MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 909 Intrigue!

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Squeak ...!

The harsh sound of steel friction sounded, and Ron pushed away the broken iron railing door to leave. Im behind his eyes narrowed slowly, and his heart was soaring.

"This little devil ..."

Orek didn't say what he was doing, but even so, Ron never let his guard down.

That wasn't the necessary caution when confronting the strong, but Ron's inference.

Only Im himself knew that he had shot more than once during the meeting just now, but all came back to nothing.

Instead, Rob Luke accidentally recruited.

But in order to avoid fighting the grass, Im had to save him.

"Be careful! This guy is not easy."

He sighed secretly. For the first time in centuries, Im felt an emotion called "headache".

One problem that was easily overlooked under Ron's powerful and overbearing declaration was ...

Why did Ron bring Luke in?

Is it really just to show that you don't obey the order, forcing the palace to slap and anger yourself?

That is just "means", not "purposes."

Im seeing thoroughly, his true intention was to use Rob Luke to test himself, if he angered his hands, he would instead take his word.

After all, only he knew that his biggest hole card was not the other, but Ron didn't know him.

Know yourself and know yourselves.

This principle works everywhere.

However, once you do it yourself, even if you accidentally kill Rob Luke to vent his anger, from his death, Ron can analyze a lot of information to target himself.

Rob Luke would cry if he knew the truth, because he was brought in by Ron to kill him, but he didn't die by accident.

Sitting on the turquoise cushion chair with the general badge inscribed, Im closed his eyes and banged his fingers on the armrest.

"But you happen to be more cautious because I didn't kill him ... because therefore you can conclude that I have what ability to hide from you."

"I can't do it for you for some reason, but I have no reason not to do it for a special agent under the district CP0 ... hey!"

Sighing again, Im rubbed his brows with a headache.

"This is Yang Mou!"

Regardless of killing or not killing, Ron is invincible and has got the answer he wants.

Afterwards, point out the nature of your weakness, show off your strength like a child, exchange information ...

It's all calculated!

"But ... that's interesting ..."

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and Im slowly raised his head, his eyes became deep.

"You wake me up, Canglong."

"This world doesn't need gods to exist!"


Out of the gate between the flowers, Ron felt the cigar, lit another one, and took a deep breath.

Hiss ... whee ...

It can be seen from his bloodshot eyes that the confrontation just now is not easy for him.

"Master Five Stars!"

Seeing him come out, he took a moment to empty his head, and then bowed to salute.

Looking down, his eyes were full of shock.

He was ... alive? !!


Can't the one inside move the knife?

Regardless of the reason, today's world government, Ron only covers the sky! As a subordinate, he only needs to obey orders, which is the attitude shown to the world.

Only when there is no trouble in the Holy Land can we deter many franchisees and make the world peaceful.

As the commander-in-chief of the Three Armed Forces, his every move was watched by people with care.

"General Air Commander, there will be no" Five Star "in the future ..."

At this moment, Ron gave him a glance and smiled slightly.

"Call me Lord Star Dragon!"

One star ... Dragon?

The empty look is weird, but I dare not refute.

"Yes, Lord Yixinglong."


Ron couldn't help laughing and patted him on the shoulder: "Just a joke, don't take it seriously, just call me by my code."

But you didn't refute the first half ...

Press the shock in my heart and continue saluting: "Understand, Lord Canglong!"

As soon as this remark came out, Kong completely understood that the honorable title of "Five Old Stars" was reduced to the past tense.

From now on, the Holy Land will only have the word "Canglong"!

I carefully skipped this topic, and Air China reported: "My lord, the holy people have been resettled, and they are all grateful to the Lord Canglong ... In addition, their subordinates have sent troops to the Chambordi newspaper to issue a public announcement.

The Holy Land changed its head, and it does not need to be made public to the public. It only needs to inform the joining countries.

But last night's riots could not be concealed, and the loss of the Holy Land was visible to countless people.

At this point in time, Kong also wanted to use Ron's influence to deter nations and calm down the incident.

Who can dare to find something here? !!

In addition, Ron's plan was very successful, and was encouraged by CP0 agents. The people who lost the house of their loved ones during the riot last night not only did not hate him for letting go of Kado, but were grateful, and felt that he could survive. the result of.

He took a lip at it and found that he really wasn't suitable for politicians.

Ron wasn't surprised by the result, skipping behind you know what I know, and said.

