MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 950 resurrection!

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Outside, No. 1 Ark medical room.

"Tough work for you, Dr. Kureha!"

Ai Yin bowed slightly and greeted Kureha walking out of the ward, her eyes red.

Upon hearing that, Dr. Kureha stopped and snatched the bottle from her hand.

Grunts ... grunts ...

"His ... comfortable!"

After a quick drink, Cureha sipped a wine drink with satisfaction.

"After being a doctor for so many years, I haven't seen any big winds and waves. Miss Ben thought there was nothing in this world that would surprise me ..."

"Unexpectedly, there will be another day for the dead."

Immediately looking at Ai Yin's sad look, she shook her head.

"Forget it, I promised you what I've done anyway. As for whether he can survive, that's your business."

Together, all the empty boats and arks can only take away one fifth of the population on the planet, and the proportion of this one fifth of the population is obviously lower the closer to Shanzu.

Unless they can board the ship ahead of time before the Navy starts.

For the cherry blossom kingdom, Kureha is still very emotional.

So as a price, the nationals were given priority to board the ship.

After all, sweeping around a bunch of big people around the eye ward, Kureha glanced at them without fear of fright, leaving with a bottle shaking.

"Who is that, exactly?"

Qing Yan could not help covering her nose, so strong alcohol, apparently she did not stop drinking when operating inside.

Aren't you afraid of a medical accident? !!

Uh ... I don't seem afraid.

After all, Ron had determined that there were no brainwaves, completely, a corpse.

"I don't know. I just remember that when I took over as the commander in chief of the Third Army, the five-star star told me personally that no matter what happened to the drums ... Sakura Kingdom, no government personnel were allowed to approach."

Holding his chest with both hands, he shook his head.

"Maybe zero knows something ... without hair."

After the first half of the sentence, the ordinary-looking mask lifted his fingers and pointed at himself, and his head was foggy, so he added the latter sentence decisively.

"These things don't matter. What's important is whether Ron can survive!"

Crane waved to stop them from discussing, looking at the ape sitting on the bench and trimming its nails.

"Ape, hasn't Ron told you what to do next?"

"Well ... not really."

The tone was still so slow and insignificant. The yellow ape blew his nails and replied, "He just let me find out that his life card was burnt and burned, and he snatched his body from under Im's eyelids while keeping it as complete as possible."

"He didn't say the rest."

"But ... don't worry too much."

Speaking of this, the yellow ape looked at the direction Ku Lei Ha left, his eyes slowly let out.

"Dr. Qureha's medical technology is the same as Bega Punk's scientific research ability, leading the world for five hundred years ... if she can't do it, no one in this world can do it.

Qureha has a problem?

The killing in the eyes of the apes was fleeting and extremely vague. But none of the weak were present, all in their eyes.

Crane and Qingyu looked at each other, the latter nodded decisively, and walked towards the data storage room where the headquarters was transported.

"Hope, it's my heart!"

Crane couldn't help sighing secretly.

Not everyone agrees with their adventurous plan, after all, gambling with the survival of the entire world.

"Justice" is always a relative thing, they just make the best choice.

But for the four-fifths of the people who were abandoned, there was nothing "just" to do so.

However, there is no absolute fairness in this world.

The line in the middle of everything, that "degree", and the bottom line in everyone's heart are the soil for "fairness" and "justice" to survive.

When everyone's minds were different, suddenly, a powerful electromagnetic shock spread out.

Hum! !!

The gigantic ark suddenly fell into a stagnation state, all electrical equipment went on strike, the lights went out, and the civilian area was in a mess.

But He and others are not surprised by this. Only one person has this familiar power!

They couldn't help looking at the ward. Through the glass, they could see the black silhouette on the bed slowly standing up.


He walked over to the door and lifted his foot. The door of the ward was severely opened. The darkness made it difficult to see Ron's specific expression. He could only hear the sound of "creak ... creak ..."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

Emotional inquiries echoed in the corridor.

