd was rubbed across the opponent's shoulders, leaving a scratch. If it was changed to Im, the dark fruit rushed up and healed in a blink of an eye.

But Shi Ji didn't.

Through his frowning frown, Ron determined that it was not that he was unwilling or had any conspiracy, but that he was not capable.

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