MTL - Manga Guidebook-Chapter 132 13 years of secrets

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At this moment, the teacher standing on the podium saw Chen Zijun secretly playing with his mobile phone, but after thinking about his usual performance, he stopped thinking of sending Chen Zijun to take a penalty stand, and just coughed as a reminder.

It really reminded Chen Zijun, although he was curious, Chen Zijun put down the phone.

As a result, it was forgotten.

"Tsk tsk, Zijun, did you expect it long ago?" Xu Qisi asked while sitting in the back, frowning.

"What did you expect?" Chen Zijun was also puzzled, thinking that Su Jing had also made such a rambling remark.

"Didn't you read the Internet?" Xu Qisi said in surprise, she thought Chen Zijun already knew, after all, it had been fermented on the Internet for a night.

"I didn't touch my phone last night, why did I work hard to draw comics?"

"It's your work "Five Centimeters Per Second". Take a look at the hot search list. "Five Centimeters Per Second" has been on the hot search list overnight."

Hearing this, Chen Zijun also turned on his mobile phone, looked at it, and ranked the first eye-catching topic.

"The coincidence is still an amazing foreshadowing. The truth of "Five Centimeters Per Second", the mathematician Zhang Yun analyzes the truth."

This Zhang Yun and Chen Zijun have some impressions. He seems to be a famous mathematician in the world. He is in his fifties, but he is funny. He likes to post on Weibo and read comics, so he has attracted many people to pay attention to him.

"I saw a very surprising work by chance, and I couldn't help but want to share it. The Gold Award winner of the Cup of Spring, "Five Centimeters Per Second", I believe many people know this work, and many people feel depressed about the ending It's a big mistake

I have read this work several times. In it, I found a lot of interesting details that I want to share. Of course, many people have already shared it on the Internet, and not many people have discovered it here.

The first is the opening of the comic. Akari Shinohara and Takaki are walking on this street together. The cherry blossoms are lush. Then here is the final ending. After Takaki grows up, he walks here alone, and there is only one cherry tree left. He grows up, like a tree, but there is nothing around, loneliness, distance is the theme of this comic,

I have to say that this manga is a well-conceived work, and every time I watch it, I can get unexpected details, but this is not the most important thing, but when I was a little bored one day, I suddenly recalled 'five centimeters per second' This title, I am a mathematician, is much more sensitive to numbers than ordinary people, I am thinking, does this title have any connection with the comic itself?

I have been pondering, and of course I have the idea of ​​being bored to pass the time. I don't know how many times I read it, but this made me discover the big secret of this comic.

It took thirteen years for Shinohara Akari and Takaki to meet again. Teacher April in the lower right corner of the thirteen-year comics marked it. I don't know if you can take a look at it, but it is also a small detail.

Thinking about the title of this work, the speed of five centimeters per second is five centimeters per second. This speed can be said to be very slow. People walk much faster than it, but what if this speed has lasted for thirteen years? Relative conservation is calculated by the formula

5CM/S*13 years*365 days*24 hours*60 minutes*60 seconds

= 20498.4 km.

20498.4 km. This distance is exactly half a circle around the earth, that is, the distance between the south and north poles.

Of course, maybe this is just a coincidence. After the analysis of some professional experts, the last time Guishu and Mingli met at the crossroads was exactly 13 years. After 13 years, the two hearts that were once compatible have reached the farthest distance from each other on earth. "

"I don't know if this is my misunderstanding, or if Teacher April has already planned it and set it up like this, if it is true, I can only say, it's too awesome, and I worship the underdog. This outline is too set. perverted,

Maybe there are more serious friends who want to talk about the distance between the two poles, or more detailed, but this is a literary work in itself, not mathematics, this is just a detail I found. If you want to investigate the truth, you need to ask the original author April teacher. "

This is the original sentence, but under him, more than 300,000 people have spoken, and more than one million likes.

"Fuck, I really didn't see it, boss, worship, it's too detailed."

"Awesome, a god-like boss, a god-like author April Breeze."


"I want to score ninety-nine points, and I'll kneel down for one less point."

"It's really amazing."

"What did Teacher April think in this mind? Did you already think about this step when setting the outline?"

"You're looking at the second floor, but you think of me as the first floor, I'm actually on the fifth floor, man, cow."

"April Breeze: Little meaning."

"What if it was just a coincidence?"

"Coincidence is also beautiful, isn't it? We don't know, maybe Teacher April thinks so too, why cast doubtful eyes, I don't know if I want to, but I know, I just feel that this comic work is more beautiful and touching In my heart, in a few years, I will definitely remember this work and not forget it."

"Science students are all gods."

"No, liberal arts too."

"The beauty of numbers is also the beauty of sadness."

"Time is the most wonderful thing, it makes the two hearts that were originally close to the infinite distance, the distance between them is almost all, not to mention anything else, a single book that will be sold immediately, I must buy it."

Regarding this topic, there has been a lot of heated discussion on the Internet, and the popularity is beyond imagination. Chen Zijun was also quite surprised when he saw this. He did not expect such an impact due to this topic.

In the previous life, "Five Centimeters Per Second" also had this statement, but it was fifteen years instead of thirteen years when Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari met. Here, Chen Zijun changed it to thirteen years, also to fulfill this statement.

"Is this what you thought of when you created the outline, or is it just a coincidence." Xu Qisi asked curiously.

"It's something you've already thought about it."

"You are really amazing. I really admire your idea. If it's me, let alone the idea of ​​designing, you just give me the formula in front of me, and I can't figure it out."

This is the pain of being a scumbag.

"Haha." Chen Zijun was also amused by her remarks. After thinking about it, he said, "Now it seems that I am also lucky. I was discovered just when the single book was released. I think the results should be good."

"Five Centimeters Per Second" is now, if a single book is better, then in the comics circle, it is definitely a classic masterpiece.

In fact, Gong Liao, the person in charge of the Cup of Spring, was dazed by the pie that fell from the sky. He didn't expect that five centimeters per second was over. Such a huge flow of popularity.

He decided to push a fire, how to push it? It's nothing more than asking some popular self-media or special comic film critics to praise it. It doesn't need to be too much, and it doesn't cost much. It's just right.

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