MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 942 Luffy's heart knot, crisis!

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Uh ... wow!

Sonny slammed into the sand, turning everyone on the deck upside down.

"It hurts hurts ..."

Nami stood up with her swollen forehead, looked up, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"But okay, finally came over."

Who would have thought that there would be such a vortex in the waters around Lavdro IV? It's even more terrifying than the country of peace!

Had it not been for her to coordinate with Guiping, a helm and a helm, Sonny would have been swallowed halfway.

"Here ... is Lavdrew?"

Sanji stood up with his knee hurt and tried to stand firm a few times, looking at the endless yellow sand in front of him, unable to tell what it was like.

In addition to blankness, more ... maybe disappointed?

The great secret treasure “ONEPIECE” that countless people have dreamed of is now in front of them. Each of them has dreamed of the appearance of Lavdrew as the “Ultimate Island”.

Or is there something amazing and fascinating?

But after seeing it for themselves, Lavdrew's true face undoubtedly disappointed them.

There are no birds and flowers, some are just a piece of yellow sand.

There are no amazing signs, some are only the majestic ruins in the distance.

The sun in the sky hits people fiercely, dead trees, sand dunes, ruins, everything is desolate.


Something heavy stepped on the deck, and Sanji watched as he limped over and walked forward to Ping Ping, saying, "Vip Ping Sang, where are you going?"

Heping ignored him and came to Luffy, who was also holding on to the bow of the Sonny, and raised his hand to press his shoulder.

"No time to delay, straw hat!"

"Don't forget our purpose here!"


Luffy froze, then lowered his head: "You're right!"

But then he turned and looked at his crew.

"I don't admit such one piece ..."

Everyone heard a word and looked at him.

"But I had to come ... ridiculous, wasn't it? Obviously he had successfully said."

Everyone knew, looked at each other, and smiled.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Captain?"

The first person to stand up was Robin. She raised her hand and smiled softly: "We just came to rescue Princess Baixing, 'ONEPIECE' or something, and we didn't see it at all."

"Robin ..."

Luffy looked up and looked at her with emotion.

Robin's ultimate dream is to solve a hundred-year-old puzzle. Now that the answer is in front of her, she would rather give up for herself.

"Generally speaking, when the captain realizes his dream of becoming one piece, the one piece group has come to an end ... but I haven't found ALLBLUE. I don't agree with this end."

"It's the King of Navigation! Don't forget you have an enemy who has not been defeated, Luffy."

Sauron corrected Sanji's statement, then looked at Luffy and grinned, "When I get stronger, let's take back what belongs to you."

"And me and me!"

Choppa jumped on his side, and suddenly became a fluffy muscular man, snoring and exclaiming, "I am also strong!"

"Add me!"

Usopp thumbs up: "Hey! To become one piece, you will need my famous Captain Usopp to help!"

"Super !!!!"

The funny **** instantly made a mess, and Luffy couldn't help pulling his hat down.

"Everyone ... Thank you!"

Standing up with the help of Brooke, Nami slowly walked up, took his hand and said, "In fact, there is nothing to care about. Whether you can become One Piece is the same for us, Luffy."

"It's important that we all stay together, don't we?"


Luffy focused his head, tears rolling down in two lines.


"Yo, wait for us to save Princess Baixing, and let me see Miss Nami your weight ..."


"Go to death, pervert skeleton! Is there any connection between these two things ?!"

Quite flat looking at the lively deck and Luffy who laughed beside him. After a moment, he looked up at the sky.

"Maybe you're right, Canglong."

"The straw hat Luffy will never be a threat ..."

"Hey, very flat, why don't you stay and watch the boat?"

Sauron didn't know when he changed into a hooded desert outfit, and looked at the whole body, and said that he was very hurt.

"Hum, are you looking down on the old man?"

Very flat and unhappy Lengheng turned around and looked at the standing ruins in the distant desert.

Seeing this, Sauron shrugged and cast a helpless look on Chowba.

"Let's go, boys!"

Not long after, Luffy sat cross-legged on the back of Qiao Ba, who turned into a jumping form, and shouted.


Bruble ... Bruble ...

"Marshal, the straw hat crew has successfully reached Rafdrew!"

On the warship, Red Dog picked up the phone, and Dongte's voice came from inside.

With the help of his companions, Luffy, who was happy and embarked on a new adventure, did not know that their every move had been seen by the assassination forces led by Dongte.

No one can run faster than an empty boat.

"Understand. Continue surveillance. Don't fool around."

After all, the red dog put on the gas mask again and went out of the cabin.

He looked up at the distant Neptune, who had moved away from the virus-covered area and dragged his poisoned body, and sighed.

"I knew it today, why was it?"

Then he looked cold and ordered.

"Catch up and continue firing, and kick her back!"

No matter how many grievances you have, the countless lives that died in the tsunami must be repaid!


Huh! !!

The heavy halberd fell, and the black snake of the Qi Qi screamed in pain, and a head flew out.

However, Ron's real goal is not it. There is a dark fruit that can be wiped out by Im's body. In conjunction with the special immortality of the eight snakes that must cut all eight heads, killing it is the last choice.

While the huge body of the Hachichi snake obscured his vision, Ron stepped on his left foot backwards, and the whole person disappeared in situ.

When he appeared again, it was already behind the fruit of the dream!

Because of the fear of accidentally hurting the Yaki snake, the rest of the attack was stopped in this second, but I didn't expect to give Ron a chance because of this, and his ability to find the opportunity opened up Im.


Im resolutely ordered the shadow of the dream fruit to retreat, and the process was not stagnated, and it was fast and natural under the communication of the mind.

At the same time, the fruit of the quake shakes his fist suddenly, hits a shock that tears the atmosphere, and rushes towards Ron.

Huh! !!

Ron, who was directly hit by the shock, was bombarded down against the shadow of the fruit of the dream, smashing the ocean out of a crater.

However, noting that "Ron", which burst into countless Razers during the shock, Im shrank his pupils.

"Not good, it's a clone!"

Ron's Thunder clone has been rid of the concept of illusion. Under the identical package of Thunder, even he can't tell the truth.

For him ~ ~ The explosive power of distinguishing himself is not terrible. What is really terrible is where is Ron's body? !!

Who is the target of his sneak attack? !!

"You seem to have exposed an obvious weakness, Lord Im."

After the voice came to itself, the sense of crisis skyrocketed.

Im turned and threw a punch, but missed it.

"That is, although you can use the fruit ability unlimitedly, you don't seem to have it. The original master's strong fighting consciousness ... but you are controlling them to attack."

"Eight hundred years of respect and excellence have made you forget how to fight, don't you?"

Hearing that, Im looked back suddenly, looking at the fruit of the dream.


They are in the same mind, so the fruit of the dream still retreats in accordance with the previous idea, but not far away, a black-colored thunder halt suddenly blocked the path.

"And you also lack the physique of their monsters that have been tempered and beaten for decades."

"This is especially evident in these shadows!"

Ron poked out his upper body from the void, and the elemental body continued to be outlined, like a relief growing from a wall.

Because the body spread out into countless thunder and lightning, Im couldn't find his place. Correspondingly, Ron has no threat under this thoroughly elemental state.

But that was just now, now ...

Holding the Lei Hal, Ron kept only his upper body and danced heavily.

laugh……! !! !!

An outrageous force tore the fruit of the dream, split it from the forehead to the majesty.

But this time ...


Im wasn't angry and smiled, and his uncle's face was full of murderous intentions: "You're in charge, Canglong!"

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