MTL - Manga Guidebook-Chapter 93 "Forest of Fireflies" published

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"Chen Zijun, two minutes and fifty seconds."

"Qiu Leiyun, three minutes and ten seconds."

As a classmate who acted as a timing tool read out the results, everyone looked at the relaxed Chen Zijun in shock, including Zuo Weiwei who was worried just now.

At this time, Qiu Leiyun next to him was lying on the grass panting because he ran too far, completely empty.

"This speed is too fast, one thousand meters."

"That's right. It's almost too soon, why is Qiu Leiyun empty?"

"It's too perverted at this speed."

Chen Zijun's brows slightly wrinkled, this line, what kind of words of tigers and wolves, is too easy to make people think crooked.

"I... lost." Qiu Leiyun lowered his head dejectedly.

Chen Zijun couldn't bear it in his heart, and said, "Well, let's forget the stakes, it's just a joke."

He was really just joking, he didn't have any intentional thoughts, the two of them had a good relationship, and Chen Zijun didn't want the relationship to deteriorate because of this.

At this moment, the get out of class ended, and everyone dispersed.

Only Qiu Leiyun looked downcast, so Chen Zijun comforted him a few words.

"I'm just in good shape. It depends on the state. You can too."

"What is the state of this physical reason?"

"It may be because of your mood, or maybe you don't have a girlfriend."

Qiu Leiyun: "..."

"But neither do you."

"If you have it, you will be super strong."

Then after the day passed, Chen Zijun came to Time Cafe to finish the necessary part-time work trip, returned to Tokiwazhuang Apartment to revise the storyboard, and then began to draw.

But on the second day, Chen Zijun was shocked to find that Qiu Leiyun walked to the classroom with a big bald head, a bold and uninhibited look, just like an ancient monk walking here, the big bald head on his head felt under the reflection of sunlight A little dazzling.

"You really pushed your head bald?" Chen Zijun was shocked.

"The most important thing is the promise, boys, the most important thing is the oath." Qiu Leiyun said.

At this moment, Chen Zijun was very impressed. He didn't expect that there are such people in this era. He knew yesterday that he should have changed his bald head to streaking. I believe that streaking at school must be very interesting.

If Qiu Leiyun knew what Chen Zijun was thinking, he would definitely scold him for a few words of hatred, or kick him. This fellow is too shameless, and he likes to watch people run naked.

But Qiu Leiyun naturally didn't know. For some reason, he became a bald head. He suddenly felt as if BUFF had been added to his body. It's an illusion.

"Next time we will compete in gym class."


Qiu Leiyun's expression changed. From his attitude last time, he also knew that Chen Zijun was very relaxed. He couldn't win this match.

"The bet is to run naked on campus."

Qiu Leiyun's expression changed, and he muttered, "This bet... the stake is too high, and I will be expelled from school."

"Are you ready to admit defeat before you compare?"

"I'm just taking precautions before it happens, in case it's not." Seeing Chen Zijun's strength, he felt that throwing a shot put was really not a sure thing, but he had to give it a try.

"Then... how about streaking with underwear? Not just the whole body."

"Is there any difference? And why do you insist on the title of streaking? Is it your obsession? If so, I hope you can demonstrate."

"No, no, I just want to see you do this." Chen Zijun smiled.

"It's a nasty hobby."

"Then the bet is to just wear summer clothes to school."

"It's winter now."

Qiu Leiyun instinctively refuted, but he was a little confident in his own strength and nodded: "Okay, that's it, next time the gym class will be like this, and I will definitely not lose to you."

"Come on." Chen Zijun encouraged.


When she got home, Chen Zijun still finished the painting as usual, because "Forest of Fireflies" was a short story, so it was completed in a week. As soon as the painting was finished, she notified Su Jing to come over. She was wearing a thick down jacket today and looked alive. Take off a big dumpling.

"Hey, it's so cold outside."

"I told you all about it. I'll pass it on to you. You're better than running here in person." Chen Zijun poured her a cup of hot water to keep her warm.

"No, this is my insistence as an editor."

"Why is your insistence always in a strange place?" Chen Zijun complained: "And your magazine doesn't arrange a car for you?"

"There are only a few cars, and there are more monks and less meat. He obviously made a lot of money, but many facilities have not been updated. The wages are still pulling the hips, and there is a lot of overtime." Su Jing began to feel bitter.

"Stop, let's get down to business."


After taking a sip of hot water, Su Jing came over and picked up the drawing on the table: "Is this the short story you said on the phone earlier?"


"The style of painting is okay." Su Jing briefly glanced at the style of painting and was quite happy, then opened it and read it. After a long time, she finished reading this short story.

After reading it, he didn't say anything on the surface. After a long time, he said, "This ending is a little cruel. Although I feel pretty good, won't the ending be changed?"

"Just stick to this ending. Short stories are different from long stories. The most impressive thing needs to be ingenious."

"It can be serialized. I can guarantee this with you. The quality is very good. I believe many people will like this kind of story."

"That's good." Chen Zijun breathed a sigh of relief.

"This work of yours is quite cleverly conceived, and has some style of painting. The details are well handled and the plot is delicate. It can be said that there is no place to modify it, so leave it to me."

"sorry to bother you."

"By the way, have you thought about your new work?"

"Isn't this a new work?"

"I mean long comics, not short stories."

"Think about it."

"What type. UU reading" Su Jing, as the editor in charge, is naturally very curious: "Although I don't mean to urge you, but before you create, you still have to tell me, and I can also help you check."

Chen Zijun smiled: "It's a story about music, a love story, but...before I create, I still need some reserve knowledge."

"Love, that's fine. I thought you were going to draw some hot-blooded comics. That's too much from your current style."

"Why do you think so badly? I can't draw hot-blooded comics."

"It's not that you look bad, it's that if you want to transform, you have to take it slowly, or slowly change from the direction you are good at."


There is no doubt that "Forest of Fireflies" can be serialized, and the time is set for next week. In fact, with the accumulated fans of "Shape of Sound", there is no problem with the serialization of a short comic, not to mention the quality The superior "Forest of Fireflies" is not bad.

Because of the rush of time and the lack of publicity, Chen Zijun's works in the same period have also been published in separate editions. For example, "Lonely Girl", "Journey" and "Mr. Love" have also been approved.

Therefore, some people were pleasantly surprised when they saw Chen Zijun's "Forest of Fireflies".

Yoneyama is one of them. He is a loyal fan of "Shape of Sound". He must buy every issue of the magazine and the single edition, even if he is hungry because he has no living expenses.

For him, there is absolutely no need for any reason to support the works he likes, just love is enough.

Naturally, the ending of "Shape of Sound" made him reluctant to part with it, and he really admired the author "April Future". He was able to resolutely choose to end it with such a fiery achievement. Just because of this, he became a fan of it. teacher.

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