MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 5 Kill and fall into the sea

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The human body has a self-contained cycle. How much food you consume every day will feel full, how much energy you consume will feel tired, and how much sleep time you need to replenish your energy. It is up to the body to decide.

What makes the body judge is the natural balance of the nutritional concentration in the food that the body comes into contact with daily.

In the past, as the ordinary world, the most nutritious and replenishing thing that Ron could touch was the old ginseng chicken soup that I got back from the Ghost Gate that year.

Earth people consume only that much. Correspondingly, there is only so much energy and nutrition in food.

But this world is different!

This world has monsters that cover the sky with fingers, there are giants that are comparable to islands, and humans like Karp who practice boxing with eight mountains ... They want to survive, and they have huge requirements for vitality and nutrition. Incomparable!

And the source of their monster-like body consumption is the various foods that are full of nutrition and high energy concentration in One Piece World!

As a human coming from the barren world of the earth, Ron who grew up eating ordinary food is like a dry sponge. The food in One Piece World is a bath filled with water.

As a result, his body was like a hungry beast in front of a magical food with abundant energy and non-nutrition in another world, and he swallowed every trace of energy greedily.

And the terribleness of this world is terrible here ... The energy contained in any food here is easily absorbed. As long as the body needs it, it can be infinitely transformed for supply, thereby raising monsters who break the mountains and rivers!

After the nutrients are absorbed, the body that has been relieved from the fullness of instincts begins to use the excess energy to optimize itself and eliminate the poison.

So I had Ron's hot and diarrhea after eating fruit.

Uh ...

After some work out, he lifted up his pants, and Ron thought slowly.

"With this kind of food, it seems that exercises that I didn't dare to do in the past can be put on the agenda?"

As a madman who constantly challenged himself, Ron had formulated a very cruel exercise program, but within three days, he was admitted to the hospital ... the food on the earth was not enough to supplement his exaggerated physical loss, the first day He began to hematuria, pain was unbearable.

下来 After three days in a row, he is just a mile away from death!

If he is not physically different from ordinary people, he always sighs, he wo n’t have the chance to taste the soup ...

Now the food in One Piece World is so terrible, the exercise program that was beaten into the cold palace can finally be seen again.

"唔 ... thunder and lightning should be able to join in too."

Cao Danding took out the wipes and wiped his hands across the pocket that he had put in before, Ron raised his head in thought, locked his eyes not far away, and paid attention to Aini Road.

"……finish watching?"

"Well, it smells so bad!"

Ai Lu nodded his head, covered his nose and looked disgusted. If he hadn't seen it for himself, Ron would never have thought of it. This fool would be Aini Road, the "empty island deity" in the future.

"Ha ha……"

Raised her arm and thunder gathered between her fingers.

Zizi ...

The sky blue current continually gathers, forming a light ball emitting dazzling white light. In front of this powerful current, Ainilu's hair was erected, and his head was straightened!

I seem to find a reason to wear a headscarf every day after Inilu ...

Ron thought so, then said.

感谢 "Thank you for giving me a clue, next life, let's go to Qinghai ..."

He didn't wait for Enir to say anything, and then ...

Huh! !! !!

Thunder thunder, thunder and lightning!

Along with the loud noise, a thick beam of thumb stretched his teeth and danced in the air, the electric light flickered, and instantly shot through Ailu's head and disappeared into the distant clouds.

This is the easiest way to use Thunder Fruit. "Electric shock" ... Strictly speaking, it doesn't deserve a name, it's just the easiest way to use it.

The specific process is the same as ordinary people spit ...

Who would spit a name for himself?

Similar to ice dragon breath?

"The sound of thunder ... how loud is it!"

He rubbed his ears that were tickled by the thunder, and Ron threw the wipes on his hands to the ground, looking indifferently at Ainel's body.

In his eyes, this is not cruel, but a kind of compassion.

Although he hadn't been in contact for a few minutes, he knew that Ai Nilu, a bizarre "freak", could not be viewed by others, and could still rely on IQ to protect himself. Now I'm crazy, I'm afraid I won't even live as a beggar, and finally die like a stray dog ​​in a dirty sewage ditch.

Thank you for your thanks, Ron sent him on the road in advance.

When euthanasia is legal in some parts of the earth, Ron understands ... death is sometimes a relief.


The blue thunder python coiled around his arm, and the thunder exploded, lighting Ron's half of his face. Feeling the Thunder power nearly doubled in the body, he murmured in shock: "It's a magical thing ... the energy brought by a bunch of fruits has made me so much stronger?"

As a capable person, Ron can clearly observe the power of Thunder in his body, because the degree of fruit development is close to zero, so he understands that this strengthening has nothing to do with the fruit, but only to his body.

A few small fruits can double him. It is conceivable that as long as he continues to eat the food of One Piece World, for a long time to come, before his physical strength reaches the bottleneck, it is a period of rapid growth. !!

Uh ...

A few minutes later, Ron strolled on the soft island cloud beach of Bika, staring at the distant sky obsessively.

One Piece, Empty Island ...

This magical land changed from comics to reality, and it was extremely shocking! Before being chased, I had no chance to take a closer look, now I finally have time to enjoy the beauty.


In the white clouds, a huge empty island flying fish jumped up, a tail of water brought up a string of water drops, and a rainbow was drawn under the sun. The sea of ​​clouds in the distance is connected to the blue sky. One step up and down gives the illusion that the sea and sky are upside down.

This is a magical scene that cannot be described with words!

At this moment, Ron finally had a little joy of crossing.

Looking at the sky, for a moment of silence, he grinned suddenly and couldn't help laughing: "One Piece World ... haha! Hahahaha! I have come to One Piece World !!!"

As an unwilling self-challengeer, she is proficient in several extreme sports, and is always challenging her Ron, and has long been numb to the peaceful daily life.

Travel to the dangerous One Piece World, get rid of the predicament of being hunted down, and get the powerful and powerful thunder fruit. For the first time, you can see the blood ... Ron only feels the blood in his body that has been silent for a long time, breaking out of the ice, like spring thunder Ringing, furnace flames ~ ~ Surging hard to collect!

"Hahaha !!!"


He smiled excitedly, flew straight towards the soft cloud in front of his feet, and wanted to lie on the ground.


Ron looked horrified, eyes widened.

"No! Hold the grass !!!"

不得不 At this moment I have to mention that the foundation of the empty island without soil is built on it.

In addition to special cloud types, there are two main types of air island clouds: island clouds and sea clouds.

The former is generally hard and machinable, just like ordinary stones in Qinghai. It is the main component of empty island artificial foundations and buildings. The latter "cloud", as the name suggests, looks soft and white, but in fact it is full of seawater.

Everything on Wukong Island is built on these two and supported by them.

Both contain the magical "Pyrobroin keratinocytes", but the island cloud is just a solidified sea cloud and cannot restrain the ability like the "crystal of the sea" sea floor stone.

The sea cloud is no different from normal sea water ...

By the coast, the soft clouds under Ron's feet are also a kind of island cloud, similar to mud. But the white cloud in front of him is actually Haiyun ...

空 For the people of Kongdao, the two rivers are clear, and there is no possibility of making a mistake. But for Ron, his eyes were white, there was no wind and no waves, and he could tell the miracle! !! !!

If you put his previous action in Qinghai, it is a demon fruit capable person standing on the cliff, facing the sea, and a leap of faith! At the same time there was a silly happy smile on his face!

and so……


Murmur ...

Ron sank directly into the sea clouds, and disappeared instantly in the clouds.

Uh ...

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