MTL - Manga Guidebook-Chapter 104 proposition

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???? Ye Manning looked at the sketch in her hand in amazement, immersed in the world of comics.

???? When she heard Chen Zijun getting up, she came back to her senses and asked, "Did you draw this?"

???? "Yes." Chen Zijun nodded.

???? Ye Manning doesn't read a lot of comics because of her busy work every day, but this does not mean that her ability to taste is poor. You can see it's great.

???? "Are you going to be a cartoonist?"

???? Chen Zijun thought for a while and explained, "Strictly speaking, I'm already a cartoonist."

???? Chen Zijun got up, went to the bathroom to wash up, walked out of the kitchen and simply made some white porridge, which was simply served as breakfast.

???? Then he went to the house to draw cartoons, while Ye Manning sat quietly watching Chen Zijun's paintings. After watching for a while, Ye Manning walked out of the house and planned to visit Chen Wen.

???? Time flies, and the New Year will soon arrive.

???? As the biggest festival of the year in China, it is naturally very lively, and the sound of firecrackers can be heard in the early morning.

???? Ye Manning has already stocked up the New Year's goods and bought a lot of ingredients, Chen Zijun is cooking, Ye Manning also wants to cook by herself to show her dignity as a mother, but Chen Zijun ate it a few days ago One bite is not to say that it is unpalatable, but the taste is really tasteless.

???? This made Ye Manning feel a sense of frustration. He clearly felt that he was good at cooking back then.

???? After lunch, Chen Zijun began to prepare, he had already sorted out the ingredients, and the menu had been listed in his mind, braised pork ribs, braised prawns, tiger skin elbows, octopus, fried pork chops, fruits Canned, stir-fried vegetables, except for the last green vegetables and fruits, basically all meat dishes, um, Chen Zijun is a thorough carnivore, and Ye Manning is also.

???? Really but the so-called family.

???? Ye Manning is also the beginning and stuffing, a...Chapter 104 Proposition (Page 1/4),. I want to make dumplings in a while. Although I am not very good at cooking, I am still very good at making dumplings. I have a pack of dough and filling in my hand, and small and exquisite dumplings will emerge from my hands.

???? Chen Zijun is not as beautiful as her bag.

???? One afternoon, the rich aroma did not dissipate in the kitchen. At seven o'clock, Chen Zijun ordered the dishes with satisfaction while looking at the dishes on the table.

???? New Year's Eve dinner is ready,

???? "'s delicious." Although he knew that Chen Zijun was good at cooking these days, Ye Manning couldn't help but sigh.

???? After eating, I cooked some dumplings, and eating one symbolized that Chen Zijun had gained a year.

???? Chen Zijun took out his mobile phone and sent New Year's E-mail to his friends, all of whom were Chen Zijun's good friends, Le Xiuyuan, Jiang Aixue, Zhong Xiaqing...

???? The next day is to pay New Year's greetings, but this is not a rural area, and Chen Zijun has no relatives who need to pay New Year's greetings, so he just stays at home.

???? On the third day, Ye Manning received a matter from the company and asked her to go back to deal with the emergency.

???? This made her a little annoyed. She originally wanted to be by her own son's side, but her work annoyed her. It was obvious that she had sacrificed her family for her work a few years ago, but now it's the other way around. come over.

???? "Mom, you go, I can do it by myself, I will help you pack your luggage." Chen Zijun said lightly.

???? "Well." Ye Manning was a little reluctant.

???? "I'll go first, take care of yourself and call me if you have anything."


???? Helping Ye Manning to pack up, Ye Manning reluctantly took the plane back.

???? After Ye Manning left, for some reason, Chen Zijun relaxed. It wasn't that she was bad, but Chen Zijun was used to it alone, and she always felt that she couldn't let go.

???? Chen Zijun called Su Jing.

???? "Hello? What's the matter, why did you remember to call me during the New Year period." Su......Chapter 104 Proposition (page 2/4) ),. Jing was staying at home watching a drama at this time. I didn't sleep last night and stayed up all night, so I was very sleepy. Now I am still confused when I receive a call from Chen Zijun.

???? "I want to post Four Lies."

???? "Now? Magazines are stopped now."

???? Because it is in the New Year phase, all the magazines in the market phase are now suspended for two weeks, and the staff are also on vacation.

???? "I know." Chen Zijun said, "I will go back in two days."

???? "OK, just call me when the time comes."

???? "By the way, Sister Jing, do you know the Cup of Spring?"

???? "I know." Su Jing suddenly woke up from a stupefied state: "Are you going to participate in the Cup of Spring?"

???? "I have this idea, but I still don't quite understand it. I don't want to ask you. Can I participate?" Chen Zijun told the truth, because he was worried that if he participated, he would be in breach of contract.

???? "Well, the magazine didn't ask you not to participate. You didn't have this restriction when you signed the contract. I won't talk about the Spring Cup that you found on the Internet, it's mainly the time and time of this award. Every year, registration is fixed in March, and the results are announced in June. You also know that the winning works have a high possibility of being adapted into animation, so many people participate every year, and it is very difficult."

???? "I know a lot, what's your opinion? Don't you recommend me to participate?" Chen Zijun asked.

???? "No, on the contrary, I encourage you to participate." Su Jing smiled: "It's not a bad thing to take part in, what if you win an award?"

???? Although this possibility is not high, she is still very optimistic about Chen Zijun. The cartoonists under her command always need to be encouraged. It is not good for those who dare not even People with confidence have a higher success rate in everything than people without confidence. The premise is confidence, not conceit.

???? Hanging up the phone, Chen Zijun looked at the Cup of Spring over the years on his mobile phone. The Cup of Spring is not suitable for any subject...Chapter 104 Proposition (Part 3/ 4 pages),. To submit a manuscript, the official will give a proposition, and under this proposition, the cartoonists will create and select freely.

???? For example, it is similar to composition. The theme of the Spring Cup last year was "Campus Love". Cartoonists need to create in the direction of love and campus love.

???? I don't know what the proposition will be this year. The official time to give the proposition is in March, and now, it's still early.

???? But there has been speculation on the Internet.


???? In the evening, the daytime passes quickly in winter, and the sky has become very dark after six o'clock.

???? Le Xiuyuan came to Chen Zijun, and his presence made Chen Zijun slightly mean.

???? "Zijun, did you miss me?" Le Xiuyuan walked in with a smile.

???? "Aren't you in your hometown?"

???? "I didn't hear you say that when you came back, I hurried back immediately."

???? Le Xiuyuan sat down on the sofa: "I'm hungry, I've been driving for a day, is there anything to eat?"

???? "Let's go out to eat, I'll treat you."

???? Le Xiuyuan's eyes lit up: "You kid is developed, let's go, I must kill you today."

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