MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 12 The attack of the yellow monkey and Xiusuo's attack!

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Looking at the door closing slowly, Major General Train relieved ... He could have gone in together, but with someone showing up, he felt it necessary to stand outside for a while.

I looked back, a figure had appeared in the empty place just now, and I was leaning against the wall to trim my nails.


Puppet guard soldiers and Trien were neatly saluting, shouting: "General Ape!"

的 The person who appeared outside the test point at this time was one of the three most intriguing navy generals in the original, the "Yellow Ape" Porusalino.

穿着 He wore a suit of bright yellow and yellow, with a shoulder-length cape and a magnificent justice badge, a black curly hair, a beard on his face, a pair of sunglasses, and a thin figure.

He said he couldn't figure it out because the apes never showed too obvious purpose in the original book, and they were indifferent to everything.

In the two years after the event, Red Dog and Ayasu were fighting against Marshal for the Marshal ’s throne in Punk Hassad because of a misconception, but the Apes did not show any interest ... It seems that he has no interest in what the Navy will do in the future. Don't care.

Red dogs and green pheasants can be said to have clear-cut naval hawks and doves, but the apes ... no one can see him through the truth.

评论 A certain comment on the earth made the yellow ape very clear. That's what it said.

黄 [The yellow ape has no emotional entanglement, no entanglement with the judgment of justice, and the whole person does not have any uncertain follow-up to treat anything in any sense, but is responsible for performing the task ... nothing more. 】

Exclude the secret hidden behind this person. From this point of view, Ron is a replica of the yellow ape. It's just that the starting point is different. He really feels troublesome and doesn't want to think about those twists and turns.

At this moment, the ape was leaning against the wall, trimming his nails with a nail clipper.

He heard the salute, and then raised his head with a blow. He glanced over Trian, locked on the closed door, and spoke very slowly.

呐 "Now, Trian ... the one who just went in is the one with the thunderous fruit ability, right?"


Why does the ape care about this?

不是 Isn't he indifferent to everything?

Tranline was stunned, but out of his post, he replied: "Yes, General Ape. His name is Ron, and Lieutenant General Capu asked me to take him to the recruit camp for testing!"

"Ron ..."

The yellow ape repeated the name again, blowing out the dust on the nails, and slowly stood up and said to Trian.

"Let's go in and have a look at it ... the sound of thunder, the thunder and lightning in the sky? It's terrible, terrible!"

I didn't know what the situation was like, but I looked up and said, "Observe!"

Uh ...

The test field is an empty sand and stone field. There is no one or any equipment, and it looks like a desert area. Ron walked in for the first time and thought he was in the wrong place. He turned around and scratched the fence and the main body of the tall fortress outside, and then determined that he had not crossed again.

This is not the same testing ground as he expected in the gym! Not to mention the unique black technology equipment in One Piece World, why can't even a figure be seen?

At the top of the high wall behind Ron, in a room inlaid into the wall, the apes and Trian stood there, watching Ron's every move through the window. After seeing Ron stepping forward cautiously, the yellow ape pursed his mouth and smiled wretchedly: "No one? This style of test ... is the teacher's lover, Brigadier General Zuo Zuo?"

的 The only people who can be called teachers by the yellow apes are the commander of the recruit camp, the former admiral, and the "black wrist" Zefa!

However, the two have long been inconsistent with certain ideas, and the Ape never asked about the new barracks. Train didn't expect it, and as a result he even had Xiuso's testing style so clear.

呃 "Uh ... Yes, it should be the instructor Xiu Zuo."

He paused for a second, and Trian answered quickly.

Other instructors in the new barracks were selected, but Zefa and Xiusuo were retired. This was agitated in the headquarters, so Trian was very familiar with them.

Hearing the answer, the yellow ape pursed his mouth, and wrinkled his old face to make this wretched expression ugly and scary: "Yo Xi ... Looks like Teacher Zefa is very kind to Ron ... This is a great show! "

Trian's mouth twitched, but couldn't refute it.

If it is that repair, it is indeed the most accurate test of Ron's deficiencies, but the process ...

Uh ...

At the same time, in the Marshal's office, the warring nations who heard the report gave Zefa a little surprise and asked, "He only gained the fruit ability for about a month. He has not experienced any actual combat training. You must make Xiusuo responsible. ? "

Xiu Zuo's test method is simply a nightmare for every new navy!

"Please be assured, Marshal will have a measure!"

In response, Zefa answered with a confident expression, while squinting at someone sleeping across the table, grinning: "And I want to check if he was taken aboard for a month in Captain Cap. Crooked, need to be corrected ... "


Blowing the snot bubble, Karp opened his eyes blankly and glanced left and right.

What just happened?

Why is it suddenly cold?

But think of this as the Warring States Office. No accident can happen. Karp rubbed his nose, tilted his head, and continued to sleep.

Suddenly, the Warring States period broke out in black gas, and his teeth creaked.

"Ka ... Pu ..."

Uh ...

Ron walked slowly in the wide sand and gravel, his muscles tightened.

He didn't take it lightly because no one was there. As a navy's land, no one could guard it. Also, since it's testing, anything can happen!


I stepped forward a few steps, stepping on the ground, Ron was surprised, suddenly crouched down and grabbed a handful of sand, rubbing it in the palm, thoughtful.

"That's it ..."

哟 "Oh, you're the recruit who tested, right? I'm sorry I just went to the bathroom ... wait a moment, test immediately!"

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded, and Ron turned back, and the thunder and lightning almost shot out. But he immediately stopped the urge, and his mouth twitched.

呃 "Uh ... okay! Instructor, feel free to ..."

I saw an inconspicuous door pushed on the wall ~ ~ a naval officer pushed out the door, and the shoulder badge on his body told him that this man was a colonel. Not surprisingly, he was the recruit camp instructor responsible for testing.

说 "Speaking of it, it has been a long time since no one came to test it ... Now it is not a half-year test period for recruits, and they are suddenly pulled back to eat and say to be tested ... Sorry, I didn't mean to air your brother!"

The colonel complained as he came, while apologizing to Ron.

"It's all right, so am I ... just here."

Am I wrong?

Ron stood in place, with an awkward expression, a little skeptical of life.

I saw Ron's expression of cyanosis, and in the stands, a little smile slowly arose from the corner of the yellow ape's mouth.


嘭 ————! !!

as expected!

The voice just fell.

The next second, the dust behind Ron suddenly exploded, and a figure emerged from the ground, like a light, and rushed behind Ron in an instant. The sharp-eyed yellow ape found that the man's fist was wrapped with black domineering. This punch went down, and Ron could not escape with elemental!

This is the test style of Brigadier General Zuo Zuo, the head of the test field ...

Combat! !!

In his eyes, soldiers are used to fight!

The speed and power of tedious testing like a flower rack cannot be said to be meaningless, but there is no actual data to be accurate!

Especially in the face of sneak attacks, it can best embody a person's actual combat ability!

A navy elite general, mastered two-color domineering, Kendo six-type accomplishment is extraordinary, sneaking underground to launch sneak attacks on recruits, avoiding inevitable, unstoppable ... It is no wonder that Xiusuo's test is regarded by every recruit For nightmares!