MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 901 Ron vs. Caddo (again)

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New World g1 branch, the front line of war.

Looking at the electric awn rising from the Holy Land, He was relieved.

"Are you finally back?"

No matter what rebellious things Saakowski and Ron are planning, He knew that they would never want to see the Holy Land happen.

I was so useless to the sea, to the people, and contrary to the justice in their hearts. He couldn't tell how Ron was, but she understood the red dog.

If this move violates justice, Ron will not be introduced at all.

Just ...

I'm too daring!

I remembered the indifferent eyes that left Qiankong during the day, and the naval veteran Crane could not help holding his forehead, frowning.

Grunts ... grunts ...

On the balcony of the hospital, Kureha poured his spirits with a smile on his old face.

"Oh, funny little devil."

"He is much bolder than Locke and Roger!"

Ku Kulai Ha reached the same conclusion as the crane, then his expression converged, and his tone was full of booing.

"It's too powerful ..."

"Im ... you should also have a headache, right?"

强大 "Strong" here is not just strength, there are more things that can't be mentioned on the surface, but are valued by all the participating countries.

In today's sea, the name of "Canglong" can stop a country's rebellion. Even if the king is captured and captured by the royal palace, the owner of the country says that the Navy will not tolerate the insurgency, and that person has to be honest and let go.

The outsiders only saw Ron's majestic majesty that counted the four emperors to kill countless pirates in earlier years.

只有 However, only hyperopia can see that Ron's intention is.

Kureha has no other, just happens to live a long time, see more.

Uh ...

Kureha knows that Im is there and is looking forward to it. At this moment, in the cloud of thundering mushroom mushrooms, a dark shadow rises into the sky.

Looking carefully, it wasn't the "one" group, but two burly bodies entangled together.

Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji is not good, it is limited by the length, once the Thunder Titan mode is used, it is like a rib to Ron.

Fortunately, Caddo's special mace was also lost, which is good news for Ron.

Because of this, he will have more chances to fight closely with Kaido, pull him to the same level, and then suppress him with rich experience.

As a heterogeneous person of fruit ability, Ron's body technique is not inferior to his development of the thunderous fruit. At the same time, the developed ability feedback is blessed on the body technique, which is the most terrible.


The fist wrapped in scales smashed hard, Ron's eyelids jumped, and he felt the strange power wrapped on it, and leaned down to avoid it.


Qi Qinglong's fruit can control the atmosphere. It seems that it is just ordinary boxing, but Kaido has made white marks in the void.

The shock of terror poured into the ground from the sky, and the hard red clay collapsed instantly, as if hit by a heavy object.

I ca n’t beat the attack again, but I missed everything.

Huh! !! !!

Seized the opportunity, Ron swept his fist, swept the Thunder Storm's fist and hit the soft underbelly of Caddo's belly. Even his defense was painful.

"Uh ... cough!"

The soft ribs protect the heart and lungs, two of the most important organs in the body. The fist fell to the ground. Kaido only felt that the oxygen in his lungs was going to be squeezed out, and he couldn't help but cough up a cloud of **** smell.


Ron was unreasonable, he succeeded with a punch, and turned violently in the same place. His left hand was also wrapped in Thunder and punched again.


迸 The air trembled in the air, and a circle of orange-yellow air film was wrapped around the fist. It was the flame that appeared when the boxing speed was too fast and rubbed with the atmosphere. However, under the shelter of armed colors, it did not burn like a meteorite and pulled out a cone of light.

"Thunder gun eight ?!"

破坏 The destructive power of this punch is so amazing that Kaiduo has the illusion of facing the collapse of the mountain. Thinking of Ron's last move, Kaiduo understands that he must not let him succeed.

With the power of eight cannons, no one in the world can survive today!

He can't!

Thinking of this, Cado swaggered with one arm, palmed his sword, and aimed at Ron's elbow to cut it off.

He did not want to cut his arm, but only to minimize the strength before the attack arrived, and then resisted.

This is his advantage against Ron. Without a big move, Ron can't break his scale armor.

One word, consume!

Different enemies must have different fighting ideas. For a strong man like Ron who attacks fiercely, it will be done. He is always exhausted.

At that time, it was time to fight back.

Click ...! !!

The fist palms intersect, and the armed color shocks collide with Mars, and the terrible overlord color and domineering spirit of the two sides is violently stirred in the virtual space, forming a purple and black thunder.

The puppet attack was blocked, and the remaining power was just Kan Kan's frown, but the Donghai Dragon King-like appearance did not have the incompetence of two blossoms, but it was so bad.

However, Ron was not discouraged. He led Caddo with speed, and his right fist followed.


With a cold snoring noise, the palm of Caddo's cut was squeezed tightly and swept past him. The elbow that was blessed by the scale armor and the armed color was thrown out like a heavy hammer, punched against the elbow, if it hit, Ron would definitely not escape.

But at this moment, white lightning flashed across.




The meteor gun came from afar without mercy, Kaiduo widened his eyes and looked at his elbow in advance ... Yes, one step ahead, pulled from the chest, spit blood in depression.

The meteor guns didn't break his defense, they just hit his elbows, speeding up the process.

But the problem is ...

Ron's fist hasn't arrived yet!

"Humble ..."

字 The word "despicable" has not yet been exported, and the large casserole of thunder **** fell on Kaiduo's chin, swallowing it hard.

After uncontrolling his head, Caddo gritted his teeth and looked down, not wanting to give Ron any chance.

But Ron was expressionless and continued to punch, like a silent killing machine, with only his instinct to punch.


Nostrils were spitting rough gas, and Cador snorted coldly, moving forward without pushing back, pushing his shoulders up.

The standard Iron Mountain leaning posture, if there is a big mountain in front, the collision in the face of Kado should also be penetrated.

At the same time, the whole body turned into iron blocks, which were as thick as walls.

Ron has a thunderbolt to help him, so does he!

Huh! !! !!

There was a trembling in the air, and the two of them were at a touch, and realized that nothing could be done, and Ron gave up the attack decisively.

Otherwise, Kaido broke his phalanx, and when the gap was launched, the uncomfortable person would become him.

With a set of competitions, Ron seldom takes advantage, but overall it does not matter.


Rubbing his fists and shaking his legs, Ron narrowed his eyes slowly.

"You can break my offensive, you do grow."

The last time he faced the onslaught, Kado was directly pressed and beaten by him ~ ~ He was frightened and couldn't keep on surviving, but this time there are beasts that can resist the attack one by one and calm down. .

"Heart, it's a magical thing."

Ron was moving his bones, and Kedo was breathing slowly and quietly. In addition to the destructive power of Canglong's attack, he must be careful of the current debris that invaded his body.

失败 Otherwise failure is inevitable.

As soon as he looked away, Caddo grinned suddenly and smiled, "I don't understand."

"I just told myself, don't bother!"

If I persuaded, Ron would have to go in.

This is a madman who is more like a pirate than himself. Whoever thinks he is a gentleman is going to suffer a lot.

"is it?"

Ron didn't express his opinion on this, his eyes turned into a blue, his expression was indifferent.

"You can do this!"

Uh ... click! !!

Shocking thunder sounded through the sky, and Cato's eyes jumped, looking around.

"Thunder and lightning?"

Kiduo looked disdainful.

He is not his pride. Except for a few rare moves, Ron's lightning attack has not been taken into account by him!

However, Ron didn't seem to know this, and the lightning flashed out from the void, turning into a thundernet covering the sky and blinking.

Huanghuang Tianlei prison!

Read The Duke's Passion