MTL - Male God Is Always Targeted-Chapter 1549 You are already a mature seed, you must learn to germinate by yourself 34.1

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Luo Mio has lived in the previous plane for a thousand years.

He was reluctant to leave.

But the deadline has come.

Each plane has a specified dwell time.

Otherwise, it seems that there is a plane of God and an eternal plane of life.

If he doesn't leave, the system is afraid that he will cry.

And for too long.

It may also cause confusion in the next time travel.

'Spicy chicken host, hurry up, this is the bag, it has aura. ’

The white-haired mouse jumped to the stall, above a small white brocade bag.

The short little paws clapped excitedly.

This plane belongs to the overhead with some fantasy elements.

Some things have a touch of aura.

It is similar to the flower-selling plane that Luo Mio had been to before.

But this plane, he does not sell flowers.

He farms.

Chai Yang grew up in a mountain village, and after passing the exam.

Became the only college student in the village.

praised by the whole village.

Once again optimistic about the county, the heart becomes swelled.

Look down on the rich and people with better grades than him.

I think they are better than him because they were born better than him.

He has suffered so much and achieved such excellent results, that is really excellent.

The four years of college were all drunk and I woke up alone.

After graduating, I wanted to work hard.

But the reality is cruel.

He is a fresh graduate with a sense of superiority.

Can't find a good job at all.

Slightly inferior, disgust is not in line with his identity.

Just like this, it was dragged directly to the penniless.

under no circumstances.

He went back to his hometown with all the burdens.

When helping his parents go to the field, he unintentionally opened up his talent for farming.

Don't underestimate this.

That's what kind of life.

Even better than others.

In this environment where green and organic vegetables are highly respected, he relied on planting them.

Vegetables with high nutritional and health benefits.

Made a lot of big bosses.

Opened up many channels.

Take the whole village to get rich.

Become the most envied farming tycoon.

It's just that this farming tycoon has a very bad character.

When he wanted to contract the land, several families in the village disagreed.

He asked the town gangsters to clean up several times.

due to medical expenses.

They had to give the land out.

But Chai Yang was not as happy as before, but instead lowered the price.

Others pay two hundred per acre of fertile land a year, but they have one hundred per acre.

Other people's average one acre is one hundred and five a year, and they are fifty.

Forcing a few families to almost make a scene.

In the end, I couldn't take it anymore and moved away.

One of them was Luo Mio's grandfather.

His mother was his grandfather's second child.

At that time, my grandfather strongly opposed his mother being with his father.

Said his father was not a good person.

It's hard for a woman who is just in love to listen to other people's advice.

So his mother insisted on leaving with his father despite his grandfather's objection.

The first two years have been a happy life.

But slowly, there is money.

Life is not hard, and the eyes are dazzled.

His father had someone outside, and when his mother found out, she was inflated.

After giving birth to him, his health has not been very good.

Barely endured for five years.

Before I went, I pulled him and told him that the one I was most sorry for was my grandfather.

She didn't dare to look at them, she felt shameless.

She has left a lot of money for her grandfather over the years to let him send it over in the future.

Little Luo Mio lost her mother's care.

His father found him a stepmother.

It wasn't a good day either.

Fortunately, the nanny at home was looking after him and only took care of him until he was thirteen years old, but was also taken away by his stepmother.

Now he's just an adult.

The stepmother couldn't wait to drive him out to make room for her son.

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