"That's good, you can pay attention to it in the follow-up ... especially those officials, if there is any sign of noise, just take it down."


The expression was empty, and he patted his chest and promised: "The old man guarantees his life and will never let anyone go!"

The same is for the stability of the Holy Land. Who dares to stumble in the back, Kong Ning kills the wrong, and does not let go.

Noticing the murderous look in his empty eyes, Ron couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for those ambitions that might exist.

Who can be a Marshal of the Navy, which one is not decisive?

The old dog also has three teeth. Now he has his support behind him. Once found, the scene ... oh!

But it's none of my business!

Isn't it?

Ron shrugged and continued.

"By the way, send someone to inform Fujihu, and let him immediately call for workers and materials ... The Holy Land is badly damaged, so don't fix it. What about the World Conference after two years? You can't stop it for two sessions, right?

The World Conference in Haiyuan in 1522 has been cancelled due to the declaration of war between Oryk and Caddo, and building a city cannot be completed overnight.

It will be 1524 soon. When the next World Conference is convened in 1526, we ca n’t let the kings of various countries negotiate agreements in the tent?

The relationship between Fuji Hu and Ron has long been no secret. This emptiness just nodded and understood.

With the lead of "Horse, Smile, Cloud", plus the statement of "Roe Bill Gates Eun", it is not a dream to repair the holy place as soon as possible and return to the glory of the past.

This is the power of money!

"Sir, several franchise countries called and expressed condolences."

At this time, a wounded Rob Luke limped over and reported respectfully.

Ron's dare and Im's hard scene scared him to death. Now Ron is alive, and Lu Qi only feels high in the mountains, shocked to heaven!

The corners of his mouth twitched, ignoring the enthusiasm in the eyes of the idiot who had been sold and counting himself, Ron thought for a moment, and grinned, "This is a bad person!"

God condolences!

Those who have been driven mad by heaven ’s gold have joined the world ’s government and they ca n’t wait for the world ’s government to go wrong. After all, the pirate scourge has been overwhelmed by the navy. It ’s not so urgent that the navy needs protection.


"Gold in heaven?"

A flash of light in Ron's eyes made Lu Qi and Kong's instinct creepy.

Is this going to be a shaman?

Heaven ’s gold has no place to use it. After all, Tianlong people are gone, but it is definitely not possible to cancel it directly.

"Tell them that the people in the Holy Land suffered heavy losses and could not even eat enough food. They need a lot of financial assistance. This year's heavenly gold will be charged an additional 20%."

Empty, Lu Qi: "..."

We all understand the reason, it can be increased by 20% ...

"Master Canglong, 20% ... is it too much?"

Kong couldn't help but say.

For most of the franchisees, the heavenly gold every year already requires national strength. On this basis, 20% will be added ... a bad one will cause rebellion.

Don't forget that the Revolutionary Army has always been staring at the Holy Land, and their greatest strength comes from the civilians who have been oppressed by the gold in the sky.

"Who said it was going to be added?"

Ron looked at him strangely and grinned, "Aren't they coming to condolences? You have to give them a chance to perform ~ ~ Also, immediately inform Morgans, on behalf of the holy people, send out these goodwill. The country appreciates it. "

Shijing Bao is the largest newspaper in the sea. It has close ties with the world's governments and is mostly a mouthpiece.

With their shot, the sea will soon know the "good deeds" of these countries.

The word "immediately" is undoubtedly the first to inform and then collect the money.

The corners of their mouths twitched and they nodded.

"Do you know anyone who is easiest to rebel?"

Suddenly, Ron's voice froze.

Without waiting for the two to answer, Ron continued: "I'm full!"

"There was absolutely no poor person in the first countries that jumped out."


A commander came over, and it was no surprise that he also came from the Navy, because the enthusiasm in his eyes Ron was commonplace in the Navy.

"Master Canglong, Major General Kirby calls!"

"Oh? Take me there!"

Kirby called at this moment, and there must be an important situation to report.


Respectfully watched Ron leave, in situ, wondering to ask.

"Master Canglong ... is that right?"


Rob Luigi lowered his head and carefully recalled: "The Kingdom of Saint Louis and the Kingdom of Galt are all rich countries, strong and powerful."

"Then knock hard!"

Kong Wenyan said with a vicious look and a bad tone: "The old man will let the nearby naval branch oversee it. This money, their royal family has decided!"

Lucci: "..."

"It's tough! But I like it!"

The two looked at each other and laughed unconsciously.

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