A group of people were relieved.

"To be exact, it was three hours dead!"

The yellow ape grunted warily and shouted.

"Is it only three hours?"

Ron rubbed his shoulders and stretched them, allowing blood to flow quickly through every corner of the body.

"I thought it was a long thirty years!"

This sentence was taken as a joke by the rest, but they didn't know that it was even more than thirty years for Ron.

Then, Ron took the white cape that Ain had handed, and put it on his shoulders.

"Sorry to worry you."


Ai Yin bit her lower lip and shook her head silently, speechless.

"Kureha is a little timid, but she is a doctor after all."

At this moment, Ron said, wriggling his mouth a few times, and then "snapped" a finger, catching a bright blue crystal the size of a nail.

"It's cryolite!"

The crane took a breath, and at the same time, Zefa and other people's intentions soared, and their faces were dark.

They can clearly remember that Ron was deemed dead after the last Dresrosa explosion, because the sea floor stone powder suppressed his power and failed to recover.

And Hai Jing Shi, the effect is stronger than Hai Lou Shi!

It is rumored that Bega Punk wanted to develop a super weapon against all fruit abilities through the cryolite!


As Ron said, she is a doctor after all.

Even if you don't want Ron to live, you won't be able to sever the life completely.

Otherwise, this sea spar will not appear in the throat so easily, but will be sutured into the bone gap silently.

Without re-dissecting Ron, there is no reason to break his head.

So ... what did Ron think?

Catch or kill?

Zefa and others frowned at him.

Zizi ... Hum!

However, without answering the doubts of the others, a current flowed from Ron's palm and pressed against the wall.

"It's so dark, it's better to highlight it."

Through this metal-filled wall, the electric current reshaped the broken metal parts. After a while, the generator restarted, and the ark airboat also recovered its power and stopped to fall.

"Wait, Ron you ...!"

The lights turned on, and Crane breathed a sigh of relief, but when she saw Ron clearly, she couldn't believe it.

It is understandable that Ron held the cryolite in his hand. Everyone in the room could do it, but it was only for a short time.

But holding the crystal in his hand, and at the same time using the thunder fruit ability, such a thing is completely beyond imagination! !!

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you."

Ron held the crystal and held it, squinting at the light.

"It's a bit cumbersome to explain. You just need to remember ... I'm no longer a fruitful one."

"So the weakness of the Devil Fruit itself doesn't make any sense to me anymore, my ability is already above Hailou Stone and Devil Fruit!"

Zizi! !!

A squeaky electric noise sounded ~ ~ Cranes and Yellow Apes and others couldn't help but quickly retreat and widen the distance.

Ron was entangled with current around him, like a lightning armor covering his body. This was a familiar scene. It was one of Ron's usual moves ... but at this moment, those thunder and lightning gave them a completely different danger than before. breath!

Unlike the previous sky blue thunder, at this moment the main body of thunder and lightning on Ron showed a kind of black. During the process of continuous spread and dispersal, the scarlet was revealed in the black, but the scarlet was not pure. The familiar current color of blue and white Compressed and tightened like a light bulb at the very center of Scarlet, flickering from time to time.

The distribution of black, red, blue, and white is about 5: 3: 1: 1, full of current.

"What's it called ...?"

Zefa asked curiously, and he could even feel a wave unique to the overlord color from the inside, and the black and red center flashed a purple halo from time to time.

Just like its own color, it is deep, beautiful, and fascinating. At the same time, it is full of dangerous temptations, deadly coldness, and dominance of the king.

And ... total destruction!

Even if no destructive power has been shown, Zefa believes by instinct alone that the smallest lightning strike is not something he can fight against.

Too dangerous!

If he wasn't familiar with Ron, the thunderbolt alone would drive him away.

This is the same for the rest.

"What is it? Thunderbolt still needs a name?"

Ron thought about it and grinned: "I was born from destruction, I was born from civilization, and I ... both perished!"

Zefa: "..."


Doesn't sound personal.

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